THE WOLVERINE Whitc Swan Laundry JUNCTION OF DETROIT and CATHERINE Sts. and FOURTH Ave. Bell Phone 165 Home Phone 152 White Our Water softening plant cost us $2, 000. It costs Vass soting extra to have all the advantage of laundry work done in water soft as rain water instead at destructive acids and bleaches. The finest lingerie waists and diesses will come back to you like new. Collars and Cuffs like snowv. Try yonr duds in our suds and be convinced. Mark }-cu pack age "Whuite Swan" andi call our wagon. No extra charge for call or delivery. White Swan Laundry IIG PREPARATIONS MADE. Ic'auisused from ePage 1.) andi the next-to-the-higgest social event of the year, tiesenokiereception. Weather permitting, the lits w ill holdi forth oo Ben Bees ostage. Fresident Arthur Curtisccitt speak; Sarah 'Suctl- ertaunt is hilled to applear sonrtce rote of historian; Ralph 1Bf'ok-will react the class poem; Dorothy Brown the trophc ocy, act Thcoaas E JI.Blackcwittltsp- sold the oratorical Iconoes of the occa- In spite of lice offortes col the encgi- neers accd the hsoicneops toc attrct at- tentionc ott Wedccesday, they wiltlicace Itc give their seals toc the icoys ccifir6 ancd thce oilier youncgsters vho gracdusated four or five decades ago. WVecdccsday is alumi dolcay, first,cl astcandall tce ticme ; accd this year's crotc of secciors is "ccot its the same class" with theiold ad seasocned vicntage. Nevertheless, the encgicneers will "do their durnesct" to stake the occasiocc a success. At 9:30 the bricdc buildtes ccccc elvect drescplacn to gasthccericc'the esngicneericcg court acccd listenc to the speech of class :presideut Allisoss Walk- or, thce istory hy Sicdcey Mi. Schoccithlie poemcs Iy irtelE. Oatrcon, the proiphecy icy Eltsa-cciM.itBurst, ancteeorations hi CleeociP. Sr-cacglce.BGordons Spice cwill presente the cccimorical, a paincticng if tDeansCouto cty, oisehldcth ie class. octe Preif.Gardncer S. Willicams soill deliver the speech-s of acccttansce. Fl- loiwingx lie valedtictocry bysoy B. Matl- tern, Deana Cooley ccittiletthe oustgoinsg class fareswellcud rice eaginseers, toco, wilt close their eecises Icy siniginig "The Yellow acid Blue." TIhe 1omscops scitlsteel at ito'sclocka iccii teicrcssssi-thlsroomc. CroverVer- Dena Attics mtrong -ccc the istry aidc'eAls~ cni~tnthet i~o ean mcarks. Bucit toretuncoi 1-,,'s i l Oets louse cwilibe ccittfot e oldcigra"siit Barbcoar gymnsicumcibitecciso ccl12. Froits o to s, alos thcI.Uci esity is cotest ticthir isispect ci.astdOsece'ptioni comms'sitteesIhcve setsappoitetota kote care of lice viiors ccittexclai it llte Th-e Ibandilwill give A concers as she bcand-standc at half past onselice their hensefit, to cwhichs, howeever, altlsire its- vlitest to hear witihoutedistinctions as to age. At 2:Ts, a gencercal smeetinsg of the alumni association is scheduled to he held ina Measorial Dccli. Ass address uposs the liniversiry, followed Icy a hbusi- nest mceeting, wcill he the priacipal stil- jects toe discassiosn. At 4:tic p. c. the chief sportiag evesnt of comnccemeut week wilt occurseis- the shape of abhasehall game on Ferry densts acid starch to lisiversity Hl~, field hertweens tcci alaumnsi teams. The where Deats Cocoleyccitt sol sway as asalce-up if tri vtclc organsizationss re- chief mshtal. lisless attired in cap mainssass c cret its spite of alt efforts ccitd"own, n550eeccithsout a tiecet ccitt Icc discovercthelicetityli of lice admtcsrtdccithin risebusildtincg itself, Theoscnale receptions beginis at eight cacci all ctesiros of attendinsg are adc- o'clock that eensing, acidwilt be heldwsedcott tudeyte rules asciIregultios icc Atlumnsci PMemsorial Dccli. Carets if (if thes fatleyas roicenlgcatedlicic te ccctsssssiccssase ohtia blhe at ti-coSece-o Commenscseenterweeks rasssrctset. try's oiffice, frot-clie secescry c-f tic Ninse o'clockthl~e processionc starts. Alumncsi Associations, assetfr-cisc du Te octsc, the commenseenst exer- letss deanis.visces Ibegins incUiversity' I tall. The act- THUSDeAY. dressis deliveredbyIcersidlent Hcarry DCcnThucrsdaycethe Ilonged-far o ctco rttJusonc cf the luticerilitof Ciii- will1 at tberealized. Fromptlycs catosacs. 