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July 25, 1911 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1911-07-25

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MEXICAN PEON AGE As'rfesor is .Karpiski, of IS MOST POPULAR
tile mftheais=autwl etrnte"istory'of Our Numerals,"in tileF
west teeture rooimi of the physics laboes-f
Expedition to Neighboring Re- tory tomorrowe afternoon.o. Karpin- Gilbert's Play Secures the Most
sk ilbgnwt hr ktho h oepublic Affords Unique history of niumlerals before tile adveint Voe With Double Bill a
oferenesthe Htindoo-Arabic onuimerals, the snes N Favor
AmlItAowe now etse.tHe willthtein telt of the Next rIn
origtn of oor inierits, how thsey start-I
ed with tilettiiiioosscore takeuep btit
SLIDES SHOW QUEER SPECIMENS the Arabs, tnd carried by them into Euir- TWELFTH NIGHT WILL BE GIVENr
ope, anidssere fioally adopted by the ritinoutres
Where customis are sjigotarly differ- D y a coiisiuderabte imargin iniithe 'c'or -I
ent from any of which we cooceive toitn LC 'l sil NOi csL. r",iNe's coolest Sir Wsiliam Glilbert's1
ProfessolrI rpuosklis conjunction "'rue Palace of Teuth" was soled the
tbis country, where society is cot u-p with Prof.Duavid P. Smith of Cotlimbia iis pplro h ly feetb
intoetases sae ofwhita atttubUniversityhis written a bootsoii this thle cii Greettrasope, writh the itimble1
groutps whirl fare little better thais aoi- subject eintitted, The Dliodoo-Arabic sl icidieSaeicr' Cnevo

mrats, sod where exists a vegetation cx-
ceediiog in liixorianice the most faotas-
tie conceptions that we of a more inorths-

Ntinmerals." tt wilt appsear shortly froii
the tress of GiiiiiaiiilCo.
No sinsgleswork iaso yet appecared ini
whtich the complsete storey iif the rise

emn elimate night give to it, a field of aiii developmenst of the "digits" has
study was opciiato the University's party bseeii told. Ini preparation for the sork
of scientists, last summser, that was at the authiors have conlsulted every im-

once fasciiiating as welt as fornmidable.I
Asst Professor A. G. Ruttiveii describ-
ed, in his address Monday afternoon,
"The Uiniversity of Michigan's Ex-
peiditioii to Southerii Mexico," niade inii
the iinterests of tihe useum. Hi-nlter-
spersedt his tlti with laoterii slides of
photographs of peculiar biological
specimnis stcudied and, collected oii the
-In a lalnd far apsart froll the troiddii
palti of the tourist, where custonms re-
fain their mnost primitive nature, where
exists a bondsage, vyinig witb the cruel-
,est phases -of our Amlericail slavery,
settlemenrlts of criuie people were foiunii.
They are hlostlitable to the stranger, hot
practice the mast deprav-ed fornm of
-reety. From Slits, the domlestic ani-
mals and the peonis suffer; tile former
for their slightest stiupidity ofteii have
their noses w'reiichied off by a master
jerkinig at the rings attached to them.
Ill mamny instanices 'their tails are cot off
for the amusemenlt of onlookers, or to
satisfy the brutal vinldictiveniess of a
mlaster. ,
'or idisobedience, or for an attempit
to escape slavery, the peons, mice caught,
are subjected to tir whipping post; after
being stripped, they are floggeit uiitil
hlood 1s -drawn. 'ithi a workiiig day of
foulrteeni hoiurs imposeit iupon thiem, these
,peons die off in large iiumbers. Uiiier
heavy labor, sometimes as mainy as three
a day die in a gang of twenty.
In tile virgini tracts, a vegetation wvas
founod as -thickc as thlat of darkest Afri-
ca; jungles were encountered which, ini
mamny inistanices, were imapeiietrale.
Thlese were Ifouiii to be inisabiteut by
deadly reptiles of several species which
prey on mni aiid bieasts. The palm, the
rulbber pltant, the biaiiania tree, and in-
numerable otlier formis of a luxoriaiit
tropical faunla and, flora yielded many
specimsenls 1o the party.
The watts of the main reainlg roam
in tse uniiversity library wilt be repisaredi
-and repainitect dinig the interim be-
tweeni the cisiimer anti reguilar sessioiis.
Notiing has beeii cduiie to the ceiliiig
since the er ectioni ot the biinii in
t883, anid whuili th pleiii" has stood
the test if- as litr an s tea thire
are sectioos whetcrc it ha s eithcr faillcen
diowni or ciuiie loose. Thseiork. if cc-I
ovaioii scill niecceitat Ice esiriecltiii of
a high scaffoildiii' whlichil imiieain ihts I
tie use of lbs room u iu hat t b
giveii up for iiiciiod oS piii ii lix..
I weeks. Duriin" thue timiit iis plaml ja
to sendiil rcllu toth tie read
inig roomi hut us there i re icoiw~ ii cli cl
feor crador in town liuiiui'' Si its cOlic
it is iiiii ,Noughi that the puli wlls helsiii
iiicoiiceii niscil serv iiuichi l itw work ait

