Vol IL
Regents Appoint Hoff Dean and
Make Many Other
The board of regents, at its Jue
meeting Toesday, apipsnted a treasr-
er, a dea, raised the salaries of two
other deans, appointed oe assistant pro-
fessor and eevated three others to jn-
oe or futt professorsthitps, appointed the
three stdent members of the atetic
oard of ontrot ad cotracteet for
15,00o tlas of coa; althtlis was in ad-
ditioo to granting some goo odd degrees
sed transacting a great deal of routine
RoertCampbell, of the stae banking
commssioner's oie, was selected to
take list plate aof Treasrer Bater,
resigned. Mr. Campsell will reeive a
salary of $2,300 tnd will e under a
$too,ouo bond.
Dr. N. S. Hfoff, wo has bees atig
dean of the dental department for te
last four _years, was appointed deoa, at
a salary of $3,ooo. Dean t-insdale's sal-
ary'was raised to $3,500; and ean
Shlotterbeck's was advancest to $3,00.
Edward Durfee, Harvard 04 usd of
'L. here, at present teaching iete Uni-
versity of Colorado, was made assist-
ant professor of las, at $,Soo. Juio
professer Glovser sas raised to' a leo
professorship as sas also tH. A. San-
ders;t Assistat Prof. Brsley becomes
a junior professor.
H-aroldtI. tHaskies, Jokes BtLymna
and W.\I J. Learmonths sere oficialy
namsedc as the stsrelenetebers of lst
board is control of athletics next yea.
.The Maynart Coal company, of C-
ItI mhss, Osio, sas give itecontract
for "funishingIl-c niversiy swith T5,-
000 tons of coal, more or less, dsrin
the et tear, at $2.7 a ton. A sem
of $710 was atprotriateed for list pu-
chase of sttsttstes asset diget1s les
the lasslitsrery; $,oao0swas set asise
to le used, at the disretio of the sres
ident suet a committee, te briegig Iere
stecial lecteirers ibeny eoldeelof larning
asset$0o eis ts lee lsu seeineqipiega
(epartenet of ist arts, wh isletss es-t
tablishede. st lthelst meseteg sf tec
teases of absence sere grnte a
year; W.S.obfroeearcees steeey
lee Gereay;As'tPrf.AV '. it'sh-
ligh, foroe}ar s.1'. 7eeseeeee
scheee, wheo ieece rcilecterse 'st oetee
(Geeal 'stoters cepaneeeeye
Ass't tProf.IN.It.IHegbie frIeee e r.e
Thse resegntioneses eel C I'se cetoeeeaecee
G. G. Srocelsboetcf wsomlheeeee beense
asetel ee esfoe seeerlearsestee
acceted;ada hs owi ee queseest
trf. C) CJohson eessecco'ededs
for teseC.arnessie Ifsesndatin.
Appoineneeesets ethes tie tsee eo te,
ese'emaes esfllwse 'sitseel 'c1oeel
instuctor iseeohiseesseelesgueess sfoi
lthelbsn c eelfssi Cec. irlestJese
ElesemPer riinstruc'1'n esmsis
e; litny1 dm f h n~riy
eel Chicagoinserct r eesocooy e
B. Walc,s " owa aR 'scol
arsipsses lserd t etir,anee i eels.
comeestest Iis es-eelsloor list)D. a t s
conin;intuctrsilepeitialc ice
G iesge' tosse, Uniesty- of i's i i ss.
instrucetorsof eelo-v e;tsItlects It. Ause
ties, MIe).(Joltess 11 tts,its, 55555. er
its Ftrenheais steels'iaee. lees ''AV. Ce is
,vs ss esseses' te t -eois ?s leei 11
phliloessphey - atiJ. II. 1E1sters, . 1, 'e
Wh~ittier 1fes ile leslee.
NO. a.
Increase of 35 Per Cent to Give
50 Per Cent More News
Turn McusuN ALDYs,s',to celebrate
its 2st year, will appear as a six o-
umnssepoper next year; sed those co-
ursesare to e ass scts loger thans tis
year's were
The total icrease in size sill te
sbout 31 per cent; the reading moter
will ho icreased nstoy 10 per cit,
hossesver, ewhiltheseadvserisingswiltsee-
dergo ass elrgementse of oly 20 per
cent. Thisiswsill lbringitepestsortionseof
odtisng to reading maeter ose-esto
53 per tests of the former t 45 of list
tesater, a rato wih is stooddIsoeony
onec college tpaper lee te cuntrly, Taxs
YALE Noss, whichs ss a rto of 5s to
Thouseghe ele new pot cc sill cost lfty
ter cent esort to publilsthle sutscrip-
ists price sill remasis is te seefor
t paescodeliseredsteosse; thec meail ut-
scriptions will te redueced fromse$ to
r $.s sorfecorders see.tlee before Sepe-
Reception, Replete in Features, and
Second Only to "" Flop
"'Ttegreastes scl e et of list
cltss o1 1911 sthtle lsttosstble exce-
lesseeof lthe J stileiws eeo itseior re
celtioneTueeays ev eig.
