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August 03, 1911 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1911-08-03

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17-1 TT - -- - -

Vol 11.


Proud of Help Rendered Needy
Students, Local Branch
Issues Report
"Largest and oldest in the world" is
the title by ishich the local Students'
tChristian Association has styled-itself
ini its last anniual report whirls is just
out; 1,650 men and wonmen is the total
membership. From student nembership
dutes, $2,ioo has been received; ht the
entire inesome of thse -associations amounts
to over $i2,000. Only four student asso-
ciatioiss bave larger annual beidgets than
the Mihigan 'associastion.
The r eportI contains a rfsusnf of the
swork sacuuomplishsed along various linsc
dluring the y ears Osver 500 iseedy stu-
stents see helpiesd tss ensploymnti, aisd
shout 2,500 stusdents iserr asistest in
osther was- at ofhes opessing of college.
,A letter oft iselcomes encliosig a reprinti
of the uiverc~sity san bs oo is nailed to
nearly i 0onossb-sreshsssess" ricey ssums-
nier. it tihe 1seginninis of every semess-
icr tse freosocmsi classes arc givess a
osecial lecture oil sex hygiesne.
A nedca asnd s issdusstrial misisison, asl-
isig $0o0 otrie. first yearss beisess startesd
at issirals, Airaii, to whlichs five reel-
risentastiv es o1 tise uiveicity assoiations
are Co sail this summesrs
Religiouss meertis,~ cl-sses, osid exer-
cises helst sisder tie spervision of the
associaloissssstion isbre erl; 300, whlie
$3,150 waos plededee pricpal bst~ot'y stis-
densor Issmuissinr is; ork. IThe social
activities if tsr associatioss isscludee
freshmaisn socials evriye; ight Isis the
first tio weks ofi siol1 othser soesis
dusrinig tist yer isndi steial etertais-
socistits i i saaisonss Sas tua " hikes"
are, helst duings the list twoe miosths of
college. Siseial ptsseel isforsisations
reltin" to service aitere gradsuationsiss
givesst 'hivciri scnior t the tiss iii the
year, andi aliss coummssites haivt been
forimeed iii sixteis sdiffereit cities of the
country Co presenst tos eich incomisnsg
aluiinuss a diefisite oppsortunsity of ser-
Repsairso n Ansi Arbor's daim, wichel
has heen oust of conisisioni dusrisng the
summser, andi whirls sas causd iso little
inconveinience to pleasure seekers ini
their canoes, will he conmpleterd us two
weeks, wheni the river's waler iill be
raised a foot higher than it has heens
uring the sumersc. The constrcion
whein comtpletedt mill be isadle after its
former style, beiing constructed in tim-
Ambitioos plaiss are suiler coisidera-
tioss, however, f or the renovation of' the
damn at soime futisre date. This wsorts
wilt be dlone by the Edison Light andi
Power Cosopansy, which coitemptlates
the construitois of a stupenidosis plant
here. This coisceris wit fiishs thse dais
in cemnit, eles'atinsg it to a heightl of
many feet nmore. This canniot he sdone
until contracts are closed with lthe Mich-
igan Centat Railroad Coiiptany swhereby
the properly whichi its tracks occupy will
h e ceded to the Edison Cosmpany, sirce
tthe Huross waler wilt cosmplesely cover
the preseint site of the tracks.

Mr.-Hermasn G. Napp, Treasurer and
Purchasing Agenst 61 :the Isiwa Agriciil-
tore College visited the university yes-
terday on business.1

For thse purpose of organizinsg sasktoc
salt teass asssog the isen stusdeints of
the sariosidepartmenits tlits susmimse,
a imeetiiigwil he held toisorroiw even-
ing at 5 :00 o'clock is the trophsyennum
of Watermsan gvymnasiums. Dr. G. A.
May, director of thse gynasiumi, has
appointed K. A. Lonsgdens in charge of
thse orgassizationsof the teams. Altlrcss-
sidates interestedtiii the subjert are
urged to be on hasnd at tomsorrow after-
noon's smeetisig, as it is inecessary In
start omaksisngthe schedusle ausomonsas

