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July 25, 1911 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1911-07-25

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3 F0or 'Nest Yea
7 5C ac isL.Riordan, Managing Editor
PrWarren Crane, Business Manager
The Yost of the Shiemepairing
l~usiness. He wilido your orek
inoa hurry-up style.
Laces, Polishes, Etc.
The University Shoe Shop.
(03 East Wiliam Street
The East University Pharmacy
1200 S. Uoiveesity Anve.
Our ,-Pr-ices a-. Right
U. of M. and
Camooeo (nod Boats Rinted
P. G. TESSMER, Proprietor
Both Phooes 0503
Th Kmp usic Studios
Piaeno Pipe. Or-ga~n
I1 S. Diion St. Phoe076 7
101-103-105 S. Main St.. Ann Arbor, Mich.

All maoter linn tlis colunon nmuso~t be paid
for 000 advaonce. Offioce loonies :0130 to SCHOOL STUDENTS
3 P.* M0.
WOANTED Namoos 000 this directory ore taken
fromontine records inn the offices of the
Tutoring ion Rhetorie anod Enoglisho. Secretaries of the various departments
Priceo reasonoable. Address, Lowo, anod cootain tine soaoe errors. If 000
PresBuildinsg. Phonte 96o. 4-6. ooo onobrhsbe ied00h
FOR RENT. enrollmenot cord, none is showrn here;
_______________________________ but tlhat does net preclude thoere beinog
FOCR PIlo.T-AC large loed roomn for o phoonse insthoe noose; eall elhief opsera-
Auogust. Prisvste onnily. Mono and toe anon tell teenhto uose youn ot.
soife preferroed. Tel. zooo--L. Enrollmteot by tine deportonts is in-
dieoteol os follows :literory, onuoe fol-
LOST. looted by to letter; engineering, e;
Lost-IOn E. Foniv., Monodayo, Joty24loow, I; oedicol, 00; phaoromic, p; grad-i
Ill f oolol toteto Re ote school,.
ladys dooble facedold ac.R- Telephone onouobers intporentherses oreI
watrdl if returoned to 0027 E. Unoiv. for thelo m toe phonte, othoers for the
CHIROPODY. Bell. Whlent Bioiogieol stationo or Coaop
Cornos, buions, ingrownog toils, reot- Bogrduos optpeors no city oddress, matil
eel aond eored. Everythoiog obsolotely noay or senot to Topinoobee, eare Diologi-
ootiseptic. Offcer hoours : 9-02a. in., z- cot statioon, or Camnp Bogordouo, 00ste
1o.M.Miss IF.VT.Fhleenon E. tHuron ocase nosy hr.

