THE W O LV ER IN I ALLENE L" AnnssArbor's .1,a gss and FinesltI.totel : , Me. M5. NOWLINA, Propr. W. C. NOWLIN, Mngr. Tea Room on the Second Floor Make ouzr Store Yrour Shoppin~g Hieadquzarters 3 MACK Bea Co.l LAW Brief Cases Outlines of Books, etc. NEW, Cheaper than Second Hand Edwards Brothers 32o S. State, Over Sheehan's WE Beleve Ill Signlsj I AND nIAKE ALL KINDS I Let us mfake you a Sketch and give you a price on anything in the Sign line Weissigner Sign Co. Phone 910-L yr,1 IN O S W i31 2Iill 011ou55spend your osssu eevaoctian? Why sot ejoy tin T carms ofaouratInlneas,itheemstolpleaos nd conomcasilouing in Amleeica. WHERE YOU CAN GO All thteimspaetantipartson tie tGreaiLaescrseetciieegulasrly b heic reellesevitetce oftheie &CI tc incs. 13eitenslaorge ;seamsers of li fleet use ofmodlernstseel scstcton and have all te pualities at titedl, safety asndcomufort. Diliy servicea pertediibetwee etrloitsarid leveel,Dtoi ando F Bufsfalo; fluneticps neeklyibeiweee Toledo, lietraoi, sckissac Island nd a yctes poets;ihree tipts weekly betwteen Tledo, Clevelan, andlPut-in-Basy. A Clevelndato Macknaatspeial steamse wiliheaopesrtatit o ts weekly romsnsJune stilsiso epctee sotllsouppinaonly at Dtrocit evey trip Sp (oercil Dayterip ter Dtritgn. lvlnDrigJl o lat Spca a rp ewe eri n lvlnDrn uyadAut RAILROAD TICKETS iAALABLE-Ticets readisg via any rail lire between Detroit and Buffalo and Deroit and Cleveland will be hanored tar transporiatio on D. & C. line Steamers is ether f direcisn. Setlacent stamtpfor IllutratedlPamsphlticansdtGreat Lashc-tilap. Addeess: L. C. Leswis, G. P. A., Detroit, Micas. Philip H. Me. Millan, Preon. A. A. Schsants ee, o Mgr. 5- 9 0 Y , A I-KWOH-HXVEI ORGANIZES HERE. (Conotinouedl from Page t) reacing ithem. A Chiese translationo of onie of thema wih some istrodcory re- markso by tte secretary will sousa go to press. N. Hial, 'SO, i chairman Of the Pro- visi ol comomitee Y. Ce, 'o, is EChinese secreary, andc A. Z. Sycip, is2, oinoser or tloe oratoricat cotstleeas year,is tle REglishi secrearo. LOVELY WOMAN STOOPS TO FOLLY-BUT REGRETS IT. Not cntesnt with prying in1o he fa- orite lautsos of moa,oils spyigon111 the opposie sex wheso at play, "lovey womsain" will do sore; sle swill est te oivisne pleasres of iia's faoritelhait -she uwill aop the gente art of cigar- ete ssookng. Such is tle talc told oil a y oilil lady wshio atesds school tere Ihis sosssoor. Wh ile passisg aoay the boudsioir hotrsoill cosopay wills anoher of or kind, she is wnst to fsolofrons the recesses of ee profise elongings, a ox of thai fasosisbrassd of 25cent cgaretes-I,a Silo-the ises wiith te golcltips0. Affectinog le air oil a coo- noisseurlCsle wililt ose assilehlale the tsmlloke oitli the air of ise wsoIs snoos , odisdinofully a1 the visiig se. Thotcller cda, Ihis dugher of Sir Waler Raleigho undlerook lto ply thc sporto-lwcith oeof ter ldycoil mpanoooios wo hadiljusiiroppedollii. Liglotisgte "ill' she sos quikoie lirealzee tha somoieioigysowoosoong . Isesigatiolnore vealedilhatsehloadillilotedlthoe sorong ceil-le ilteiiu. lPusckerig aniiisit ill;,1 wee 1 n ot siiiiili relief. Sle10a11 to Ionrls hsh iii lissI slobe he l scorssoof lhier iicif ciin' cruel iauits oi "luloffer." Sle wis ofuoose ii ecuse-, lo 110011 hatslehaetpelyci isl pet- er- smsokeihat oind-wIithli tie gol ipsl urionly reue aye oois o iiiesc ilocycliiit1usurp9otir prircooelusilo M.Vr. Sarciswgiismau-ll Ida lu paerie s eccci Thlir-csd eeinghill owi- lug lie gelnccous oldiers. CLITON INN. SU IMMER ST UDEN TS. The Univelitl Muosic Ilose clris a 'comipleesiock of Ie MicigaiCoEllege Meusic. XXe iivite 21ou to ctI sonl le- coIe famoioia r wilihi. 