THE WOLVERINE Wihe Awn Arbhi'sLoxye (trill I+"l /1111tc:. M. M..NOWLIN, Propr. W. C. NOWLIN, Mngr. Make our Store Youzr Shopph Headqu~a-ters ~ MACK CO0 J, A Brief CasesEGETWl 1'tE O1PERITlEN SE GFR~t) NY. Outinesofo s, t c.i_ SPIY LI a ii ~ an II ut 'N st skhlcaner ditthe P ctet au,. Edwards Brothers «-llbeshesljec ftl etr olie the phys 5(sic s a matory at 5 o'clok, ,'ri- I WE statlit. B l in " Ncloavo treiem a 3u-v e in ias natralst f t it Puterer versel rna charac r;teristi Y.tesdes 1A . In MIIAP.bE AJELL ILF .U.rzt~rrzr~~r P ROF. NESS (.,IIMEI.SPEAS IThese hat nays get astir milk from a ON I'lO ,OGIC.''E SEIIJi Cl SNWurister tress. wagons. They standl for puityansd freshneisss. kiso at Os-trail "1rT 5151.0lai iiVitaltism asToits an1 Caitht Sts. Bell 423. 1tiiit e140. 1 1Dv .; I n o iv iBenwill 6-16. hete n 1: fa etutobis lie 5is-i lyPo..C.N tss emlwposraft W e asanall lawr tabte at Walkecr's, htn addirti r of tihelistaicialt336 S. Disvisiaoi St.2. laort ty hs ri~oli. The- lec-ure il ii l~is t its itise-tare room of 1 Gois seconaiiiidsa dak lts iin all sixts; it -ii Isisboraitoiry iat is o'cck, jIiorenut, fur ieii cisn titpr d1y,at I taop- - -I) e', t61gtE. L,iiecty, ltree iliiars frosis sttM I IttA N IS 1UN M ECID1)I i State. p5. 0_ IIllS lETIURN tN FA~LL. LasaCBoaks far Siiiiiier Schiaal. E~arg- "Uiiiiidef is vt"wih feard to 5 ratstatck in St fciifgis. Newand setainu wheth iier he w ueirt oAnA rhnui. C. C. sirtliell, 326 5. Slate St., next fill sras tie woay iwich11"Sh1 ty" stcaiidflaar. Ttl. 761-L. 1-1n. AIe-ill t ou, ici a oob ll 1 f ie staled hifs presentiistite f i diiiii tst er- Far all '.MsicalInsstrumetnts, siplse,. sits. IlIt iwas ini towissesterayifisliea papuluir aidslaussic niisic, see Sclsaeherle few hoties aittedistopersnst affairs.aind San, Music houseiio m S. Plain St. Tie muatteir deptieds oisthe ishst of it1-10. uty fattier,' sidshe. Sit evensins erterainmernt is sat FOE N It.acompletrei-iwitotlai lunchiatTutlle's.. Say fellaiws, thseaolier retentng I foundi Stall there aftr yatir itrties. 338 S. just list plate to lhaie a road, rite Stale. 10i-23. laiieh. It is up sItirs at l0g E. Nk-ashi. Try it alice. It's allliaiie mnitooI. 1 ti1l ~C o., llamlssrgers are Ithe ar it ii tu.lsao LUNYCHIES Ice and aSodas Sketch and give you a price on anything in the Sign line Weissigner Sign Co. Phone 910-L W 10It Iwilt yon spend tyour iiioiier vacation? W~y nt neyliie ncharmsioftourlIiieoitnd ia,iiihiimost pleaisanitsaecnoical inuting tn Ameircua. WHERE YOU CAN GO Allttheiimpont oportson thse Greatibakesarerreachiedtregularlyby the excellent terricerofniti. &t.akebinea. rhirteiilargenSteamuertnfttis. flet arn tiimoder iteelconistanotiordhaeallttiesqualties ofspeed, saferty andoifot. Diailysie ints opratednubetwereontetroiad Cleendi,iDetrotand Buffalo; tour trips iweekl.y Setweni enite troit, lMnckionacnslnatitndlwap ports; threetips wiely betoeeaolneida, Cevelaini,anst Ptt-nay. A Clreeanid to Macskinac speoinaeamrwilt be operated two trips. weekly froom June isiS in Sep tember t, toinpptng only at tDetroit every trip anidtaoderinchOnt., evriy othesrtrip. Special Day Trips Beween Detroit and Cleveland, During July and Auguutr RAILROAD TICKIES AAILALE:--Ticelu reading via any rail line betwuen Dutroit and Bufflu and Derit and Cleveland will be hnred fur tranupurtationnon D. & C. line Steamneru in either directiun. Send -oenostip forIlutterod Pamophiletoand Great Lakes atMp. Addrest: L. G. Lewids, G. P. A., Detroit, Mich. Philip H. Mc. Milian, Pres. A. A.Schanez, Gn'lMg. trotvst iis iile tatte newt. falli whelurebysspstronas f the Cisrl Uniioni till blie tiilsitoI rserveseassttsr tsr inst fist cissents. hior 51everalilers it haslbeent custemairvtoisstilge trli aidmiissin tickets onsiy, e pt fr the Slty Fetsiva. Repeated reuiests, iouw erer,iatirpesuadediit itiminagemetieu ii tcianigeits poitohysthis }it. sr sih res ervatios isasillinost le g od fisr iii biti the midie-wiiter tiutbtrsitpieiuOts to the festival. at sIANasscorasti tiTo TiaD-5 Miss Lida arln omryfrtas- isaint is Prf. 5iltlt NAHitswlai. ths retureios r boi sSutN ir t cinueii i avnctelwis-arlstoel im. uts SissIKar lnhus bieii a h eai fthioa thIanaliii itut- , ia- andhas brsugt itis ihelst-fio tt own iIstt i eral ofhe tilte advacedtpuili5ii siser Itiaisthiss-imayusakeisial wois ssderltroifHwlnd rott sian VISIS isiii iS55 i ti-i ProfssorC. 