ITheIt t 5555 5m555 wa ssdeeorte its
maieze ande bluesttesihle greets relief of
telssiansdeelfeens. en esesathlshge cts-
ee of iectrIcisethichI f oreilithee-
lee piece of lsth eetolrsed streamseers,
"Al"1Fsettes ochesstra telay etety
r cerseessteel foet raets, asteespcnedls
graceiouslsystoencoerees. Tests - esensredl
steellfts couesthr isogedelIot
settlerelates ccntdtfIiendes. 'socaslied
tesdatielees of eptpular semusic, 5atre 'J
_ I Hop" e sers inoeel lst e light dnsce,
aee a gi'g"-antc rr'frtshet ablesich
inte arge ntof is sve' pitled
.se ,eesseeosatd eesrpgtasta,westee
etures o e ev~te-eing.'Theelarero
rcepioninse ieecdelthe eisies tt 5eel
_ties -rateelemaochs rote fesiblelessee
_ caion. 'W'itht lexc ettieoneof ans
settl'sinermeeeissione, tedcsngcouetin-
steelrolesse igh ttityputitlsts ee'I.
e R~s T I vs 0 5 ii.t' s saTe-esse.
De 11l1s1 N'Travis '8e as ein1
setotledlelseeetytee o.Oson
'Travs s b l ee rateei'cng" lots -i 1el
Gen es ssee elou is. tie hrT i
It heirectede podctonlsehe le
-eels eeg Ofilser"
and I ileeleleseto iesi th 1:' a - -
t1madmk eor;tefe nh
The Scarecrow, Well Played, Draws
Plaudits From Six Hundred
Despite professional fears, "The
Scarecrow, A Tragedy of the Ludi-
crous," by Percy Mac~aye, proted ad-
mirably suited to lice unitersity foot-
lights and cast of college womens at
the ninthe annual productiou of the
"Senior Girls' Play" Moneday night.
Pitt curtain calls, nunmerous gifts of
flusters, aned an auedience of six heundred,
whsose symspathetic attitude would leave
delighted Chauncey Olcott, chsaracter-
ized lice dramuatizationo.
The success of the piapy, both lee the
work of the principals aned their sup-
port, svas due, iso cuo small part, to R. B.
Diefenderfer, director, aned Lorcec Role-
inesons, stage mnassager, as wel as to
Mbarione Pat, chsairmans of lstohecmcnit-
Tells 945, About to Receive Degrees,JThat Practical,
Progressive Knowledge Will Solve the
Great Problems of Country
TCreST-. Sfleetetusic, a lprayer, aasddress, aned
Justice GilcedIsMertose. Maryps Iasessecthsensnieehunded anted forty-live toes
gosody Rickasy ("BlaceksmsithsBess") -. steelwomosenssssalickc elsupontoaatisfarmc,
..'s~licee WXymanss
Cord l-avtssaste ("Mdarqusis of Ox-
ford, Electoer of Wsormss, aned Counet
of Cordoa) lte i viepotheticai
sees- - --......... eAmry-llis Cotey
Dicl-sons, ccYaneesimps~rvisationt of
list Princee of ODarkness ,....
Franteinse tacep
Rachsel tMer tsneicee ofl tejurstiee
-BLetha Nissip
lTtistress Cynthlia s letoese, sister of list
justice ..,...... Glaedys Strelineger
Richardi Talbot, Estqire, betrothsed 1o
Racel .....,,....... Bet Riboble
Sir Charles Redidintegon,CLeutensant
Governosr .......... 'sarjorie Chancey
Mistress tReddineglt, his daueglter..
...... .. ... .. K theene Ge ebsess
- teeice Reslets'ys isledasughtIe'r-....
tests Fox
Captai in Bglep,lice Gosvernsor's See-
retarye......hi.ildred Richmsoned
Mtinister Dodtge-........Eily It
Mistress 13odge,tees swife .... Rtose hell
Ret. Mtaster Rated, of Hiarvcrd Col-
Isege- - --.........MiIlredelBuerns
tiesv.Mtaster Yodel, ef Harevted Col-
lege- - - -'sl.......Aice .'selns
icahel, ccsersaof elthe jusice...
