THE WOLVE-dRINE Vol 1I. ANN A MEMORIAL HALL TO sh~COND IG CROWD PY SET LIP COLLECTION 'mother crowd of star gazers, ta ort JTeo n0 numbhercli'nbied the lderilth osao ry lsnit to lok through the tswelsve inch telescope at the res of Antique Latin Inscriptions from filie universe; only the nioooT iwas on- spetioni however anod the tl eope re- Neapolitan Region Will mame ixedi ini lie diecti stf Be Exhibited tie eeing. Altost at its ftlthle moon GATHERED BY SIGNOR DE CRISCIO fot observtionii to then siottsees. Eatl in the evn ncuid he seen thtn coos ofi the votcanii crtr whc augit a In ordlcto di efraye the extpetises of aini r eflectedi the rts of the rising sun, nmouintinig the Signore Gitusetptte In ater otnt the vs istocs weealet sei the interiot of the craters, someofo Crisclo colection nf Lailin iniscipions, wicht ice sixty ile no e ol wicnh tice stored ini the btsnemiit of setiion oif the i1i00io cotld tn seen Memitoriail toll, tte hor of tregents set tiriough the telescoipe itself, bit the tisitte an appruopciattin at its last ntect- l'inden" gave a ftll view. The lig e- itig. Vthlen the tocigitiol culors hiiie fetitig'tetesetim talso claiiieni its sliate if attentiont antI the tssistant wats kept teen restitredl andt othet cioessary ci- hits exhibiinig uts itituents ant ex- pairs nmate thte collectionill etti pitma plitintg its tise fun tphoogtcaithicnd netti inttlet foti exhutlititoti ini Mciiii tithetitrposs octal hall. Tite ssotik of r estorattotn is _ hetig cndtuctedt utndet the sittecsvisin ofi Prof, F ianis Wi. Kelsey of sse as i pc~ t LECTURES ON INDIGO The tde Cciscio collecttott a pe Explains How Persistent Chemist seted to the univetrsits hy Hettry P. Made Great Discovery Glovec of Ypsilatnti. Sc consists oif "Snetebgnigohsor ma oiver z50 inscittionts, toast of tloetmo be- Sielo 'ugttigofItiewi itig upon slibs of mactole. Tsso oce tip itas adttmptedtoi encrnci his piesiial ott tecra cottla cierctacy urno otne on in surroundtincigs swti noioc. The tily amuphioro, the test ito brick ant Ott trait phlance tiee e niottld obtant these weas pipe. They rotige tn oge fto th te ccig in natuttc itself. U.tnec usual icumi- of Autgustuts to the thirtcceintrs,'A. tne0a icoee hth ol Sigitoce Gimoepute de Cctscto is tthe tnsuoi toooetta i ot tarisht pciest of Pitzunit tats, the ott trtitsfer the coltir of tiatutrti prtcttts cietnt Puteitti isest of the city of Nautle). to tirticles of lilt ownt iiaintfaturtie thtee Early itn life toe oetime interested iti the is noi rcorud, yet atnneint literattie stutiy of atiquities, anti for forty years ahomuds switht referenes to dy~es aiid he 'has boeeo cotlecting She itsriptions ttveit articles." fitntd front titme ito time int the vicinity. Wt hs winoAo rf .H Thtese he stored away itt 'his thotoo. A nnnther of years ago the existence Conr, opetted his lectnre Titesday after- 'of the collentiott herame kn'own to Ger- noon. He then cotmines to explain man snhotars, and many focsimiles of with a pleasing perspuitiy thte develoto- the inscriptiotts woere puhlished. TIn T87 imetit atod' imtportamnce of the trade ini Dr. Wealter Dennisout, now professor of bioth itatitral an artificial indigo. Latin int Ohertin college- visited Sig. de "The art of dyeinig oat probtahly dis- 'Cricieo attd readity ohtained his pernlis- cosered hy soite titdy tf ancinti society, sioit to puhlish the noore recent aditi- as site presidedt over a social bolel , ions to thte collectiott in the American whiih tad heein hbreedt front -ielis Joutrnal of Arnhaeology. While enga'ged fotiti it her mnative woods. She noticed in the copyitng of the inscriptions Dr. toat the cloth thtrettght which the liqtitit Denttisoit stayed