5 7 .a 7 THE WOLVER INE Vol IL. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATU'RDAYT, AUGUST ;,igii. NoI.6. (icIIP CN h k's~h PCILilSTS ISS E B LEITINT F l ISIY NVP~.IN NIMllitftTAB TEACHING COURSES Libtorian, Keic has acpe h ni -actionto xdieliveri'the opeig a- dles in the "Miod(rnm tirare i oxe- First Separate Pamphlet of ,extat the joit meetig to ibe held atCedr P ot, Ohi, Spt. 2-. Classes in Education is [rofeso eles' sell gve a address Printed o th "Pleasures of iReaiig at the sae eetig. GIVES HISTORY OF DIEPARTMENT FRENCH STUDENT A WORKER The fist seprate ,iaxxxneese t f te C. S. Vibbert Says Paris Collegian courses it euctatio fferedl t tiexuni- isVery individual versity has jst appteared. ieginixthtg There are more siu ets aithis alt wihIt afairr exhautire history of the iamile f the aiersiti of Paris tlaoni ayother eul aslce i the wxesier develoipmein tf theideiarienx t the att-worix,'said hir. C. It Vibet Thitrs ionement goes asis tell f the "ciidy aftersoni his lecture ous "Shu credited schools'' systemx.teachers i- det Lie i taris'' 'anixitescostitie poat ix t auti certiicates, lxetfacities f xismreicosmsopolitas rossptsan any iistrtuctioi, partiulary 5sinc the ireeixt othercollege bsitioil eartilt affiiationsifthi ie eartmeti h he "ie it te xtulitie oi the FrIc Axai Arbor-i' higit school, aliii tie .a-clege mi, that is' imoxst noticebis to loixxtext cmmittee''setsteim. Te aiSan imeria osereris iis xtexse in- tiiotceeett eocuitees withla-x iescip- 5 elis ttalsxx. Te re is xo commutixixxi tion ofxxttie'thirtysfivecouxtrses inx exuca life sxchx extis fouxixxxn xte F'ngxlisui-ix tingivent eee. vIsities; nior detth ue ier theidrinkicing litt speakecixt tof ie istortyx xf te dIcclbls so nxixme rxxsin xte Gemncol-ci Ipirtmtent, the eixxxxxxtxement sis: The Icoes, oete raterxities swhiciabouxndtxx deiartmnett otf reduitioniofuthtie un i- tias cunx ty. Thie explanaietin, gieix versity f iihiigani xxas c eted e iithe fr this, is tat the ixtllectuai eeloex-t bixarti it regents i Jutne18, a'ituine cit osithliar Irenciilis croixdteitx chair of the sciextee anxd atnof tIcinixg suchxaix extext that leis little timae for Dr. J. M. Gregry, sate sperate ixtext associtienxixtahixhis feltass. f piin tstructiosi, asotxxthte ear i6o Te Frencxiv txersities xiiinotdits gave ai briet course f peagtical loo-teeto gie the geersl eutctiotnxthat Alier- titers, two a weeke lo the seioir easxicantendritish literary coleges fr- sixtiseera mxore or less, sprrait xxspa, Peixix lthe tixie a sudentencter' tempits to givxe smndae insrutionxxx aere the seeondiary shoeolsthte seciaies;Ihis made in sexerali itier colleges, lit the wmix ' Ic sloto lisecure a prfessiosnali estaiblishmxxen ttfthis chair tat the fist euttatinxithliithe reultitthat musltitues ini aixy Amiericaxn colege tes'otedix- of stixentstre lture te ixiianuialy, alii euivieyto i the training of teachers. tech ue geeral iftormaxstiunxaxiiicii- "Thxe credit fortis innovactionx is tixe tre a-wh ich sxspsed t iiiifiy exollege tox the foresight axnxi wisdomxa of Presi- sixdents inx oter couniitrie. 'T'he reasonx deint Jaimes i. Atgel, who cleart'rer- fr such appascrent neget is tht this oigizieti the retpontsiity of the tittier- ihsxe of It irldi'sietucatioti is left to sity as iheadi f tie puxltiscol sytema the parets. to iprovitde soier with tacihers. He "The Frenc tiudixenti is a workr;eel csaled the attextion afthue oardi of re- taes hit cores ii a mtore iprofesiona gents to liareimatter inis hit aiiia reposrt siirit thni is maifiestedi lit the colege for 1874, catnxifour tyart later le againtmiOfitthis ontrt. 