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July 29, 1911 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1911-07-29

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Vol II.


NO. f3.

FI~I~~~DBY FALLCampus Settees are the Habitat of IFRO CO
_____Since three benches thtave keen pltaced
htenth e tll ihrttry ond tihe 11m11ain uitd-
New Building on Ferry Field ilg, theyae 11CCweliltlli lost conls11011 Archie Bell of "'Plain Dealer''
utse. Wiatchedltoe anthotur Pridas' after-
Will Have/ Extensive noon,11.they were empty for nailten tlil- SasEgih nSlht
Accommodations w4ersfllyoi oxiccupiiiedithat tire wonrit His Work
________ who wanitedl tostuidy ittie otpeitwere
obligeil to forego the comiforts ot civiii-

EDIFICE WILL LCOST $30,000.001Jnttiont andelsit 1on1thle grounid.

Stdintg at the left of the entrance.
to Ferry field, the University of hMichi-
gait athletic club house, evaluated at
$30,000, will imake a notable adtlitiiin
text year to tine protierties already ownt-
ed hy the Athletic associtioti. Grounid
was hrokeit a mnthi ago;t anit, though
to the casual observer ino marledl ad-
vances hareewni mlade, a subistiittial
foundation lits hbcit already laid, anid
the terrace tti frot the btuilding has
tieen elevated. The edifice, coinstructed
in old 'nglisht designt,swill 'le cotmniletecd
biy the opeiting of tie neiviersity in the
inAn innovatin initthiiletic isork 'here,
the butiildiitg will offer t' tithletes iniy
coinvenieinces andi facilities liithnerto ude-
iiied themi. 'Nyo loniger will the visiting
teamsnoDave to inake tine dimly trip froin
Wbatermuant gymnasitumn to tine field anld
hack in a warin sweat. Showers aine
lockers, right on the scene of actioit,
will elinnitnate 'the tecdicitstiess of this
proceeding, and entabile changes Ic Ie
muscle proinnptly
The citire consrutiiontwill he un
trick aitd cement compniosition, the 0o111
wood-work in evicdenceeheitig thlat of
the floors itine louigitng atid visitors'
roonns. Tine first of the two stortes
will contlaiti tinecltuhroom-inwiii chliua
large grate andilchimnttey seats ssill he
installedl, 'tit a lockcer roomn, supipliedl
witht 270 lockers tioci 20 shosvers.Tine
cluh rooin will oiient uponthlie visitors'
rooin, whlichn will he equiippned with 20
lockers aiti added convemniemices fur tine
opnposing teamns. The secottd floor will
tie given over exclusively to lockers,
3,3 in tinunher, except for ti large rooim
whnose =piarticular fiinctioni has lot let
,hecei determfined.
Witeter the lprivilege of usig line
club house will he gratntedi to tile geiteral
siudeini public, has not heeit decidetd.
At all events, it is pirobahle that soine
restriction wiii have to Inc made at least
next year, as the locker roonmoin tine
second floor is not expected to Inc ftlly
equippietd hy the bleginin~iig of line faili
"Whnat Astrtonmrs are Dolinlg iiin e
Study of the Sttirs" will he the suibject
of Ass't Prof. R. I. Baker's leccture
'Moinday ifteriloont inlthe Irest pnhysics
lecture rootuit ivie Io'clock. It swill
serve as a genteraliin1111odutction ill is-
tronm titand lprosapectsve visitirse wli
bne toltd wthat tiiiy imatsexiledtto see
whnvte y 1 talke thleir inceci" ut the fol-
ttwittg 'Thtursd'iy nilht.
SPlIsiiTaRy SiVIi n O ~Riix RNSOOlN.
Secrrtatry Shirtley W. Smtith is explect-
el tietra to An'111 iArb text VWednies-
ltiy froii 'Muiskogee, Oklaholliia, -whncre
he was catueu hy thitlittess lit his lirotli-