at ttoe htouse of Sig. hail heent strained, seas strongly cootredt, de Criscio, wtho contfided to hint his per- s0 thte text titne she prepared the drittk plexity as to the dispositioto of the cot- a few pieces of hiomtespuis were added; tectioto. The priest was advanced itt tte color was noore or coos permtainint years and 'had too relatives interested' itt attd sloe realized that she tad fouttd the antiquities. Dr. Detttisott suggest- ont somtething inportanit. ecd that the coltectiott bte brougttt to "tIigo, of alt dyes, seas thin easiest to Anmerica attd placed in thte University of tapply to tite fiber; fur tiis reasoit it Michigano, where it wottbhe of itoestitoo gainedt a prceemoinetiltoace attd tan' imi- ahle valtte f'or advattced 'ortk int Latito. tainted it to tte presetit day'. t owas ott- Williamo Warner Bishop, a feltows in twimed itt ttte earliest timtes, exantly int the Attericato school in Rotto, was ohk- the sanoe waty as the dye seas derived ed ho noahe a trip to Pozznoli anod copy' frimutheo pttant dutritug the early pat of 'the etntire coltetin. Promo tese eopies 'the tnitteteetth ceturtt the greatI arctoaeotogit svolne of the in huTe t856, 'Williamt Nfcs Perhiuts, teni scriptiotts svas perceived, and H. P a voun umuot seorhinto ito thin lboroatore Glover, at the suggoestiont of Dr. Den- of the Rosyit Socuis oh ILondeon ittnter ttisotn, arratonet to tlate te collectiout the udirections of a ogreat Gerutiou cemto- brought to the tunivs'rsity. itt tognou work1 ott o prolemo sohitcI Itn atilton to the de Crisnio cet- tiersistetlys desvelotuetd colone itpotoductst. tion oit tiscritonts the tirsiots pos- Fttinn tnuo usy itu hicht these eouldbuthe sesses a smoatier butt sees s'luleol - elitmttuatee. the Getrmanii otrnereud tutu to lection ftrutt Route. Tthus cntins tinte- druit thic mtttter ontihent assiogted tutm p' ituscriptiotus luesiudes o tomge uunuluer of a nit ptoblem. Ptekins ssas in terestneb. fragmtents. Three of the iptons ad cnitintued to us.k bn Otib snieit ini mere sit utp ini muemtort of Slot faouis i smaill Iahotator st bis hottu. e tue- puraeboriaun guiardt Tis secndie nolle- mit otid fily ibis oduc eil thin First irti- tioin us'as ota ie itIt Dr. Bunso n -out tn ritd uis tint vsit toi Rome.u "Itl i878 -. vo Baer dicii e h ibid W iIfL GIVL 'IL terar usm llb thin dinfcore egnt unit atnitlk i iuuetbioi it ch utu is SN Mt. 'l 1.91 EC tCRT SI'm t i t ii tnohi liii tu mlin if nho'llarms Owig o te repraion bingm ueit' spn~mtiui buttee tuiiiis t reni ts illu'thigwtst letueutcttiu roo tuf u pyical be' tinm ashnd lii noytegea e a 1 ttiibor- fort Profui ensor J. O. lRnt is us is brtugto" igh nacdn.i lenturne iin "iletrintit QOnclain mu--10 l,2 eta the mu utt onii cltae conmtmii inoetutre wilil hie udcliveedi for ai hitetl int"io t bie'"uin ileane tthere at 5 d'cnocknby i Assi' Prof. F. S. 'iThis proidiunt lis made ill Stich hinge quatt- breed. Itnstetd ithe still udeliver mis Inn- 'liles m1o. t11t4 nut stunh at chaup prind. ture itt "Instinct as Relatedt bto terest'' , ltt it lots tittninst foirned th ntumrtal ini the mtussetum lectue room. tarticle off blue markcet." !RBOR, MICHIGAN, Tu,11lISDA'Y, AGU'ST to' mgmi. INo. I'. .BIRD DESCRIBES __ UMBI ~hLT- C~TRCS__ C1A''yTTI~i NON TELLS O t heol 'eTSal sh'CdI 'mTeNtION.h PICTORIAL SPAIN T was ofoj ; YEARS OF PLENTY rgns an will ti ffeireud tot'the inrist ____ f tie t th 'gradute tudntsthuis fahh, Tells of Land Where People Are ;satrcinhidunlezt !sinitis Last Year, the 8th of Its His- ll Quaint and Where Lofty trtgol h onr omn t n ,1 anyleter' hvc )Cel rccnudb iy the tory, Surpasses in Achiev- Cathedrals Abound setaryiiof ii theietbica e iiihittsot 111 et-ndMmbrsi 