portaiit boot aindtImonoiigrapish-ta
has autpceiced on the scibject, sonsuling
the tinicitiatltliraricasiif Euopte iiii
The book teli of tin itroiutioniiiofi
tie zero, the iniflieccofthis Xcrils iiii
the spresid of thyessystem 'uboust the Ibores
if the Meterranean, i ncdiitoubthe var-
lulls countries cif IEurope: tits15l11111
trated with inumierous facsimilets froms
early inscriptions ,indl nanuscripts nost
if w1th i iivcnot bieii piiliishiedin i
connection sitabthis subiject.
Engineers vs. Ypsi and Laws vs.
Lits. are Games Set
A btaeblal game bsetweeiitile summer
studcenuts froni Ypstiiinti and- the eii-
leer's teamu is the latest develotmnit in
floe summner sessioin baseball wcorld. The
contest wiltlibepulled off on Ferry field
Satiurday' af-ternsouon at 3 o'clock seillsh
probiably the samline up as was iusedl in
the gcame withl the lawcs. "Ypsi" calibre
is lot an rusticrely uniknlownIequantity as
they played here early ini the seasan iists
Cluslitug's tetims conmtosed- of msen froun
uifferent detiartmsents aiid beat thieii to
the tone of 10-7-
"9Lii'S" iTvYnsO'TFOR SBAotnL-
Candidates for the "lit" base-halt teami
wilt liet015 soiuths Ferry' field- for the
first tie at d4 o'clock thits afterinooii.
Rtiniipu111a cetk on their einthiisiasii
yesterday, but they are coisfident of a
good shuowoing l ts ofternooni.
A gawe betw eon the "lis" andc the
taows us In be scacduled for Thursday
afternon if 51anotier Rosenthal of the
law niue can arranlge far the shifting
o-f cilsses for somei of I-he players;
othuerwiuse the gsole oct11 te played a
seek from Satulrdaus The "is" hune-
dul bus unot yel beenu dedided, lbut there
us musts good usaterial inl sight.
Farirnformsation "fits" siay'call lup
Lloycd Yallis,948-J.
In a'u gane muore oha rpyv contestedt thanuu
tescore indticates, the En'gineers defeat-
ed the Lws 8-2 Stills fenoson.
D\iuhson i tchiebn'gforu the IEngin'eers, it
slocud onlyhre111cchits. hbate itting of
Icm e and Hu 011i01111n ticebeel
s ngof11auscrts oil Psoiusierse feit-
In s4I3 e i 7 8 9
1Eln'' .. 2joo

