T H E WOL V ER IN E the ALLENEL" Ann Arbtor's Largest anod Finest Hotel :.. M. M. NOWLIN, Propr. W. C. NOWLIN, Mngr. Tea Room on the Seeond Floor Make o~sr Store YoxurShoppingA Headquarters MACK (t co.I LAWI Brief Cases Ottines of Bocks, eke. NEW, Cheaper than Second Hood Edwards Brothers 32o S. State, Over Shock'n's Believe in Signs AND nlAKE ALL KINDS Let us nmake youl a Sketch and give you a price on anything in the Sign line Weissigner Sign Co. Phone 910-L WEEE Rh mwitt you spend yoursusmmser eacatian? Why not enjoy the charm orou nland Seathemost pleaantandeconomoicalaoting in America. WHERE YOU CAN GO *Alt the imoportant poets on the Great Lakes are reaohed regutarly hy the excellent sereice af'the D. & C. Lake Liac. ThL~ie ten laege Steamnera of this feet areat'smadern steei construction and hane, alt the squalities of speed, safety and caofort. D~aily service is operatedt hetsween Detroit and Cleveland,Detroit and Buffalo; fourctripaseekyhbetseen Toledo, DeroiMacinacuIsland andswap pot; theee teips seeekly betseeen 'Toledo, Cleveltandt, andi Pat-in-nay. A Cleeland to Mackinac specialtsteamaer wittlbeoeated twoateips weeckly from June c~th to Septemb ohe stuopping onty at Deteoit every trip andGondeich,COt.,eery otheretrip. Special Day Trps Between Detroit and Cleveland, During July and Augustr RAILROAD TCKETS AVALBLE:-Ticketu rending vin any rait ine between Detruit and Buffalo DESCRIBES PORTRAYAL OF DtSEASE IN ART. (Contionedt feensPage I) peactiee of Chistian Science; this eut points with teutth to many patients who have heens veitaly ued y a elief n the means to whicis they were su- jected. Huorous epesentations of the sup- posed curing, of the afflicted weecpr- teaycd itsareL One patient was repre- sented as being operatest as, an, the physician ic charge mae the suject helieve that he sas removing stnes from his ek, whetsits reality the doco sas osnly making ass incision and re- ceiving statis gathered fonm the gosnid hy an attendant and thctn placed in ia receiving pass efore the patient's eyes. Unceonscious of this ruse, the paientle- ieved that he was eing cred, ad iecamne eter throughs the simple faith its the physician's method. Its the later scools, principally its the Gerucanic atsd Spanish, the taste foe the macid ecatme so pronoasced that mnoiy paintings were made picturing defoni- ties, hysterical manias, tnsase sujcs, aned ahnormsal creatures itersting froms a pathological pointi of viess. The court of Philip IV of Spoun was retnowned as a home fr the defoed. Tihis sotestkinitg'havisig a taste for lie fantiastic, supported a coloy of his de- fssrtmed suhjects, just to please himiisef. He was actuated hyylie saie isheentt tenidetncy tia promeps the people of to- say' to part sitill testcecnts ii cder to viewe the freaks of a circus~ side shot. The paitigs ciat otrihiced tic thc recisech ihistory' of pathoisgyas, onity its estee casss, artistic seit. I sas pistcesi ciittat te tFrncsasd Ittaliia sncasters wsho tiers gifted wihs a sarpie deinsedl artistic acnte, issdsinotisste for t1cc msoridi snetgrotesqee; conseqsunty fete of theiss'tiks canscbe cted as it- stnces itt shcic iseisastas represensted. CALH:OUN'S CLASSE:S VIEW GEOLOGIC AL FORLMATIONS. Professor Calhiou's casses itsgesslog madase a hield trip for lie purpose of studsyincg tacti of the forsoisiots ii lie vicinity of Annt Aror ls Sattrsday mortitg They'rocaste iito List ott tse electric lute cnd sass the old vasliey' of the I-ucasn river, oust a part f the Fort Wsorthc isoraitte ostithe sas' out. L.esiig