.... ... .... ... l. orothy litosn
Timse, late seeteetstscetters-.
Placsse, a stsse its-Mcsschuesetts.
Appreciation of Work Here Pleases
'Woodland" Actor
1-ster tethusiasstcseandappreciative aud-
estnc ieseetee elresetsas-es of ltce
listsGBeetplayecc, Teselect aesd 'sed-
neis-.So ee ari tys tieir sselcoe
lhed -Ile. Greet scidelaIst night, "I lifec
'sect 'sebor better thatneases-sette
'stile litti 's is-s rte. X e ase eaeted
in7e1 sa l ee tnIts c llseter t
ittceI tkttoi.
X"Asects ile.t,"" itrsTale,"
',shts Stocisct I nue, ad"The.
I iws, wr l 0ts" 1 select i ee
tht 1tishadtelinstwichelcplee
''t.Te o losesrI Greet see'sshe
C~lldv rle o "Toy Luupk Vet-a
especallylaug worty. iiiah ti lt
entie wn th heartsof er itires
eecteiel ait of earecment,assetcalee
clowneeagasin-ine those fewv seconedsthey
host seeveraleltlers eaddsed Is tleetr sisieses,
-etheecameealniethle Universiep
if Micheigane. Thene tslep'soang "Thie
'sellowevsteelthe Blut," heeardl a bensedic-
lesse, aned ssenteoit isto tile ist de, wievi
wsortl." '1t d satll ; teut it wshelt
sixty-seetheanseeseal e'oseneceent of
lt uneiversity, hldbinteentiers ct l sll,
ihis monineeeg.
A's.ater bp- Res. Stalker oeed lt
cxercises;5 Presidenst IMarrcy Pratt Jsudl
stee,1D.1D., 1.B., oflt h 'eiversity eel
Chicago, -vethe aeses;asteees-
dictset t i se. 'et ls e tcomiletedthe
Peereiset Judseensoe intepleon, as
"'isat tense tes oeidgealis
eel licheswc-eecIsles Thieconqheteel s
a trtdlans, lie 5conqusest if ediseaese, lice
linkinteg ccftees oceasetlie flineg eel
weaves of isstellieethreoughec lie ic,
lt Itrimtof leoliticaml demosscacy, ande
seesriadi slier mseeis, ietlllsthesublic
mindtis th ikablsorbtits inteest
"Bustelse tieoughtfle stuenest sees tht
eachlew iee licaionseof Iuan p oere
big s-illh it I e-,vfoersesofeelsi. titr
forefthlers setse jesltedt thrineseg
off lte i fro Ityad tesecapine
lesseethe tyranishand cortesrupioneeof offi
tens o01tlic resse. ITheyts adcsitsete
learsee el seapabielitie s of seeseleced
legisslture. Vaest acihieveentes sheret
tae e iens, ciiutee is oe elmbeeeed at
swhetlrecialis 1tocio.
"'The insee c tked eatuereees of thse
pr ores cfthe sage eesae terihatpslee
held Is fell ieto flet treel groups.
"The firt of slie is dicontomic ef}it-
ttdsttc'. The eroip iesote mod eectfaece
are lice producst o e nelddd, sted scot eel
ciee citeknleesidge suppieenl te s byle
uwe i teoe h'srislevler'itsca cimse
sen isoistlws s wdel5.dsifu'ed.
Thr netet -rse re so0maeec'iantisfo
tse righ t cidofpyeungelects atiiis
snetnettI. The e c'noisefeficletescy ofte
ae btreeels -iomfoset aenu n eeds swocrkers.
IA ecndi citimes. in progress ce
erty asemr cietlalo let. i's
cat nists iel feefelithsechil-ten0
thir an hot srikng i'seodof
lee MIT Ole iea eds l pr litseersees.
1n a sit. .1 - cv par ali oefisee
age wereswet1 of5 by Cdtbr-se-endl
itstrile'-asale st Isva iably ataC
saei- tes-c cc dmntngt i s I its ii
the gtreait majityo ae oteserume'e
whchsisneha oud 'sISI ts
Panamaeesorailroaed was bertsouse salf-
centlury elude it was esususoesly said that
ever tepie u-s laid one s body of a lab-
orer. Noselteelthsof she thousands
whcio oreeworkeing ilee Iecanetastoe is as
saefe as iflicey)wete inteeitl tomces.
