THE 44OULVERINE Ube ALLENwEL" I Arnn Arbor's Lares do and Finest hotel: . M. M. NOWLIN, Propr. W. C. NOWLIN, Mngr. Tea toni. on the Secnd 1Floor LAW Brief Cases Outlines of Books, ete. NEW, Cheaper thian Secondsl l~rsd Edwards Brothers 324 S. Staste. Over Seell in Bev nAND rIAKE ALL KINDS Let- us mfake you a Sketch-and give you a price on anything ill the Sign line; Weissigner Sign Co. Phone 910-L Make ouzr Store Your -Shopping Headcqtarters U MACK tomCo. Rill' sGIVE COSMOPOLITAN SHOW Walkers serve boiled water. Get ntt. TUTTLES. -___ Board is onty $3.00, payabte intactvance. It is a genuine delight to get a tigt Orientals and Americans Entertain 336 S. Div. Pho ie .ata-J. linchet, or heavy either, at Tutte's, 338 at NeberryHallS. State street. g \sit n ttttetai it tdn. Wurster Bras. sett fresh cottage _Abut ne.hunredandfify sudetcheese, the old fashioned kinud. Car. Ilarnhtrgers are the* origioal. Also swec tre rsent at the Stutdeints'Clhristiatn Detroit antc Catherine Sts. Bett 423; serve steaks and other sandwiches. Give associa tion recetio155ldi at Newbrliry Home z40. 6-s6. no a trial. College Inn. 1-so. lialt last Saturday evening. In thle alt- senceof Secretary Cart I1. Smith, As's tPrusf. NWI). 1-lncsoii uof tI1he phsits itelitrtm ipresided.Tthe ist stoittber oin the programi sins a socal solhiby'Frest Kilen _~ssSutwis liccompan1itsd Ih~c Sw an Laundry C. P. AVatisg aiid IU. T. Mau, dio Chittese JUNCTION OF DETROIT and CATHERINE Sts. and FOURTH Ave. studlcets.,itas ine if the ito it features of the evesnin g. Waisg platyed te pairtp if anit mric'vean repsorler inteivtewn IE5 the Chsinseivstitieist, 1 it, tand tte trsittbles iwhichi foreigiicrs hase, intimast- erinit.citeslaiii-ladetn linutage, wieve iviitighstoutt ini a itansierv thact calleit Bell Phone Home Phone f1vt6iiitit5loe 152 White Irls.\Vst ea t iotgaivec Iaiiiavooits reaiting, whicth isas ivellreceiiiecitblthe -- -o auienticice as wais tiles ocal solo ivy ls Juihisoisi, s ich fiillowedvs. The fifth andi iixtinu vsersiiilthe pirtgraint sere giie biy )is Dandiiilt wo l isndiiiislt- ideiis, woisl.iayediitheir itative skill Qua il/ceer softening pfanit cost 'as $x,000. If costs 'Yiounothhtg ini sleighlt if lianidtperformaince, tud etraa to have all the advantage of latindry work done in water feniinig. soft as rain waler instead of destrusctive acids and bleaches. .\fter Itesiniging iof severalt 3 iiciaii singsPrf. lviievsticisictitsl he The finest lingerie waists and dresses will come back to you like livra i byiiti coisiitnuponii the iwiork snew. Collars and Cuffs like snaou. Try your duds in our sods ofi the aissociatiioi, ini its mtaniy ihases, and he convinced. Mark you package "Whi/ste ~Swn" and call 'sui piraised its repissationsi itthey statess our wnagons. No extra charge for call or delivery. Refresliienutsof'ifrs and suit nch I weesevd ferte neranmn. White Swan Laundry isis isi iOSi,. Giai,VIGI S CO, TiAiND. Georige Lcvstisi, 'iI., if footbl ame ,iv ad si lis iotl iii', T"veiL wtoriii, 'is, a', staiff, sire ,it irene's iniv ,ScotlaAndil.E ~ l 'Isc w~ithigs aiisens i I "inI isssiiis"Ilrli fsit iCOOLEST SPOT IN TOWN uSmith,. Plicisigai studnits, woaetr hiia srispesil i r ic l s . +r T~a. ~~cT T '1 fl .* I W tORIwitl you spendu r an asmmernvcnation? Wisy stat enjoyathe ChtarmsntofaornlaonSasthe ot peasant ndeeconaoial oting in Ameiria. WHERE YOU CAN GO AtllSite imsporant portsson the Gcent bakes are rnachiedireguarlvy thse excelleat sercete Dc. &C.oakenLines.T'he tenlageiiteamesetis fleet areaofaitmodentelconstructioni and thaveallte qualitisofaspeed, safety adsmortisas. Dlsiy servicis aperateid betwenDetrait oust Cleeiandt, Dtoit andi Buialoi; fourtrips wekcynseswen'rnsess,seicsai,isackaincuisadsssnssy ports; treetrps eeytween Tledio, Clevelccad, anditin-~v.i A Cleelandilto ackinasc special steamner