Tile \VOLVERINF Northwestern Mutual LIFE INS. CO. MILWAUKEE Let Us Have a Talk WithYOU FRED'K M. STEINBAUER Ditrit Agent, Hasnmnd Building Detroit WM. S. McCORMICK Local Agent 1210 Washenaw Ave. Call 57-3- BEST LUNCHES Im towns t BANCR OFT tee Cream and Cold Drinks 722 Monre St. PHOTOGRAPHMR Oficial Photographer to Michigan Athletics fri0 year. Studio; 319 E. Huron S. Phone 961-L IStudent's Supply Store I Fr you NtRookst~, Fountain ens, Sttiosnery, ENGINEER'S SUPPLIES, Candy, Cigars, Etc. lilt S. Universityj UNIVERSITY School of Music MAYNARD STREET SUMMER SESSION Eight Weeks Al Branhes Fall semester will begin Oct. 2-30 Artist Teachers end fr lutsole.O ctalou CHARLES A. SINK Secretary STATE SAVINGS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. Capital $50,000 Surplus sd Profits $80,000 Resourcesn$o.40uc0 Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye Ctizns at Ann Arbor-Studenta at lbs U. o M. Now Comes te SUGAR BOWL in the city of Anss Arbor of 10 S. Main St. and alleges that the said SUGAR BOWL in ready, able, sd willing to serve betteecreuns andwetercandes with prompter ervier than any other similar cosfectionasry in thscity. And this they are silling to leae to the country. Phone 967 THE WOLVERINE Publisined Tuesday, Thursday and Satutrday afternoons by the students cf the University of Mielnigasn sumrna ses- Comnmunications will be printled osnly- wvhecnsigined, albhoughn nriter's nacme will be withhneld on request. Notices pertaisnisng to university affairs uwill be priinted ocecgratis. MatnagingEidifor-Htaroldl G. McGee. BussinsseMangee-John H. Paynse. EDITOIAL, ScAFF Enest R. Burton. Robt. M. Gillctt. William T. Daugherty. Bureleighn Jacobs. Fenn H. Hossick. Maude Edwards. Morton R. Hunter. L..Erl Crossmans. Chas. Johnson. James D'Evelin. Arthur H. Kuhn. Kenetto W. Cotllamore nUSINtESSTAFF Assistant Bussintess Moaager-Victor H-. Lawn. Address : THEitWOtLVgRINg, Press Bldg., Maynard Street, Anti Arbor, Michigan. Office Hossrs: t1tac to 2:30 p. m. doily. Bell Phone, 96o. Subocription Rates: Local, seventy- lice cents for the summer; mailed to any address for one dollar. Advertising Rates: Purtisched upon application to the Busisness Manager. Editor Today-WsetdAnt T. DAucticevy THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1911. CALENDAR July 27-Mechntisminasd Vitalism as Theories of Developmnit of Living Beings, lecture by Prof. P. C. New- combh, west phnysical laboratory, at 5. Recital of Shakespeares Hamlet by Class its Dramatic Readisng, Sarah Caswell Angell Hall, at 8. Jttly 28-Weltschtuerz and the Pot Lenau, lecture by Prof. C. E. Eggert, west lecture roonn, physical labora- tory, at 5. The Mineral 'Wealtth of Michigan (il- lustrated), lecture by Mr. R. C. Allcn, state geologist of Michigatn), west lec- ture rooms, physical laboratory, at 8. July 31-'The Opportunity of the Ho- tanst(illitstrated) lectnire hr Dr. Id. T. A. Hits, weest lecture roomss, physi- cat laboraitory, at 5. Tine Represenstatiomn of Disease itn Art, elctulrebyProf . A.S. Vs tis bs, west iinl)Iiilsite un ediase busilingsat S. Augst t-5\\VInat Astrsoomers AtelDo- li n h Srds ioftine Sltr,lic- Iures\- ssset Prosf. in It.laie,ins-I lest Sri i-3itishsicait laboratoayoat . Atmis-isI 2 ncirinsPcirfinsrmasnce-Asn sit Lice Isibn Bess Greet Placers, Olpens Air Periormsasnce- '!erry Wisc of NVi iisor. isy Bein Grecet Playss, c. i555 theatre.,iat S. Ausot 3Siidisst Life ini Paris, iece- lure tyIn Istsructosr C. BI. Vibberi, iwest eelturersoos, physical labsoratory, at 5. Visitor.' 