"Still citheer focus of progr-ess lies
lnee ic pprseceiaetion of beaduty.. I bate
seen wo'rik'eeiswillstheir ceiner pails
roameeing throestaeitart Intesitute of
Ciaesgoe ndstel uedinlg painetings and
sttuarypwstllskeets zest. Byltepihonco-
graphialoee I ameconvssineced that Bees-
lioeneanldt Wagneer aned Moaranse be-
comsineg iknown - assetappireciatecd isnplaces
wthere on orecestrsa is never heard.
"A fisal forte of progress is that
whitlech epayperhaps le'called fefihosrpfe3s.
It covers a stusdy of thee reasons of things
-wshati s is tefinaltmeaninseg eellife in
lie w soril;wiset is aoer propern ethical
eels' ice ieosir fellowe-en;e 5ousrprisser
attsitueetossamees Ditty andeltlitlife be-
pvccii. Tthe binesg qulestionse todasy are
sec longer of :foreordineation atnd free-
still, foer insteane, but rather wheat case
lice churese do to ucake Ike life of
shem puerne seasier oust sweeter.
"tenstelilght of these facts wih re-
garth tolteproIgress of ltevworld, it
becoeeess a scalier of ineet to ste
their bearineg onem caetiaon.irlst of
all, is it neot clean that the ediuctions of
tiesyu pleshoculdssikeep p ate setlethe
adance etofsethumateclhsougihtIThere ewas
cc tee ecthlstbest literatueen weas
foundsin testreeleandeLtineelaneguages,
stee whsenes slatter u-as Ice comneee
houetofeduceatedminetof all snationes.
It seasthcen of high imeportthealtltes
twso lansguaeges shosutle e learnsed leetime
schoeols ; buetvet wstll oemly a good
tknowleedge of Etalisheeteeecastintee se
das bdecome a highly esducated msane.
"sgainc, as the fIeseedneleifat te
lie progtress oeelcietyli'is ecoomicefei-
cienees so ltefunmecdentaoileaet teeschosol
sted cllee- csoeutldhebetoinereaselice
tcoo i eedesenseepof c ep'rypoutse;seame
atee womsean. Ttes heeasesmic shsould
he' ctpese no st cciii of celf-supjport, leat
as ceitli sh s e ale tIscderfoe a
grodupOdie dt'on 1hest, assetto ecare
fee thesr esl . sTIheoldii educatmione sas
inedividuitic.t 'Tetpeste is soecal.
Hessce i1 is 5.hci lochyissciteyp'seillsreces-
sneet s IsrImciiisedcestyopsethepeosi-
tie e coneomiefeiensecccslice firthfrest
of sacifste sso hasvisltssathe. 1He seed
by 515 meatnstebe adeapted tolie asscegreat
rchesc. It is 550 sisgres Ietic enor.;
it is 550 tritetIcbeerche. 'Teeucateed
sisisnisudleseesws cowlieliisveteob lse-
tier anty fortunee.
"Whatlolases th e sell-kneown faIss c
ho eehl a tte endce' eRther lessthsse
f8iol ofthee esco ot pulat1511isn(hops seend
girls frnmciscie ho eightleents-strs stl)sees
enolleed icepubtleitchd riat shol'
Lithlesnore thesesw-hss irsle hse<r
icn reguelar -attendeancse. Oftetoa
scellI ecllent aboteetit ar i
primae~ry schls;ch abote Iseond
are sols i. Ofithlis cndr05 hol
eenollenet nithar lot mtis43 e drd itttie
(Ctontinuedl on Pasge 4)
Sh ot leperrs did's are to Ie
Isl'e tils Sittlid 55 05oide astles'-
altl es-liyo _ lets 'ilst
I i ll-iii 1 ti 1 1 A.:. L 1 , 1~ 1 14l
of water was (
well froill whic l)
tJi'.t t clYtct2f kN-as
Nv:4 r v "Ill rctur
I public 1
\V01 'k iii t
r _ c ci} rtrt
i. i flulsotl for i
stuens e l,+ ;Alumi, Faculty, sod Seniors Mingle
nmdc hat Po; as Senate's tiuests
it Il the ,111;a Ov r thre th IIsm ti eec. seiot s
ic Idth eend uscei d adli 5is5f5515ivrsty t)!
ii 5 use eth ee mc ci i0 i ;oe the c e cclie l i e pe liltet
-ets vlegulied1 talasee iht e rs ilet
:is ft o bo ks t \vi1 e, stod n th 7 ceivl li ee hilts
le l''d
''h. I.D e scId, iiseseCh ho Jesty 20.