T HE W OLV ER INER the AnniiArbs 5La rcslo osoll Finst Motet M. M. NOWLIN, Props. W. C. NOWLIN, Mntgr. Te Rsioo onthe SeconsdtFloore Make oxzr SMore You~r Shoppingj MACK ftCO O LA Wu rine f as es NIW 50lieaser this Second LI,, Edwards Brothers 320 S. State. Ov er Si~eertsnn's SWE Belie've 111sigils AND nlAKE ALL KINDS Let'us mfake you a Sketch and give you a price on anything in the Sign line Weissigner Sign Co. Phone 910-L BATES UPHJOLDtS UNITED 1H0MK TEA ROOM. A complete stock of Classic and~ Pop- STATE SUPREME COUPRT, The -NestHoamt Tea Roomi is where asiar Msic oad Musical Sapplies at list - ~~icthelgans stdtsoeat, st ly elot yout'PUniversity-AlMsisc Ioooe. Si. ettastis ned tense Page 1_. Esverytlhing homea-adee. Optn frostsIs undater thse condaitios, is notl satisfaetory i ia I.t .U ot) E. Waslunton, ;\We havee ass all lose tahle at Walker's, aso to pcrmanetdtriati on oafttheee2nsdafleta of Ho ag Blsdg. 1-4.1 336 S. Divisiosn St. 2. commettrcial restraitt Furstsr Itgisl - tiiinaa t c lighst of the experic ecfi the last lstwn asice tears statseaems pos-' sibl actdsats'sailte. uhfaitr li s-e 'Uf1 Y lalist as at statstit u det a e o5o5nt adetailasiiti elin t h 55 thle troblem ttt athousldtteasee lwsssat ilall s i JUNCTION OF DETROIT andI CATHERINE Sts. and FOURTH Ave. as, except 1 0tsocsa issos ttlcalniend___________it______as______to_______indicate_____________ aithus legal cotnceptaswat ias aats li ltst tertsreastaintl.' wITE AN~ "This. it ases to sie, cast stts le I E 1r~I atisae. Certains peciet~s (if rcestait5, isa- volvinigfrtatid, coecn, aothets' si- laweftiliraelites, ate noa telcknown;s 1 Bell Phone J ,Home Phone assisthsepeacties arae sassetibale o 165 trecise legal deinlsitions. Ana amendmenttit 15- 4 j - 152 d "hite sasn shguse tat these terssought Ilto e- - effectiave.'- - shitlsreasecttolteatssaosaf formit- cr Presiet Rotsevaeltltsi sal'omespop-1 ular gasvernmstasl athritytes (suschais te caommittssitier of coirporsationts ac it- Suitatlei soffenisig p/lint cost tea 000. If costs yosetanot/h/ng i unsdcer tlest ecretary iof camme ree ands laor), lie allisasta to ias na ny5 exti'o to have all the advanitage of latnudry work done in water suc ontat, DenBtead "For- soft as rain water istead oaf destructiive acids anad bleaches. luaaels ats I conccisve it.lassis proaosal The finest lingerie waists anad doesses will tome tacek to you like faled ofsal agi. Toa sase cittltolit niew. Collars ande Cuffs lice ssiow. Try your duds ins our suds arbitrs leicrniatil assof i any surauit, and Sbe tonvintedl. 'Markyras pacts age "It/i/fe Nercft aad tall tow rabtt lle andt sati tiisliesitis c its- statist isis a ets asigt 1e1 Ii a lastio out wagosn. No extra charge for tall or delivery. as t wlltlle iiworill of ti er sbl e c o is-s a i i u s w r e l , t ore i g lih t v l x beisclsifiid asgros a istse a 1 5/ nc orLa n w o dra n toci i m s t sari clit i :Iaid mo eet , titit ll ld st d ci m 6It a tasict eodhels COOLEST POTmINnTOW cussity faa r a s tc tat t o prom lat seeams icea om:ta iemtt e W IsIt'l nill youaspred yasir tsmmnsreavaat siynst enjoyr the eiarsis ofnour InlandSe~as,thte mst eaesantiansdtecosnomicalsoutinsg in Amics. WHERE YOU CAN GO Altltireimtsantsiiportsnsthce entatasarereacedegula~rlytsa itthe excelnt setrefthersa. &Ce.issktLesssr Theirenslarge Steiaeris iuhsi ifetareeofimodeirn seesconstrucionsaihavecalltetqsaiisfsedi, safty adeaifori. iDailsevie isnoperiateneteeiDetritand