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July 22, 1911 - Image 3

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The Wolverine, 1911-07-22

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7 C e'Francis L iordan, Managing Editor for soa admicse. Office hours : 1 :30 to
5 erWarren Crane, Basiness Manager 35P.la5

rhe Yost ofthtioAtloe Rtepaitring
Buasiner,.Ile wtttsdo your wont
in a flurry-u p style.
Laces, Polishes, Etc.
The University Shoe Shop
(i13 tEast WttttossStret
Yourwllalasysinsd a , ae ine of
The East University Pharmacy
150 S. University Aver.
Our Praear~e Riglht
U. of M. and
Casnoes ausd Boats Renterd
P. G. TESSMER, Proprietor
Both Phones 655
TheSemp Muic So
TPlani Pipe.r-a
5 Voice Culture
101-103-105 S. Main St.. Ass Anbonr, Mich.

W~ated-Studrent who is capable of
doing ign writiug for Dept. store..
Appjly at orate to Mottk & Co. 7-1s.
Ttotring irs Rhetorit arid Ensglishs.
Pricess reasosoable. Address, Lawn,
Press Bduiling. Phone 96o. 4-6.
Corns, bunaionas, inagrowinag nails, trrot-
rdat d asituaredt. Everything absoltutely
atiseptir. Offite hours: 9-12 0. iii., a-5
or . Miss E. J. tFoley, 921 E. tUsaroas
St., tracttf North 12th. Phsone 989-J5.
Like a drink of fresh, toot buttermilk,
thick fronstire churns? Ask for it at
naoou. Wurster Brus., Cur. Del. aud
Catherinse Sts. Bell 423; H-omse 140.
The lest English shaps in plain
tutors oad checks. Allens Good Clothes
Store, Main St. I-Io.
For all Marital Instruments, supplies,
popular and classic music, ate Schaeberle
arid Son, Music House, ioo S. Main St.
Law Books for Summer School. Larg-
est stock in Michigan. New and seconad
hand. C. E. Barthell, 326 5. State St.,
second floor. Tel. 761-B. I-to.
5oc Neckwear, four-in-hands arid bows
isa all the aeswest patterns-sellinsg today
for 39c.
Wb'hile athe tamspus clock is heinig re-
paired, get a "Big Best" to get you to
classes "oar time. "Dad" Skinner, 306 S.
Have you tried spending your weeks-
end vacation at Whitmore? It is thirty-
cents the round trip. The Clifton Innt,
under the msanagemenst of Mrs. Stark
gives prompt service. She mtakes a
specialty serving chicken, fists, arid frog
leg dinners. 8-to.

