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August 10, 1911 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1911-08-10

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The Last Two Days sale of J
Men's Furnishings at Mack's
Friday and Saturday l
Throughout the entire week prices in the Men's Dept. wiii ad
maintain the reduction level. Many a worth while saving lies try
in store for the tar-sighted man. e
The stocks are still complete and your choice range in eve ry- V
thing is practically unlimnitedl, ha

$1.50 Shirts $1.19
These arec 'Ctaetts" in plain aed
striped patterns, coat style, with
and withoatcallars, cuffs attacthed
$1.50 values at $1 .19
''Monarch'' slands for the best
$.00 stiirt made. It conies in
the same aylies as tihe $1.50
shirts, sale price 79e
75ec shirts, culf's attached, at 57c
5lls work shirts, ceollar attached,
at 39c
Neckwear at 39c and 190
All the newest shades and
styles are included in this
price towering. The 5oc vat-
ues arenow at 39c and the
25c values, 19e
Smart Hosiery
In coiors that live men who
haven't iost their taste for
good dressing will admiire.
The qualities are the heat pro-
curable at the regular prices
of 5oc and 25c. The sale prices
are 39c and 19e

Jewelry 1-4 off
Cuff links, Scanf Pins, Tie
Clasps, etc. - ali one-fourtha
less than regular prices
Coopers' Sprsig Needle. Under-
wvear us the real thing for comnfort.
The $2.00 values are now $1 .39;
the $1.50 valu(-s at $1.19: the
$t.00 values 79c
Porosknit and B. V. D. Union
Suits, athletic stylc, swith knee
drawers, $1.00 values at 79c
Two-psee Underwear ineluding
B. V. D. Balbriggan and ribbed
garmnents- S0c salus, at 39c
" 25c Undewear at 1 9e
Good quality
Linen Handkerchiefs
Botth the plain and initial
Handkerchies-made of fine
quality linen and-such as men
Vise t5e quality at 25c; the 25c
duiality at 19c; and the 15c qual-
ity at 1 Oc
White and Colored Hlandker-
chiefs-the i0e values at 8c: the
5c vaiues at 4c

oh thep
Thompte im tio son erin Usve SdpRtmEnts ip
tity adterdae SchoO LEand
SPeialnourse n orstryNesppe ork Lanscaearl
A12 .D iis t io 11a0id0 Insurance, A r cittre, BConestMatagor
ofsniaio ndpblc heth
Un c Secty Uiersity

