T HEiWO0L VLER IN If 111e Kempft ui SuisSUBSCRIBE FOR MjsieStuisfieOAKG0YLE Voice Cuat~nux, Francis F Risestan, Managing Editor 3? .Dii ionS. t P~1 0) .1 75c Per Warren Crane, Business Masager THE NEW CATALOGUE of the Unlivcrsity oAf Mi*chig n11 IS NOW RADY Complete information concerning seven departments: Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Den= tistry, and the Graduate School and the Summer Session. Special courses its Forextny-, Newspxaper WVork, Lasndscape D~esign, Higher Commsicial Education incuisiig Railway Admninistrationt sod Insuranice, Archtitectore, Conseivation Enugineerinig, Pedagogy (affiliated with Attn Arbor Higih School for Observation Str dN), ard a new cottrse for those preparing for tlse scletfic adlaixtistratxon of departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement or Individual Information address SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University ANN ARBOR ORIENTALS TO ENTERTAIN IliLANSf TI) f=i r \. r i LI j _______I 1\\ I ,1 Ii lliIx xxI; i lY0 I LIIjL ,I1,_Ik I - N Foreign Students Will Participate in S. C. A. Social Tonight Rn110thic xx 3 hrsatth . C. A\ recepitionxx 'm(xI ;ocaiaii -lerv hll toxx1" ixt. ''l i u l ic"m x x ii niagic, wxxiiiix . Y 11 11(1 V.T. (ihiinese Sixixi xrl n e iiiw Ie- xxiii ii r e114 xixbV iissaeJxii1 son, ifxh ix inltix ofithex xxx x iii i aC np li l xx ii si x Xix JxxIx'CI xxxii 1 f lxxx 1Iv s~]s a lrEfrsl me t. I hxxixxxxwillIxxi is x ixixxxxc x x x xxi xI x xCx{I xx V te a ipproixxxxximatlY $25,xO), ;tx fair propox ioxnixx of N- ixixi i xixxxi xpense xxxii cxrtli x eitx x'xsxxixx eac exs x(xlixlmx xx r f h ixrxt xtime xiixxth xxittilxxsix fox 187-xxx ix yers xbfor iihx xreaion ofx theiii i i xxxii IiofI ixi-clia 1i . newli~ix i fet i forxthxii xli xiiixx islx theix ortlxun xi xxffr liiit xxxstudentxto ed tihe icii hld x xedy ftrniii Qi oirgaizexisx lxx l teams.iT A. xxxi- lxe. whoi s r ltn ic r lxxtis soni teamsii init ii ld andx i1 n- toi d bate. Alihxaeixixrsed il h call ion tr imx oo \illadi trat tlI rl fso AlbrtA.i illev dreto ofteUivesity ;Scool x fx xxcxxx left ."i Aror-Tueda af Irnoniorixx lxii tXxxix erex i e m Iilxxx l ixencawekiex r }tlxiii lxxixhe xxiii lxi i '1 xor i xx lxx lxiii Prof.Staney ha hce con inuallytinde ai strin iic atC~rsn i ei ixkl x l oo vaaioin rertib con itiont cryxnth -okthth has ilan edi or arr schooi axxxx li ndxx thei ChorallxiUn iio xfx l xx 11,i mxill re-ii tur xab utlhe irstxxxoflii i xxi xx lxxii lx lxIxx ilriixcriiu lx Iiixx lxxxi xxxix Thili if olxx xixxixxli ix nduivexix tox. ItIe J llxixil(". C - liin hasat te iprsen ximei x p swh rebinglitreatedx for the deadly iii easix xx I ii ii x iii 4 30 rxxi ti xiiiixx Mem er ofi thigeiial ibraryxxistaff pixix x iixixxi iie:p r ,t nyt ixi)ii all iarive iabutixx0 an re aind tll ixthei sixi had lxxxii 'Tiialesx fi excIitig What is the Use of Paying Four Dollars A week for board when you can get good home cooking at WALKER'S for $3.00 by paying four weeks in advance. 336 S. Division Street Phone 212- U. of M. and HURON RIVER BOAT LIVERY (,';'oes iBottsRetexid P. G. TESSMER, Proprietor Yxiii will xzawayxxixdxn xi 5 ianxie of SUMMER SCHOOL SUPPLIES The East University Pharmacy 1219 i.O'UtivsxityexA. Ouna'Pa-i... ane.Right JOHN H. LAMBERT [ The Yot of the Stoe epir ig i iniieites,.eald yorwo i atxxrryxipxtyte Laces, Polishes, Etc. The University Shoe Shop 161Exst wtttinxxstee, You-all who come from the South Ds you know just how delicious rich cream can taste with genuine maple syrup poured over it and a dash of fresh hulled nuts? You can find out at Basso-Rovegno's 2108 . Main St. tiovegno asks you 5 cents for his sundlaes-any pace else you would pay 10 and 15 cents and not get as much. Give him the chance to sboxv you. If you don't you arc the loser. .