THlE WOLVERINET! Northwestern Mutual LIFE INS. CO. M'ILWAUKEE Let Us Have a Talk WithYOU FRED'K M. STEINBAUER M~strit Agent, Diammod iuilding Detroit ' WM. S. McCORMICK Local Aget 1210 Washtenaw Ave. Cal 373-J tee OreaI T BEST LUNCHE S ln towneat HANCMOFT anod Cod Drinks 72 e50S. PHOTOGRAPHER Official Photographer to Michigan Atisetics for 10 years. Studio: 319E. Huron St. Phone 961-L Student's Supply Store [F or your Note Books, Fountain Pens, Stationery, ENGINEER'S SUPPLIES Cady, Cigrs, Etc. 1111 . niversity UNIVERSITY School of Music MAYNARD STREET SUMMER SESSION Eight Weeks Al Banhe Fall semester will begin Oct. 2-30 Atist Teachers Send for Iliustrated ctaogne CHARLES A. SINK Secretary STATE SAVINGS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. Capitai 00,000 Srpls ad Proits 80,000 Resources $1i400,00 Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye Citizens of Ann Arbor-Students of the U. uf M. Now Comes th SUGAR BOWL n the city of Ann Arbor of i09 S. M5an St. and aieges that the said SUGAR BOWL is ready, ale, and slling to serve bettercreatm and sweetersandies witih prompt er service than any other similar confectionaryint iiscty. And this they are willing to leave to the country. Phone 967 THE WOLVERINE Pubiisbed Tucetday, Tbhirsday and Saturday afternootts by the students of tile University of Michtigan summer ses- Commttunications trill be printed onliy when signeti, altihought writer's nasme will be wihhcld on requitl. Notices pertainieg to untiversity affoirs wili be printeci once gratis. Mautagietg Edior-Harold 0. McGee. Business HMatoyc-John IH. Paynse. liOITORIAL Sor t Ernest R. Butrtonl. Robt. M. Gitiett. WVillianm T. Daughterty. Blurleigh Jacobs. Fcttts II. Hossick. Mlonde Edsvards. Morton R. Iutttttr. L. Eonl Crossmatn. Chas. Johtnsoni. James D'Is ciit. Arthutr H. tKuhn. elmtWN. Cotlamore BUttotos OTArF AssisatfBusities otsgcr-Victor IH. Lawn. .Addrcss: Tug WOMRgItNr, Press Bldg., Maytnard Street, Attn Arbor, Michigan. Office Hours: I :00 to 2:30 p. m. daily. Bell Phone, 96o. Subscription Rates : Local, sevety- five cents for the summuer; mailed to any address for one dollar. Advertising Rates : Purnsished upon application to the Business Manager. Editor Today-EotcgsT BUnTON. SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1911. CALENDAR July 04-TiherUtniversity ctf Michtigasn Expedition to Southerts .\leieco, lec- ture by Ass't Prof. A G. Rtttltven, west lectuire roomtt, physics tei' ralor;, Jtuly 25-The Modern Pu~blic Library (ilustrated), lecture Isp Liberarian T . \t' Hoch, swest lecturecrt,. phtysi- eatltetit ralory, at 5. PFntous Quacks its Me.ecite, icctture F.lPcf. A. W. Hewlett, we st ampib- threatre, mcdical butilditng, at S. JtE ::f - The History of Or N eterats, lecture by Ass't Prof. L. C. Karpitnski, at 5. west lecture roome, phtysical laboratory, at. 5. July 27=Mechtanism attd Vitalisum as Thecories of Developtment of Livitng Beinegs, lecture by Prof. F. C. Nesw- cotmbt, west tptysical laboratory, at 5. Recital of Shiakiespeare's Ihoulet icy Class its Dratmatic Retdittg, Satraht Caswell Aitgellt tall, at 8. Jttly 28--NVetstseemerzandttth le Poset Lettett, lecture Icy Prof. C. E. Eggert, weest lecture roo, pitysical tltbora- toey, at 3. The Ilitecral Wealth of Mliebigase (il- lutstraeld), lectue iy Mr. R. C. Attest, statte geologist of _Miebigtt), swest tee- ltre roott, iphtsical laborttory, ett S. Not until ycsterdlay did see realize shtite liibrasrv cilecteaent toIus1; but, secswse sass its ieaetds it somete ittee iositinand ht erestit start to mttetr its call of thse ihotr aced thens suddensly slots :it suet litke wt ecing a loved faca froeet whse brosw reasosn sat fleeleas- ineg onslysthse features anth le voice -thte satte. Andr, as we san it sinise downs an aimsless quartler-to-tnitte smie altltlist night, tthsesghs se knecweits abseratios set le e leonely tcempordtry, ste raisldIsardlly htelts prasyineg for the old clock. Thttrsdiay, swe gave a rathter bsarbatric citl of delight-thtc beces, or rathter sonme of-them, were to be reitlated. So far, thscyve seot appeared. DeasnKras aned Stspt. Manes talsied tse statler over, and sdeciedsto0 lutlearlk a tess osstriasl, several dasys ago ; aned as a result of this coseferesece, ste prissted our story. 