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August 12, 1911 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1911-08-12

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tvl 62 0.
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Vol IT.


Dean Reed Shows How Modern
Airship Is Descendant of
Early Vehicle
Tht the Codlerni a(1rop111e ts thet lin-
was1 tile delrtionil If 1ProfI Joitn (.
Reed, itead of Ithe phsis fauo and11 ((
(dean (If tile literary dilOtnet 111 n his(
whticht appear~i new1 to the11(11 or 1nar per-
1011 (Ie ill manyI~ cs noI e a 11
In speakig (If tilt antieito focald
bnew tings fr e tled itheI gritthci f l the'
by Napoleont for his soidis Th mIod-oo
ernt bice iwsitit ottiy a few c11a1ntes d-
velopledlito11 tile attloihbil "Ttett till
aerolanell, (((lb tile ibest features of iie
"is mterely a tievelljlltett-f tile 'itorse-
lesswatgonl.' Ben1ce, tile act'plaiistc1 a
litteal tdesceetttattt of Naploleon's olti
veloeiptde. 1ite wsorid hatton o1111 01n1
its ptrogress little ttetdittg tile son11(1erftti
tltittgs gvento it by tbe. scitific (1111
util it solyi fittds itseif reatdy ill
use titetm.
"Before going tto a stuotlp(f eltctri
eat oscilations, Ill sl ((itrst sludy tie
stbject (If simlie wasves-wril~t te tile
stttte as oscillatiotls," saidcthIe speaker.
At tis polit 'te iittustraieti wit a baii
susipended by a silk thread wil was
st to sbwigitg. Prof Reed said) tha
thlere are two kittds of osciliationls,
"dttpeei' attt "astserioeic." Tite formler
ttre found always itt naiture, a111 are
echaracterieed bly startinlg 01u1 witht a fttli
cattse (If tite frictiott of tile tmeditttt itt
whicht ft osciltttes, to zer1. 'Te "asper-
otdic" oscliationst are calrtetrzetd by
asists setlintg dtown to their ftrtter
ptositiot. Snetlh a ease woldil e ilus-
some1 vitscotts fltid as 110111y 011( tett
a lottg 'timttte ollreticallty to infinitely
I lottg litte-for tite al ill resume is
fortmer positiont.
ft 1w00 0111 111i11te} out thtat tere art'
twtt 11(11ds (f vibrations, 'frtt" a1111
"forced." Free vibratiotts switng fretly
andl gradutally tie atway ' i. e., they are
free, untobtructedl except ill the. frit ion
fromt thte tttelittt. It htts a p1erod of
systemt ottls. "Forcedi v'iratons 0(1 thte
is fotrced Io svitrate. Thte 11ody is free
Ill vibrtei itself, 1111 it is fortted ttnto
vib~rationts hav~e 1111 peculiarties Fttst1
tilt' thase IIhe perid of theip11s111
force. Till bod 1111 or1 ma1 11n1o111
01w11g, 11u1 if it (ill, it tttt't swin i'nl till
periitoo th foc thtiple it
fen r th peio of vir toieqa
culirit ' i' that1 i~l ltse (ibtt on do1 1111Il
11111 Bonn Thc keep go lllin g as long at s
thett foc 1111imi Tle oil 1x(111e.
111 the air in al organ pipe. 1 11

fa11 to movl(I, a1111 ill ''tl('I Its s(inl
(Cot tilie(t 11l Pag' 3.)