'The eix iiatins ixroghxt the tsubjet tforiard and urged wixiehle is cled upioi to pass ire' iore its adioition. tdifittiananysitshixg ecueesxxrexinithue- "Thit aixiecl, suppitorted1lit' c roil- axerage Amierican'iolexuge. moenititon of uhe facueltt,hidthi e lirde- "-Drinxking saxxontgthe sttrxs oithia sireti effect resuxtinginxxthe establishixg Parisinuiviiersities eees1otftexi lecad sit thechsir sitsitboxe satex. Tie i- tlxruenniexess. slthoughxai drinkihigxeis jests of this schair, citcixtxnxuinted iniiiai geiercl. Tet havealais hd ine aletx offcia ircuxtar sentoi n i August fis- ]aineliiteir hxmxes adx it tioes litsi- owigsre the samie asitpiublised i, fxrdlth emptatxincii toxthexmliriict etxi esich nlxxiicaextxoge s5n1e.salo cist txffix' txisxdets iithe "The creaitionx oxf this chir xxwas onie UniitiiSicate. The Prisin sudret is tinxg, cxxiiiis'minitenace'axxixthe rTsisnot howxeer. esentialribete' tani liii departxre cruisedi ailxaxxiof hoxstie xxvercge clleg' maniithe woldrutvxer. criticismxicxxii tpositionipaicularlyt iiiTe cfe is toilcIentxer ofclxiege fronxt tielelxhegeistf tie sailsen xiie life, hinig thefrtrn'ity rdcxihiegcan eastx, axixfottix heii'noxrmalxcshooixls The CUniinrlinto xoiinxe. ii en' th lieu tea' professxorsh ii1,5hii ip a ile ytie aP- cxngregtetoie iil'etrtcained iii tieex'- ioixxtxxext o ilh\iaIs tx . Pisyne Prof ellentimiusi iw-hihithese plee frs xx- Psirie fexedi uiyitwIoxcorexsetthe first isix, xidi perhacpis, iieiiexxtcito Ie ive ytar, one irecticl. embxhracingischotlxoa eli alht'ehriers wxx xconexgrgte Superisui, graxiniig, cuesixi oft isitu, tere. e., taxi letres eachx iseri noe i xr "it i, lhoiweer, in is attitiudee towacr hitoil i, philoshxxxialand cxiriticcl, tires public qusrtixns andii his etotoexxlxubti- hourxs iepere.' Tih exiorktesatgraex- ievriexts tat tae suden'xt extFrane aiily expancdiex t xilisexext distinctoer- standxs i grecter cntrs totar stdet _ xs, embxircing at houxrs' istructixon. it this econitr. 'Thexenuraionexxoci a were toffereed. hisxricl thor at vscriaxice isitte "lxx Februacir, 1888,iPrxf. fiane e- ipesulatcr xpiniotiiofxtacxintiaith teroine. igned. lie ws succ iteeedebyhiti. A. stichi as Joanix of Are, hs heex siffeiixi in xsdalr ewhosservex ut iili hiltdetch in to hxderiee axrisfessor frxomxthe eultersits xgoo. Pros. aynewsat hintreled to iaadtoexcause 'the gxxernxxxetlseraxs his oldi chair, wsichei lie held utilis tdiffirult." Ircath ia 1907. lxn the satae ear the ______________ titlte Scientce ,Art of Tiacheig' exis- ei, axdxinsice txcii date the nirartietseii 5 ill Siu lx70 c' t xtan. lxais beeni designactedi ' Ediuctixon.' The'-A llrleie x'xxrx tis ixidinrtlxxxithe IHar- irarinixg saff xnxow.xnumbers lients, i-ivareCo'liege ihiarcr(IGore Bile) swil ibe eluixn~xg ani isetor oft'igh schoxxs. cxsil froxixaAug. T4toisSei. 