'They arransged a meectisig to deceide as to where the triaesnsschses should be placed, a meetiseg to shelec Supi. Manks did slot romse. Thsat is, so far as see knsow i, lice story of the bechces 10 date. FOUND. Say fellows, the otlier evetninsgt fouttd jutst the place to hove a good, quet lutsch. It is utp stairs at tog E. Washs. Tee it sure. It's altlteosmee sade too. Astevesnineg's csstertaisnet is sot comsplete weithout a lutishbat Tttle's. Stop there after your parties. 338 S. State. I0-25. Fountasin Pests repaired good as nesw. "Dad" Skintier, 3o6 S. State. SUMMER STUDENTS. TheUiveiersity ?MusiieHouse carriesa ceemsplete steele of the Michigain College Music. NNe invise yonst'o call ssnd le- comse famiiliar stll it. 8-15. G~ood secosed-hand keodaks ie all sires, to rent, for lets ceets per day, at Hlop- pc's, btg E. Liberty-,iihrec doors frotm State. 5-8. Ifassburgers ore the originael. Also serve steaks ased otlier sandwsichtes. Give ets a trial. College Inee. i-to. Neswasid Secosnd Hasid Books. Law, Medical, Dental. Largest stock, loswest prices. C. E. Darihllt, 32f S. State St., upstairs. Tel. 761t-L. i-to. These hot dots get tour meilk from a Wuirster Bros. waogosn. They stassid for puiey and fresness. Also at Detroit ansd Calls. Sts. Bell 423. Homec t40. Underwear for mns, all styles and prices. Allens's Good Clothes Storc, Main St. i to. What is the Use of Paying Four Dollars A week for board when you can get good home cooking at WALKER'S for $3.00 by paying four weeks in advance. 336 S. Divisin Street Phone 212-J Text Books i0OR SUMMER SCHOOL Oceans of Second-Hand Books at prices that will save money. Ellgineer's Supplies FOUNTAIN PENS BLANK BOOKS STATIONERY, ETC. WAHR'S University Bookstore Hailer's College Jewelry1 Complete Optical Dept. Hligih tlatss Weatchs and Jewelry Reairing. Haller's Jewelry Store 216 S. Malts Street I V Home Laundry Company Bell Phone 38t J 218 E. Huron St. Home Phone 205 Black JOS. A. GAGLE Our Motto: "What we do, we do Weill" Quality not Quanity Rough Without Extra Weight A great many mon ltke the rough course braids but object to the weight. The Knox hat solves the problem. Knox sold only by us. Reule, Conlin & Fiegel 200.202 S. Main, St. KIRTLAND'S The Old Place Billiard Parlors Best and Must Expensive equipmueut IN THlE CITY FULL LINE OF Cigars, Tobacco and Candy Lyndon, Photographer Arsa Ar-bor-'sHeadqnuartersa for- Kodaks. Cauasa and Phonto SXepplfaa I make a specialty of Developing, Printinsg atid Enlarging for Amateurs-by modern methods. This has been my business for seven years and it has increased every day-Only results will do this and so wvhenever you want anything photographic look for the sign of the kodak-That's where things move. LYNDON 719 No. Vrlersiuty Kodaks for Rant, 10c panr day 1 Jr All Men's Suits j" C 0 at 20~ off I It You Want Your Soes Repaired Prom ptly Take them to MODERN SHOEF EARSO (Now under new REPAI SHOP management) and the will be repaired as they should be-with nothing but the best of materials and workmanship excelled by none. QbWe have recently added two ol the newest machines to our modern equipment which makes our shop the most complete and up-to-date of any shop in the vicinity of the campus. This is what makes it possible for us. to do such high-grade work and get it out so promptly with no contusion. We make a specialty oS re-soling rubber-soled Oxfords. We sell Shoe Laces and Shoe Polish 611 East WilliamSre The Sign of the Big Electric Shoe F' Keep up With carmpus doings by s'ubscribing for the Woav Swibscriptions from irow orx fifty cents