IfTile I mns's fLergepryhedyp
(('(11aliateIll on(I t tlti',li uC It s'll'1''ll I
ji' 'as Cosirtl ((("t eht cis~cs
ofi till. ie . 111111- -I en st
Ci e f " idr"relSh~ ".
aottnltl -itis. M s T e0 ~ ltr

Prof F, S, Breed Advises That
r Teachers Utilize Child's

als'.Prf.Eeo;e . aksno te UNION IS PUSHED
at . ~ einait; it all it 1e- Alumni, Regents, and Senate of
theVarz~t, ~ tos tat csld to(;(e l the University Give
s ((((111 "f.t'i Support

"I.Pro f. J 1(11c'S. 3Moser, ofth
'1;iillcltll0 il'i1Pa'.,(wh'ereIe 1ki'll'stfudr


(i <i~i

't' IP il t a-(110 I1

2(11 ' I G i i '1 ' j

oiC t~. The pinclliplelIf ((Ill'.
'C A~]] n t do the rtc'es 'If th
]d >t 1ut h dirctec, ])it efort il
ser~c ofstran. nttst ]itz 'ic'l

'- - - t('ll s ec, Si tc a allV Iu
sccrotre hil, v Snitl lft tod } tlc 1111e rs 1 i eitIle l' 0( 11(1 lt 111
ENGINEERS ":SEE" VETROIT ltOftl ltltl SCtlo t1,tim
Fifty Students Visit Large Steel and d ttlrit1 lle"ui omte



Prof. L. HI. Strau~s Describes Factors
in Celtic Renaissance
(till afternoonl b y Prof. T,. 11. Strats
ill (1his t tillress 1((1"I it N timlt fl rth
ma.1 1'IrrheIspeaker(des(111111 thel i 1-
lit s idite ot ii(I Priof the.stelic.
Leteit (inlitto93 tloer'ates te attJ.ilur
SfytheHare tilledroin lt.' is ete-
hadI f loritlbetstheketall((Ier prott-
of'rGaers. Of the nti'onaates, alritt
the tilspatioerotoe rsofpaole,(n ot
forteir prigietilt btI.fPoereter moc-
a'tesmeterl bette'rmet. Tefna(Soil,
d,111111adliItsea' iire," owlin "e(re'iltre
In the, op(rinitt ofPrif. traus ts,w
renrese theotoierslin (fthit ewCedtit
matic movemnt. ITs'ikte alItere'elint,
inetem li o t erary trtsefli(saidtey a
aetirity(01(1aoonedge fwiteirucott'
witler.OVie stosYfatil'scring~o
tIf theteaklett, 'il e ofet apoftlt alrts-
mant"iilgPtinglin Ifte 'cttle-
ge Itis d es1011.hrif. here et~s Sill
Stherlgh ltetsliht.ic The(1(11( Illelyro-
ticm((((ti 1'ltthm Coutes_Ktlen""h
ThreI)NothXi n OXI;'." ''EliS