Namies irs this director5' re takern
from tihe records isatie offices of the
secretaries of tie various departmnts
arid contiain the samse errors. If no
phone numbeohr has been plaed on tie
enrollmentrt card, anoane is siownss]ere;
hut that does tot prelude there being
aphone isatie hoase; call chief oter-
tor and tell her what ouse yost watt.
Enrolmnt by tie dpartmentts is it-
dicated as folows: literary namae flo-
toned by to letter; egieerig, e;
law, 1; medical, us: pharmi, p; grad-
uate school, g.
Telephone numbers tar parentheses are
for tire Howe phone, others for the
Bell. 'ahtess Bioogicat sttion or Camp
Bogardlus aptears as city address ail
asay be sent to Topiniabee, care Biologi-
cal station, or Camp Bogardus, as the
case stay be.
Hlobbls, Nellie :1., fi2t S. Igals, Decker-
IoIbort, Berthsas . 609 Tthayer, Day-
Hodges, Roy Willirams,s, Fuda.
Hloffmn, Georg, e, 6o1 N. it, Berg-
er, N. 5.. 46-L.
IHoffmans, Biters ., 730 . Stat, Mrril,
Wis. 673.
Holints, Roy tH. g 1358 Geddes, Spacta.
H ollandt, Knight Atha, 1, o9 S. Ingals
Fairfietd,Il. 849-3.
iHollinsger 'Chaussee ., St. Jamtes Hotel,
Bowtling Green, . 449.
Hlolliigstiead, Laura, 58 Hil, Oxford.
Hotittatta, Edward . 209 tIngalls, St.
Liouis. Mo.
Hood, Lucie Leac, XWheeing, V. Va.
Hosok, tra Thomsas Camp Bogardus,
Etkritlge, Md.
Hiook, 'Thomas E., 71 E. Ann, Holmes-
Vilte, .
Hooaver, Clair Goodyear, e, Chelsea.
Htopkints, Johna, 2s0 S. Igals, Saginaw.
Horr, Flora E..6fIs S. tIgals Willing-
ton, .
Htorrigant, Mary A.. Ypsilanti.
Hossick, Penn It., 324 . State.
Hosner, Hferbiert, e, 522 Hil, Oxford.
Houston, Fred Chlmasers, 1, 5o6 . Fifth
Ave., Ben Anion, Pa.
Howard. L. Clement.fi1o Church. Par-
Howard, XWalter, e, 332 S. Division, Ar-
Hlowell, Augustus E., 415 Jefferson,
Saginasw, 15565-L.
Hubbard, Edward ing, e, 5548 Tlomp-
son, Anti Arbor. 11-L.
Hulbard, Percy James e, 427 Mayard,
Duankirk N. Y. 1370-J.
Huges, Stanley, e, 441 S. Fifth, Detoit.
Hughes, Aninie P.. 427 Hamiton, Bur-
linsgon, N. 3. 128-.
Hughes, Leo Cea, 65 S. Ingals, Grand
Hughes, Statnley e, 441 S. Fifth, Detroit.
Hunatt, Cleveland, e, 607 . State, De-
troit. 131.
Hurt, Grace, 64 E. Jefferson,. St. Johns.
B-unt, Harold XWiliams, e, 132 Geddes,
Mt. Ceenss. 1670.
Hunter Jessie Annie, fin2 E. Huron,
Pocatello, Idaho. 1212-J.
Hbunt, Russet F., e, Cmp Bogards
Hunter, trv ing B, g, Bay City.
Hunter, Morton Rochso, e, 219 . Thay-
er, Chicago, Bryn Mawr, 1l. 76-L.
Hutainig Mary ., g, 417 . Washing-
tot, Intdianoa, Ia.
Hustchisisos, . B. e, 702 . Gaiver-
sirs, Chippewa Falls, Wis. 63 (63).
'Haiti; Oscar Clayton, 1, Attn Arbor.

Hnstont, Jamaes Xt,1 300 E. Jefferson,
Browsvsille, Pa. 976-J. -
tiustona, 1, Sob6Hill, SAnn Arbor. 374.
Ittclisssos, XWillioam Blooma, e, 702 5.
Unaiversity, Chippewra Falls, Wis. 63.
I ttist, Auguist F., g. 717 WV. Bnron.
Hutzel, Mlelite, 219 5. Thoayer, 'Muncssie,
isal. 726-L.
Hydte, Artihur Goradona,ass, ClevelarI, 0.
tsa~ies, Itenrietta 35., 8g323 B. Univert-
siry, Bouldler, Carlo. 96-B._
Inaaasatta, Todaist, 237 S. lIngalls, Sag-
aria, Jaans.

