THE PWOL V ER INEP Z Northwestern Mutual LIFE INS._ COO M'ILWAUKEE Let Us Have a Talk WithYOU FRED'K M. STEINBAUER District Agent, Hammond Buislding Detroit WM. S. McCORMICK Local Age ri 1210 Washtesnaw Ave. Call 373-J SEST LUNCHES BANCKOFT Ice--Cream 72M~o t and Cold Drinks 72 oaeSt PHOTOGRAPHER officialt Photographer toMilchidgan Athiletics for 10 yrors. Studio: 319 E. Huron St. Phone 961-L IStudent's Supply Store F or your Note BoolksIFounotanPeos, Stastionery, ENGINEER'S SUPPLIES, Cindy, CigasFtc. 1111 S.Unisrsity UNIVERSITY School of Music MAYNARD STREET SUMMER SESSION Eight Weeks Alt Branches Fall semester will begin Oct. 2 -30 Artist Teachers Send for illoustrolcd catloge CHARLES A. S9INK Secretary STATE SAVINGS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. Caital J,50000) Sorplos aod trofits $00,000 Riesources $1,400,000 THE WOLVERINE Publishced Tocsday, Thursday and Satordoy afternoons by thec stodents of the Uoiversity of Michigan summecr scs- Comsounications will bc printed ooly when signed, altbouogh writcr's iianic will be withheld on rcqucst. Notices pcrtainingtg0ouniversity offairs will be prioted onice gratis. Monoging Edior-Horold G. McGee. IBosinoss Ilosooacyr-Jotix Il. PAYNO. Be~lPbooc 1359or 96o. Res. 444 S. Stoic Si. EDITORIAL, STAFF EDITORS Eriicst R. Burton. Robt. M. Gillett. NS'itticon T. Dauigbcrty. Buorlcigh Jacobs. Prclot oh. Coltanomnre. FeonIt. fHossick. Maude Edwards. Morton R. Hooter. L,. Eorl Crossman. Chas. Johnson. JamesoDEvelin. BUS5INESSl sTAFF Assistant Basiness Moooager-Victor 14. Lawn. Address : THoitWoevgateoN), Preso Bldg., Mayntardl Street, Attn Arbor, Michigan. Off ice Hoars: 1no0 to 2:30 p. to. doily. Bell Phonte, 96lo. Subscription Rates : Local, sevetnty- five cents for tbe Osummer; nailed to any address for one dollar. Advertising Rates : Furnished ispoto ipplication to the Business Matnager. ,ditor Todoy-ERNIST BURTON. SATURDAY, JULY 29, t911. CALENDAR Jttty 31tThe Opplortunity of thec Bo- tantist, illustratced lccturetoy lDr. -H. T. A. I los, 00ect lectture moots, phoysi- cat laboratory, at 3. The RIeprescntaoti onooftDiscasc in Art, illitstratced lecturcelbs trof. A. S. \oarttiii, wsct aostohittocotrc, omediical building, at 8. Auogusot 1-What Astronomsert ArcetDo- inin the Study of the Stars, ils- trateid lecture by Aso't Prof. R. HI. Baker, west tecttire room, phy sical laloratory, at 5. Opiitc Air Perforumaocc - Tswelfth Night, by lBen Greet Ptaycrs, caompus theatre, at b. August .---peun Air Performsanoce-As Youtike ccIt, toy BcoiGreet tPls3 crs, camopus theactre, at 4. IOtelo Air lPerf oormanoocc- Mcrro N'ies . of \Vooootoortoy Ben Groeet Playoersrcampu~ts teatre, t t. Ausgust 3StudetLitfe ooil Pari, tec- tuore b19ntorurictoor C. H. Volotertowet lecture 000000,1p1hysocal tlbotrot or ct 5. Visitoors' Nighot it tthe Otoservsatory. Tickets caoooelotbltaoooocot 01thesoffice of [)ecall ouoaus oWedn otesda oooodThuooros- doo fromoso?2to;. Augosst 4-Scloot ooootSocietyododress loy Proof. J. J. Fioodley (Unoiversity of Macohteter, Eooglaiond), west lecture roonis, pbhysicaol laboratory, at S. Auoguost 5-Ecorsiooo too Put-ioo-B~ay Laoke Erie, ouoder the directin of Prof. P. II. ti. Caltouon, trace .Aooo :Arbor viao Mictoigoos Central t 6t :57 Theo avoeraoge vug aisao thoe goioog-to-eollegt cge-haso no: mo0:re tootoohlf thec faoolts thtocareo osooally saoidtoobeilorl00hitstpossessiono. Ioo faot, if be 100aooanyfauolt at coil it is oroblyla cce of erspoectirve, or senose ofptonor tiono. Fxeic c aood less capoadoi teaceocs are Iccoot busy reooedoyiong ibis c ooooitiooo, boot 10n tiomocthoey geooerally soucceeod1to ;000icoapprecialtc oegree. Whoile otoe lorocess ofsoopoplyioog toeotiiliclo istoo apaltcreot is go ig000, boosecoor, theo yonog man o f oteoo foorooooseo someot lh0000orouts eisoooes lose Olo booklcof life. Out ioo .'inn0 Arlor