8-15. CHIROPODY. Crus,hooions , ingroig onils, trecit- l acidd ced. Evey-thingabholoitely lacoiisptil. O01cc hours:I 9-I a. 11., -5 p. t. Mioo . J. tFoley, 920 . Iurosi S., cnd ci Northo 1211. Poone 989-J. 10-25, ANNEAL TRAVEL MAGZINE. 05T4 sluR TAUo" Lers rnesof noy. & C. LINT, 01200 TO0YO00 lOSJ. The Icest cotributiono to the lier- lure of traovel is the 25-page hek is- sued Iy le . & . lisoe. It conianos three interesinig sories and is eutsi- fully illutcrated it011hoe thalftoones of sceesecalosgthe . & .Cat Liie Is Mackinac. Sent anwhere upon receip of en centslo 1 prepay postage. Address:c . & C. NVIGtTIONxo. 16 Wacyne St. Deroi. Adv. THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK 101-103-105 S. Main St.. Ass.Arbo, Mash. WE SOLDCIT YOUR BUSINESS ANN- ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital - - $s00,o00.t0 Surplus snd Profits - $100.000.00 Rlesourees - - v5.800.000.00 A genseeral hankiang husiness transucted o N. WV. Curnee Main and Hueon fits. Bell Phone 165 Or Wafer softentiog plant col no $2, 000. Il coos you nohing exran to have all the advantage of latundry work done in water soft as rain water instead of destrnctive acids and bleaches. The finest lingerie waists and desses wiDl cone back to yon like new. Collars and Cuffs like snow. Try your duds in our sds and he convinced. Mark yon package "Whie SwooP'" and call onr wagon. No extra charge for call or delivery. White Swan Laundry COOLEST SPOT IN TOWN STARINGiTONIGT-MAIN[EE SAURDAY The Roaring comedy Duo Not a Dull Moment ..1e4.111LY lS C6!PI Slljf egiPooc Pays Phenomenal Dancer HAPPY JACK A4ICAN COMINGi MONDAY The Great Axtto Races ROY LEE ELLS and Tnhe LAN I N ® 5 The Physically Perect 5 Man and Woman The Ann Arbor Swimmng Pool Will e Open Every Day Except Sunday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. It is refreshing to ake a bath in nice cool spring water. ANN ARBOR SWIMMING PARK Walkers serve hoiled waler. Get nsext. TUTTLES. Dosed is osnly $3.oo, payahle in sadsvanice. It is a gensuineo delight ta gel a liglil 336 5. Div. Phone 212-J. lunoch, or heavy eithler, at Tuttle's, 338 S. State street. Wurster Bros. sell fresh collage cheese, the old fashionoed kind. Cor. Hambhurgers arc the original. Also Detroit asnd Cathoerinse Sts. Dell 423; serve steakes and other sandwiches. Give Home 040. 6-r6. 115 a trial. College Ion. s-so. 17 White Swan 'LaundryI JUNCTION OF DETROIT and CATHIERDNE Sts. and FOURTH Ave. Home Phone 152 White The Ann Arbor Dye Works Frseih lDry 11111Sts 151 CL.EANINGs HghestoClasssoflWork. 04Ill Ws 1 1,lliglolsSit Bsell lPhosne 62l U. X. WAUL. Rowe's Launr 406 Detroit St. Woek Nsatly ansd Prompltly Donse THOMAS ROWE, Prop. B~ell Phone 457 SPRUNKS ' ENGRAVERS 2d The fGar oyle s ARBOR ALL COLLE~GE WORK Mail usTri&1 Ordler JOURNAL BUILDING DETROIT, MICH. THEi WEL[=KNOWN CHUBB HOUSE One lock from Campus 289 Sooth Steato Stroet Rates, $4.00 Per Week We have a hobby, the making of Fancy Creamis and Ices Special Occasions Its tliedsinsg lice fisle thinsgs, the sice tins ofadcteer's artlihatowesn joy. Asnd.ibecauosewe~ are not rused withl th~esmalting of thsousands of gcat- lass elaiy. eweon ast list esiisle toouches into oss delicasees whlichl noke SIu g05 uests ad slwerelidsIyou fed Trubey's Place 116 South (lan Street Bell Phone 166 I Fu le ' 'C nn rSteam a rid French "" Dry Cleaners 619 E. William St. Suits pressed 25c Trousers 10o 713 S. FIFTH AVE. Phone 996 2 Rings I