8:15 the exercises of the sixty-sevencthT heI comie lice seepskains. aalscieusssssessceouest of teUlitser- nticlie aftersno-osthlie commssecscemsent city ofPMichcigansswill opens sits a bulednne tcsrscwillbehe clii icc \Vctcr-csssgyms- call asse the ceremsonycif ecrisiglice fl-.nsium.s-c Fifteens sminustes later, the clcassos awil 'Acitthlieicestassetwosucess of 1911 cwiii forts at their edepartmessthbuileinssc un-ics Ie "toe outcc fromt their AlmsicMcster, dee the directions of their clciss pr esi-ssafe nowcainc rie swide, widec world." d 1' I I Hailer's College Jewelry template apticalsDepe t. ci ccc Clas actasndIsJeelry uepaicring. Hailer's Jewelry Store 216 S. Main Street I r I Granger's Academy of Dancing J u1inm12er School sssfor Laditecs ndGesit een Tuessdaty mcclFri- bcegis ThuOsrsay, IJsly ?,51. For Particulars call at Academy or Phone 246 Office Hlours 10 to 12 a. m. I W IMRtll i\iousspoil suoite sut ervacat uss? Why scat enjoyp the iss arisessec. tti.tsctoSea',stot pesnand co omicalsssotingsss WHERE YOU CAN GO All tei issssasaisace ts itei-coats 5aksC arOo eseacdregularly icyte exceletsssevicesftecDu&oC. lakesLsne,. 'cse tellarge Steamesots t fleet areutoftmoderntcrsei ttst ctonanshast vc aallthtte s~tisofucspeed, saftandssscoo rts. hut5' seesica is apceratedtbetween eitroit anC levelssandstrot andas Buff~alot, Canetripmseeekly SosxeessmaToEtdtuot.Maekiaeslsandctandsway pars;cthretriswekly Setteess Tasecta.Clevelandc, andsit 5ts-in-Bay. A Cienetassistin aukiscue spccalteamseertutwibe uperated twoutrips weekly Ceasm June s5th to Septemesrsoths, sping usslp at Detrtevesrey teip and Goechs, ot., every oldter5tp, 74 Degr-ees Mon. tTuxes. Wed. Cool The LYNN Introducilng International and Singing Comedy and Duo LYNNDancing Eccentric Juggling Wellington "T"HE GREAT Late of the Juggling Johnsons IFAMILYSCOPE W Photo Plays THURSDAY M AAcMULJ rLEN & RIIIiDA1 tTheMysterious Japs I Special Daf Trips Between Introit and Clevesand, lurng July and Agustr RAILRADS TICKETS AVAILABLE: -Tices reading via ant rail ins between Introit and Buttalo and Detroit and Ceveland aitt he honored for transportation on I. & C. ins Stamers in either direction. Sensd 2-petstamsp frCu s ttried Pamsphletantd Great Laeusnap. Address LG. Lewis, G. P. A., Deroit, Mich. Philip H. Mc. Milian, Fres. A. A. Schantz, Geet Mgr. 5- e . a * . Matinees 00" Wednesday and Saturday II I i r " I monw.1 WALKER'S 336 S. DIVISION I SPRUNKS Ec NGRAVERS 2 The G~r oyle ANN-ARBOR - ~PRE"S ALL COLLEGE WORK - Nail usTri.1 Order JOURNAL BUILDING LE.c DETROIT MICH. Fullr-QSteam anrd French O'Conner Dry Cleaners 619 E. Wiliam St. Suits Pressed 25e Trousers 1Gm /he MICHIGAN4 ALVMNUS Suhserihe row and heceme a membter thereby of The University of Michigan Alumni Association Some facets; Q. Thre Alrumnuns is thne largest college mnonthnly inc the country. QL It contains the latest news shoal the University, and editorial comment our imnportant events. C1 It cont.-ions personal items concernng nmembsers of yousr class every nmonth. Q1 A valuate ot the Alumnunss contains the history of the University for the year. CI, It pusblishes a series of wvell chosen pictures every month. {$1.50 a year. $ 3.00 for 3 years (special for 1911) HOME COOKING And Good Eating At WALKER'S RESERVE YOUR SEATS EARLY $3.00 A Week wlten yoa, pay dour weeks in advanucea 336 S. Division Street IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THE COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN, AND THE BEST PLACE TO EAT, BOARD AT THE CUTTING CAF-E Corner of Movroe anmd State Streets Regular Board, Heal Tickets, anid Sngle Menls Bell Phonie 1097L Home Phone 524-White