trwes, 'Wesley G, 615 B Uiersity, iKudaernoa, JeromeacGeorge, 32 N. Tay-
Heaoarss. e, Ciciago. 1357-B.
Jackmans i, .Xlar Bitsea, 603 . Ar, AXnns Kthna, Arthuar H., e, 910 Crwsel, Ci-
Arboar. 1482-t..cagoIll.ii391)
Jacksoni, Georget1.,sf827 [iltAin b Kun ecrass., 6ils4 S. Sate, Cii-
liar. na its O 31
Jaicoals, GiriiglaEdmndin, e Miiwaukei Kye, Chal sItLIesairsots E. Iftr-
WXis. oAis an'Arisoas 30
Jamie s, ranC.. , p5oF,. IHlarons Iele Kynhs: har (iiles XXlritaan, e, 85 E. -ur-
sg. onSt.I "maro a6;r.
Jamtes, BLawrenate ILI, e, Ypsilanti I (Lahr, JonsGrge e, 6 5 S. Ingalls,
Jamieson, Noran.sE., Toleao 0 enesese, N Y.1317.
Jeinks, CarltnnHlowaord, 512 S.Stilttekirt Johnt 5oalihsasmasor, Nrthile.
Port IHunrons. L alb liiiLoits, e,44 . Fifth Ave.,
Jeningias, Cla~rtene 1., p29 S. Thayer Si. Xrinilsaa a .
Sianton. 640 3. LinusFaansslstFaiea,71 . tangals,
Jennings, 'Marin anL., Grnt Rapids Cleelact, 0 17
Jensen, Jessee Xtnrttiits, 1, Foarest Cts,1 asieaaneer XXWana '7., 205 N. Divi-
Ia. sAsAbor 1746.
Jensen, Jann isr, 03 S5 Mate Iii aneNRalpt . '15 SStoe, _1. Pleas-
fibo. 1314 (727 Blck). nt1453
Joedecke, Clifford Pauls, e, 710 E. .XAn, BragdniJohn i Xiliirmn, 1353 XWilmsot,
tshpemtinig. 71-.bAn Arbor. a1143-L.
Johsnson,Biaries S. 636 S. Thayer, tDe- Lawn, Victar Hugo, 1503 Camibridge
troit. 682-J. Rorad, Near XYork, N. . 960 or
Johsonsa aid lC., 1437 WXashtlenawas, oss-.
Ann A.rbor. 319 (319). LatpRant Brooasks,, S507lmBuBaffalo,
Johnson, Thoasns., 636 5. Thsoer, De- N.YV too-3r
troit. 68-J. LBras arriirsonmnLtee 1, 228 . Thayer,
Johastson,BLairelitPalmser, 1, 1017 Call- DrsenCln.i463
erran, AnnisArbor. ByvorkXXWiltamassPante, 232 . tIngals,
Jones, Crannde ., 48 . XWashington, Lansing 864,B
Codwsater. LzBo wr .,o,72 S. University,
Jones, Dorthea, g 89 . XWashinigton, Bvanston tll 6(63).
Htarrisbunrg, f'. 11783. Lazmear Robert Vsels, e, 1331 Bfill,
35oares, e, amm o Oaklarnd, Srandwtich, Ill. BaEv iasIl. 33
ts6i-J. LeckronearCliares 115 N. Tayer, St.
Jons, S. e, 6o fotanroe, TPoedo, 0. Louims, Mos. 868-.
Jonskmnns, Bartl3., 122o E. XWashing- Ledere, Enmi Joni .65 S. Igals, Le-
tiar, Grmad Rapids. bac.1317-J.
35oredan, Chartes sBerniard, P, 715 Mon- Leeyard, Mrs. Carrie, 224 S. Tayer,
roe, Lfayette tnd. 979-I4. L10s IBanos, P. I. 6o2-J.
Joran, Robert A., 1, U. nil Mississippti. eta ard, Badgar Madison, 24 S. Thayer,
Joy, Louis Schunyer, m, an,7rshal. . tLos Barros, P. . 602-J5.
Judnie, -Martin, ms, 132 XWastenaw, Bay e Pige, Caarles Everit, psilanti.
City. 423.
Julius, Cartinm Ferdirona, e, 91 . Lehmnsan, Carl Adolsph, 119 Gransd View,
XWasington, Nies. 494-B. Amas Arbor.
Jussen, herbert C., e, 707 Oxfard Road, -Ligh, Rufus, Salt ake City, Utah.
Ironawood:.357 (57). Lehart, Florence Ada, 203 . Thayer,
Kamden, Amielia R., Bone City. Grensburg, Pa. 775-J5.
Kahn, Samoae, p. 237 S. lngals, Rend- e Sage, George V., 1, 327 . Fif t Ave.,
ester, N. . Butte, 'Moit. 948 (948).
Kater, Mtay B., g, 4.3 Ttsompspon, AtXh- Lewis, Arthur Richard, 82 . State,
tens, 0. Anna, t11. 1483.
Kaufmaon, Holiday 'Clay. 444 . Sate. Lewis, IBryce, e, 434 Maynarrd, James-
Lancaster, Ky. town, N. . 1564.
Reality, . P., 1114 . Uniersity, .bAn ewis, Hamsiton, Ward, e, 64 E. Madi-
Armor. 1530-J. son, XWestmister, Mad. 789-.
Keeler, Ricthard F., 523 Mtack Road, Annm Lewis, Harry N., , 427 Maynard, Louis-
urbor. 175-J".vylle, Ky. 1370-J5.
Keenan, Joseph B., 1, 209 Ingalls, Cai- Lewis, Joh Itletcher, 1, 644 E. Univer-
hridge, Mass. sity, Seattle, Wash. 189.
Kelhier, e, 915 Oaklanda, Sault Ste. Lewis, Samuet'V., 621 . Twelfth, De-
Mlarie. 355. trit 979-J5 (48)
Kelley, S. Dix, 1, Butte, Mont. Libbert, Marshall S., Aurora, Ind.
Keltog, Bdward B., as, Bellevile. illie, XWater Ivan, Too . Ant, Grand
Kelly, Edward Hayes, as, Ironwoood. Rapids. 344 (44"
Kelly, Katherine, 228 S. Thayer, Bad Lite, E. X., s, 549 . Division, Beld-
Axe. 463. ng. 261-J.
Kennedy, Johns E., 624 S. Ingals, .An Lilly, Hare Vernon, m, 210 . Thayer,
Arbor. 1701. Circeile, 0. 1191l-B~
Keninedy, Katlseen, Carsonar le.
Kepuemn, -Louis G., e, 203 S Ingals, Los j tscsAtlox eorses tA'c AVNTAsG,
Angeles, Ca. aao-J. By singing to a crowded restaurant
Keinath, George Joist, 1, Ottawa. faith of people in Cleveland last Satur-
Keinpp, Flora M., Chelsea. day evening, H. 3. Pennrington, who said
Kerker, Harry Edward, 1, Urbsan, Ilk- te swas a formser student of the Univer-
King, Helena Beecher, g, Flint. ity of Miichigan, managed to collect,
King, Ira Franaklisn, 226 Twelfth, lHar- when Ie passed the hat. sufficient small
bor Beach. change o pay for the dinner which he
King, Pal, 717 . Thayer. 1072-J. amd three feminine companions had pr-
King, Ruth E.. 407 N. Ingals, Escana- viousy eaten.
ba. 637. Penningon, together with his sister,
Kingsbury, Alice R., 524 Packard, Sioux are touring ins an atomobie frtn his
Fails, S. D. 1666-fiJ. homse ins Saginaw to a summer resort in
Kintgsley, Albert French, e, 25% S. New ork state. While passing through
Stare, Ceveland, 0. 1191J. Clevesad they decided to invite two of
Killints, Glenn E., e, 333 E. Huron, Asin Miss Pennmigton's friends out to dinner
Arbor. 360-3. at the New Bismark restaurant on Hur-
Kimblse, Hairy ,., Bryan, . on Road. XWhenc an expensive dinner
Kirkpatrick, Jsaes Artur, 1, 59 Pack- hd been csmpeted, and Pennigton
ard, Anti Arbior. 164-J. searhed his pockets for the wherewith-
Kitson, Wiater KR, e, 1335 Geddes, 1280-J a, he found that he lacked about $3.50
Koons, Kate, 238 . Thayer, Abion. of the amsousnt necessary.
Kozarka, Joseph S., e, 207 . Ingals, Inspired by te query whics his sister