DIES LIFE AT MICHIGAN lhaeluen oriinaedadit.ii11,ithe slaric
tp Delegated By Waseda Learns tSaraise t Ski oy aa 'ouay alin"ar
American filethods The"ar ie n in ihC gSmiiSS j
ioc fath S a ii as etra lcuS
\1r. Seiji Tach ilasaa, sereary- Calthe iaa a iaaced itsilf ii e atreta a ar aai
iversity of Wasead af Japanaahasaspew Sa aonglaaoameaaaaratinf loat asimparovS iedi
c lasat saeak iS nAa rb5vioriui a said'- caalaels aida tamSi ai d.a BootI
thae Ameiae smeiaihoaasof taias eoa-Sup foavtheay'eavfiitC tia o undaaaathia
aiisaataioaa. lIe caaae t hhiss saa- sias of Ite g manad iaal SShla feinag
haveout aiocailetas wa th A eicaa a laanun - uyedn y o rvd a oua
uriy nn sandis astr hs sas onaaa e s taiaa etl o e s a oaa at the alv miiaaal-laa
aSil So o a le asnilv esaaab uaahe a rg ftevros"h w adpr
esios f thetcs uivrsty"uu- aaias ildiaats .izedciwas55 dawadedatihea
ismihi faeiis a nd s chenoaa- ly st t el o th ra p ba d
as SlaC as-CS acona laa anSils saiiaisaiuna-
.a la va a ailSan la- aaa ac aS~ovIss a afa X iir" la elatana s uccesdsfvlania
sevalife. aSeais sec allyintresed tsas dideda tCgi vea.alltheall li e ia
Ste ti tudeaa f teua vrit uho i nevlse of taraC a ars.i Thiaasa w al sdo e-
ilitoardcf thseaaavis aainv:ua oava- alc al bua t\. vas s ac avaed alb
iis Slc ty fhae raalae aalt.clam, mn y he mnsre ho tslf wslo
ure fo th. J panse ollge ew - a l in feltion a b fretaa.aoprascad e
-vaila lie.m ea std ns ilylgiveastasaieiChad Sbe ie nnalaev e s aS
llae ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Srn termal o eS~~ae ~aasaae S~y l sf oavaends1v.0T7 sas diaia
weIaovl a eSetl ae s psiblaa T i aash telsahowsatlasnasothers w e ea flilw,
aoyp mo a n thant esu e rpreracs aal C Si s . w ha iaalaaas rd cd i t eia- llof as9a7;aia
ajah e t aiaheuandThaa ctaiias ato iwar- p-ovea moh e y akslera ndaa assn eaa.sle
ithainyscaaingalse isans ooalasdetis mathIspace
ase eary a sandtisompo iees of. iaa k. lae l ture"ass, aifolle a in evg laaaf llraahe
bu," isasoMre ac iaa "ta e h u of Saeaix eaml of"igeaavla, la l e s ceniaa a e a
achse ssaa IasaSla aladeal Sp thee.aiction wl~ee aall aouf -all o llege
il eaioana aaaahen Clhe s aetei as a ed o n n " onaa "w ihapae
' al,' TE55LiL F taaaishi vs f eseainila of'"Te im "snaChieet a saaa
C (aSConinu~ C ed ro aaa e 1)5alaaa. laaaafa di erseal lS f v ecal ,tfvie a n aal
nga ll DiSN ug anE 1.C. N l of llaa r o ae S und~ayI' f er nonsiaaa Clas a
)erotau 1. ) lrd C, q e re ~ae afaagaS ail. Sa xaa
,cters tas afai alafolaw d u aco e eaauresi af U ionea vsaa afderin
nth si ilar ffair for t e six sac- lanc aife iaa enla a rc laas , nd i
(d n Casai utaa aaaal faa h ge a 5p1eaaaal a a rela a oaaaaaSa esCi tS a ree- mSore
ii l b e a e ar..SarideS whist
aplaaaai lay ~ hn h acrSN n enstunmet o ebr c
ta o oal eec ed E 1 Pake , o - tf or 5a pl aaa c i s i e lasi ahl S e -a
,6 I no of omaael iCa.,adaaathe avw illk
sfattCe Bliashaaa ,050ho aassuiesill, anatlfor aaanelag. Oafce hous: 1:30 toavi
Ia of55 atl-a is the firsaalaae afg i e 3 e
S sale faAaaeenaaWetaasfpareaidelntI a t aiaaa
heScollegei a 'o3-046,affaaw-alfollowedee ANTaaElDalali
i~ i-tyar iyaankP IIaaallselisa0-cTutoring_____in___Rhetoric_____and___English.____
asa'0 aS alS W.Safaaaare.8-'1z 1
lala \I'tiv 'o, sanasdaHoaaaard aS k kealrikafvrshiaalbutemik
ail o-111 nto rdcia iaa edastasfofriaatheachWAnTED frita
aed SC s C5fistcaaign P or a seloi-C turiegStaa Blalovie, cudmeag4s0.
os as aaasifwaas asucaeSoulainaaa ie Pissngdig. Paoa 6o -6.
udorIa5 semoril portait of-tDr. _____________________
saiaa. a Theal poa it 05) ch wlospvintstd Fo ll Musdeial of sfrsh, ncool suppcnlis,
ail Ch aI aa 11CCt frel$ aS a nd p. ular andfo as iclausicsk foerlec
obags ina aaaSea soauCheastaraoc o a icacvean on Msicv os,ioyS.Dl.aindt
caloria laSilCngi. 5 aah a cavae~b i~ampSa.ign 43 forose10.
he hisC a sc gosaaeefl aaasesautia. -6-i-
cella's leetinagIas ssaa iehaar saia Hal, ers alol.MuSialdwicsheaisofa ll k aindis,
rhl o mtes cala ina clfoe roo0s I-op1raadcasi0aias carsh
do f ice aaaottala cama .i aofn-e aa os asei-aiio S a t
as aaraiedaayasa bsaaa tioneaaaong e faaa c-cc.
lm rnias],,andraas in cae teald Mr.Strki.gvig sm lldncn
I'oe haaama e I asaaai rha s lleciafo vi$aS,- p Cieg echIaaa s shillopveaningav owsss-
coi th theaSaS expa-eanad iSe Cl aS o frciaas rgenros dnn rs
mapro CaCnsa and $ , a o ofo' faraiarr CLIFTON INN.
ae buailding ws aa yae foa ocas n aacy.~
.riiarah Stis1-taSoIha lanclaedte A conpete sockof Classic cd Pop-
uaj ei, oficoegeaci Ctis;o iiiesaraSasMuS~sieand Mausicl Sppis atathas
lave assa te i~th n e wsaConasa Unaives-vity Mulasie Hoasae. S-12.

What is the Use of
Paying Four Dollars
A week for board when you can
get goad home cooking at
by paying four weeks in advance.
336 S. Division Street
Phone 22-J
U. oh M. and
Oas es aillBoatslsRenter]
P. G. TESSMER, Proprietor
Yuwll aaa aalwsaysfiands aare lsino
The East University Pharmacy
s1ia9aE. Uiaseriiuy As.
Ouar-Pricae Rgxt
Thessot of tshRe-lIipaaasn.
Buinesss.OIe ialo ynr wnria
inahuarry-oP style
Laces, Polishes, Etc.
The University Shoe Shop
(;1i at Wiliamuaastreet
You-all who come from
the South
Be you know just how deiious
rich ceams can taste with genuine
maple syvup poured os-r it and
a dash of fresh hulled nuts?
Y'ou can dund out at
208 S. Main St.
Hovygus asks you 5 cents for
his sundos-any -place else you
would pay 111 and IS cents and not
yet as moch. Give him the
chance to show yon. If you don't
you are the loser.

Subscribe now and become a memaber- thereby of
The University of Michigani
.Alurmini Association
S9omeai uels:
Q, The Alcumsuss is the largest college mncthly icn lie contry. C, It contais the latest news
about the Unsivesia-fy, acid editorial conmmecct 0cc imporlant events. C, It cocntains personcal items
cocncernsisngssesmbers of your class every mouths. (L0. volunse of the Alumsnucs contains the hsistory
of lbs Unisversity for ths year. C, It psublishes a series of iseli chosen piclucres every mconth.-
$1.50 yeer. $3.00 for3 yeaars (special for- 1911)

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