theothller cboo thetcity coditor ool "The Wholovcrinie," a little tpcaIetoil- lishedotboe-,oood for the stoots of tlto somer schoool illitbe Ujoosc - sity f itMcloogaoo,setrione sorf: ti00 repoorters-ctriomiayte it Iwcloancas tociaote edit or-out to coove r 000 ad- tress inytreutnliates, of tbr 0,00- schoolt, oooothe recoilt "oruIc of 5re -, ooo" oecisiooor froolso thoc Uooiieot States susireome cooutrt. Tloe stor tas ls aoooeod,iooo a ugoodoneooo, toc- tothehoc teado-writer, havoigoin ooiooothaltthteospoeaoker0\00s thoe heado ofl toelcoosaloootyil io nooo rbeoor, loeaootedti010tlohestorss inithit fosloioooo F' 111115 rt t . rI'I'R1 I OU RToo." Iloe troiounoal of lost resoort cannooot deny ordinary-tmots totorii loge of shoariong intthe lotoomor. -7loe IDtcooll Newcs. oVhe hoeo maodsotIcho ceoooooe tot too tlo> ioanooi wrootthIeloeaoo, "it wosuldhv been heol11lofor thoc urlcecourit if biterslooaonotosotiltotit'"too joist ooo- sweed reoooarkioog thact the suplremoe corinislorepubilicanlounOllttry, Ito It its aoothoority-o oootras i0000s otlegoatedotr thoc peolel, 0010: isere, eichoanod oeor one0, 100 the coot a00001ysis, superoioro too oood enowoteot oitlo tlotrighto to uphtooldor too cenorsre itr govrnmeonotal servats -Bto hoold,,m11ooooa; ishe lcototoooonu- lore SUMMER STUDENTS. Thoe Univeroity Music Mtouse corriesa comoplete stock of thoe Michigant College Mutic. We inovite you to call atood be- conic familiar with it. 8-is. Text Books FOR SUMMER SCHOOL Oceans of Second-Hand Books at prices that will save money. ! _I WHIT-ttTtfRP,. Mrs. Stark is givioog smoaltodanocinog parties cacti Thursday eveonisog folloos- iog tier geoternous dinneors. CLI PTON INN. What is the Use of Paying Four Dollars AI ekfrbadwe o a get good home cooking at WALKER'S for $3.00 by paying four weeks in advance. 336 S. Division Street Phone 212J 1 Hailer's College Jewelry I ComplteOpticlcotDent. 110ig10CtlOtt itasoloasd Irstelry tRepairing. Haller's Jewelry Store 216 S. Matn Street BEngilleer's Supplies FOUNTAIN PENS BLANK BOOKS STATIONERY, ETC. WAHR'S University Bookstore I v. KNOX Home Laundry Company' Bell Phone 381 J 218 E. Husron St. Home Phone 205 Black JOS. A. GAGLE Our Motto: "What we do, we do Wei" Quality not Quanity Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye Cittzens of Ass Arbor-Students of the U. of M. NovoeCossoeS use SUGAR BOWL in the ily of Anss Aribor of 100 S. Main St andallites thai tesaid SUGAR BOWL" is ready, outs, asid willisig so serve iettercreamsoasndsweeter catis with prompsster service than isny other similar cosnfectionaoryinitisseity. And tis they sre illig to Ileeit the country. Phone 967 _Lyndon, Photographer ArnArbors Ueadqssasteefor- Kodaks, Canmeosos at d Photo Ssssspltes I make a specialty of Developing, Printinsg ansd Esnlarging for Amateurs-by modern nmethods. This has beeni my businsess for seveni yeats and it tins increased every day-Otnly results will do this atnd so whenever you want anything phokographic look for the sign of the kodak-That's where things move. LYNDON 719 No. VmlIeeeotty Kodaks for eRst, t0o pray day r Rough Without Extra Weight A great msany tnen like the riough course hraids hut ohject to the weight. The Knox hat solves the prohlem. Koxs sold onily oby us. ReuleConlin & Fiegel 200202 S. Main. St. KITAN' The Old Place Billiard Parlors Best and Most Expensive eqoipsoent IT TYNECITY FULL LINE OF ICigars, Tobacco and Candy di uetk ~All Men's Suits at 20% off Just Received by Express ix claw ot of Ladies' W hite Shoes and P umps _ I Dori't Delay if PR I L ' Youa Want ek. Pair PV IL " __________________119 Sousth Main Street Aiso a n~ew lot of Fine White Sillk Lisle Hose 35 eta. per pair 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Keep uzp with 0an~pus doings by su~bscribing for the WOLVERINE do-Iz - S L! - --s froim rnow on fifty cents