MtcLoogholino, DanoielI, 1, 551 Chourho Riot MWillserF ooul H1-se rsoo, e, 04081 W'nlo-
forod. 0053-J" tsooa«so St.I Los.343 (.3431.
l-LeoI, Dontalod, C.a0010 Bog00rdlisn Rex- Wills,1)DoaoidArthour, no,,boon Arboor.
toot,'Wnor, Fla0000000J.oom, Coutiong Flots,
Mtecood, Woilliamoo Frit, r, oc3 S. Stote, ot-ooola.4'.1.
Restoot. 0,314. - sk Iso tooss t 00000 t44.3 S. lDisosioo,
Mc-Iacey, 3,I Itilt J", 7.31S. Thayer, lonoia.
-t. tleaosaooo. -Motchlol,0ThiomasOnJoosephl, e, CaoompoIo-
Meic ~otsoo, ChatrlesDOooron-,sPhlalool gardous, Groandoi-Miriis.
pli, P0. 4iotSonlostoc IooreN 0,"' 0 209 S. Fooirer-
MMaotlo Robsent Reyn0 los, e, n02S. stts YokohomaoJapan.31oo2oL.
Uivesiy Dte' t slo roisttot.6.-olnoo rtonooooet ., 720 S. t'ioo'rsity,
Mc~letnt,11oot Ruolothsilsanti.Io ie 5
-Aourraoh, ChleIs C.,o 03 ottoioosooCral 4Mooney,45MarsE, 1 54 E. 1I roso, I-ttud-
Storioogs, Ill. (6-it bloue).sooo 11,5-LF
-tcNaltt Jessie Joooos,'atig. -ooortFtGore J00ti0, e, 400 F. Fiber-
Mc1Neil, Johoo bortour, 0306 Geodoes, Calt- tyItohoca
"moeot. 1543. -oo 00 Robenrt EFg, 203 S. lIngolls,
Mcthait, Donal, otolEhi AFnN 441000000 Lexioo nso Icy.
toon, O. 01075-J. -oono, Matxowell J oo, 3,32 S. Fiftho, Aon
-Tock, ttootrot Alteoo, e, foo. S. Staote, Aror. 639 lutte),
Auoror a, it. 370 (3701). -tooore, Eotocioo F._,1on, lo2o C, Unicerotth,
Maockeonseoon,ooaul 3, Coolu0000bOs, 0. Cioociooooooi, O.
-~Tocer, Eleaonor. 200) S. ogalls,iDe- Mtoore, HorotldF., e, 6.6 E. Cootloco "
troit. Gtroosse, 111. 280-F.
StIockoo, Ruoth Kothorrinoe, 203 S. Tihayer, -toreil, Fe Graoond, g, 51iolandto.
A.Att.ror. 775-J.. -oorgan, Freod, e, 815 1?. t-hrono, iBenton
Maockos, FrnktosWXilliamo, 0m, pso E. tHarboor. 4039- h.
\Vrsioootonoo traoomerboot. Morgano, JamooesFraonkllioo, g, 0349 Lest-
Mttc'olitllo,00 to'ooo 5545S. State, Fthilo- les,Kiongton, IC. I. 070 4White.
olphtoaooo aFs 236(2'310).Mtorooioogstaor, B. Franlioo,C, 7001IE. Anno,
-itoe~oilts 0 1Froslo Beonjam0i00n,moo205 Aoooo Arboor. 0022-J.
S. toovosioty, Maostee. 0203. -Mtorrill,OcaorIDavid, 322 S. Stole, Atnn
-MacoNaoo -Mar00) a11 tonoo, 000, 718 Aroo. 1408-J.
Ctotrcht oc00hoster, N.Y. 2.30-L. -Morris, Ilirro tLioooel, on,Allenocilohotel,
MactoNaughton,00 1enors- 902 SMosor oe, Vssar.
Giranoso apsto.Moorrisonoo, Arthotr Herbert, e, 515 E.
1 to , os, L. e 58S. State, Anoto lenrollo, loorttld, Ste. 496-44.
Arbo. '316 (236). 'Morriooo, DoonatldGosrdoo,e,'Woayne.
Mino, Veton ooo 44 t, , 32:4 C. Jef- SMorrion, iEstelle Rees, g0 836 Taoppoan,
fersoo Fies inoolno, Neb. 398.
-laolcolm, 1.Eoa,905 S. State, tDetroit. Morrisoon, GlenlFranocis, 1, 420 Thoomp-
ManooouortboAuoostous 1,ss56S. Staote, sono AonnoArtbor. 202.


St., enod of North 12tho. Phonoe 989-J.
Like so drink of fresho, tool butteromilk,
thick from thle ecourn? As for it at
00000. Wurster Bros., Cor. Det. ood
Cothoerinoe Sts. Deli 423; Noome 140.
5oe Neckosear, fouor-ino-hanods and bows
t ll the newest paterns-sellinog totdoy
for 39c.
You-all who come from
the South
Do you know just how dolicioos
rich croam can tasto with genuine
nmaple syrup poured over it and
a dash of froth hulled outs?
You can find out at
208 S. Main St.
Rovogno asks you S ronts for
his sund.,vs-any place else you
would pay 10 and 13 cools and not
get as much. Give him the
chance to show you. If you don't
you are the loser.

of the
Uuivcr sity of Mi "chigan
Compiete information concerning seven departments:
Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine,
Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Den=
tistry, and the Graduate School and
the Summer Session.
Special courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Lalndscape
Design, Higher Commercial Edncation inclnding Railway
Administration and Insurance, Arcihitecture, Conservation
Engineering, Pedagogy (affiliated with Ainn Arbor High
School for Ohservation Study), and a new course for those
preparing for tile scientific adnministration of departments
of sanitation and public health.
For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement or
Individual Information address
Secretary University