1. Hlt o thefo s departiieit is 5vistiig the uiviie rsit biologicialsicam p t Dls Ltsakei whters- itt is iii stitiiiitfitrst coniis of-i tha itdisriclti t s ainiiispealti suty f the problesititsf tforest iieisr~atin. tieceNssAYsVIs-S ITTOA-aMPt. Rergents eal miind ntHubard, atingtias a tamittele fromi the boardl visitei the engineeirinug ad bilogia ains last 1wtek. Twoosaytiert petintset ing te ts-asites aidlsrroiudig ter- rtory witt a iwr of tstrtuiiiingthe adnivisaility at hatgitg te loatofiist the statiotts ead year. They iserr a- tcordeid a crdsia wseloite at boh iplaes. Remor is it that Lous B. HssI r ashIo for the pail three years tisbets ant itstrutor itt the rhetoritsdepartmteti of the univiersity, isill le mairrie to Miss Margurite Allen, of Aa, Miti. Mr. Heser ins or of those whlo ws aiwaridesd a graduate felosship ii Etiglisht at the Utiversity nf Penyl- saniai at last yearsedistribattiota of el- lowshiips by that unitaiersit. Ii ie of this hie iii tt rettrti to the utiersis- to ectntinute his si-rk ott the faestyretx year. tHINFSE pREernTORCnVLrnaietNu. Chitese studentas atthe uiviiersit swho expet to attetid the aniuatCititese St- denttCnferentee, whih is to bae held on Septembier I, in Madisn,SWico- sit, are busyigthiemselses iwiti prepar- atiotis. Weeklly- iretitgs at Newsberr ail are devedi to ttselarinig of the "Yelosi andt the lie"atd oler poplar l'ihi- gait airs, w iti hey-ititnatito feature at ls thetassagaiherinig. rOitiai at AODATar ENSts Owintg ii teiitsslsitiss to stawiitilt i-s a modesite l imot,IUivesrity- at Pens- slv-atia asets has ltest forbisiene to a pokesir, sussier pai of eplsion. .A tcottlete stacof Classie adsiPp- nulr iAisii -and Muicatal Supplies at the serve steaksatil SUMIMER STUDEN TS. TheUrivsitr)it t uiteI Lose arirriesaa cosmptlet stoctk of the Mittuig ail Colleges Alasis. WeSisrit e yutocall auud st tatte famiiliar wti-ilsit. 8-Fip. ANN ARBOR SAYINGS BANK Caplitatl - siii i iupls utui Protit"s - !0ssisini R su cs - sisWs- isi).0000 A ; iier Ls I i isitia uit(Sus M tit iii .5W. Cornerii tut utltuiuon ts. *Detroit d, Cleveland wav Co: ansi oilier sassdwicihes. Give 338 S. State Street College hut. 1t to. I -A, E" ME-- The Ann Arbor Dye Works Freonci Dry turd Steamt CLEANING Hughest C1aus of Work. i4 F W asluinon St0 Belt Phon62 L. K.. WAHL Rowe's Laundry 406 Detroit St. Work Frotytund Promuptly Doric THOMAS ROWE, Prop. Belt Phone 457 LSP'ARUNKS 'I -,-NGRAVEIRS, a The fGarroyie F ~ ANARBOR PRESS ALL COLLEGE WORK Ma&il usTriodl Order JOURNAL BUILDING DETROIT MICH. THE WELL=KNOWN CHUBB HOUSE One Blank from Campus 209 South Stato Street Raties, $4.00 Per Week We have a hobby, the making eot Fancy Creamfs and Ices for Special Occasions Tshedot h fiet n-,te ic yhnso ae tsart.tayw n - Trubey's Place 116 South (lain Street Bell Phone 166 F A'E lJUCOOLEST SPOTIN TOWN 3 Big Mirthful T I I Nights Starting TO I H { Comedy Singing Dancing Morse -and Delanoy The Bell Hop and Rho Maid Familyscope Superior Photo Plays Entirely New Cornedy add Novel FrankP rs Musical China Dishes to Ladies Saturday Matinee Macca bee Benefit July 31 to August 5 The Ann Arbor Will be Open Every Day Except Sunday 9A.M. to 9P.M. It is refreshing ton take a bath in nine cool spring wateer. ANN ARBOR SWIMMING PARK 713 S. FIFTH AVE. Phone 996 2 Ringa I Vuisersify -Music I1'et S-I2. I ~W I' ~YSteamari d Fcrnch I r iier~q. nner Dry Cleaners 619 E. WDDOlamr St. Sulta Pressed 25c Trousaers D8c