4, icleies axndtIthe ecoursrtseoffe rexd exceredi ho idrixg sx'iiehxpeuxuisd ew ctaloxgue ixoutrs.''csae siw ibe xisitedtcxiiithectliegxe Folliowiig the histoiry is cx recxsxxxxxexx- xilineessail'e.ienaces'csie. ationitfon than'estblishtmeni t f a tate Schoxlars idesirixig iio swxrkin xCama- schoolx it reducaxtionx, whiere tunisertity' bridlge xilise gisveni, oixnaplication, suxch stuxdxents taughtit hxe anii xppoxrtnity tel imiitedi xsxe ot the ibooktscollectionxs as (Continued on rage 3.) is praxcticabl~e. WATER TEST IS A LONG PROCESS Hygienic Laboratory Analysis Includes Series of Examinations MANY CITIES SEND SAMPLES HERE 'iatjustwht 11 x xiais thexwater call) aonly hesertainuedxibhy axhxong andi xcom- plicateduprxcess, xxxisdemonxstrtedto axx reporten tr 'tie \Vaix~tERIsc tdayciAll the Nar rxxudu, ad sui pceciall lxn sm- meuirthuremcxii six frie e g - cl- erao. arx e u xcecii husxtxiiithsmplexhxs xt isaex senltiomaxi lls oflxth u t'ehxx lie tested. Flax tests xxchuxi sanx xxxiisisxxi hic microscoiac u l andx ba-terioxloxxical1exm- ina~tionxs , adinuouxcula t in xpeimiienti s ssix siusqhuentxie'xmination.xx Thephus icili proeresi 5xhixh arexexminedusu are colxrx odorireich xiiii ion ad hardness. A sandii tithe s flhun i wtxx e, andi the itepthtolxhxxluh ,a suspendedx luium xi uire cciii le sexnxtherein,xxixasures the degree at the cxxiox tie shaeis inxxiiext xxnix' approxxiately. Ti est the rectcin it thueexater, limuls lpers cue usd; it the swater is acid, thur upaper nretis its xriginluxipuk;it akinciie, tusperiex- coes ucehx. 'The cuxxuuxux t fsxahxeces- a cito it55 .i p i-a'iuii lather s liar test for the llanuhuxss. Stuxhx thu ruxesecer in abtsrnccxxftodlxxxis dterhemuinieter evaposxrxtion t ciir10 degrees centgradxe. Iii te ciemuica le ysx ixsi the residue from a cxknowns x epx xx lix xxf the isaten is wxefixghedcuanimeaureinici par suts pexr xi- lxi.This residuexcis bureditius rimu- ixinaig thur organuic imatlter, xxnithe.inoxr - ganxic aaternis thunxanalysell Teamui- uuxlof cine u ichee rmieulbyiptue- ting a staxucndr usiutixix of sitsvenitrate icothe uswcter; this xxix xxii xx orgnic maictter, hut'thur ln~atits of otassiumut ter- xxtxxxgte swhichx it xilecoixuie.Nit- raeiscreude termained b hatoler cloxr- Sion mxxte thodsui. .Thxe acterioloxgiscl examcxinxaion xis e- gilt)xbxcpustting ca luesurex amunusitt li swater n n xieitagr platei, usually xxilt h cuhic centimetrerI('xbout i ftuee-nxtreps. Thuspheir is of gaxss, cxdis cusseextxwit agar, ax gatixe-ie substanxce wxhichx hardenxs inxcooluing cuter mixc ibeig heated. Thur ateri in xed irth liithis, and illii it the gens reprosdiuce. 'T'he coloieis of gens cre cunitedl afiere a 24-110111- wxit ciindxetagean cter 4 hxurs; hiy this mxeanus thu riogia xuxxuur it genmit)ithe t3 dropis otxwacter is detcer- minxued. Tos isoer ecthan presence it clngermis thu rthigasih mei, axhlue prepacrationxuoatlitmusti, lactos, andet agr is usexxxithe plate;sswithu this thur coosn genus lxoxixcxxxaci, tuning thur xmei rred. Typhiduxnigrmxxs doxnot pouxcxce thur saexfcct, utinxxornern lxx distingugishx itresicic huts-cruxihue tic sosrs iis niecessary iti follow III)xxixtainioecuatinx experimentuxs axniiexaminaiuctin. -h\imr scupic examiniiations rexexit unxit-casset tox wxhichi certaixi gens heonug. A guinxe pig is usualt ioucuatiedlca cublic cenxtimuete r of a cuturxsne e auoped ini usexileliefiteduinuig 24 ihous ii an incubxhar, is ixjeted iithx a is odenaic syrnuge. if there arc'an}x hxicgeiic germsit hey imacskilt thur a ial, but ice charactcristic smpx~tomus apuer. Txi- coeuric germxs arc thouse tot suds a caer- acter s t lealithur loiser cnim asunotxi maind;isiucpatxchoigniic uermsinciude this cass weli as those iswhichx cre ftal to u It is nexcessairt. further, is examsinue the grmsilfoxundxinxxthu eitd. Ill a numbuser ot tests, coloeraitioni, grouth in xxses-eral t icdicc sniixix ectxins, etc., the next tinture afthue genms is finallty detcerm- fiord. hVEDE ihE 1'c'G NT IuS ,']I N-{C.'1. IN CONGRESSIGNAI SET-TOhi FIND LAY SPEAKS ON CongrssmanWiili ic «. xixemyciSCH1IOOL AND STATE 9.