T HE W O LVER IN E LAW Brilef Cases Uhe Outlines of Books, etc. '' A NEW, Cheaper than Second Hand SEd320 S. Stite,tOer Sheechans Ann Arbor's Lorjeof wadsV roter s I . GiYMNASIUM-\ CLASSES HAVE LECTURES AND PRACTICE. adeFivst ote... . II Believe ill Sigils M. Ma. 14N'OWLIN, Propr. W. C. NOWLIN, Mingr. Teu a ono Ie/c iond Floor. Make oiwr Store Youxr Shoppilm HIeadqtzarters '' I IN i r AND flAKE ALL KINDS Let us mlake you a Sketch and give you a price 0on anything in the Sign line; Weissigner Sign Co. Phone 910-L IMACK ftCO, Ii W PI; wOBilliiiyou spend your summesr vaootion? Why not rnjoy the chars ofour Inland Seas, themsotpleosant andeoomiciai outing in Ameic. WHERE YOU CAN GO Alitherimportant ports onstheirea-rt oaes are reachedreguarly byther excellet servce of theD. &C.ILakeLins. Tiheoten large Steamers oftiso fleet are ofsiodernsteel conistrsuion and thareasitheisoqualities of speed, sfety andcomafort. tsieriilitctsd CDaily servioe is operated bertweenDtoiro leead Detroit an Buffalo; four trips weerkly bteenToledoetrit, Maokisocsi Band andsway poets; tiirre trips weerkly bietseenTlod, Clorelini, ansilPut-in-Baoy. A Clrsvrland to Makinac specialstreamer willibe operastedl twotrips werekiy fromsJune 15th to Septemere loth, stoppingoly ot Deroit eery trip soddibsdrrieh, Ot., erery other trip. Special Day Trips Between Detroit and Cleveland, During July and Augstr RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILABLE:--Tickets reading via any rail line between Dtruit and Buffalo and Detroit and Cleveland will he honored for transportationuon D. & C. line Steamers In either direchion. Brod 2-cert stamp foe Illustrated Pamphlet sod Crest Cakes flap. Addrroo: L. G. Lewis, G. P. A., Deroit, Mich.. Philip H. Me.Milian, Pros. A. A. Schantz, GenOMgr. Tii dole itoolockers re iiuoc alIle N ol.roioo 5,01 100115. The gmiiiistic classes re iseli atended, atndan ipor- an1 par of the reglr iwork is the hold- ing of inoior baseball, baskeball, aiiie fenicing oots. Special lecres rcele- liveredl each cay. exceping Sotriay, oh 3:15 p. it. Iby Dr. George A. Moy, i- reetor of the Wterman lgmnoasoum. Thei treot f ommiiono01sen eeods to be appiedin f. irst aid to tle ijired, ade instructions for treahers in physical traiig sciools. T].here haoobhenro iocriss- ciii' lir-ii ningtlis sumettser, butilithleieoler permitis a teoe will le orgnizcc. Dr. May cn eiilecosled 011y afteroon fromiiz to 5 01 is offce ill Watermant gymni silili. The fniirrelsorvreies of Mcis. A. A. Sanley wi/lle held oatIte resiencoe of Professor Soinle, SIBOfori Rod, ion Tlihirsdayv Jille27, a1 3 o'clock.Rev. I eoro' Tatlock oif S. Anewer's Epico- pl church wril officiote. Iis cdesirei 1o he anonicedl thiolfrieids of th fomily .rc inioilel tolteii e hseroic. 0. sI-Ieiilli llilOO 015of XCOOIOINT. Dr. J. F. Shiepard of the pscolog deparmentis /aohpreentl wsrhig oii a or/co of ariles for the eiucaioinai press. These wlI ive, ii greter de- tail than tic 1105aole to gi e iiis re- cr111lecture befire Ile suiiiiier school stdents, the resuls of hisoexpierimeta- tionlin the m thlods f learuig i ani- oioJe'eic 0150 seto oc're'ooNo 10,00R. Arthur Liic, swhoirisigneil the ima n- agership of the Miajesic Tetre ls year to liceomie imianacger f le hBulter- iel hIcii, which iicluidco the Maestic, 11a1 aitnioncedl hisitetioni citmooing his ofifeetoIAm1111Aro r asoilra.ssinig li/s old dutec. Mdr. Lneri a vs Ilie firs manage~ir sit tlii 1 a/coic, adil tissel to ainiloe half yeons' service here i that cpacit. Htiambrgers are the orignal. Also seiv steak, ad ete o.iiieeies. GLe 01 0 tral. College Ion. I-o. These hot dlays gel yor milk rain a IWorster ros. wonat. They staid fr prty and freshntess. Also a Detroit and Cath. St. Bell 423. BHame 140.