'mnrlite - utthsiu e cias tettientand__ e bershi tSEVILLE HAS GREAT CATHEDRAL "nuituote stut ,ad as i Iithn mtethltitnutut eniuice'ntiu," tititlaiBIG PLANS LAID FOR FUTURE tiehi iitmitis. I t ov is aeidti o f liii. ate irst cai' him" il's' edIi u i ,- '''hem' Spiuttsm piotlhe' areunh tu tit'' aae ia w r, ald a cctil T upsh te titus heel t hhunbmsinsi thn 1thir ]tnsmu lifIn uelightfiuh. thumir nuistittos oamomuntot iitt n altuu resear wrnit o be ti as dinerIthad, mot tho say 'thnutmost ni tnm, thu el i -ion o mmiprhm-nsent'sum m-hd tup l he'tT~e scjd tc sub. IT h isntlvea mitt' nis itt Sepi- thenir snstia tia tncessiti'. Thn' ainsit reii uutiaiu t iih pinc f r er o es a ti 5th atutuintuit atunmts atim- n iuem itit 'thaSmi'ahe''mut l'l VSi.T uhuetieit nearcmitoritomhat itllh nb ulile 1)tu,',' . mms cnnoiuutimel e hihu' I 'stut Thme tate mmiiiall lieu, fitr ftutu it. 'ITie saum-thesis ,vsicint mt hm nhe mused toll anduth iii niu hi as3I alincruetase of items ari ts tit h torim ant imitscmiii defemnedbut' tiiu alhithn em es fthiii ve s ear, makng.1 jmpilitftom ad the me en areiiniotin' lit h a nldi'tsome.i ticutty u emirnttub ;nuthe iin g omia irots atituaul 'itt'r'get ofiahoiut gmoo 'mliiiscutere thineWnurds ith xci m in~m 'm- coilrse. Iii May thn cei t utu tmiumitus it the Pr .Pit 1;, sceay o ted - - . intit w ren gaged ftuontfr almitlt thrcec nighb uts ilttoteexcep ti if Smunda s, ptuttucit if Pii.nitiei t~oniliid is FIRE PLAY'S HAVOC IN CAMVPmuthrusentimtttnshnitfintos subjeti "A TritiThuuim h p'm iiu the iamlti'e ing. i l thu mtotttu day i u r- t tous the ales time limdit s inrciftntle. Reighard Loses Many Valuable Books ili 'Colieuunue~nuuntsneekm threesmepara te S hoe tutue, th ngeuumom'nmmiith n umidand Manuscripts hutch ciiis cern servenut o'noot, on nmi gramn 'eutnd uin abundance;mut h'mmmlydstoiiig oth e n d mum amttihimLage'n inug romte Ilmu i teori- gre' of01 ut o ha ot ot sll n sitnutte un iimlhntinary", ufSmnte aut nd Ione ill the sumoktui.niuuroom.The thn conitru ft ms slenidu fourests. I i ii iu nt etisubtohh re"gub-ic servicm'wiss ee t edto liii lii tihes iand i sins ha cenutral Spatin tt sitsnuiu eiis invem maaim treu.mhoavoc at t ih ilogimal ao ptiiDIougolais Th it th~ in al luI 'utuoutmonwenner is 'he amenrage Spaniared us timouu i ohae hint T us . N n thrta w nwit titswhas ]hut uen"it proporion t his overty A stdent he onetent f theprlieitr wauburi- a fin I'mu'ly Ifter yeght ryar ofo colt muil time unuiversity saidm e ryses confid enl eiuthie hissoitmitt tut uautle n iii-susht ut r, much tha tts instuitutono use turnwatingtop. tin lioet isentsermols tandl Iare scuneutific voolumess whueh1 ithmall Isatvtis lmit hot i muwith th n iitedt Stoles foe oilh losses tonic his tiersonal poinssessitutu makeit. sstoands, fo r, isytiniploness nut no~i~ioii men ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h isiosstscu ao I;nc;inealsmt mimicfon mmmii is blue feeling, ittthein on utt mthorities ttasked hy unhenomn thadod utleaitned 'Thn enxtnt casumm o fthn tire Is ttuill-' s iemuring thus scumuut'cmr llulluey look~ him retua aed thin young omau isod:'Theny ace butte pmwernimg thirfatoes ollittay bung, dierithtler utimifoumro'lcwhnt they salty forit foe a waoth or a drie. ears alert to 'hear the comimhuaentary speechues from the toossers-lit if their heaty-cails forth mo exlmoations Shiny go htomme amid weep fromotdisappuiuntmoent.' 'This ynoug mtitaload a swneetheart amid he toldulis lion-he stent each esvenimng, raini or shinie, after nimmuco cklibetnearto toer blcomos. 