the car they'senit ose thie roast atcstdmuoted a short timte to lie stusdy of ott esker. This is a ow ridge sit satndy grasvci Pea. Cahount pointed out somse strati- ied, formtaionss acdi thenth ie arty' walked acrcoscontcrs' isiths lie ittet- ion of vicwing a nutmsier of kaises sar lie Michigacn Central railroad; but their progress was so imtpecded y variou swampsts, streamis atns fence that timie nat lackitig to view' these iregular gra- ci hills. The party tmade their way ott fosot to Dexter acd reurned to Acts Artisteon tisc-MichiganCticra. S. C. A. WILLi. tOLD gcIeatProe. The Uniersity Cristians association will entiertainth ie smmttecr school st- sents at its anciccal receptions Saturday' nigtht, at Ncewbierry' all As programin c- clisihg situmices iy sonci of lie 'Chits' cse and IHindulsistudetdscmusioc td cci- taionis has cccii arraniged; refreshmccets sill ie sect-ee. Summoter schot sudeets ansd their friendes ae incvited. WHITMORE. Mrs. Starts is giing smial dancitg parties each Thursd'ayeecig foliat- tng her gecnerous dinniers. CLIFTON INN. SUMMER STUDENTS. Thse Utiversity ;MuiceHatte careis a comspiete stack of ue D\iieiigacc College Muic. We suvite y-ost to col aisi ie- cmce famiiliar cwith iL -my ANN ARBOR SAYINGS BANK C.1iiuss - - --x0,d000.00 srls lPcatfats '-:-,100..0 l sucs- - w't.800.000.00 A Iceiserct tsuscct usinessccss trascsted N. AV.isorsneciscinccni turontSts. BeDl Phone 165 Hosme Phone 152 White The Ann Arbor Dye Works French Dry and Stesm CLEANING DHighesk Ci msofrWorkt 204 F..Watshintson St. aeit Phone 628 L. R. WAIHL Rowe's Laundry 406 Detroit St. Work Neatly 'tnd Promsptly Donce THOMAS ROWE, Prop. Beta Phone 457 W~alkers serve hailed water, Get next. TUTTLES. Hoard is ottly $3oo0, payahle iii advance. -It is a gettuinte delight to get a tight 336 5. Diev.FPsonce 2n2-J. lunch, or heavy either, at Tuttle's, 338 S. State street. Wurster Bras, sell fresh cottage- cheese, the Qld fashioned kind, Car. Hamhurgers are the origin-al, Also Detroit and Catherine Sts. Belt 43; serve steaks and other sandwiches,. Give Home n4o. 6-n6. us a trial,: College Inn. n-no, JUNCTION OF DETROIT and CATHI-INE Sts. and FOURTH Ave. Our MWater softenintg pleat cost uso $2?,000, It costs youthit/eng extra to have all the advantage of launndkry; work done inn water soft as rains waler insead of 'destrnuctise acids and bleaches. The finest lingerie waists and desses will rouse ak to youn like new. Collars antd Cuffs. like soow. Tny your duds its our suds and he convinced. Mark you pockage "Whitte Su'a" and call our wagont. No extra charge for call or delivery. White Swan Laundry COOLEST SPOT IN TOWN TONIGHT - MATINEE TOMORROW LYACCABEE BENEFIT Starting Thursday CHALLIS and CHALLIS HAPPY JACK BRAN NICAN And Others MONDAY The Great Auto Races The Ann Arbor Swim-ming wePool Will e Open Every Day Except Sunday 9 A. M.to 9P.M. It in rereshig o take a bath in nice cool sping water. ANN ARBOR SWIMMING PARK 713 S. FIFTH AVE. Phone 996 2 Rings THE WELL =KNOWN CHUBB HOUSE One Black from Campus 209 South Skate Street Rates, $4.00 Per Week We have a hobby, the making ot Fancy Creanms and Ices fcr Special Occasions iTt s tatd icstics-fine thins'es , itses tisicge, tcsrer's aeetsthasee ell- Joy. Andu,lcecausec'Acccare scotco-iced ccci sicy. its' -sitsputtcisc xq'ic tsite tocesintsituritelcte,'c'eiscwicc mat yourccest-ts sk. ,,"wehere sidiyous get slitss dlis ice?" lru ey's Place 116 South Plain Street - Bell tPlione 166 Stecm and Fr- ch '' Dry Cl ea rears 619 E. WIDiam 5*S. Suits Pressed 25a Trousers lOc