-gd ,Priiae etra o h 11Vfrst timxe slice tiltelecion tohuthue fedteral____ legislturer, lxc i s eate xliithe dxxxix xx thur hoxuse, accordiug ha the ihetroit Noted English Educator Calls 'lexe's. Thxe debte ain si- e t ein s xxesix geutioxxnt lxithe uparmets xfat vo uuchere For M~ore PublicSpirit drawnu lxv hue late Secretart Joh ayxI i Ad Prd A d C V fo a po t at o J u g D a.MA N Y V IS IT O B S E R V A T O R Y L A U D S D E M O N STR A T IO N SCH O O LS Large Crowd Lookat Moon Thrugh Old Telescope Thseurere cxii tlookig ct te uxmoxue 'Thxusaytnigt. Ni, it wacs't cclt for sentimealch rasonxs: int seewanted hex seixhow ss hxookedttroughi axtees- coexxs VCisitors' nigtxx the-uuiscrextxun iraux i xii. ~inuxoni stuckiniviualcxs. Pverxhx xxix Iooh, cx 'goodst louok atx xxunathrughxxiiticaictileixuhsrf rctingu Ielescope an semedi-itpsetyxcl hinu- tie liiiTh eerac r ses'asedi qiuestioxis andi tfoxixd xxxit xxherenu'te s-neter uof U-Copernxxcuxs xxnii ue' mouxxinxiianugs. the Alps, tic' C eiuxxxx s. candithur Cuc- asus axe.The cates it thur oldxtosanesu werxinlyiisi ls is extll -has thurplsinxxs andxiisea. Profestoin R. It- itaker wa s the tarxget it alli theuexsstionus. 'Up ithliclone alli'xxx assistantI uas maip~ula iting thesi mons truscitnxci, xe- flecting teescope before a wondeing crow. Hehisandxxlethe lg felowt s tough ithirer e camire Ituy, and movedxci it at aill bxx electric cxxxirox.Ilie x'- plinedii'xtha t itt edi mostly fun phout- graphiiand secroscopiuc swrk,. etne uurneedxxiithureurrentl hisshowirthe vshue cue"klin ue sectreoscophe. This istu- menit it usen t xxix oras- exn'xigts romu lxxx xxiiithreero'cock. Thin sigh-eers wer din biht xdisapposuinted'no ut to he abetoii tpee throughx this cxl Mar, an sustai oter eually iterrsting plantcx, lxii xhxd to consoe temxtslvess iii ue ikno- eign that it is sldomt used for persona obtsrxatoin. The cock tah dries thur telescope s it with olsoe the oetuln its csurse, runuss iracticaxlly witut oiseis. its huesig govenotrs iwhiliing reglarlny ini thu roomfiui beeahistue xdome. thewnxeinl thin front hal wsa the chonu- ogreah,registering cers'econd;sneuuuiexti thur nxt romi i-extthin umeidanxcircle. by wi-hntobsrvtixonsarutakei xtuon tu oget than exact ian wheseux liruunxs tnt os ssthur umeridilan, to ahinhthue istuentxr is paralleln. Theur iioutlokduilxxccxli for tsc seismtographs, atd tere tsh that they see safely unduer ock andi eyt'ortonueevenig. Alt the tickets on Moday evenuing havexbeenagiaentoux, go is al, manyxi heog disappointed. NE1i' COMETS VSIBILE HERE THROUGH OPERA GLASSES. Two comeis, ioh, i scsveredt last' mxoth,earneisceruible in AnnitAbor hy rthe caidi ostordnhar-mue raxor deed gasss. ('tie of themx, Nief's coeut, is located nearuntie star fIotax inthin costeltioinx it Cuniga cmxxxican he peeciedi bstw-en z mmd 2 :0.inxxx.Thanoshar, Brokes' coxmxetix which waes discovered tooeeks huotb Prof. Brokes, of Gnemva, N. Y. is et resentulohcate 0ondgrees norhi it at, cmxxxisaperceisvable at thur sme morunmig hour. Iinef's cmetmris than brightere mittie lxiwx, amd il eaproacxeixlirat utduring thi nemmxltwo weeks, cter wh iich it sill rcede. hBroes' cxct sll1 be xt its instl aboumutthe'middedofmatSeptembsher whencusit sillt hundiscernihlisbteh ie nakedh Our hundrd eusople eft thutsxmornming mauithin hlician Cnral excursionx t Put-i-Hay, Lake Eri. Beides thur geology cass tcereereoiler stuxdnt anxd membxuers of thinaculht amioxg thur numboer. 