' ' E WODLVERINE Northwestern Mutual LIFE INS- CO.I MILWAUKEE Let Usllave a-Talk WithYOU FRED'K M. STEINBAUER Dist ctAgent, Hammond Building Detroit WM. S. McCORMICK Local Agent 1210 Washtenaw Ave. Cadl 373-J BEST LUNCH3ES ine towns at Ice Cream and Cold Drinks 722 Monroe St. robe PHOTOGRAPHER Official Photographer to Michigan Athletics for 10 years. Studio: 319 B. Huron St. Phone 961-L Student's Supply Store For your Note Books Fountain Pens, Stationery, ENGINEER'S SUPPLIES, Candy, Cigars, Etc. 111 S. University UNIVERSITY School of Music MAYNARD STREET SUMMER SESSION Eight Weeks All Branches Fall semester will begin Oct. 2-30 Artist Teachers Send far llastroleo catalogue CHARLES A. SINK Secretary STATE SAVINGS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits 80,000 Resources $1,400000 Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye Citizens of Ann Arbor-Students t the U.of M. Now Comes the SUGAR BOWL in the city of Ann Arbor of 10 S. Main St. and alleges that the said SUGAR BOWL is ready, able, and willing to serve bettercream and sweeter candies with prompter service than any other similar confectionaryin thisicity. And this they are willing to leave to the country. Phone 967 THE WOLVERINE Publinhed Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons by thc studests of the University of Michigan summer ses- sion., Communications will be printed only when signed, although writer's name will be withheld on request. Notices pertaining to university affairs will be printed once gratis. Masaging Editor-Harold G. McGee. Business Manager-JOHN H. PAYNE. Bell Phone 1359 or 960. Res. 444 S. State St. EDITORIAL STAFF EDITORS Ernest R. Burton. Robt. M. Gillett. William T. Daugherty. REPoRTERS Burleigh Jacobs. Kenelm W. Collamore. Fenn H. Hossick. Maude Edwards. Morton R. Hunter. , L. Earl Crossman. Chas. Johnson. James D'Evelin. BUSINESS STAFF Assistant Business Masager-Victor H. Lawn. Address: THE WoLvERINE, Press Bldg., Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office Hours: I:00 to 2:30 p. m. daily. Bell Phone, 960. Subscription Rates: Local, seventy- five cents for the summer; mailed to any address for one dollar. Advertising Rates: Furnished upon. application to the Business Manager. WNW- Editor Today-RoT. M. GILLETT. TUESDAY, AUGUST 1 ,1911. Staff ineeting tonight at 7 o'clock. CALENDAR August s-What Astronomers Are Do- ing in the Study of the Stars, illus trated lecture by Asst Prof. R. H. Baker, west lecture rooin, physical laboratory, at 5. Open Air Performance - Twelfth Night, by Ben Greet Players, campus theatre, at 8. August 2-Dpen AirPerformasce-As Youie It, by Bet Greet Players, campus theatre, at 4. Open Air Performance - Merry Wives of Windsor, by Ben Greet Players, carmpus theatre, at S. August 3-Student Life in Paris, lec- drop." That we intended to criticise Mr. ture by Instructor C. B. Vibbert, west Greet is not true; that wee owe any apol- lecture room, physical laboratory, at 5. ogy to any one for printing what was Visitors' Night at the Observatory. apparently news, we cannot see. But Tickets can be obtained at the office we do apologize to our subscribers for of Dean Kraus Wednesday and Thurs- attempting to start, it our news columns, day from 2 to 5. a discussion whose sole motive was the August 4-Address on the Demonstra- gaining of publicity for a campus enter- tion School, by Professor J. J. Find- prise. ley (University of Manchester, Eng- land), lecture room, Tappan hall, at 3- HUMPHREYS AND GINGERICH School and Society, address by Prof. SAY BEN GREET IS D. K. Findley, west physics lecture room, at 8. (Continued from Page 1) August 5-Excursion to Put-in-Bay, was of a distinctly inferior calibre and Lake Erie, under the direction of he further asserted that this was known Prof. F. H. H. Calhoun, leave Ann by Mr. Greet as was evidenced by the Arbor via Michigan Central at 6:57 absence of the names of the company a. m. on the programs a few years ago. Text Books FOR SUMMER SCHOOL Oceans of Second-Hand Books at prices that will save money. Engiucer's Supplies FOUNTAIN PENS BLANK BOOKS STATIONERY, ETC. WiAHItR'S University Bookstore '...THEM AS