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July 29, 1911 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1911-07-29

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T H E W 0 L V E R I N E


For Nxt Ye
75c Per Francis LRiordan, Managing Editor
T.Ihe Trost of the 'Shoe Re pairing
Biusiness. lie will (10your wr
ia hurry-up style.
Laces, Polishes, Etc.
The University Shoe Shop
613 Rost Williamo street
You will atiways find a(Jorge Itoe of
Thie East University Pharmacy
(219 S. tUniversity Ave.
Ourei-P-ccaare RiIht
U. of M. and
P. G. TESSMER, Proprietor
Both Phons h'S~
The Kepf MusicuStudios
U Planso Pips Om-an
* Voice.Cunlture-
101-103-105 SMain S#.. AnnuArborMich.

All ?ntter in this columnu oiusi be paid
for in advancre. Office hours : 1:30 to
3 P. itt.
Tutoriog in Rhetoric and Englislt.
Prices reasontable. Addresus, Lawn,
Press Boilding. Phooe 960. 4-6.
Los-Joly o2i, sootewh ere nereNloroe
and ;Mte Sts., aSigma it ikey-mbar-
ing wwtn er's mante. IFindert t-leas(. e..-
(tucitto tr ielepthonet H. H.I illaret.
4ins Niniroc St.
CTke-( Probly byli ta ke}) . fro
reatr of law- buing a goray I ogle
twheel, with ltute triminllgstttd
guards attdcoasler-blie.otCall tell
6i1, ttr Htitte 344. etwarti 13-1Si.
To those itt youo iroe1not onttoI
oil Ann Arbor atcd her enodies. If yout
irisit a qutiet little retreat-awtay fcom
all tis hutrlybodly attd the muaddeinig
gcind and- crant of books, go to the
]-Iotie Teat Roomt withliits iperfect lap-
pinitmtentl,Inospen d yourctext eveinig
w-it (lee.The catslire idelieiouo. (119
W~ashi. Upstairs. 12-13.
Like a derik of fresht, cool buttertmilk,
(tick irons (le churn? Ask for it at
noon. Wturster Bros., Cor. Det. and
Catherfite Sts. Bell 423; Honte (40.
You-all who come from
the South
Do you know just how deliios
rich creant can taste with genuine
mapie syrup poured one it and
a dash of fresh hulled nots
You can find out1 at
208 S. Main St.
Rovegno asks you 5i cents for
his sundtrs-any piano else you
would pay 10 and 15 cents and not
get as much. Give him the
chance to show yoti. If you don't
you are the loser.



_._ _

Naittes in his directory are takett
lenim the records in the offices of the
secretaries of te various departments
and contaitn the same errors. I no
phontetnutmber has beett placed ott the
enreollment card, none is shown here;
t tat does not preclude there eing
a photte in the °ouse ; call cie opera-
tor aitd tell her swhat house you want.
Enrolment y the departlmtenlu is it-
dicaed as follows: literary, ame fol-
lowed by io lteler; engineering, e;
lao, ; medical, tm; phiatic, p; grad-
uate school, g.
Telephone umbers tn paretheses are
foe the Done phone others for the
Bell Whent Bnioogcal staiontorCap
Bogamrdus ppears as ctiy addiess, mnail
mtay be sent In Topinabee care Biolgi-
cal satboitetcCmp IBogrdus as the
ease smayle
"ttlniil, ei lta, i)oh Pithkard, SVest
coliil.S. ogrsI 37Si.IDiisin,
11(5011 1Ga. 20-1ut
Kansas its lt iio88-,
ScthottCtrisines718 SInga" lls, Ga-
tnToledoiO.0 1190L.
SichrodileIEnis ,11,45 Chrch.
SiP V Iin, nlot 1S.Thle, CI-it
sas LitCityAl.981
Scsotti . N , 7Si -itll, le e-
Siamaun, Nalge''tel 615 Si Intills, Alii-
Stcotrd, G. Jaetbt73( Si StateIttenr .
it) J
Sielsi IlTiti0Pau caplBgarduls.
II hI ittiPak
Seeye (SilEdward, c (intoashngo)
Sily, Roblet NNlolui, 0o6lifth'Ae..
tuges torSiomVt.76-J
iteors it tlinst br.113
Sito un V.ut ngltallsCnC hlina~.
Setit--im-rais,1151.Huo Sal-
tuattt, N N.37.
C etit},Bai it.155
Sieehati G.t ariI ithtlig,417 Si' lurne,
Niles. 15
Siltsni Tsu i c,64 Si That-c.
Siltngihi. Cina. o91
Siii ShekAr it a\ 1 12 I, Na-
d c a1t. 149-L.
Shltrwiiodt Nible . 31 Jeffsi. Law--
Shigtley, Nellur R,IFemontil
Sill, Loutis 35 E.Jeft-irsntLthisnile
I'm 35-J
Sittite ils L .,1-'1231SiS. ts ccr, Motr-
is, 111. 1310L
Simmtons Daniel N.,1XWittotna
'Simpson14Haold Len, m 715 Fores,
Stunclie, Iiares George, 12Tie w'telfth,
Poll Huroti 921.
Sitolairillam 'Thomtas. 615 S. tng-
llsNI o dslIe, Cautada. 317-J.
Siveke, Joannies, m, Io15 . HE.urnt, To-
letitiO0 395,