'Fe lu s e aic tmioshipit exi s.1tig tic lxx un than slimeyxaxdipublhic educax'tionale instintutiionus paricularxxixthi seccndart schol waii s thsli isusomittie eaddress lxy Frui. J. Jh milyofteUn tiivritycoit .hicshmstx'u IEnglxandmlalst sivenig uponx ''Sc'hooul and So'xxx x i "lxxn.Amercica, saxid li sumeuer, 'this proble is' a difficutoe 'iiu I- grnxit comisctolxxyxxiiisixus Wi thu axhIeri- tageo rcialxxpoetmcxxxanxiisentimuet w-hichm youi mutiii ncssr piminary cx', gel miiiri s- bforn he caxix emagxmted. Whact crs'ytuu ~itixg inits place'S "flue schomuxluus sleisul tuihuemx. Thueuteachinguxof lcal hisltory'sill sep- ply toix xeige' exxxi this matexriali xupon ithlichx huohbuildi patritismx. he oderi peopler scarcelym- realie that tie dxlli e-cits muchmlithin seu rlationuxtoitie adult es nies tie semiegtoxxciiizedt mn. in mmcxxxisastroxig authritoex is-rmx. Stor- ies mit tioneue r disc, nioimaterumwhter mm notx tetle' tal omatouiaus axise- turxpeae iad eaech im.h"u r. tFinlaii ntaxeixalnthat xthe cheft prbmxh befor he te teaiecherssotfxnglandx andxi Ameica ixunay istiii nucteinxx than touuthx ofttie nationm autn andgen erxus publmi tpiri. "I believer ot ever," tar scd, "tat in siateomatalt the excettetmit jimguis ndsprade agl cx "e tutu this publisclspirit wilthe deeopd. I wtould that cxii Amianni ctis an townss mtigti tolow thin exampe of Sprinxgfield, Mass., iu the teaching of local h iistors." Thanemutona loeimernst i tieietsh- tg of civics was dwet upio. Thin e- tuner relatedi a schemue of his which tie introducd at Cardiff, Engaxd, where he waex heandmxaser of tie Interxeniain Schmool foe :Boas front xh8ihto. PBy aix arranxmntuwsith the orough officisti tsr institxutda "Ciic Dxi," ottwhicihi the school childenwsee adressen y thin mayxor uponsthe mual histort cxxxi metrhodunomitgovrenxtut. "I hknows mafxxx hetter sat" udeare Prof. Fixday, "tuauntese jointmt inlgs of ciimxffi- crntantchiluren byh lich to rite cii standards" Than seaaer heaxriyncuimmietne thin schemeof itrecrut Americani deeop- metxu, ot making thin school a "social centeur."' The "Boy Soxt" moivemesnt wasxtalxso prased. "This mxoeeintu," said Pes. Finday, "headed y Ertest Thompiuson-Seton, is axotiteem'ueri- toriousptahnt. T ingxulig of author- ht- amd obedience is good on thi n xg' sot, cxxxiitie enucationalxtauhorsiiis shxoulcd subistaxntiallyt suxpposst i." Prof. Fndulat spoehinx the aftennxu befor srvera uproessors anxd aevanced studntms uponx "Demioxsraiona Scoolt: Their Purpoase, iMe xtho, andetResult." AfCtr showitg'the ned on thin demuo- straxtionmxschool, whichtaneitougrowt'ht of tie "mxodechotimol" uot Laxcaser, cxxxi ext DhavihutStow the speahespoken of thin labouraoryt xhod pursuedxby hi'iichxthin embhryoxxtearter oseves hit puptis oils as axgnoups andxas inudividhuls. Ispsesak- at o thc results, Prof. Fidlayxsasid: "First, let es considern the effect aix thin tacuxty. Wonkklin such a school, wthil adng 'xxiichx tox un lahor cxxxi repntasiiliities, tpromoes immeuunxseit or effice. I prov is a tsafeguar againsi reckless adentuuur lin thonr, amd kerps misc thinker ; lo eh cntactuie ilt than product of lixstpcializationt. "Secondlyit, the tstudents truth their in- (Continued on Page .)