HELPS THEMSELVEs.' Not long ago, we were "tipped off" to a condition about the university that needed remedying. Innocent men "had suffered grievous wrong." We were invited to raise a righteous wrath and pounce on the pernicious perpetrators of croo-el hardship. The man was right. It seemed that things might have been conducted more conveniently for the students. So we asked this man to write a communication, stating his views, to fire the opening gun, so to speak. "Mais non!" He didn't want to get his name in the squabble at all. He was anxious that we should enter an edi- torial campaign, throw ourselves viol- ently on one side of the fence, don a gentle bull-dog smile, and "go to it," with a very fine chance of "getting in bad," a thing we don't care a hang about if we think we're doing something worth while; but that he should let his fair name be smirched with the taint of In answer to this Mr. Humphreys said, "Considering the fact that when Ben Greet had Edith Wynne Mathewson and others of almost equal rank in his company he did not print their names, I can not see that this criticism has much weight. He merely wanted to revive an old custom, and there is noth- ing to Mr. Bell's statement." NoTICE :-Lit baseball candidates meet daily on South Ferry field at 4 o'clock. Always a fresh line .of Cyko Paper and Ansco films. Don't forget to call and see the "M" Scrapbooks before you buy elsewhere. O. Hoppe, 3 doors from State, 617 E. Liberty. 13-18. It was a pleasure to go to Tuttle's af- ter the dance last Friday evening. The service was prompt and everytiing serv- ed was fresh and clean. 338 S. State street. his own good cause was unexpected, ab- College Inn is still open through sum- solutely impossible, ridiculous !....And mer school. Sandwiches of all kinds. yet toe wonders why we didn't bite. 1IO* A complete stock of Classic and Pop- WE APO.oGIE ular Music and Musical Supplies at the Today, we arre running two answers University Music House. 8-12. to the statements of the dramnatic critic of the Cleveland Plain Dealer. These These hot days get your milk from a answers are published in spite of the Wurster Bros. wagon. They stand for curt statement frost the head of the purity and freshness. Also at Detroit English department that "we'd put our and Cath. Sts. Bell 423. Home 140. foot in it and had better let the matter 6-16. Hailer's College Jewelry1 Complete Optical Dept. High C ass Watsh and Jewelry Repairing. Haller's Jewelry Store 216 S. Main Street 'II Home Laundry Company Bell Phone 381 J 218 E. Huron St. Home Phone 205 Black JOS. A. GAGLE Our Motto: "What we do, we do Well" Quality not Quanity i\ KNOX Rough Without Extra Weight A great many mten like the rough course braids but object to the weight. The Knox hat solves the problem. Knox sold only by us. Reule, Conlin& Fiegel 200-202 S. Main St. KIRTLAND'S The Old Place Billiaid Parlors Best and Most Expensive equipsent tN THE CtTY Lyndon, Photographer Ann Arbor's Headqearters for Kodake, Camneras and Pksto Supplies I make a specialty of Developing, Printing andEsnlarging for Amateurs-by modern methods. This has been my business for seven years and it has increased every day-Only results will do this and so whenever you want anything photographic look for the sign of the kodak-That's where things move. LYNDON 719 No. Vnlversity Kodaks for Rent, 10s peir day Jo All Men's Suits Fe (mg at 20% FULL LINE OF off Cigars, Tobacco and Candy If You Want Your Shoes Re aired Promply Take them to MODERN SHOE REPAIR SHOP nmer nw and the will be repaired as they should be-with nothing but the best of materials and workmanship excelled by none. QWe have recently added two of the newest machines to our modern equipment which makes our shop the most complete and up-to-date of any shop in the vicinity of the campus. This is what makes it possible for us to do such high-grade work and get it out so promptly with no confusion. We make a specialty of re-soling rubber-soled Oxfords. We sell Shoe Laces t611 East V iliam Street The Sign ol Ih Electric Shoe % I Keep 'ip with camrrpu. doinzs by subscribing for the WOL v E Sibspriptions troI now olm fifty cents