Atiout sixtyyo menlt iwiere present at
line secoinilWomni'is Letagume ptarty, held
yesterdayisafterito1111 at tBtrbnotir gym-
itasiumn. There nwas110 formnal program,.
bitt 'a ntuinber of "aises usere playetd, if-
Icr svhichn wafers and ptuich wsere sersedl.
"Ike" Fisher tad charge of tinetousle,
aiii the edaiiciiig- lasted tiitil 96It'clock.
Tine nextswcmni's pairty ii il be Iheld
Fritdar, August 12.
Ini a gtane feattireid by lieaivy ittiitg
lol both sides theo literary depal rtmnit
bitsebnall teamt defeated the Nuttcltub
teain, 'coimposetd of studcents ftroiiinllde-
plartmnits, at West Park lball diaimond1 i
Inninogs- 1 2 3 4;5 9 7-R ill'.
Lits ..... 1 2 x 1 2 2 0- 9gt16 2
Nut Clith..21 ooo 03-f6 Ii 3
PRsOi. Git. o. Ititeslo OxitAititil usYCITYs.
Proif.Gardnier S. Ye hliaus sewno has
just resigitedlns hentd of line cisieiigi-
meetring tdeinrrmnnt, tins bienctihosen- 1)y
thie nwater comittnnlee of lie nenit Arbiir
city couiitil to a1111aiae thte ipropertt if
line AnumAbr WateXr1cro1111111 and3 tio
treare plits iior a neisplat.i
text tRat1 IRS.AA.s 5 't'rsir
Tine flinterati serviee if tiele tcMrs.
AlbertIA. Sitiileiyiiato held PlTiursdaty
afteirnoon1 at the faiiily residence, Sio
OxtfoirdiRoandRes. Ilenry) Tatlocklit
St. Atidrews 5 1 tisal chu enercnofficiat-
itg The bcdy-las 15iterireli at Foleta
ill ieeiieterilbesidlethint ter tlaiuglter,
ElsatStaleya isou dietiabot a a r

Ie Gi (reet tine greatt is lnl more, aiti
Bent Lireel the secoiid'rate hnts takei This
placc, necortdinig tiArchie Bell,idrttintlc
edtior If tine'Clevelanud Pllainu Dealir-. Ii
arecenctireiticismi of the effotstif the
"wood1 lanntlay oers" ini'Tout I. Johini-
son' acella the Ceveland critic remuarks:
LiGreat is.a seconilallctss tictor.Ilie
alwatys seemis to sulit hits worbecinl
hr hilairioush ly lilt' scenles ililtil.as
always his favo*~rite I'leit'.he mumb1 tll's lis
lutes aitd muturaltuly clin~g's IllaiiEinglishi
'cenit that frequti111lyinkes imi ucit-
"A for the rcompanytillall Mri Bell.
"thie 111n11iviualaembers ite lialbrotughlt
mere tree 1111 swletillit f rtial icommenit~it.
Perhiais hlieizhies thitshetter tutuntiits-
ttie alse oe t eall ael o the ceven oiiitteid
Ill place thietilt tiles otnttile progrtmn."
Of truth, tintse le itlitrrd tls.Yet
thiere is oneIstaltusleft fortir'V e ret's
adihumrersto c lutch atithe levielatiter
adminitothtin o it or1111a eepier
kaionwledge of Sbhikespealie. Luit, says
hte, "tinetIlkabbttplaitsgiithiings is
they nate iii the '.izanlethnit imes is all
fltitiilili XXilliainiof Stratfmtird woiiul
rathrciecca A hl ii iltand11Sothen pro-
dutietioii lft oneCIllhisplays thnia Greeet
proidtctioln aliiotscenieryifithInccotiul
ttome hiaek tefrolmieurgatory fole Isiiigle
Iepresentt ion."
Pirlit Robet.l e nley, X C fil theIlt ili-
otsop111hy ellartmlentaswill 1101 ielitvar'his
lece onC 11thit "Anrchist Idel"as ait-
nouitsciid1:1r Xtigtst 3.C. P.Vibbert,
nuct in iithe same dep artment, laill
letutreinteaaln iiIn is choeali s hits
aubjectl Stideitntitt illParis.