- 6-n6. SUMMER STUDENTS. The Univers/ ityeuis usate carries a ecomplee stock of the Mihigao College Miusi. We invic you to col aidle- conic famiilar with it 8-5. Good second-htand kdaks in all sies, to ree,-tr ten cent per day, at Hp- pes, 619 . Liery, three doors from Slate. 5-. College Inn is sill open through ontm- iee sehool. Sanidwihes of all inds. -0. Law Books for Summer Shool. Larg- est stoek in Mtichigan. New and scond hand. C. . Barhell, 36 S. Sate S., second floor. Tek. 76-L. 1-0. For all Muiscal Insruments, spples, popular atid lassie mooc, see Shaere and Son, Musie ose, oo S. Mai St. I-o. All eciing's enertainmenti is not comtplete wivthlout a tch at Ttlle's. Slop there after your paries. 338 S. Slate, 1-25. T U7TLE'S. Ye afthe light tontastie toe! Dr- ig that e tterl-a/nourt at Grgers cll at Tittle's to rest, and try our soda aii ceaims, 338 S. Stoe,t0-. ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capitai - - X3(1,0.00li Sorplsted Pcoldts - $100.000.00O tiiesores - - w':it5i55i0,50 A genterale ildiio.-tui es t auicil 0.00. tos'neiclainianietotot ts. IN FOUND. A cismpleesock of Class/c and Pop- Say' felloivs, tie oilier eveninog t tounstisl r Musoic atid Miusical Sulpplies at the juteCs ptlace to have ai goodie/t k'ivsersity Modec1 lotise. S-I2. unch. Il is tip stairs at top P. Wash. Try is once. It's sill hiomie tiade too. We have ais all law table at Walker's, CO-t2. 3316 5. Division St. 2. Whitc Swan Landry JUNCTION OF DETROIT and CATHERINE Sts. and FOURTH Ave. ~WHITES WANS Bell Phone 165 Home Phone 152 White /7p tit ffZ*fVIP p rnNa vErho Ok/r Water softenigpla/Bit cost us $, 000. It costCsootintg extra to have all the advantage of laundry work done in water soft as rain water instead of destructive acids and bleaches. The finest lingerie waists and desses will come back to you like new. Collars and Cuffs like snow. Try your duds ino our suds and be convinced. Mark you package "lUite San"t and call our wagon. No extra charge for call or delivery. White Swan Laundry FAMILY BIJOD1 THEATRE COOLEST SPOT IN TOWN A Big Laughing Show Headed by Stockwell & Payson Tonight ! Tonight! Starting Thursday Delloney and Morse, Frank Parish And Others Maccabee Benefit July 31 to Aug. 5 inclusive-Over 2500 tickets sold. GET IN LINE The Ann Arbor Swimming Pool Will be Open Every Day Except Sunday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. It is rereshing to take a bath in nice cool spring water, ANN ARBOR SWIMMING PARK ! i 1 IW The Ann Arbor D~ye Works Freneh Dry astd Streom CLEANING Highuest Cltssaof Wtork. 204dE. WashingtonSt. Belt Phone 0t8 L. R. WAHL Rowe's Laundry 406 DetrotSt. Work Neatly aod Promptly Dose THE WELL=KNOWN CHUBB HOUSE One Block from Campus 209 South Skate Street Rates, $4.00 Per Week THOMAS ROWE, Prop. Bell Phone 45t 1 ISPRUNKS, I , GRAVEJRS IThiL o 1 I,Ai PRE~SSJ' ALL COLLEGE WORK -®flail usTrie.1 Order: JOURNAL BUILDING .E..' DETROIT MICH,. We have a hobby, the making of Faucy Creaums and Ices for Special Occasions its tireodoig thisfSoe thtigs, the nie Is tttigs, of usctaterrssart ihast We Ott- joyinug. fAsdbeciase we areroot tialed with the MainofoCtusaods of tgsl- touts dialy, iwreicanslot tiemexu'isite touch'tes isto ookuteicies wish mike yoiu guests ask,. 'ohere sdidiyoa get this delicioos ite? Trubey's Place 116 South flaai Street gelD Phone B166 -- g I I lllej Steam arid French C IvBAA~ ry Cleaners 619 In. WDBBfam xSt. Suts tPreed5c Tro sersDO10c 713 S.. FIFTH AVE. Phone 996 2 Rings 1-mommumm I,";