Skani, Chiristiani, 1, NVashemtis-&RHill,
ilatielord, Cotit. I18 84S~).
Siloani, Lasrence. e, Camsp Bogarduts,
Attn Arbor.
Slolis, IL, 724 Chuirchl, Mtarinte City.
Sith, Benijait Franklint, Sio E. Nasht-
ingtoit, Alexander City, Ala.
Smitth, Denjamtin Franskllit, 1, Run E.
-itient, Birnmintghams, Ala. 1231-L.
tttith, Chtarles S., A ntn-Arbor.
Smuith, Clarettce Gardener, e, 913 E.
Huront, Bay Ciiy. tlo-J.

IHamburtng. 723-J. Arbtor. 1 tip-I,.
Smiith, iDelt liS, 5,. 525 itettjatit, lDt- 'Terr-, iBenijamintTaylttr,1317 Foiret-,
troit. Nest Nork, N. Y. 1637-L.
SithitiEdith, it ark-Trael- I yn- Taer, Fliztlietli i621 S. StatteiBetle-
Sittt Itte" S mt C (tuu N ot Iltem, 'a.b99-J.e4Si
SmithF i C.,101 E lu seas- Thill , , SJ hyeScol
Smtitl JaC e s r lk, i t Is 'St t55 tu 'Sho psn, l ltaI.,g 112 aht-
Arboi her63,7'ThotmpsonttGette IClae
Sith.ttMNtirill, N.,in, Siitt. ois,1o iThoitmpsoni Gilbuert .'rimk, it, Cittcinnti,
Sitithli N (tailL.,718S I it llsit1h n- O
SittltIRobettI.,gSterantilsoi. 144-J
Sithli Watltoni Sipauilling , 0 S icStanles- 920 Mnrotettecketillt
Sitt e tonte, 11. 131.12J,
Siiii,tNellit I.,No08I. 'Situ II -til, Iftntus JohtntHaroldt, e,6-24 Pockord,
Woth O. t(3694-J. Jamtestowit N. Y. gob(906).
Sneootr,(tGereN\_..g,419 E1.PUiver- TitittitillI im 3.XeIt,5S.Inltths,
site,'StAnn ,tuer.445 Silo Cit t317-J.
Sniell, I ho ILiltin, t}21r 1-II tah intt huT itnktrCliirence J.,344 5. Staite, Fecu,
Sititilski CliiilIs, mi BIntlol NN .1isalI c1tilaitt 1 lt1 1003 Fi. Un~ive'r-
Sititilti Chrishti n I '., 21 N. Stte, t , Oust i it
Newai rkN N Y e113.Thutttiler.T.,727 1.Univeresity, I 1l
Situ hreI ell i KiRosoet.52Mnlree lottd. 687.
Nes tnt rickh, It. 990-Jl. TotbisXl xwis lCampslogairdmus, Atnt
Siy er Ralp the M., lit I 03 IF (4, ii itt 'St- 'Sibtie
cathr, Ill. lotS .Totltd tHld Si oS.iveirsity-, De-
Solver ttIel ALti)oSiIntgillst la rot 7-L
1030-1,. tiuminig (Ste, e, g,614 Mlonreoe, lttose-
Suit. Franuth .,i Npsilantit lie 'Ii n n.ti 1257_).
Souersit :;t Wahingon 31, 8Si.1Thay- ITonilanu jotht,1,421I,. Uivresity, N-Is-
ti, L3t-nchburgeuVa. 13 o0. toKs. 993-tL-
Silts, tir(Seem NIit433 MnI ardttml ten- 1Toole, Chles 1). Itt,415 N. IDisisioni,
Siencrtu t .s t61 S Smutn A-'Sm Itistlt IHIsest tChtrmes,113 F.Uttiner-
hut. 97t-. 428. tSluMshatint1 Inc.(1551).
Si t Haro.ti ld 'Sini.1437 II .ihin itiTo1nemt, Blatch lotrct,527 Thtmpistn,
1111 mmmmmms Ia. 319 (319). 'aistw. t1it,-J.
Sitane (tlts I,,, 0 N.81tits, Towtstend,'Sitta Virgminia, t412 Geddels,
'Smut 'Srbon. 83Si-L. IN ingmt lI)15C. (594-L.
Sital, ittlto . 5 4S Si SiteIs ltro ti it s rayNsewtomntA'S1308 Geddels, Tomledom,
Ohealt, SitantleyA.'S hlotte. Tiais,(Georte '1I, m1tIN.Ingtalls, IBig
otes. ts1amura, nsas t lii Rids. h 1;599-L.
Stele, iitRu ithefrdp-'15Si.1'ts si I mTegroeN. Q.,106 Twnelfth, Lske
Hpintmstotllt- Ky. 726-J.itite.l225-L.


