Vol Ii.
Public Will View University's
New Telescope For
First Time
The university observatory, officially
known as the Detroit Observatory, will
be open for inspection Thursday even-
ing from 7:30 to to o'clock. The prin-
cipal exhibit of the evening will be the
new 375%-inch reflecting telescope which
will be shown to the general public for
the first time. This is the second largest
reflector in use in the world, and the
largest connected with any university.
Professor Ralph H. Curtis has already
taken several hundred plates of stellar
spectra in the few omonths that the in-
strument has been in use.
The visitors will first be conducted to
the old 12-inch refracting telescope
through which they will observe the
moon. The telescope is 18 feet long,
and rests in a 22 foot dome. This in-
strument has served the university since
1855 and has never been seriously out of
repair. In 19o6, however, it was largely
The prominent features of the moon's
surface such as the Mare Crisium and
the crater Copernicus will be pointed out
and discussed. After having gazed at
the earth's satellite, the visitors will be
conducted through the new building
which was put up in 19o8. This part of
the observatory is elaborately equipped
with a multitude of clocks, telegraph
keys, sounders, recorders and the other
paraphenalia appertaining to a large ob-
servatory. These will all be on demon-
stration "Visitors' Night," and some one
of the assistants will explain their uses.
Tickets for admission to the .observa-
tory may be procured at Dean Kraus'
office upon presentation of the treasurer's
receipt, tomorrow and Thursday after-
noons from 2 to 5 o'clock. In case of
inclement weather, "Visitors' Night"
will be postponed until the following
Monday evening, August 7.
The Students' Christian association
will hold a dance and reception at New-
berry hall, Saturday, August 5, to which
all summer school students are invited.
The plans have not been definitely made
as yet, but there will be a special pro-
gram 'followed by music, dancing, and
refreshments. The entertainment is in
the. bands of the following committee:
W. P. Vis, '13, chairman; Dennis Smith,
12 n; G. W. Kingsbury, '.1; J. D. Fin-
layson, '12; Grace Lockton, '12; Ruth
Davis, '13; Clara Sargent, 'is m, and
Louise 'Miske. A fuller announcement
will be givess later.
- ANY' ',iiiii vwiiLL Cl nsE-
Nearly all of Ann Arbor's business
places will be closed tomorrow for the
day. The occasion is the merchants an-
nual outing and day of sports at Wi hit-
more Lake.
"Twelfth Night," the first of the three
Ben 'Greet plays will be given tonight
at 8 p. s. In case of rain the com-
pany will adjourn to University Hall,.
The numbers on the tickets sold, will
correspond to seats in the hall, thus
avoiding any confusion.
"As You Like It" is booked for Wed-
nesday's matinee, and "The Merry Wives
of Windsor" for the evening perform-
Dr. Hus Describes Progress and Ex.
tent of That Science
"Within the past few years it has
been possible to produce new forms
both of plants and animals either by the
injection of certain chemicals into the
parts set aside for reproduction or by
making more or less profound changes
in the environment. It is the discovery
of these laws, the laws which govern
inheritance, which offers to the botanist
one of his many opportunities."
With such revelations (lid Dr. It. T.
A. Hus ii his lecture on "The Oppor-
tunity of the Botanist" describe the
widening field of that class of scientists
Some discoveries possess an added
charm, he went on,' Since in these
cases the possibility of a recent origin of
a new form is not excluded. Hugo de
Vries proved this experimentaly on the
evening primrose. He also solved the
problem raised, after Darwmi, about the
miethods of evolution of species.
However far specialization in a ches-
en field may be carried, there is a grow-
ing -necessity for. keeping in touch with
others. As astronomer and physicist
meet i the realm of astrophysics, phys-
icist and chemist in the field of physi-
cal chemistry, so botanist and zoologist
meet in the field of eugenics, that
science which occupies itself with the
improvement of the race through breed-
ing. Plants lend themselves far more
readily to the investigation of the prob-
lems involved than do animals.
"To extend knowledge of the various
species of the flora of earth and sea
is the duty of every botanist. This Isay-
be done in various ways, as by studying
the flora of new or insufficiently ex-
ptored areas. Some times, it is possible
to correlate with such investigations,
owork of economic value."
Here Dr. Hus spoke of the qualities
necessary to become an explorer for
the department of agriculture, and how
some have died in such service.
"But it is not always necessary to
draw on the flora of distant countries.
By thoroughly going over a well-cov-
ered territory one may be able to add
new varitics of a mcre or less well-
known species."
To illustrate, lantern slides were used
showing experiments on the oxalis and
the capsella.
""How much would it not mean to us
if it were possible to permanently in-
fluence the human race by applying these
laws! Imagine that individual char-
acteristics might te altered at isill, say
for instance, musical taste. If this ever
comes true it might e possible to look
forward to a pleasant evening at homee.
undisturbed by our neighbor's phono-
graph, or vorse et, by a tin-pann piano
as the accospaniment to an equally tin-
panny voice.'
Professor Warthin Describes
Morbid Tendencies of
That the representation of disease has
been a favorite subject for the masters
in painting was the opinion which Dr.
A. S. Warthin gave to the audience
which attended his lecture on "The Rep-
resentation of Disease in Art" last even-
ing. The popularity of this subject has
been in evidence from 0 earliest times.
The passing of the long line of painters
has left in existence numberless mem--
orials describing in all detail the nature
of diseases, leprosy, hysteria, insanity,'
and deformities of many kinds. The
galleries of Europe are filled with these
memorials and from them Dr. Warthin
has collected many reproductions, with
which, as lantern slides, he illustrated
his lecture. .