Professor Eggert Says Poet Had
Little Love for United States
"it is somiiething retllytsd ottloo111k til-
on, these hurtietd out ieople tn their
bitieielo111 forests. Tie oolr tot filthy
lucre is perpetually emanating froun
thiein." 'flinsdid te poft Lenauiarii-
acerizic e t nericanitpepe' But, tac-
eorcding"toi Pmrti. CI'E. 'Eelt, il is
letre oit "V eshtlimer anii the Poet
I emia"esterdahisie diiit top101there.
lie ealled us a5"naioni of soikeepers."
Speakinug ot the pots eary life, Prof.
IEggert soid, Striinugly ecartcerisi
of teimrt hilt of te niieteeniih ceit-
they ini VAutri is ianittide of hopie-
lessitessiitdecstoi, aid resigitation. The
mos osp011)ics ipheniomen~ioni'of tis
peetodis atinde h l ieslojt ofit the iphil-
osicttllal theoruy'ofitt iism and iitis1
curollatry, the XX'ltse'linerc uof tie poets."
In this nwu'yte lecturer sumiiiied liiitie
originlf 11at philcsophy t witihis1
many 113fi tiepoets oiththelast century
tadheredt, t'amoi"themunByironi ,eotttrci,
ltciuic anutifICinit
Haini e"x plaiithte'"reateinluince
f pim auistum in VistriaI s tie reslt of
111a1 citiitr's poiiclimiiisfotnies,
Pr1of .'Cig1e 11t11ent it to itescribe its
apIearancie ill til-et110yIiandu life ot
itit. Thuiilus n iishuafasitiiis,
picureaduedmecresanichiieoituiit i ce
hiad the emre Iit Iof 1be i tle'ocitof te
most-atleutifutl hilelt-iu Caes dlili goes
thrurcighmlife lileape. ac.l t Imnieredin i
hins 110yhoodit Ieiin uum iu'plaitll tiimess,
qicik-teumitered }ouiiugman. It oudu-
eud lain, mnediciine, tgriculure , andfflu-
ally pliosoplhy Swita view to tetchiii"
but gae this uitto srite ,potryi,
ie sufferedl muchi sorrow trucghm the
ueath of his mumthier tatiu the flseiness
of his fincee.
"1mm 1829 'his pesunisic tuattitde h
catte settled," sal Prof. Egctn"and
the iterest of is freinuds confrmnedui m~n
terhatpls uconsiusy, in lie purpose'
toi umaittainithe pose whichule ow
audoptueud.Foe oft eihhi m,s imus
of tie tmewitihnBronmantitieiu
XWellsehiteec tos tositg. Intioncuttol
thuose peophShat elte observttiontol
P. Tl. tBarinumthatIeopnlelte eig
It is rout his unoter that Lemuacui-
heriteed huspmetic tempiert nhi e
ispiniont resulted ill somle fthe poet's
besht anu unost sinere sorks. At oue
tie Lenatu visiteed this councty, iest-
lug it sutute overstuie tldwhichu re-
sialeed illis lositg at osiderabhle
l amount uhof mney.u le mudethe Ivoysi-
tge hIereC inasaibthin tiihe spae of
75 days.
Tonsatrd the enduu fhit us lue, as tr-
stlt of imentali andiphy scldoeverstain,
Leutaumlshitsusrea1s0n1 IIc liveu iitbio
eouuditiiuu, witin occasionau ucid meelspells,
fromun1844 o 1t50o Prof. Eggert, in
making a fnat l churaemiztion of the
oe, sa, '"Lnautispreeeminenl' a l-
c hioe. 111ssignitucatce hes inthe
tecciliar perfeetionouf cis bet aorka
ill wshichirhythicnnecurmingoes hatudhin
hauuih 'vuauntiral uinfoceedhltanguage
io formnasvhnce oe uiusurtntssud es-
upressinlof hayruc encimeunetu"
AVuiou iet ihins beenuu mae ofthe
muutrriage of IingilD.I)Scotttnstcr
ini physiogapil gnh "eoogyu',t 'biss
ElizatuhuRo"ers 0oois't uesda,111
L~eeshnurg, Vt.-Mur.utud tis Soultwill
resile ciii ITliOsnlausenue