Cl~eveeandsiDetraitand nufals;sfCanetrips iweekly btweenriTaledon,Dtit Mae daisiacislnd ad tsay ports; tree trips waekly bewenerToCledo, Clevelandi, anotisP-in-Blay. A tClerelsand SnoSMactkincspraic irasarwaltbie opersstedti tarips wseekly ross JuissstlitotaSeptembier inthsopspingaosly at Detroitieerytip andsiiGoderich,eOt., everiyaotertrip. Specil Day Trips Between Detroit and Cleeiand, Dring July and Augustt RAILROAD TICKETS AVAtLABLE:--Tickets reading via any rail lins between Detroi and Butfato and Detroit and Cteventand wiil be ionornd for transporiationoan IL & C. lie Steamers in ilier direction. Send -oent stamp ifor Illustrated a phlpset andI Great iasiratp. Address, L. G. Lenis, G. P. A., Deroeit, Mich. Phiip H Mc.Millan, Pres. AA.Schntz,GenalMgr 1 1 u h !2=I: U LA The Ann Arbor Dye Works FrencshisDry stid Stieais CL.EANING anghst Classof Work. 'tstPit tasis-isaiait. tt301 Iiiossr tsts L0. i. WAHL6 Rowel's Launry 4046 Detroit St. Wotrka Neatly sai rtra liy stasi THOMAS ROWE, Prop.. Bell Phone 457 ' NGRAVERS 2 _ The fGar ayle LCOLLEGEI OBO L Lnao o - l -7 .SI B CURATOIR TO3SIBEAtK ON :V E lJChAt 115 PDITIOiN. Dr. A. G. Besliss n, cuertar ii the mseumsaswilil tell of the Metxicass expse- ditionas, sade tisathinislest ofltesass stmin isthe sumtmiter at igio,.oass Mass- elssy aftersnosasa stist a'clocksis is t aswcat sphysics lecture raosta. TIhe expectitionasousglhtsea speacimnsat of lie fsasstssassetflora cif Mexicoisnastic juttie regionlt hei l t Pissislts stc penini- sula, ad founsd te natives ass et i r castasms of patrticuar in trest. The tee- tuirt asill give-ansatcsco uit ofItse sestilts sit th-e sobservatsi itns asndalsos if the tacit - ste sysiemsainaaogate iaill exico. is at the tight fantsatsic toel Oar- tng thatietlertal itmetsitssGrssngsers call st Tistalc a to rceat. sndst ry tour soedasaet cresamas, 338 S. Statec. so-2 ,. liii i ninlsg asp ieciaslt.O-01tle ooks madse seas.-"I)asd"'Skinnter, 3o6s S. State. Sosasmer Schsool Books. Nesw asse secatnd had Dictionsarits, Art tinets, etc. C. tE. BarthlalI, 326 S. Stale St., seond flcr, Tl 761-L. s-ia- Pcennats, fasncy as-rk aad curios;5hest prices. Palais Raoyal, 209 B. Libserty. Otinag trosears, flannelts asnd tropical W~orsteds. Altnss (loadPlothata Start, Miain taS. 5 50. THE WELL=KNOWN CIIUBB HOUSE One Blisck li-amPampas 209 Sooth State Street Rates, $4.00 Per Week We have a hobby in making Fancy Creamis and Ices fcor Special Occasions I it s td ing, thsefirsse tl- t ittnie titns. iofsss-sut~fr s asst.sit t s ts - plosy. And, s5 . 5-55 c.ar5 M 5-5-ie Vitsssu l s t- sass, s its W : Trubey's Plac 116 Sfouth rion Street Bell Etaose166 Last Time Tonight BINGHAM and THORNTON, GLADYS HILL, THE FAMILYSCOPE Moni., Tue., Wed., Matinee Wed. Comedy liaexmory S TOCK WFLL &~ PAYSON SINGING COMEIIAN Q"ILES BUTTON AND OTHE[RS Silver Sugar Shelas to ladies WEDNESI)AY MATINEE MACCABEE Bezefit Week Jul~y 31 The Ann Arbor WVilIbe Opens Every Day Except Sunday, 9A~. M.to9 P.M. E It in refreshinsg to take a bath in nine coal spring water, A N N A R BO R S W M MNP R 713 S. FIFTH AVE. Phonse 996 2 Ringa si t th e Clifsons ists. 55 5 5 NVust I rot s.sell fresla - ii sic chese, the oldfasaoacd h-ind. CPor. oDerot atd itPi ieelitSts. Bell 42a1 ANN ARBOR SAYINGS BANK stilt's Itis '" ' iur lt a iclitoi 5,a .r iss A i s t t lcs ns ,1t ass .. _ .. Y .; ~~~~team ia tid re ch Iel" rClanr ,"~ ",: W.D .ms Sults Pressed 25c Trossrs DeCcF