of the
University of Michigan
Complete information concerning seven departments:
Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine,
Law, Pharmacyn Homeopathy, Den-
tistry, and the Graduate School and
the Summer Session.
Special courses inu Forestry, Newspaper Work, Landscape
Design, Higher Commercial Education including Railway
Administration and Insuransce, Architecture, Conservation
Engineering, Pedagogy (affiliated with Ann Arbor High
School for Observation Study), and a new course for those
preparing for the scientific administration of departments
of sanitation and public health.
For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement or
Individual Information address
Secretary University


Siteeseifran XXNilsertC/ Si8Monrcie,
Siliteinto t I liar, is Camp Btigardtums,
Sttphetst Nrs. Theodoremt2i7 N'. iilii-
sontt 'mut 'Smlieor. 80-.
Stehenont ,e,6oF Atin, 'To-
trell, CS. t i -J.
SitsmeatILeroy-N'S, 4i1 1 '.Utivrsite'
Sit teat, Net IleI1208loXS U'iviersity,
Sutsw lsIt SituldL .I M. u0 E. -ur ,
DeadwoodttlSi Dak. 3)7 397).
StiiitX ((thur L.,1,(606Si Thaierc irt
StittriothIuenuse, no N. State, Neatm-
It, Idao. 2 -
SitkesJihn 1-1.,itt Ito I?.Intgatl.-sA111
-lho 936-..
Sitoner, XX (haul Cyu is, iI14 N. iug-
aSt u i Cvela d, 1. 146t6itt-.
Stoleui , Gin Al.,e,70' Si k teteersile. Sr-
tuot.(63 (13).
Stuit Itt(tto iuel. t,338 S. Fothl,
XXto eitNtb.t1i&1-I
Si~ttteNlXI lna ,Gr lI. h
Suits PaItuh'ul l Iedrc,6(3 FK. thadisoti.
SiutlltivanXXiltitutuE., m0 t4d1E. Cathler-
ie, Liii, . 23-J
Sitaethonus. Pout Id G, 8o6 I-fill, Gertntu
laids.l 374 13,4).
Sis't,et XX imtuJr..I, 207 5.tngalls,
mum i i CultMisn. 75-L
SEglSit 213 N.lTatre. Amot-.
China. 1346.
1 Tsr, Merett6In Si.lbhaer,Ttoledo,
TaclsChiariesF., Camsip Boegarus,
Ta'm rt mel '51meitl XXnooslee, CS.
Tamtt. Tsoneuc iNguee6In S. 1'hayr,
Tamu, Sing, 413 ThttmttsotntChantgshma,
China.o 1334J
Taor oe,0 , 2; S.Inlgaills, Norlosille,
Taylor, RithdXi.,I013 K. Huen,
Chrumusbimeg, Ity397.
Taor, Retost -L g, 13 ark Tertice.
Negmunse 715-.
TaylorXXWoler M.,itst1'37 Vollanud,
Osid. 594-L.
TeaguteCa'smut H., t15N. Stale, Ilope.

tS'1' It lIN T'O51INVW AKT
Thte (tiediofithetleores itflectures iy
tlii mtedhical( ftcutyx-is schtedutled fete
text Tumesdaeeneminig at Si e'clock, whemn
Perof. _'SS. NVmetiut will ospeak outIhe
"Repretsenmtttit IfDiosease ini AXe," in
tile wsestamputheautru-ie ofthe mtedesicaml
Iui Icng XX- atlltutwsill trace the
listor lisft thneotralosfl idtisteasenrt
lie limits i1 iltheroaly Egytians, time
CGreks,1- Romnsthtr Siidmle Ages, anth
tutuwntimodernltrie us.Timelectucewill
tbr itluustred btsslidues umaude lie Dr.
Cormisbuttiontsumngowing sails, treat-
ed aund timed. Everything absolutely
ant(isepltc.Office tours:5 9-12 a.-m., 1-Si
p. it. Muss KE. J.Foley, 921 K.Etumroni
St., emid o1 North 12th. Phone 989-J.
A cnmplete stock of Classic aund Pop-
ular lusic mud Musical Supplies at Ite
CUiieresity MIusic. House. 8-12.
-Xliwysa frestol uiine fPyhutPauter
andut A'stoiulmsn Dotum forget his call
anth setethe -NI Strapblooks before you
tilts elsewtheteitO0 Holule, 3tdoorsfrot
Staute, It,12 1. (sects. 13-18.
For all Musical Insltments, supplies,
popular and classic musie, see Schaeberle
and lots, Music House, 11o S. Main St.
It wut a pleasure to go to Tuttle's af-
Ier (lie duance la-st Fritday-evenintg. Thte
serviee was proumpt amid everythintg seen-
edi ttii fresh ansslcleanm. 3,38 S. Shtte
Law Books for. Summer Sehool. Lar-
out stock in Michigan. New and secnd
hand, C. E. Barthell, 326 5. Stale St.,
second floor. Tel, 761h-L. I-t0.
Wurster Bros. sell fresh cottage
cheese, the old fashioned kind. Cor.
Detroit and Cat-herine Sts. Bell 423;
House (40.6-.
College Inn is still open through sum-
orer school. Sandwricbus of all kinds.

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