State Geologist Fears Cost Of
Transportation Too igh
To Meet Competition
'mues Ikehe ot of prosuingemiMichi-
gtan ceruier lohiwered,cr the phice of
coppetrmuaitaimuedham least at its mres-
emt leCC, Michuig'au minlues are goimg to
stifer all irretparableicloss. Aicheigani
coppmer lre. nouwushearshbut onec ier cenit.
of opper. WhXleite pmice mit the ore is
lbt '$:.50 atoilnumndtie igh cost ef
tranisprttionis Itaken ito acout
Upnper'Penunumuhuinn1 g' compmmaues calm
not hop~e toicoumnpetc nitn swesterum op
per, whichb calmhtbe clmrefined tromtsix tim
sevemi cenuts a pound.ul Tie qumetionm mu
Miechiganmi thuen, ma the qmuesionm of rmc
tdiuct iofcotshnduhasie frounn all echum
calt orpltica l consideatio tns hus cal
onut nlyb c ,couumlmauish ycmmiaton."
Thlese alit soumecit thec stitmens madnee
byj Rt. C Vileu itctrohe g ~eoogcnl
anduuiluogcal sueys oflthe stae of_
XMichiganinuhusliture lst ight out
"The 'Minerial weal1 uth X ihiganmum
''l ichig"tisI'duiided'ul coniudered
getolugica111yinto two prvncumes by te
meriditant ssinchn tasses throughm Mar-
quette. Tie asternt sctiont dffgs
greatsyfronnthe aeterim setuoum tlu
pretdouminatinl ocha beming linestoune
sanducstone1111ds~nhae Tie thefum
peninslalis15augmcat rocl a 15111 nd mum
thue cemter just1 above telimestone is
founduc XAliisa'mms coait Very edissmnilar
ini mninernl rodhucts uad iigeological
forunmauiou s lie nwesern Irovice. Here
the predomiati" rock is f volcanic
origimi and lure s foun tie great trie
mineuratdepeostscopp~e and iron.
"We' mustnt oserook hetnefueltlimit
tie greatestrotinteral wealth of Michigani
is to be fotutd111iha suilTie clays an
mains otfte surfaeemixed avwit or-
ganiic mattuher ill he proedutic of
wealthlngmuafter time iromi and. copper
minmes itaue eens compleley exauased.
"Commnncmg swumh lie tipper strata
we1n'C thab t 111'arious oriomns of tie
sale these samne inms ande clays aec
used ill seCverali neustres.ec, ile,
andi Forthlmd cementilare a few of tie
lniportanmt pmodctes hum the Saginaw
vauley . h a oswer level coattmaunut amlittle
til are fouiu(und 1909 m wit s estinatee
that the coal amunted to t2,o,oo0,ooo
11111, abocut b 00000000 tois of wich
s mineuableAt our present rate of po-
dc~tint hins sswoultas htie people unf
Michiganusomlte 3,o0o yeas
"Stlt has lotg b'nctaumrouctt of first
iumputacc aumong' Michian'ts mneals
At the nresentl day it is woothtbutt for
or fivecenei tatrel at te pant; amd
what the consumer pays fornism the trans
potatiothun auttitieiarel. Gyptsumglass
sanud of aver' igh grademiImestoneat-
sot ut excecllenuaityott.aud 'a fum ge
out bnuiling stonle arc'11111erl pnoutmes
ott tie etsterni gettlogieal prvemn whi 0mch
tee tnt lesser impltortancue.
t "West of tie umeridian of Xaquett
suwe finud at a comnpaeatively gret udehi
(Cantaued oa Pae 4.



Perspecivae if hBtuilding ingeU Erected au rry n3Field.

Tuesday Evening, 8 P. M. Seat Sale
"AselYou LikegDehre l Pl y r Wahr's Bookstore- Daily, 4-6
Wednesday Matinee, 4 P. M. Be Gr t Pl y s Reserved Seats, $1 .00 and 75
Seats for the three performances will
Wednesday Evening, 8 P. M. _Tha . be sold (until Monday Evening Only)
"Merry Wives of Windsor" CampusThar August 1=2 at $2.25 and $1.75.

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