Errors" sndchSierutid a'"Te Cuitie,"
secondltanduu "Twe lfth NighlithIlicrt.
Niacts'-eight hsallots soce rucsh. A full
ecorousf tirsoles cast is here "uvens.
25 u'Midsummer Ni"hut'astDream.
h---The TIemspest.
3us-Xs SYou LiceSt.
38-This Merry XX uses ofNit X u-
46-(Rtosubletsbilt) Coimesil of Er-
rorsuand TheLurills.
24-'iuuels fole.
ii-thn Stuoopis 1oConosuer.
i--Melrchaist of Veuice.
54-Thur Is1ace of Tuth.I
I"is-cfts "ihit"is pieseintedt with
Sir cmrthur Sullm iiiva' usic. his ovss
Gulbesrt'-scollaboratsor in 01wriing"The
'sit , she Iisnafor,"ec. "TePail-
155 o~f Truth" wso us vlochhere'ut null-
usresuimeust tuwo yors eo bohysthus Dll-
aid Robhertsoi laloers.
sowellhN"'hat"sowill bhu enlocus e s-
lao- ev-ening,'"Au~gust I it Suu'clock."Thse
Patics of Trnuth" Wdcnesdoasmy after ino
ml four,01111 the cdoubhle bittl Wednues-
dtay eovenings"at e'gbt. Seaits will be sold
at sev5ety-fiove cenus anmuchonedollar, si
special puice ibeingloffemrudtll'Slouisay
nsi'htlof11011 uollaros and o quiarter,or
usolrseet-ie for thurthsreper-
formssonces. Thse seat sale elgis at
'X-ache s booksore Thunrsdauu'usornsung of
this wceek atuninse, uandc oct11thereafter -he
cuontinuedr duailyfromssfour ho six.
'The imsic comm~sittee of thur Michsigass
Usnioss opera scill sleet us Prof. Hos-
land'ts studio this afternsoons to scar mius-
ic writrtsn-by Julius YW'erthner for the
asmuush opera. Those on thse active coms-
mitree are Profrssor Hoscland, Earl
Moorr, sad Herbert Trixt Professor
Stasnley will nuot hoe presenst. - Wulerthnuer
has sevrralsongs Ia hr tried out, andu
thire are sopes that the qtuerstin of
mssusic wihll5110o1 be settled.
;The osar dhepasrtmentu is holdhing ot
ani offer of $mI,20a pee year for ansy cot-
legc graduateswhso wousld hike to take a
lert) to liar Plippuines in tle arpaacity
of thirst ucieueanst usthe Phuitappine coil-
sholloho. Thur asnnounemesuldoes
not saoswo maniuly minliaresowanted, -hnmt
it dhrawlssthure il o siuarued smeu, No
decmlans are hide for schuolstihuconors,
a recommienaion1515fromuthse cdite's
Ths ni ususiyYIs I C A as -
slush Mc Silt us' halit s huouse Iou thur
aftr Setcnier I sw llibe in tIllstuores
thatarehelig uil. a th coder- of
sibrt -md ua t dsets"