wilbeopaedetwo trips weerkly fromssJunev stiitoSeptcseberatis, stopping aonly at Dtroivit every trip anoodeiatrichs,iout.,oeeyotherstrip.I Special lay Trips BetweensDetorituadClveland, lutist July ad ugstsr RAILROAD TICKET S AALABL:-Ticets reading oia any rail lisgt swa Datroit and Bufflo and Deroit and IClevelasd will be hnorforltr lansportaton usnI. &IC. linsSteatmars isnoit Seas5pent- stamsp fortIlustratedt Pamsphleti aidtGeet iakestMap. Addres L. G. Lewis, G. P. A., Deteoit, Minh. Philip H. Mc. Millan, Presn. A. A. Schsaon, Gao'l Mgr. 0 A np tmit *r' r, lpvpland Nov V* r, w m..aEA U . U.''R&-U wA AIILYWE L-Q-j The Ann Arbor Dye Works Fressehs'Dey asi Steaiim CLlEANING: Highest Clss of Wort. 20 E.Wssisi-.tonsFt5 Bell tPhonse 628 L. R. WAHL Rowel's Laundry 406 Detroit 3t. Warts Neatly 'sntuPrompstly Donie THOMAS ROWE, Prop. Bell Phone 457 SPRUNKS8f aBNGRAVERs r The arol r NNARRR . PRESS ALL COLLEGE WORK{ ,Nail us'Trial Order JOURNAL BUILDING DETROIT MICH. THE WELL=KNOWN CHUBB HOUSE One Block from Campus 209 Sooth State Street RateCs, $4.00 Per Wcekt THE DIFFERENCE betwensuscesstandsifaluireis nfteni v erysmali. Itt nay in only it little Isisadingo diste a o. CREAMS Icoo tie attr'iiutedlso asdlctet asde- ifnlliieiisise, unhiehs by sonic stranige Isecret is alwayspresentinslhisecnfiec- tioums. Nose yout thin iitenid i'snice l thatis nest panty. ito ibe'sire o e ntucnn. freshmsientsshldtat flsavusor foudlin but ane phlusce. Yins nsy think dust pirty wusildh hasesiheen a success wihloutiihis favor. Don't isk it As I said nices s is mesasuredi iy st'elittle things. TRUBEY'S PLACE 1l16S. Main Rell Ph... 1 66 Co ic in an'sui ls verii vstoasck ofi pennant andlsi Ibainiesa. I takt heistnus- -self. aissi caiii thereforesi' gisyoniii i'oi- vs pices. Sksiiine'r, 3s6 S. Staie. SUMMER STUDENTS. The University Muosic Honuse carries ai somsplete stock of the ,-Michigan College Miusic. Weeismite you to call aniit le- comae famniliar wills it. 8-15. CHIIROPODY. Corns., bunionisinigrowng nis.treat- sit -and cored. Everythinug absoltety aiitiieptic. Office hsanrs: p-so a. na., I-5 p. ms. Miii E. J. Foley, pat E. Huron St., enid of Norths 12th. Phonie 989-J. so-2'. Skinnesrivditsi irist cisistiook-bsinding. Loo ii m uts a ct 306 S. Stcite. ANNUAL TRAVEL. MAGAZINE. "0AE A'WOiAY TALES" PUBLSHEDsng BYa'D. $ C.sLINE, SEanNTTO vU mEg. 'The latest cointribustion to the hiera- tiure of travel is the ado-page book is- soed by the D. & C. line. It constaiss three interestinig stories anad is beanti- fulty itliustrated with line halftonses af scenses aloiig the D.:& C. Coast Lute toI Mlackinsac. Senut anywhere uponi receipt of tcsi cents to prepay poatage. Address: B. & C. NaAGTION Co. 6 W~aynue St. Detrait. Adv. THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK 501-103-155S. Mais St.. Ana Arbor, Mink. WE SOLICIT TOUR BUSINESS ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capig sisw0nno0i'n OSuuhs acni iProfits - oiss.ssa.0 Itesouces - - 42.500n.000.00 A genuerol ibankting business trausactsedc N. W. Corneur EsMa i Ian uon Sts. LAST TIME TONIGHT CHALLIS and CHALLIS COMEDY DUO JACK BRANNIGAN, THE GABBY CELT AND OTHERS MONDAY-TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY .The Greatest Sparting Film Extant The Grea Atito Races Held at Indiaunapnlis Illustrated Songs ' The Boll Helen.Clippert Familyscope Contralto In Photo Plays Exceptionally ROY LEE W EIAI SMusical Physically Perfect Manant~u T HE LANSINGSNoet 3 SHOWS NIGHTLY 7:15,8:15,9:15 The Ann Arbor Swimmiung Pool' Will be Opess Every Day Except Sunday 9A.M. to 9P.M. 1t us refreshing In lake achbath in nice cool spring waler. ANN ARBOR SWIMMING PARK IQ '#flSeam anrd French I a-aaer O'Co ner Dry Cleaners 619 L. WiBIfamx St. Suits Pressed 25c Trousers Bac 713 S. FIFTH AVE. Phone 996 2 Rings 713 S. FIFTH AVE. Phone 996 2 Rings