Liingstonoe, Thomaoos 4W. , 426 N. Ig-
otis, Detroit. of (f).
Fos Pa inos,00N. Ingals, Canoton,
China. 94-.
Fochetoad, Wliamooo, S. Armies, Coada.
Foesw, FreodAtaron, g, ioloia campot,
Hutiniogtono, Inod.
Logaon, George Wa~shington, 04 . tng-
tlls, CAin .4rtoor. 974.
F~oongloon, Ratyondooe, c, 009 Sillard.
Chitlicog, Chio. 82-.
tosoglc, Dowig lIioson, , 330 Hill,
Kalasooo. 33.
Foomies Iltrie oouis, ranoootRapiss.
Lope, Alers .A., no, 75 asrcne,
Areilo, Poro Rico. 372-h.
Loveless, Gertrudoe I reote. 340 . Main,
Foeisterry. iFranks., e, 822 Oototono,
iLowe, EtholB., g, 42 Gedde, Waos-
inghoon, iD. C. 094-.
Fower, Jacob D., in, Cosoton, .
Fuce,Feon Aeander, p. 020 . Foo-
versity, Drtden, e. 94-.
FsnletroootnoooIrmao K,303 CAi, Sgi-
nos. 00i3-J3
Foneinotonio, Chrst0000 0002024 S. Tayer,
onin Arbnorfo602J
Curi, Iil.
tLunon, Cthtret . , 1 .Sate, 'Mar-
quette. 760-LF
Ly nct,.Aliceeanr,00443 S. ivisioon,
Flusthing, NF 4.0112h-3 (86-).
1Loo000, Joshn, 1I Detroit
Mcauey William J.4,ott non1,0500000F. Amtn,
Elleonstburg, 44 nob34E 344).
.iectot0 en, Chlesr Wa4rsoo 4Ypsilanoti.
McCarty Arthur ousocgp 09 N. Taty-
e r, Columbiaono.Cty,1Indl 715.
MeClear, Pre . 43 S. Doostoon, Greg-
on. 740-L
SieCtinc, a ae, ,33 S. Fifth
Avo., Fetave norsntoITu 00. 639.
SieClsod, JohinnoI~e03011 sllenotn,
Detrit. 460
SieCoormoick. Cro rdstotW4ar, 530 .
Divisiono. Si leadlO. 73J.
MceCormsick, 44illiamos Smuelr, 200
Waoshntenawoo, 1Dttrot 33J3
MeCooliongbo Coo 005Lewis, 2 3' S. hn-
otts, Bronson. 6L
lcCuory, Robert loon 1,09 . Tay-
er, An00 neror726LF
Mc~tiermotot, J31n0J3, '00,40, NDinisioin,
Hnittotrestsnn 554 (62)
MceDongal, 14alter Dron, 221 Observa-
tory, Fot Arbor. (323Dttaek).
oteEteo Joshno Jamoes g, 239 S. tngals
Neon'44imnington,. Pa.
Mce~arttandEd.Cwrd W1, 232 S. Ingals.
Inldianat, Pa. 8b5-.
MceGee, Haroldl G., e, 34 Thomopson,
AooooArbor. 13.
SleC~ioe, Gordon Oliver, 1, non S. tng-
atts, SMontgoomey, Mla.
Nke~rifin , Norton, 607 Edswin, Antn A'r-
SiConitonn s, . tPalmeor, 42 N. Divisionn.
SClelnonnoseosJohnn Prinell 40' NDi-
0 ~ o,05500 1'. oboon.so1331
FCortCsno Arbson. 1755
lleJnnolsnotosoa netdaon,307 N. Tay-
er, to ste 11 soo I , I not0on
00ay 01eerck , o 6~ S hior,
se, Tex00(. s Hoi

i)etroit. Is
Marinon,41Wlos.F 1, Co3E. Ann, !Cosn-
etia, (a. In. 0482'L1
Maorisono, Wlnliamnoon .,1,'07 5. Ionalls,
Cmnn Arboor: 75-L
SttorobsoonJacs I .,iion N. 'blater, St.
iLoutislo b6shLF
Sltnrsttn Haonrold lB.000, 408 N.hDi-
vsoionVMirsq0ette. 054.
SIasA, Fetone AugutinoeYpsilattoi.
Slorsbo, Phil. Foss0, ,002 Twcelftho,
Jtackson, 920.
Maorshall, F. ILelndo, 1,500oFtatheirione,
CAnn trboor. 210-J.
Mtarshlol, Sitolole, EC., 3o6 Cthtlerine, Anon
Marshoall, Malcolin, g, 0005IC . Hunroon,
IHendoersono, Fe. 397 (397).
Sitrsteller, Rooss Peeri-, in, 209 5. Iog-
tlls, College Siahioon, Ten.
Maortion, Clarenceeyecnolds, Camnp Do-
gartdts, Jameostowsno, N. V.
Manrtin, Leorge Feroy, 733 S. Thayer,
Cats City.
Sloorlin, Nellie Si., BilogicalI statioon,
Lranod Rapidis.
Miartin, Thnomats Foster, 905 Oaklanod,
LaPsorte, tond. 355.
SMattox, Loit, 718 5. bIngalls, Washing-
tlso, D. C.
Miarceh, Helen Edna, 202 5. Tboyer,
Mhadisoon, 0.
SMaunrer, N. Leorge, e, 9n3 Daklaind,
Monroe. 355 (355).
S\,ian, UFTsoong,,024 5. tIngallso, SOO-
cihoss, Chiona
Maxwsell Leorge 44iottand, 0303 4Wnil-
ManyiErnest Forte, I,355C..FCatheriner,
SLtayne, Frederickb C.im, 004 N. Tbayer,
loothaoio 44alter J3, nJackoson.
Slenet, Theodore S.,' 556 S. State, Ste.
Marie. iS.
Steacoemn, Marain E., 6a4d btadtisoin,
Roseville, 1ll. 789-F.
Mdbtounnsln, IHarold.TV., 1, 548 S. Stale,
A0onnebsor. 236.
Sieloitte, Jasne'Agnnes, 1, G604Jeffersoit,
.Aon Arbsor. 659-3.
Mtecer, JosephtoRoy, 1I 5o6 S.Fiftb, CAnn
Arebor. 767-J.
Mlerrill, IRossoEdward, e, 434 May nard,
Betd oon Htsrboor. 0564.
\lesbler, Sarao Jannet, 226 S. Twceifto,
Thnree Oaks. 702-F.
I Srsoerto 3Joh no IbR,700 5. Untiversity,
StenztRose F.,04 FCheernc Court,,.A1-
too.24 3J
_1i noto RaymndoThomas., e, 00009EC
Cathnsense,44sngton, D0 . F. 0412-F.
41llr B.te E.1 11100404 1Hloono-Anono Arbor.
.hller, dr ic ,1 07 C. Coonier-
Citler.G r ; C ,52Hitl, lxforS,