-AibermtILoecwosouIheadof1thur -ino
itep sarut inithin Schoolho so lmic, biss
ir es Hai-ulton, ictructo is piaunio-
(ustIc list "lleun Dule, ad Miss
MaIudsuh CIlesyus of tIllsoalhdetart-
usent, sue.spensuisng"thesummerli liillEmr-
ope. MrILockwooodlissasosw iarhelakuc
rusionof Switzerhula Is uaiusg takens 111
110 residnuce thermesaftIr a short say'il
iIsy I le wOillrentIurns isysoay of rance,
ienduin'g a soeerkis Paris The other
memubemrs ofthe facmlte se himroudfuse I
lhe arps nrof continuinuu'"their mussicalh
suduesXXWills MIc.IDule suHorace G.
Dais 13 asi a s prm sineithIe
Shushn musimocal1)1oductions last year. I
Mhe Smsusel Lockwo oulIssadlof the I
vo liii depa'rtmsent s pend~t'luig hIisvcu-tI
tuona at his summsser cattaei the As- I
roadilachcs. Surt.XXilliamiiA. tHowl-andu,C
sshe uf -i-le vocal depsuarmebtowill laeI
usithmhus famsiyPriudaivfo a six soechs' I
stay' at CaetCoutSIasschusttshFri-c
leii Boci, owusssrecenstly' eusgagedtas
firs assistttoMS.HeoIfuls1ad, 'ilh c-a
'turinfrom Ge rmills inIISptembehsr, aduf
lwill bseginu leu duitis s tachue u iare
Schsouolof MuusiseettIOctobier.
Stanuley lRe.'iuutsuaud Oscaric Lcueiu
wa-ulmd,agiuculttihruual sumlesat liar Uni-
versity uf Ilinoistft hices M-ondauyt
fluer hia11111 dcuesa turinuait shseelhiss-.-
us" sowits thure en'giueers Thes'-re swusrk-
ing tueirsoy'o Dullrit lbydouug farum
isrk u wi oths the objiet of siummg11ffs-
Icultisroaul imethos uuand musosmitiossursts
hind u Bo sthire Cticag"isilsnduiare
out for iaIseally' hrcticaleodeuction,.
"Shorty" Does Not Expect to Return
Here in the all
Miheigaun's 1911 toothllcliasrec-
ceiveud ussetbakshesolissaccorcding - h ie
Detrui Free Pmcss Soty"SMcMillams
smuuouhnl hutstnstuonmofsot return-
mg tou schoolistnet faill McXillanu shwu-
rut Iis -true calibomrwhen has pioted last
year's elevenu humvictory' osere ble Mi-s
sotstea sluwsich as eel hothe sunset
toumted McGoseru. Yost consderd M-
Mdiliustohe thin srong'est maseftos-r
froumslast ye'irs Isamumndsuchinordingly
expecth-timamto scary this teaumsto c-
Doyle of lost yesor's l Fresh agge-
gation is proboauly the msost stely' In sn1-
reed McMillanmaotthoughINYot haulcon-s
temsplatedusngis mssusas our of thur
halo-es. PicardiMdSlolan'sms undesrstuy
last year, is also a candidae for this
S-r. artle director of atletics,
has received o oficialsaie fromss Nc-
S-itlan, as to Iis intnions s et, amd- is
hsopinug that McMillanmillsouhanisuge isi
a'exo'tssrcc tas mBIo tANT.-
Bills ase erum iutroducued im the gem-
creal assembloy'of 'Tenmesrse authorizimg
the city of Chatanooga and anmiltonm
county' to issue bonds mu the suns of
$uo,oao each o assist liar Unisersity of
Chatanooga in seurting the offer of
$i.~o,oofromustdesceneshl Educationa
Ioard. Is consideruationsof tliss, the
young sensasnd owosen of Chaanoogt
tundiHiamuiltouncounmtis arc gi vensfree
tuiticc ur hming" thor life ofthe bods.
51 Omit'S e II di I xTRTOdI vdeAAIN.
Tuese econdWoensTe - atay
11l sh Ie hedin lBasrbour g" mnusasisums ri-
shY usafternoouncufSrom ss4 cuclc ust Si.
lber lie ill trbe o ccdan cin ad Sereshmensrh.
Plansoarc noseii 1nak ing' fcrthin presn-
tt's''n011ftc-hIlts cci} f i 111i ' 5555-

1010115thle 555 ililr schocl Io shclce.tlnir
apprecniatsionof thincourtseis is adtis
p ttl- i'rl'lclh Ilalccrd th i ,-he univer-