0000NnnSun mu'IMOSING nssiiTuDAeS. "Bitegon, anciyof 30,o0o inh'labitats, ha s a gteat otutraon i nm I ito agnifcenut cathendratli egnouinito2tootamidfintished ini 1 567. Its tossens are lofty atud graneful, lout tiemebost impoosinug feature' of the sohole extermort is the octagomnallanternu almsve the central crossing, which tee- tminates mum eight pnrforatnd pimnins. adornued sowiii statutes. "Atthelion humsotpoinut in time old nile ot Barcelona, stands anothhnr imoposinug nothedrob. S 's a nohlecneotionm of SpanmishtGothic aote ctnutre. Sntitu now cite toite onth, is the eumniversily soth unoarly three thousnadtouidenths. Oue of time finst tings senwsubntenter- mu" the harhor us tloftymontumoenttoli Colubmius; leie s ntmresenuteetaon standeingo out a sohartfiaid loinguout ho sea. AoNIrNTInTs uS ILnGRsMS nOse. 7oaragsus itated 01)She SEiro rrun mmhas a poptbultii of toeo ound is itdnnstttuo' 's onte of thie monst oancient ande at thme samemtiumc.lo themost mmodernt cities itt Spinot' TIe oltin owusmuith its mauie ol ueho ptiintttdimellitig's us keimnactwho i ble mutderniinuennitm- sil is buiuldii"timp a tutu ciii.SitZtarat- man6 i o e o I m e itiioti s pilltar onth imI t hue l I 'ubrus ai t butte appeoredmto 1 aint J.noestdriitg ims jotuni''iiS'mpain.Itisi 5isiteud nows hi thtousas ub fiipiltri muaiu li a hdmrt: rentess o n fth0ahda nihinls i ns tieti crds pllaupotect- ed ly asilvr sreen Inth allbun- hind ith tipillarm us 'ahuliule uthruhiuss thin pliiit 1 tts Iiss t e el . :Thahinnuhedrltu evllh i telarig- n-h nhurcnm t'~e unitlmdIthein utenutiion nai-be oennit it ontso magtudl- cent a sn-lthtit iinhouiildie itithoiuta rialu' a fnshednus tt 4dO yetans (Continuted on Page 4) nerti. Aii .stunve uwitinmtheint a ac vritus history ftumltits iuneptionm humnn m wtt hsein tetproifessori'left to g o thble innesemint day.'"m''rlby atin 9tte hue muistieC.nItthdnclosedebtovoorideawatorigintedi lofi lavng sonme beufotre coaving, wentsoomn a suddenm place soliene stuuemnts couldetftnd social nommttiuont mmncamtp caumsedev eryone hum receato n di hm a n itlscuttct, amidtotals haruyetsho hustsent. The ilacenws i mumahue outbuteunfiormted ml thamt timue.Alh- tanoes imnd seatertnttuing edirectly ready tHaennett ond Peninsyvnathad asvailbe eanly esverythinig wa osho sunh plines, heHavadUnuinaand Houtonm:Oath.iu-is toot until Be- IT its. ENG. GMnic STosrusuxus cembenr, 1903,however, that a call was Thon basebialoglte etwseenShoe etugi-sont omit for aomtong'mometafronm all nertstandelits fortShe ba sehboll suptrnmoacy' cautmus organieatomns to stork omit a plan of thincamtpustshots sumtmertschmool stilt of cammpaigno The coltlseas officially tnt lie playeuhonut hurdayp on four of issemed buy the society o~f "Miehigainun" time enginet s lienstoamunstill tue uahle thouigh mntyothetrs itereintreted at to pltay this useeh. Thnenontest will tahneithat hume placen a we-ek ftroum Saitmurday if it cnm Afler outnunthuiastic respomise frono not he arraned for out earlier den. faanty anmud mets a "comtttetoe time organizeationuu of a Uiomnwtas focim- MnIunnTGnuPPemARn WITH INDIANS. ed" woithm Petit F' N.Sniotas nhair- 'Mhmiup-lettemrs of indqurn li-i beenmre- miami. tUnmdnrits edtrectiona the "Uniions for ceived it thus office of the secrtare- of fanulty, alutmnit studntsamid rngents" Shun meodinal departmnt fromtoIndiani tas inoporated ouduertir laws of stnhtus shouo ntenmuptentahimsn ork in 'MichiganTfistrt anuual GUniotnbaui- that edeparntutemlthin fall. thichuigano is(qust n-as hueled Novembuler1i, io04, in alreadeypwelusreremseustedusibhi'native stu- Wiaterntimtgy-umnasiuum, the lbiggeshttoun- dents ofIttnditi, tumd thur muumober nmran- Itiomiof itskindelimp to that timne. Br. uss each yesar.4 (Conttiued on Page 3.1 Achieved in the First Three Years of Its Existence Thme .MttinhtiyU n iinCluhmmfouuse,