Soo 000 oautRend, 433 Siticontrot, Bar-
racelsle, 44 Vo
M~ortn SIlottoP.,of06C. Liberty, Ann
:MoseybolsaFL, 1E.Univ-ersity-, bonnt-
MoossSionnonne EF,'37 5. hIngalls, Alemn-
MothoersillSianrkHenry~, 6o14Williamnos,
vlotsen JonA.,4 0009 Frospect, Detroit.
1losnonsIFranklsA. e, 602 IC. iMadisons,
Alvoaado, Mexuico. 735-J.
Monyle, RoortlDavcis, 00, 749 E. Unni-
cersity, Torontro, Dmt. 0207-3.
Mtoesnhirnn, Corl F., Detroit.
Muclely, bDwight1H., e, So6 Hill, Rant-
sas Fity-, MO. 374 (374).
Mudge, bRoyaol, Coooop Bogardtus, Char-
Ciullen, Bernoardi Joseph, e, 720 Whloey,
Court, Carsooncille.
Molter, bing,,o, iii, 300 N. Slate, Aunt Ar-
bor. (6oo Bluoe).
Mluma, Jamnes .A., 615 EC Fiberty, A'nnn
Anrbor. 770-LF.
Mumoford CEdgor C., e, 2105. Thaoyer,
SMomnford, Harold F., e, 0207 4Willard,
H Ioward, S. Dak.
Mumnmery,;Fiary V., 203 Observatory,
.Ann A.'rbor. 0520-J.
-Xbunro, Mary Ellen, 615 S. Ingalls, Dod&
A'xe. 0317-J.
Munondy, Conl Seymouonr, um, 548 S. Stole,
Forest, 0. 236 (236).
Mnozo, Ennriquoe Jose, e, 0030 Woshle-
taw, Soltino, texito.
Muorphy, Carl R., 522 Mbonoroe, 'Lawtoon.
Munrphly, tFrancis SI., I, 700 C. .Annn, Ann
Arbor.." 0022-J.
Stonelobn, 543 -Chumrch, Sinen .Arbor.
Muorphoy, Hazel A., 548 Thouson, To-
ledo, 0. 709-F.
Muocphy, Timnothy-, e, 326 C. Liberty,
Felngton N. V.498-F.
Neat, StomnoonoAlice, 900 C. Wshining-
ton, Ness Dedford, Pa. 494-F.
NegerboIsae, e32 S.Fiftho .Ave., Nest
ark, N. 3.16J0 Blue).
Neidm ,l Jacsob S.,e, 237 5. tIngalls, New
Yok .V.57L
Nelson, Arthuor 1,032 5. bIngalls, A4nu
Netsson, Theodosre ,'g,602 SMonoe , bIt-
acri 799J
Nessbenry, Man r 'nAmia,900ooOklanod,
Ness ii soot lustoMSri e, e, 520 FCheeer
Cort, F nssnog 0755 F.
Newtn llerha,., g, Ypsilasnti.
Neowt o on lu i roe Ys'oilanti.
Nets ott JTboinas, e, 604 5. State, 'nn
densonoI oses71.
Niho, )(i n 24 Sboosost, CAnn
Cro 0047-J.
Nictnoec rimrnk,1, im oo rbor.

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