THE WO LVE R IN E Contains Ten .Dimes Here's a WeekaEn Sale of Men's Frnsings at Mack's-Friday and S~aturday that means the saving of manly dimes. It's our annual mid-season event that brings drastic rednc- lions on every article of Furnishings in our completeup-to- date stuck. ONLY IT'S. DIFFERENT WHEN PRACTICE COURT ROOMf TO I ONE'S BEHIIND THlE SCENES. CE MADE INTO 1AIBRARY. .A hatd glass and a greasy towel re- posedl 00 the istruc tar's desk; the ceci- tation henches wreefall. Open-maouth- ed sacks. andcivalisses, sari-coilored cdoubl- ieis aid hose, had usurtped Ihe places of stoudeaic, in rc ens02, Tappan Hall, last risigh. ai lf ozecnofDcii Erect 's trup wei~ sres 'unaking" "He le is lthisayousir l, Lytion' " samie oar called frees a far career (if tse roonm, "NioIt' Well,liere it goes ini the coman bowisi isi an" wit lammsieid idowsnj the , cedarsecoviecclabselled "Romsesaisd Juiliet," i a sitsvcr threads aiiioingIhe gold 'sisiesvcry oilier color. Dn isc ih uskly cc'sose tineslaid beeii 'isinisedsersysaswcisils1 awasy tse timise sy sketcinsg si Falsitaff Isis own i in a liiitle blsakboasrdI ssid srroitndsecd isy thse iiseasge of Charles V. Desisde hsims a WcreerilJohnnyivBEsilihosesdthe grease siff his cosusntenansce cxiii sicrrsy omiibi towcc-l. Ashelienished swiths it, aiss ih thie grease isot, asid ihe crush, snd tsehe irortheeycdescendseelinita tseaipein The osditrtiesciee rsrcssmiin iheI lawsusilsinsg wii sinegoia rcshssge ths sisismeerschich islviinot isakie it recsig- nizable next year. Itcciiiliebessisverted ito a stk sosimto astcomo datssise use iris booiks ccwiich hocve bseenpurschiasedi fsor the lihrary.- The curass mes illcci thsens le iniRoomsi I. All (if use lix- hires of use court rssasi haie sslreadiy bseensisocved, hut use wcrk of erinsg bsooks has sot yetbe'gisn asduitliipirob- abliy lie postposned ustiiuse clse of the sumsmser sessiosi. PROF. C A HOUN WANTS MIORE TO JOIN IN GEOILOGY TRIP, 'Ticets for tse Put-us-Hay trips, to takie lice Saiturdssyaodstoirsic oss ducedes by Prof. F. H. Calhos nasisre eoi stile at she professor's oafice. Of tea wh iichs are to he disposedi if, 30osire at- retdy suold. Itis sirgesitsethatisiose in- tesinsg to siakselise tripscree ticetcs sit onsce to isure sue rcedrs ates of- You'll want 3 or 4 of these Shirts The name "Cluett" on a shirt is sufficient guarantee for its quality and up-to-dateness. The stasndard price every- where under the sun is $sr,.o. Our week-esnd price (Friday and Saturday), $i.s19. The 'Monarch" is univer- sally known as the best $ i oo Shirt made. Our tine includes a wide asnd varied assortment -and the week-end price is 79c. Underwear Cooper's "Spring Needle" Union Suits are jsust the thinig for late summer asid early fall wear.. Prices are reduced for the week-esnd as followvs: tie $2.00 quality at $1.39, the $1.-5o quality at $r.1rg, asnd the $r.oo lute at 79c. New Neckwear at New Prices We take justifiable pride in our line of Neckwear. Care- ful selection has msade it one of the most-up-to-date and complete tines you will find anywhere. At the week-end sale 39c will be the price of the 50c quality neckwear, and 19c, of the 25c quality. Stylish Hosiery to suit every fad and fanscy of thec ultra fashioning as well as thse conservative. Our im- msesnse line cffers a tharmson- ions blesiding of qusality, style asnd econcomy. Friday and Saturday the 5oc quality cwiii sell at 39c sod the 25c qsuality, at 19c. rThe Keinpf Mvusic SuisSUBaCRIBs FOR P~a~oPip0Zhe GARGOYLE Voic7 Culturr Francis.Liordan, Managsng Edstolr L 1 S . 