T NV 0 L VFR IN E I i s?:N GREET ACTORS. Special Rate Detroit Aviation Meet For College Day Friday, June . 30 The Aeronautical Society offers to members of the Uini- versity and alumni a special rate of 50 cents, admitting to grounds, grandstand and ex- hibition lball. Tickets for sale by H. L. CONNELL PRES. 109 Michigan Ave. Phone 1446 L The. Ann Arbor Dye Works Freech Dry and Stearn CLEA JNINGx Highest Class af Work. 204 F. WshingvtonS t. Bell Phone 628 L6. K. WAHL0 U. of M. and HURON RIVER BOAT LIVERY Canoes sand Boats Rented P. G. TESSMER, Proprietor Rotlh Phontes 655 STATE SAVINGS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. Capital 550,0100 Soeptees otrid ProfitsO8,000 Resoarees $1,40t0,000 THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK 101-'103-105 S. Main St.. Ann Arbor, Mich. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS (Cotitiiod lfronl Pails.. Cle.i~tlr UBtrttel, Elizabeth Vtlenlte, (irace Itatscy Mitts, Rttth Vivian, Etiza- betPattersttt, atd PhylisScttuyler-, Ia,, entv-setventtlaye rsill atll. etch chosent ftr the espelttitnhtess far the ptarts thteyittay. Mr. Dalas Atttersatt,the lettdingmtant of the fleaGreet 1pl1ayerstttwate ttf the origintal ttttttatty traugt toItthis coatt Ivy lby Ate. Greet frota Lottdotn to ptre- setl"Evermtaatn,' itt shiie ptlayetdtthe rttle ttf Cttttessyott. Since tthett Mt. Atn- dersott has apspeared in many recet New York stuccesses; attt, as teadittg ttaat for Miss Mtastde Adamas, layedtitt hter fattotts prodtuctiatt of Jsittes dAre, givett attte ttarvatrdlStadtitttt. tte teen here swith tte cotmpany, is a graduttate ttf Cttrttetl University who re- teivedt her traitting tar the stage under tte diretiota tf Sir Hertbet Beerbohm Tree, ttte rettowtted Etngtistt acttr. Last year Miss Valettinte swas a metmter of the Sathertn-Martowe coompanty, ptayittg Nerissa to Miss Marlowe's Pnrtia itt the "Merchattt of Vettice." Concertniatg tte wett kttown Mr. Greet hinmself, it is atmost ott intposi- tionttt Ott A rtbor's ttetmory to ditate ott his tame. He is otn Englishattan of atntt this\-catr ttiettrtttises, 1t attear tat Auttst'.l tcten still give ttwttparfoarm- Setts tvtll teattrr atgedtittsitde thetea- elatsttrt.so tht atttcts- ttt ty retsertvet. :tttoissitta, tttluttintg treeted seats,stall be 75 cettt atttrtottevdtoltartt reser-vattionts tmay bet miateatt \atttt- onttt Attatttax 'Tustday's mtitnee ts ill begitt at 3 :00 oclock;ote ev-enittg- tarformattce, 8:09 o'clock. Thte ttiteatWedettsda~y tat- gits at 3 :4 atttt te. even.ittg perfortt- attet at 7:30. tWatteit-Astet toItwtait tatle (tar tis toard. WVork is lightI; 336 S. Divi- sion. 1-4. Lasw Books tar Stttttter Sctotal. Larg- est slotk ittichtigatn. New astd secttttd hattd. C. C. BARTUEL, 326 S. State St., secottttfittar. Tel. 761-L. s-10. New attd SecottdItatnd Bootks. Law, Medicat,tDetttat. Largest sloth, lowsts trices. ._ _. THE WEL[.=KNOWN CHUBB HOUSE One Bloct frotm Catnits 209) Sooth Stole Street Rates, $3.50 Per Week Tea o m stiottlte Stcottt l Fott- Make OX11r Store Youzr Shoppirn~ Headqu~arters ~ MACK t' CO. g3he tt 't' Fbi, a at 1: a M. M. NOWLIN, Propr. W. C. NIOWLINO, Engr. ANN ARBOR SAYINGS BANK Capitlal - - ?300t,000t.00 surp-ustasntd Profits - 81t0t,000t00 Resttres - - j28,000ttO.00 A -enteral btanking bosittess tresateld N. W. Corner Matineantd uotnet s. C. E. BARTIIEL. 320 S. State St., Uptairs Tel. 761-L. r-zo. I great fatte as a leather, actor-tnianager attd produlcer. At ontimoe, ttere nwerr to less thatt ftfteett comapanies uttder his tirectiottattd ntt less thaat a thousattd artists itt tis enmpltty. te catme to Atterica niare years ago withtt oltd tttorality tttay "Eseryman~i." Afterwards, hetaoo001 utp the arodntciot of a tnttmbter of Shakeespteariant plays itt Ite oltd Eiza- bethtatt style ; attd, after a lottg appear- attee its New Yark Ite visited etery lrttitnet untitersity intthle tcotttry with htis itnnovatiatt, tte "open air pltay." 