Impurity of Local DrinkingSup-
ply Causes Supt. Marks
To Close laps

Thse Studensts' Christians Assssciaion
iwilt offer a preogramu of entertainieutsi
to ssummser school stusdents at Newvberrv
Hall isext Seaturdeay ight at S:oo o'clo.
Special featuires wsill isscludesetrformi-
oscers hy a hroupie of local Ciisese ito-
densstso isil singsg isinistheir inative
tonsgus, asset hy a trouipe if H-isndloos
whossswill exhitsit thseir talentitnufour;'
lwocd play;'nisnisfrats of legceremsains.
'Musical inumbslers andi extra features are
proimisesd iy Feed Kitteen, formierl;' of
thle Prutze Sceel Opera Comipaisy, Mrs.
J. P. Birst, aclever aisdl popuslar reeaeer,
ande Leilea tFsrliii and Marie Wlisslou,
Townley of Michigan Acquits Self
Well With Experienced Actors

possible in order to get thur gameis start- That the local suptply of dreisnkisng wat-
ed so that a series can he played before ctieri eomoisng a mlenace to pisctii health
she cult of the samson sessiosn. is emphiaosizred isy'thse fact thsat -ester-
slay, orders iwere issedrby;'Sept. Jassss
NOTED B3RITISHER TO TALK H Mislis, superintendiesitof isiildins
andsgronsds, to turns off the sialer soust-
J.J. iissiyssm'itmsll isriig fosisstasins onii tir
J.Fney Will Lecture on "School
anoit"camputsso. 'Thersuggestionsscamse to simi
and Society'' frsissitetBoairdt of Saittiosn of tir

r .j n j.1inata, heI1 IIC5sasof
tir Itchrtis tiof teduiatitosisntire U-
s-esrsits of MancsshiesterEnI'lsatndisilt
sipeaketssiorrow' ' 'iis"instse wis ct lee-
ture rsssmsoisittheiiiysits isuilsinsgit 8I
isclock osils"Sichosol ansdtSoiety.
Preof.1Finislays isIeess ithseIUnistesd
States forseviteislt smsnthssnd ilst cosse
tes AnnsssArbior dir et froisisMi sosi.
Wisesss scosi s hrerteisasoburnsgivng a
seits of iladsdresses leso ltepait iseecl
issor iss hle sltudensissof lie sssmmsser to,-
sio 1oftheUiiersityssof Wsiscosssins.
O~ls ssto drssesssitaeeenideliitvessd In-
Isissiat1Vaiosio lesss ad nk ls's
''sh- illhis prsenii or' Ae rica.
Iles madeic asimlarvsit to ttisousnssrs'
Dr. F-ind isyreceieds'sisrmss r'isssliss
site Xfrom Oensfcssdmus ssssiss sindlls
gsoetof'sils fr stesUniesitlls s isi Isi
h'he has sheldt a lilll les- osf reed-insec-
shipis ofsi sass;'Esghli seesiei sconar sols,
am~sogthemRsu tsos-lscrQues's Fistic-c.
'Tsisntsnss ssndXWesls'y Collere,'oliichs.
Is 189.)-3 lPstfI.uFilasoAsoso is fee-
manyli'sma'kiu"'arsscolesosse stussi of esi-
ucatonssilIsiethos oif tser u iss i p5-
ililsiaandunsiveit5 lies. IrossI iq to
s898 hen-us asreguilarlectriser onuits-
catissiatthme Csllege iii PseceptossIoss-
loss Ins289hiehibecasmreedusasolesof
tir IsnrmesiateSi c lforsBFs, CaFr-
siff, wshieelieresine until usil9t03,iswiri
tsr wsas selectesdho hieadh she detsartmsenst
of eduscations at Mancseser
Thme Uisvesits of Mancihester stasos
amsonig Esgisht higher educsationssl isti-
tuiionssis onr of the snwer tytir, aned
Prof.PsFindlay's consnections siths it is
sail Co hli-is licres errits reptiations Isr
Ini 'aeditisonstonumuseroiusmaainse or-
ticles andsse ms-i-ll isreatises uposn edlura-
tionail subilectst Prof. Finsdlays is thorass-
ithor of "Asrsol of Riughb'," "tasudate:
A I-tin anid Tunie Book for Day
Schools," asset"Frinsciples of Class