During the Middle ages, a period af-
dicted by a host of plagues, unprevent-
able by a backward science, thousands
were victims to loathsome diseases. The
subject of death was paramount in the
minds of the people and artists withi 1
sense for the morbid were quick to
grasp it; many of the canvasses of this
time show deformities of the most gro-
tesque kind.
From an early time when the life of
Christ was a central figure in art, many
pictures have comc down to us in whichs
the theme is the healing of those pos-
sessed of devils. Dr. Warthin accounted
for the truth of these miracles in manyy
cases, by comparing them to the modern
(Continued oni Page 4)
Humphreys and Gingerich Say Ben
Greet is O. K.
Tie article that was run last Satur-
day in which we quoted Archie Bell of
the Cleveland Plain Dealer on Ben Greet,
has excited much discussion on the cam-
pus, Prof. S. F. Gingerich, of the ng-
lish faculty, in commenting upon the
criticism said, "Every actor has some
sort of genius' for certain things. and
Ben Greet's genius lies in the represent-
ation of comedy and farce. In these
parts ie is supremely successful. He
fully understands his limitations, how-
ever, and refuses to play parts that are
not tted to his genius."
Professor Gingerich also said he felt
that Mr. Greet wanted to present a
well rounded performance and not a
single "star show." Wilbur R. Humnph-
reys, also of the English faculty, stated
this point as follows: "It is true that
the point of individual acting has never
been emphasized in Mr. Greet's policy
so usch as the demands of the pro-
cuction as a whole."
Mr. Humphreys took issue with the
Buckeye critic an the point of the in-
adequacy of Greet's company. Mr. Bell
said that the company supporting Greet
(Continued on Page 2 )
All students oho desire credit for
work done u the literary department
this summer are required to file at the
office of the summer session a request to
that effect, showing courses in which
they desire credit, and rmust leave a
stamped envelope bearing their address.
These requests must be made between
August 5 and 15.
Notices of condition will be sent out
the same as in the regular sessions.
No. 14.
Calhoun Is To Conduct Second
Summer Trip, To Lake
Erie Resort
The second excursion to be given this
1911 Freshman Bible Will Give More summer by the department of geology
' Information
will take place next Saturday, when
Thr 19i1 editions of thehandbook,
which is published annually by the Stu- Prof. F. H. H. Calhoun wilt conduct a
dents' Christian association is now ready party of students to Put-in-Bay island,
for the press. The new book is going Lake Erie. All geology students who
to be larger than any of its predecessors have never visited the island are ex-
and for the first time in several years pected to' take this trip.
has been revised and brought up to date. Ou arriving at their destination the
Many new features have been inaserted. party will be dlvited into two groups,
Full data about the board of regents one of which will study the geology of
and the standing committees of the board the place while the members of the other
have been compiled. In addition, an will devote their time to sight-seeing
extract of the rule relating to the com- bathing and other diversions.
munications that must come ump before The island abounds in many curious
the regents has been inserted. rock formitions. Among these are:
A special feature is an article on the the Crystal Cave, noted for its many re-
"IHealth of Students," published by markable celestite crystals; Paradise
authority of the university, and written Cave, containing innumerable stalactites
by a ioard named for this purpose. and stalagmites; and Perry's Cave,
"Rules for the Conduct of Fresshmen" named after the famous commander.
aind "Wise Words to the Freshman" are On the south side of the island -are a
the titles of two other features, with the large number of "glacial groves," where
direct purpose of instructing newcomers I the wave action on the rocky shore has
,ii the "hows and whys" of Ann Arbor. caused unusual formations.
A long felt want will be remedied by Put-in-Bay is primarily a summer
the publication of a list of the irmportant resort and the excursionists will have
dates for the next school year. This in- opportunity to take in the amusements
eludes S. L. A., U. O. A., S. C. A., Choral of the place. The party will leave Ann
Union, Michigan Union, athletic and Arbor at 6:57 Saturday morning on the
university dates. It has been made as Michigan Central, arriving at Detroit an
complete as possible, no pains being hour later. The boat for the island
spared to get the latest information. leaves at -half past eight. An excursion
This list will take up over six pages. rate has been obtained, of $1.20 for the
The book has been made one-fourth round trip. Those who do not wish to
of an inch broader, will have a very go as far as the island may obtain a
flexible cover, and gilt edges. 3,500 of round trip ticket to Detroit for 8o cents.
these leather covered books have been A second ticket entitles the holder to
ordered an-d will be given to all fresh- the lake ride.
men and other new arrivals at the begin- Tickets can be procured from Prof.
ning of the school year. 1,500 supple- Calhoun who will be in the basement of
mets for mailing have been included the Economics building every -day from
in the order, and these will contain per- 10 to 12 and from 2 to 4; or fnrom Mr.
tinent facts regarding life in Ann Arbor, W. H. Perkins who will be in the office
including all expenses, and what to do of the summer session on Wednesday
upon arriving here. and Friday fron 8 to 10:30 a. m.
It ft-ill Be Open to Ulsitors Thursdlay Eveniig.
Tonight Evening, 8 P. M. Seat Sale
"Twelfth Nih" aWahr's Bookstore-Daily, 4-6
Tomorrow Matinee, 4 P. M.
T Aor ou Like, 4 P. .Reserved Seats, $1.00 and 75c
"As You Likie Ii"-
Seats for the three performances will
Tomorrow Evening, 8 P. M. be sold (until Monday Evening Only)
"Merry Wives of Windsor"Campus Theatre August1- at $2.25 and $1.75.