14is w as the first comtspatty tstay at the Whtite HuOtse int Washtittgtnattd Itt has play-ed btefore thte royal fattily at Ettglandt.-Matty of Mr. Greet's tteth- ohs taste beett adopted by Attericat' tmanagers attd his schenmes are in biglt favor itt the leading dratnatic schools of 'the cstuntry. Itn New York, Mr. Greet has fountded a school tof acting whtere, froom November util Alaril, every year lie gives eacht pupil his personal atteo- tiotn. It is Ott anttuail item itt Mr. Greet's itinerary to appear btefore alt Antt Arbtor audiettce uttder thle auspices of Ite uni- versity daring Cammtencetnent sweeke, r I f Sutmtmer Schoocl Books. Nestasttd secottd tattt Dictiattaries, :art Littes, tc., etc. C.'E. ta oRuta-pT 326 S. State St. secttttttfloor. Tel. 761-L.T I-IO_ 11 l THE NEW CATALOGUE of the University of Michigan IS NOW READY Complete information concerning seven, departments: Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Dena tistry, and the Graduate School and the Summer Session. Special courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Pedagogy (affiliated with Ann Arbor High School for Observation Study), and a new course for those preparing for thte scientific administration of departmntus of sanitation antd public health, For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement or Individual Information address SHIRLEY W. SMITH m Secretary University ANN ARBOR .I CAt.PS. Thtelatest Ettgli-lh shapes itt plaint colors atttl checkes. Allen's Gtoad Clothtes Stare, aie St. t-10. Fotr all Mulsical ttnstruets, ssuittlies5, papuilar asttt classic mustsic, sec Sehaselerte attd Sott, Mtusic I ttttse, ito S. Mlaiit St. Urittgsatur tFiltts ttt 1. F. Hotppe, AttttArbttr's test Photograp~her, 6f9 E. ~ibterty St., phtotte 1078-J. We dotht te test fittishittg. 1-3. Thtis is juist ftor thte Aluttati. Cliftotn Ittt is at hbitmore Lake. Jst ttirty cents roundttt rila, attdttere is swhere otte gets htuttgry-. 1-3. Htt WAeatihter Specials-Light Cloth- itng, b'ntttrttetr, Hotcse, Tics, StraistHaits, atttt othler fixittgs at'staltlanrces. .Alletn's Goottt Clothecs Stttre, Mtaint St. i-no. Mat~iasrotit's anttlGilbert's 1I1ligh Greadre Chla : ates alstays fresht at 'T'it-'s Drug Stotre, 117 St. hMaitt,Photte 270. 1-4. Tuttle ( Co. LUNCHES InneC5ndana 338 S. State Street You wtilslwys fialateae lieeo SUMMER SCHOOL SUPPLIES Tlie East University Pharmacy 1t11t S. Utivtorsity Ate. 0.- Ps-ice s areRigist Beat Out the. Play- The man who's never caught "off' first" is the fellow whose keen brain and pliant muscles act together in- stantaneously. Muscle which respond like lightning to the will, and a quick mind-are the result of right dieting, in training and out. Sh u dis the athletes food. It builds brain tissue and supplies muscle energy, because it con- tains all the nourishment of whole wheat, in its most palatable and digestible form, un- like flour and most forms of wheat which lose the most nourishing elements of the grain. ^ 1 Mode onelylby - The Shredded Wheat Company 's-~ Niagara Falls, N. Y. The Ann Arbor .Swimming Pooll WXill be Openi Every Day Except Sunday 9A.M. to 9P.M. Open Sundays 3 P.M. to 5P.M. It in'refreshing to take a bath in nine cool sptineg water. ANN ARBOR SWIMMING PARK 713 5. FIFTH AVE. Bell Phone 166 116 South flain Street TRUBEY'S PLACE Is A Confectionery hbut it in somnething else besides. It is a place wvhere you can go these hut, sweltering days, and order sonmething cold--never mind what you want, TRunnv has it. The room in cool and pleanant and you are given pronmpt service by quiet, neat, pretty girls. You may order your cream for the folks for over Sunday, too. I CIFA