unsiv-ersit;'. As to thure lsissiriiithe i- I( isliImo. Toswnuley, '13, sehospelinitooat
fectisosuof Ithur wastceunithuinug dulctsotes:iy0easerlilsheuuniersit;', appihedufoe tile
oftesredIbyithslura'isis at or-issllid'hifirt time'ras 5a1profsessioalactrisie-
hygic laboratorsuies.ofusse PinniXiirioe'saudiecs'h'n-eli lyIi=-
Ireqent ars n g 111- s troi the onus ci edlwitiihuehessen Greettroessuinsotheir
sills autiies shiaivesesipostedliuscoils-sestrusc' iettire.s'Curkiin Tus lth
siuus eslia ces Isrisis"thur list C- igt"h.ill ile Iis slisiuWis hhte:lu1-
sditsissu" localesusussues tso riswsr oiliifc 'llowd sntefosing dayss si thiitsenr
thes unstuesrisissiwaes' 'idstso otiy lsl. sI iis suinosif, sidisi us " You isi keh,
list wis his ads ii 1ccii Isei nus is isoies.I thi" uscihls I- .1111i ii i t ieser ' Xis u''
uruui" hue'pstwusek thess blac k. ; typ s itX iisor .i atrrla s
on i4 of ill h vlu el catre els- . s l ut iiull usrtto l at- le ii-
si-ills iabo'litheiso t~lhiislubuihldius os wt usn xclist iious surpi e iesoca
tlis dicatlon shius thatitthse usestillse us sni ushcIss only hu eens soils
sini fanoe' da'n'surous naurse tits-s elscosilspany dsius'esing its 5105 is tur,
les1enheeooe oneddwtessivita at 1- i tisers
"ellis Wilseliii ii5'iisr1svtse-d'insci isn roswek. e i ll rii
us '.ssnssis po ldltoibi the' li i uls, s' 151151 i - itshitiemsi sdur1111 tile stuni t h le
.iiss ofithe imIuris bit; the,.factiithatsuinser and inted s etrnsstss colle'g'
ilt rislesruiis loids ii-sii'sshi'sCst'a''an'sin iithis till
Ieas' spiassto eiv lila- ercin; seial rmtecote u-
llcas ta e I tsrac e tis sourice.t idslcess f heBe ret tr oupe~
it s ho~g4 hatth rcost scills iiidsinsis'hcrlst if thur susmuerc soill hue
te anwliii I isill lieeussuuilels i sthui thlss ofitiiis-siar he'll1 1al1as '1slll-
twowees wll li is-teItoslura s-plwh iues asleding-iu" mans iiilll
isis: lie lullsiilutit leutoills-uneur- ofsthe l ys iioilf Geet's reetryCus -.His
"'sloshd rii ivrwtre Iroispssingsuu otiisiiusis-ciga eirst ci rd on iStilldayis uit
ille ilies iiithse sical swste is. liecon ciiedto sesniisnsowitu Lreet hiss
Xtleisluctsuhirityasresh ubils'- 5s'"thu frmancleseuisivurutis AnnusAr-
tla 'sug uinea-ig-s uder expte- boirauieinces on ue sds-ay andeWcd-
imens5ttis o--ws illed uis huele hus1.yus ly.. ieesoouil thre isrossst
bieuu indeteoiicostinsise sitstalisrinig - in i Itrofessionustilurheimooksing sr-
watsire tis shosiuldl sut5excitito pee-st issnexsirs li inteirngutos sheldhus
ai fear of etordsssinarye- uirecions oil therssus's e sict uinin'" The' lesssithlibea
ise sues nue thur S-lisisreffrct oilsuuinasirciolus ol'sforsGeeituandit wias iiot
isis]lie-stiproduicedsill throsiughlthills' ssi-sii is'usssi -'u' t lte isuur it lefi
psastsr.Thu r inugres aice l th it l iin's1)ri ~io isosuildill the vacncyu;.
authitsisits Isaver tiloes ris, thiot e us P iii uebofal s ponpusMt. GFen,
o sumerss shosuuldi let sdeinkh sialie feom the]-asunothr ci hissvalued essnsleft buss
loceal ssurre silrss ithissblie-isprensvills-015 Satillay ii . - ymeitious's cii-
hy o iled. "es"curt ee susus'-toaned
- The compllany-is gouse to Esulser to
S1:.r us Huse-sULTs-my SPIusOreuI-nS. play tnuas
Bluildit iip . afssore if 20 his9p thur
Skaols a110 taisisrubbisedfom eustuSi ts S 'CuhT O GE-RorITLe.
in phioeloesical rheistry',edefesaied thin Miss Steeus, of thin Kempif stsudio,
Spiroceues of thse class ini bocteriology sihpiresent rgrmi oral recital
yesterday afternsoonsat the locealoseir-at Hasrri s Hl sillnTuesdaya usgust,
;urounds.i Foils trainsswere feomssthin at7:30 p. us Thur funcutions will hue lives
MXedic dertmensurt. Or. tKitchenr su- ns oti-insutesrest ofltlistuiso anud no art-
puse elthin game. misiuonsfee us r equiuredtof the public.