No mm
arty Studies Geology and His-
torical Associations of
the Falls
Skills suly' threuphysiograpshystudemts
mmcl six student geoloogists, butoihm
is-rim y-fuse hlaymsen, hun party'takingim
th uumi '"rushu g og'ecuirsionmithuhNiagara
Iallsyitsnder lbs humechioss of P-'ofessor
Calthounmpmlateys its trill yesteday.
Iso avery hush lys awere ptut i aroundu
tar neghbosirhooduufatNgaria, o carry'
sut thec fullsheduule.
Leaiving Drtrou'it t 5 no'lok Priday
fternuoon utsmithe istuyuof Ceveland, Bhuf-
fofleacos rachae thurnxmml sorning t
'isht Thi ningmsmon111thur boat sas be-
"ghm directlymatemrsdinsersbyhun inufomrmal
galurimuss"ofIthis wuhoe p1rty at thin stern
of th-te hboat for everybodsy' to get a-
quintdIwit thur sthers. 1Ommaurivimng
at Buiffaloin ticihe mmorig all lit three
uf she psarty Iooktythurftst trolley to
Althosumghs thinprimaory' ica of ue x-
nscusoowsuo Iisuidly' thesgelogicamhworuh
of thinhails, on usinrsday' morninmg tie
excusisonists visiteutsohmeurof thin largest
faciories uaroud thi ns, whictsdliget
their powr' fr oumaNigra's boumdless
supply. Ammoms" theset snernbce5heddesd
XXeteBlisceut LoTheInternmatomnal
Graphite Co,sand thur Niagara Eletric
Co. 'Th teaesmfsh ie pary 11so us-
spectedl NagarsUmivermsity, atinstit-
tion pousesssn" threehbsuilings.,
S''v 'D sRAIcONS Imc O RtoE.
Its thor afternmoons everyone started omt
nina ble'Gorge Rde" amdi ttliststime
thur real aimis of the party sas realied.
Along tho r outemumnsudsitions to a large
numbehre of psces of hsorical iterest,
there ace nuameros ponts where geol-
ogic Sorumsatious and direct chloss cai -e
obseredt "Cataract Ba," oe of these,
is ltce point where the high cliff -emds,
aver whirls the drainage of fotmr great
takes bengans to flow after ltar glacial
period; frons theree to Lake Ontario the
valley of the Niagara River is a ow
levehplsain. The rock formatian of the
locality was studied n "Wintegreen
Ina the evening the party assenmhled in
Prospect Park which is just above the
Amserican Pats.
Sunday' imornintg msot of the party
tank the trip ons the "Maid of the Mist"'
wiocha stamss op almost to the thumnde-.
tg cataract; and sonar of the -usensers
mwent dooms into thor "Cave of the Winds"
under e lhlts. Thur siht-seeing anta
us which the shale a'gregatin was
"doinig" Buffalo its the- afternoon broke
down,bhtmlevery'body'mnaged ha make
the boat.
The party sruck rough s-ather coma-
tag back in thur gale whirls bles alt Sum-
day ight, are, hatio otne as reported
seriously ill.
A great dealt of "fussing" amd oler
frivolity is reported to have occurred ons
thin trip. Osn the boat thor "asy'kilers"
ons theupptter dents tast to hr coraledl
auid purthum bes, white Professor Ca-
hounushitmsefso-sfivseigledutitsto a maurm-
allae joinit rarly Siusuday umorning, ands
bash to "sri 'am up" for twos of thin sore
ambnhitious younsg ladies of thin party.

Aft5'- slsiS lI. 5[ 11'l.'\[hitis:;'rsusc
Itlihrs A. Sile. scuic'loic of
ccloo f Sussic'bal'c i-tusrunul1 Se

tica, ti lly

cISL . 5'. ndersos
cii' Sa1'actrasztlCT

1De0n j.0. Sctllcttercur
mh ddc5a51lcht wasiilt~er,
ior appenciis. h~e Ile hid hum
frothec 1111 fo a aon
bas. E[e l e portedli mc l;I

steel i'll In
Locm a smfemec
;cu ic timue
sot mulcJt as
tic opera ticon.

" c


I lei rt Ott;

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