5 Isiviisiss St. 'liaie 10-16ij I7JE 5pe Warren Crane, Business Manager THE NEWT CATALOGUE ol the Uni1versi*ty of Michigan IS NOW READY Complete information concerning seven departments: Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Dien= tistry, and the Graduate School and the Summer Session. Special courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Lansdscape Design, Higher Commercial Education includinig Railway Administration anid Insuransce, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Pedagogy (affiliated with Ansn Arbor High School for Observation Study), and a new course for those preparing for the scientific administration of departments of sanitation and public hsealthl. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement or Individual Information address SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University ANN ARBOR mawfasssI igsiblackisihag. fesesi, 'Disc gels fithsy at this huesc, Rieardless of tse iseasther, the usrty y'i~nosiuuisa''idhuhle cheecrfnully."Bii ut nshen ill sueetat tse Michsigasn CesntraslSia- there's aigreatsintesirest to it. Yes, I tisois st 6 :37 a. ic, or at tse tat Si. hock' asinilie uisit ails asd sarited 5ai in istrit at1(S:3o a. iisonSatuirday., practilce as te iari f t luefre I tPcirepaacy for tis ctrip, PrlEss. LH jie .sseIhir. Get. Itis a5ityindseediriEsis Ni sitgive si lecture ini ice geol- thatiwesackutue aishstistoipiishsesciwc-coi's-croom sa ie cciiiec ssoic sisuilinig st airlife scrls isice townssaslith i ee a' - t:3 I' Fsisy sifiersiosis, Alligissi as greaea i~ili e setn.isetire is islenissesdfur thse whosiiisscci ''"uD i e icuti inteplayisoights"ii' mtusheItrit, lte gs-uer at uicis is is- Jovs! ys, miles as ilises. ' ki c 55 tutd tse tsciime hSi a -serecwoss i s play there isara n pr iiii oincettsiinIii 11OLL E iBLL C 'sHEWIL il I.,oisis i an ste Mtris N~iFs"is L WAED tiN SATURI) 'sY. Just full (if js on ussill), issto ilets,____ y'isis:c. Is's-uswtllif iaiyonsicbuii tSak- Iiil Eginueers' udenisitiin usC.C. ts, esaesuhadsssisiiritisn sit ne usuldr call i ituderthelstpruofesisssisionl ae,'''srsa Moa siliy, almst. I c u'ts sauppouuse 5 it a iuuets" cwili crossa hts uwlihisFluit ]"H- cs-er pt eu. intote.iOner s nC. sit., ciiiouhets'the snamse, ''I, itoigrsi h 'I cisc playings 1ordth res i.grainu,' setast~suksay sutes'- ther iusciandssifu uset ciithe sisersysite iinusnciatsWhiiimsire I,,skr, usrycc'as4 sirs. lii, Yestc t 5 Siiiig gsilOiitithecasme liii' cotesitcsiill ibe to 15150N i Isish'ldoS Sco1utshlsFterayiFieldi behteenthue 'situjustthes h 11s tfuth lid uiiss h Iis usnidtees a1t,3:seeo'clock., Fa'su lassu of- Ithe uplaye' could beceeareasceind- andiplaye's ftrlos'tsuhsatschecssire sslic- lisp ihit datitusi e'ed sasis irwa , tutu Johnls i 1Still1 hisstedc off.t', 1-F \\TIE's~ EMPS ('A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SE t'sA.; IT 'sCTREMIFN'1' I Alluumatter intsisa rhussustssb e paid Nui longuer sltote stsuentsoh theunius- fee its advranice.Office haustes515:30 ha verity a s-ruth