National Chinese Alliance With
High Ambitions Unfurls a
New Charter
stuentusasissociatioun,swithotes of e-
cohminsg internatsionaisl, isis heens stsrred
huer. Thursocieryshas just brought- out
a builtestin sprinedh by the Ann sArtor
Press iswihhaerset ifortsthinan-
bitiionuspriscipes or iwhstirh Ai-Kwoh-
Hweri stansueis suitmem f he ises of
atvyaln whcitmywr.Ihe seionuusheaduers"hethrDevelopmenuct of
i-Rss uils I s sit is poitedhsut IlaC
it devoresuo n teshuneuursesuent us
itg a socetyucof thiuss sr. Tos uetIthis -
need theiiisscescyshi-s husevinsh for o paid
geneurelsuicectry. PAftrsthis positions is
fllsd an estabcl'issedspermhits tly, ilsthin
uicu~eioiissti-iaeree-ithur socety t hiLmn
is rv hepkeo tegeneresl seer
-tisis lciedua'tCShangai'".i
Techiel aimiositthi sociietyfiere
hung is'ieis he' I"'t lhiieii is texpre(ssedh
I N ci 1 the -e r itre - fCisueror
usise irelaili- ifrees'r sico;t s o in-i
v sit'isr Is ususer s toeinvsigatest
iprshiles ass conceit t hldeveuil l penlt
uf ouru susu conty undinsumasy reselto assgns
s; particulari lusn osCipenialsts for
scietific illssstiatihonu; us estaslisshsan
inma ulstiiniuriiseausIn girabsoluey
honissut suidh rep-ts-t:infsumatuion to
ai rer us andsecls fill; to do ianythinsg
cosiustentithtillsslur iti iof theurga"'n-
ization. treristanuer iiup so nsy
swortkIofitbenolece amonisuruepleoit
it Ill-itake theinititivie 5 ii r uie sup
uset to ass; cutsrpmse that sui uiprove
I eihirte stsmaturial, educaesionalsor soial
'siessare sitouslepl.pn licrese of loui-
isle, p5aue fooch etc,Ai-Kwdoh-Hweuii,
csanienihiist prgeerait supot: of our
peouploei in d hullspartelyrl'shoes tim."
Afterc thur socieys sell esabliished at
hosmnetesitymolt send out sereta-
eses tou establisisheranchs ill any place
vshure therei s a ahmrgeFChinese colony,
surhs as usralia, Japan, the Straits Set-
tlremntsthin PhilitppinIslands, etc.Im'
purpose the 'i-Enwoh-H-mii is "mon-p-
litical, mnii-interferingn uo-reolutionry
anud nus-sectrianu.sItstsands foen par-
up, anidlreognizersn povincilism. It
is sterctvysa organization of the peo-
pl, liv thur people and for the people.'
It takes interns.stitnovry great prob-
russ-smhurls concernms thin wvlfare of our
peosple pet us has n paticulr interet-
of its owmi. It stamds for unity in pin-
ciple, and usorks for the advancement of
Under a tush of anouncements, the
sociey' stoles that it lion a numubser of-
papers suitable ion lecture and enter-
taisnmenits. Thin titles olsmne are,
"America and China," "Chinese tImmi-
geation,". "Fonuianouism," e. It alon
has a list of subjets for "Invesigation
amid repor." The tites are, "The Prob-
ens of the Chinese Immsigrtion into
she United Stains, and is Possible So-'
Iutioss"; "Possible WXays of uIproing
the Chinese ities," and "How ad Un-
der Whtonodiions Should Foreign
Loans be Fontraced"? As a special im-

petuss, Cmwo gold msedals will he awarded
its earlssubiject.
Inm conclusmions thur Bulletins states that
in the Osutfook for July 15, there up-
peared twvo articles on thin "Future of
Chsina" and strongly recommends onse's
(Continued on Page 4)

; «
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' _ce , .'

Offices ofezVeoCFhinseanSociety.

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