'Night at tlhe Observatory. Ticbets casnceobitaissed ait tine office of Dciii KrausWXednsesuday assetThusrs- dayfom rat 3 to 5. Auguist 4-School asid Society, address by Prof. J. J. Pisndley (University of Mainchnester, Eniglandl), west lecture roomt, physical laboratory, at 8. Auguis 5-Exctursion to Pnut-in-Bay, Lake Erie, unsder the direction of Prof. P. H. H. Calhousn, leave Atn Arbor via Michsigana Central at 6 :57 Mv, sWHAT A -- Preeenitly tiractical is a subject whose tore is famailiar to every teacher also teaches, thsotughanusse rofesses to teach it-the getlte siatf sbsiffisig. Spite of thid of their owtn supposed consstitsstionsal inability to swallow it, learnsesd professors sonnetimes feed rawu, sncosednshe bluff to weakling studetits: "ani fool can ask cquestionso sage cats answer," you ksnowv, a reflectioin that is osftenssoothling an otne stands mnute lie- fosre saintelquestiosn nark withn a "thus, red" book. Of course somae bluff s are tort) raw: thney cantInc downed. But the fisne, subty turnied bnluff, shot otit byc a fellowe who is thinkitg igk1clighttning0 suet, u-tase apparetntly putnghis i ha ini a traip, is really nosinig arountd for a stick toi siring it with, is the bluff worthn wilie. It teaches mnore in a secotnd thans sisst miethods do in an hour. And whnt eone leaves his college, with the probles all writtens out and the atnswers in the lasck ifteofors inai placu se swhere osse cans't ci iciae iro ' ts isy a couple s-of isoar -' t :s-tle eensisig, tse ablility tis a nit0 5 I ic c lur e sliff still he ii sus ~ r lt, aPh.D. fAs somei one dit 1 -c, t vis ossly a sciensce, btli-i !! )tif is anisri." Yre of tse lisht itas i'stoeI Dtie- ing thai esalert. is~iss sit sasragerns cli at Tuttle's to restsiaid Iry our soda asid creamis, 338 S. Stsste. to-25. College Isns is stliopsensthnrosigh stum- mer school. Sasdich ess of altlIkinds. Wurster Bros. sell fresh cottage cheese, the old fasi-onecstkild. Cor. Detroit and Cathserineicsn. Hell 423;I Home 140. 6-16i. WHITMORE. Mrs. Stark is giving smsall datnciing parties each Thursday evesnitng follow- log her generous dininers. CLIFTON INN. What is the Use of Paying Four Dollars A week for board when you can get good home cooking at WALKER'S for $3.00 by paying four weeks in advance. 336 S. Division. Street Phone 212-J Text Boaks FOE SUMMER SCHOOL Oceans of Second-Hand Books at prices that will save money. Ellgineer's Supplies FOUNTAIN PENS BLANK BOOKS STATIONERY, ETC. W AHlR'S University Bookstore Hailer's College Jewelry1 Complete Optical Dept. High Clans Watch assd Jewelry epairing. Haller's Jewelry Store 216 S. Main Streetj Home Laundry Company Bell Phone 381 J 218 E. Huron St. Home Phone 205 Black JOS. A. GLE Our Motto: "What we do, we dt Weil" Quality not Quanity Lyndon, Photographer AsonsAr-bor'a Haadqsstera for- Kodaka. Carrser-asanasd Photo Sappllaa I make a specialty of Developing, Printintg aitd Enlarging for Amateurs-by modern methods. This has been nay business for seven years and it has increased every day-Otnly results will do this and so whenever you want anything photographic look for the sign of the kodak-That's where things move. LYNDON 709 No. Vstveralty Kodaka for- Reat. 10u per day Al e's Suits i Jo "AlloMen 20%/o0ff uer ii~. a Rough Without Extra Weight A great niany then like the rough course braids hut ohject to the weight. The Knox hat solves the problem. Kanoxgold only by us. IReule, Conlin & Fiegel /200-202 S. Main St. IOIRTLAND'S The Old Place Billiard Parlors Bent and Msto Expensive equipment IN TfiE CITY FULL LINE OF Cigars, Tobacco and Candy Just Received by Express iansanswluot o Ladies' Whiteshe and Pumps 1- Don't Delay ifPV YoxJ Want i~r. Pair P R r-j a ~ "S ____________119 Souxth Main Street_ Aiso a ]mew iot of Fin~e White Siik Lisie Hose 35 ots. per- pair Keep %sp with campus doings by s'ubscribing for the WOLVERINE subscriptions from now onr fifty centis