hearschi oits usl fop r'cit-si- 3 p . M t xerise be siethe days 'wtutrhk;hush they u hisSontirs',dtitush se5diulthue q~uite WsANT1ED St th ip;Iuse's clssto thutse So sistie- hplimpsibiusle. '111 huSie '' toudut lsuT1u'tiorhig itsRhethoric asnd Esglish, titys" cwies-iseuyounssstleshadsuaspluius Prices reaconuahle. Address, Loin, cc shareofu e sp ect oriIt heir thlders tee Pres sBuildincg. Phsonse 9o. 4-h. was a ssspeciiltutu sdetailedh is getSlut usape unire Sreiteravaties of helt EXTR'sORDINARY. ights smysteriouscntuers.irTo1 thuose oh yout cwIo are ntshassto Solilhomoruecitshn leshmeunrwccac-ohl 'sits rIris anusd tier suedes, If pots isays fihinsgi sut;SstiteS n psuagainte aishaltqsuuitlitle retiet-stty frets ras aoflte usornuing asuitwusldag'istenuals tis surly hburly .ad te msaddeuning cus te suewsrarnsiised ibenchues ishere grindhasseScramssofhrooks, go usote oous use o eslreuuf te sinsie racasses .uluse Tea Roomuswiths itspefeci op- wiacsidue 1stutuowusndsue huumuiity a gt 5uittto 0sipendtiyous exsctesaeng o'clck.cis, h ie janitor alwasa1ud a wstllsHSr Thur rats tie deliciotus. tog gust ucsui sppyuf rctsccresult, adn aussi Upsst51 uaisi.cI2-13. casa evriceissctreasiedstoirselc ceassure of--..- seeingp its msitaciiesuesus yst uck So its ikue a drinks of fees,coat buthermcilk, beces.aISisut wa sntalwas-s varnih;thickfscenthue chsurns? Asik fsrit at defsuuct cabbuagesanauth tyuicchsikey stots httester Fees,, Car. Dci. and bottles cost hensappieared outhue righti hand iCathetrinue Sts. Dcii423; I-ouie 140. anud tehe ldthand of "Prexy 's" sbie 6-16. thesik, 'Verly, the college sothl is she- teriuuratinugne'st-re ipas? For all Muical Instraumnts, snpplies, - popiular and elastic mnusic, see Schaeherle N oTCcu:-Liithbasall canudidiates mueetand Son, Music Noose, isio S.Plain Si. daily cut Souik Perch iield at 4 o'clock. s-so. Y s [. t s , jWhat is the Use of Paying Four Dollars A week fr ibard when yu can get goad home cooking at WALKER'S fr $3.00 bty paying four weeks in advance. 336 S. Division Street Phone 212-5 U. o M. and HURON RIVER, BOAT LIVERY tcaoss us sllms 1tseusd P. G. TESSMER, Proprietor Boatlsi Yu, uiwis pas ud. ge iueef SUMMER SCHOOL SUPPLIES Tfie East University Pharmacy ii219StestyAve Ou Prises ares Right JONH. LAMBEBRT Laces, Polishes, Etc. The University Shoe Shop 61 as , iliss 51 Si t r eet.i You-all who come from the South Do yous knowstsh ow delicious rich creasm con taste cwith genuine insple srup poured over it and a dash of frisk ulled nuts? You can fied out at Basso-Rovegno's 208 S, Main St. Rovegno asks you I cents for his sundws-any place else you uwould pay 10 and 15 cents and not get as much, Guvekite the chance to shoe' you. If you don't you are the loser, -r Zhe MI"CHIG x'AN ALUMNUS Subscribe now and become a mesmber thereby of The University of Michigan Alu~mni Associationk P01nc fucts: Q1 The Alumnus is the largest college nmonthly in the country. Q1 It centains the latest news abont the University, and editorial comment on important events. Q1 It contains personsal items concerninig members of your class every month. Q1 A volume of the Alnmnnns contains the history of the University for the year. (1 It pnblishes a series of well chosen pictures every nmonth. $1.50; yeas. ;$3.00 for 3 years (special for 1911) {t Y 1