--.-r..-,-. for th tlexcherxs'xx ixixiixixiox thi lixe CLASSIFIED AD)VERTISING lixixlxxx elixiv ixxxi mlxxicoursesilxxcon-xx All mixtelccitithisa coliixiiiixustlbe paid cxrningithmselvsxcixixc ix li x wxix 13efoxi adxxxxic. Office 1hour1s:x 1:30 Ia ihexclaixcsix (bi) xxxodexxxxforeinlung- xxlgei xxiii liearxi.c.x) Ixiglishlitera-x XANE turxe anxxiii ricxi x(di) ihistoryiandcciv- Tutorinin xRhteturic and Eniglish. ics, anxii (e) xmathcemxaticsx." Gee hour Prices reasonable. Address, Lawnx, crxxitiisixallowxed fox all observational Press Building. Phonxe 060. 4-6. A~ dciailedilaccoxixil uf the "'appoll iixiiinti~ atxdx-Blig seller lox stxuxentxs. wencomximiittcex"andxiits wikxoxllows.xix $6ito $ijxxaclay. lxxxn x evewhere after whlichx lre givenx the graduatai ndxxi wildxicexxit. TwoxxxsirxpsxinII ioe underixgraduaixte coxirsiei.Dullest Ixioxi mxadc iliarli. Pininxg guxaraxntecgivcexniwit cxxxy xtropi. >>Ciiiiiixii 5AKE iAS CLxxixcixi. . New Wsonxderfui. Slysteriousi. Noth- CII xxtiiexis xciig apeiexcci at ixig like it. Just ot. Write today lox tlix biological staxtioniti Topitiabeic e ilcircul xxiiidliropositixonifoxterritoryx. liexxxxxxxc xx xiixxxlouas 8 i Scud $i for sxampte strop. Moxiey xc- themomte fel is owas 8cegrees funxxdIixot satisfactory oixcreturn xx Mondayll and xince thenixit haxs not cx- xistiop. Samplextriiopx given lxrxexwilb ceededi xC grees. x first oxrdex if onexdozenx. The Cxxi The xsuddie droip xinxtemperature iiis t- HfoxixStrop Co.x Toledo, Ohio. 16-17. 71-.... FATI MA CIGARETTES It' fWith euch packiageaof Futimsa you get a pou- lue actress' photograph -lso apennntcou- poe, 25 of which secure a hsundsome felt college pensant (I2e32)-o- leclion of 100. CHMISTRY Two atoms of lHydro- gen, combined with one of Oxygen, make water-just that proportion-no other. So in Fatima Cigarettes, the same exactness in blend- ing fine tobaccos has been made a definite sctence, tn order that their good quali- ties may never, never vary. A strong affinity exists between Fatimas and Col- lege men. No fancy box but an extra 1 0 cigarettes, making 20 for 15 cents. thaI regionxxiduriig itieearly paixi of the Nxxxix. Thex high xwindilore sexeral tentsx, andii caxitxlix caxxiiiboat ashore lbreak- lxiiiin- uprpelerx-bladeis landihplcing ii lxxxiiilxiiiout oL commxxisionx. PRExSBYTEiRIANS. Rexgularxxxxiices xxilxbe hetili t ithe Presbyeianccxiichurch SunidxiyxxAuxgust 5 lcvx f. JxA. Dxxxkxi of Saiixlwx,xviii [)reach. NxxxxCL:-ixxxlbiaseball canidxatesmeet daily onx Sooth ferryLaeld at 4 oxclock. Like a drink of lxxiii, cool butternmilk, thick fronm the churn? Ask fox it, at nioon. Wurster Bros., Cor. Det. and Catherine Sts. Bell 423;lHonte 140. 6-16.i Ftor all Mixusical Instruments, supplies, popular and classic music, see Schaeberle axid Sonx Music House, ttu S. Main St. IIxo. College innx is still open through sunm- mer school. Sanxdwxichxes of all kinds. I-lo. : ;s i I lihe MICHIGAN, ALUMNUS Subscribe now and beccomie a memxber thereby of The University of Michigan Alumnti Association S1100l/Ilei's QI Thte Alutmtnus is the largest college mottly itt the coutntry. Q It containts the latest stews about the University, and editorial comment ott imoportanxt events. Q It contais persital iteuts conxcernitng ruesibers of your class every muonth. Q A volumte of the Alutttus contains thex history of the Utniversitty for the year. Q It putblisltes a series of-wvell choseu pictutres every mtth.b $1.50 year. $ 3.00 for 3 yee .rs (SPecieJ for 1911) THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. xiii*..xiix.xx~xx . ~ixiii . .x xI