-Ain .Arbor. put to sian in Isis dilemsma, "W~hat good
Krcamoer, Russell R., ,I, s216 S. State, has it done yo0 to go to college?" he
Clearfield, Pa. struck asp a tune, anti soon comsnaded
Kretke, Norman, e, 325 Benjamin, De- the attention of alt those in thne place.
troit. After singing sevems or eight pieces he
Kreitzer, Joames B., m, 109 Ingalls, Phil- passed the hot, amid obtained enough to
adelphsia, Pa. pay his hiti.
Kirchsoans, XXilliama, 1, 1027 B. Usniver-
sit1, Aur AXrbor. College Inn is still open through sum-
user schnool. Samsdsx then of all kinds.
Iva, Clien 1cmu, e, 60o3 S. Thrayen, PangI-0
]:-1uChainna. 1287-35. ___________
Kusis, Clhing Lisa, 61o Forest, Shanaaghai, 1-ot Weather Specials-Light Cloth-
Chiair. tng, Underwear, Hose, Ties, Straw Hats,
Knack, Edoward, sam, 620 E. Urniversity, and other fixings at snmall.prices. ,Aikn's
Cincatessi, 0. Good Clothes Store, llajsft. .

of then
Unlivrsity -of Michigan
Complete information concerning seven departments:
Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine,
Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Den-
tistry, and the Graduate School and
the Summer Session.
Special courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Landscape
Design, Higher -Commercial Edneation inclnding Railway
Administration attd Insurance, Architecture, Conservation
Engineering, Pedagogy (affiliated with Arm Arbor High
School for Observation Study), andf a tnew course for those
preparing for the scientific administration of departmsents
of sanitation and public health.
For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement or
Individual Information address
Secretary University

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