J wl..It f aall'=It (('it' II c4tIt~ldI'!. ills:' l lliI ii -l ' ''t l0 lL'1
t emdfr hi o er Ih hidytIron lPlants of the asscowo i ' 'o) ltresg'gsstito
''IIIC til (If ttt~~tl't'ht Ot5'hll'I' isnIers-, till Ctg I ((('1010 hht' t r 1 fom 'tde 3111( ill 1111h11ittiiit (f till
1tne may1 11I so e'ttt is ll cte d(iral ; s zp ' etit_ b ry sedaion-e ds o h iI c st o a n w no
tilte 10c il lth t hubtire h't tcct'o' olo rs11 1(( Xot iit burhtooI illilo l il Ilt'he li t bC ff ore itic text
oft tilt' :1ckl0(11(1 tue rytui g' of lie it l
.'stt' cdtod (10] ((ine 1511t f ((lltrthe fdTit tt s 0 II I lil snt 1(1 (' 91 ir n atett " lit I c is ttiC C(Ir uphit' t t h of a tstc
MIlsofat hfeiotwlln tds t 1t Xfmr git th p tty ( i wd ill) into it eptl cigt h o 0 tei:l ~r
p ttear lss.te'otitatt't h sc 1 dllttrecmt ht tgitoo t ild theo esil lved(1!1(1Tar ati th e stileon owites
"lThegaim sulof miodett i enc111111 ei e (ll fo tleltctat Sie Cit O tttreetttiuto. Pes H. .
cotl e of i lnt ctt tIC, (1 11 raiti~ c iter t~ilt f ''fr lf orces I sItilt Ii e Itdseid oa t he sa i sin'. gtthoii sirth fiio f the
tirss'o'o 0t~lhlhl' f1 th tuu"'01II'orfit huildhingI t t a d c a 111ie lIieihg fr te
I thf I leseitt Ullurerterd ll511 t ittiR. tico iel~fi-kof ait eit oto
tuit Akoleg f hi isncsttasti' to.,tile Michtiig ~lalil sihiit tosetititztet nala l u mn'eoi'assiri
cil u t d a oe ufesstig Irewitit
ourttt'tofbilebocstas.t"sr 011 lie r ser nlsste1i t r s o' e s aoonlet
iiac isfttet ilthe10eit-ct St.ning', -tteti. 3
Tiilecturerwotoldl ottWeiliialiltaetot, fcot' ied.~lsa oiide. X'uts'
ell emle o f i t t dsfitheouopecckile
cisec. 1Vitmatyli 'I ieteetineti e e ld' tii' ( lieof 1practiclyte s e t con1 tet. r
ofethethi'lthed ehecricegcfrohsil.y.her soele aritheti nele d of al mubl cshi
(((15 ic t td t'rtiteres t fom Idlii silcs'. ' _ftrlihtingthe_______________ ti er faciganito. nilen5has11been1 is pare-
points oft view, he c1ntinued 1 "Mc- et'tcs itoll o laelwtche" d tosuoc te
Pti-ii lls si o is tt sti tan tilt'yIin.- thetmoboershetieseatisihootette of tile
15 iltitist as i i te liir(It~th f i set oitil fot r Ithgi ic higteat Steles t of th pee isitutio, n t,:Pres. H.'L-
stne ofisictv cto n bh y ow her011e tyi net frcsIt terr II 11, trsi,: 01" idaotranofil, t(hiel
fo Field 0noig f h tig r at t aofhi suitbe Obildiegsftisofthe
it Pt o feinrteforitt tif eoiisrtihinn T s lCcsieif wislldacco apistresulthirstic-n
((111 ',ttitt t alt thi oettii'c~id ith fa BssmrC neregase ncl int",e1 (0111, seic tou thtd cita dit ob' th
Dew(e" li t t eeto oil iss' t st hattis' the e surpr~liseots . Sihe tinl itia ted. of t uC~dnt snietad un.riy sii
a t ti te lsib(e't ien d te cl't ' il lare g he1((1ulii-t now,11C1(t 'it'er wat iti was, oeiteil190, bi
"jieeii iist~h1Ii~tl of i i ofatiii huir(boys g (111s (111aIysediitiiOveirit I silnditit totg h
the 1relati tiithe to 101 ill t hoae rgt Iili 0ht i~iiati1tt (11tl'thehv u ne inhl o urs pr11setintcramped ilaee
(t~sstn'.,ts us Par 2,1 iiiei.i Thc tip st I e af Uocfideid s Pae 3.


The fault fiii ll) iiwoiN
119(t'i"ill wtlllli l-ii'
l li i t' Ii Oh 'lihih11I--v
11 ii;tfrwtl r t5lf s(' (>'

tins (ld' wi-il
iiof: t11 C1'1k

y 1.lit 1
ii ' hi '' ''i 1V
'T'-s. nZ-.-.i i-__"" ......u=4+. w . h.9,-_ I7 iA S"~
P1((1 '
l l lp r vi I h( e tre t.l
, CiI 1 f11' 1 t 1'11 (1 l ~it
1' hi ttli 11,'i tt'ltfi'ill .'t .Y ""f i 1

1 0 'silO 11"'i (I i:1'1 11Shill[{1

Charles Paird. 'cat,
'tilde ics, and ; v" i>
illess <it Ka, Cit
the wee: at C L-11:e

_M(). 's S5.1'
1[i z' -o itt

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