'1 lE XOLVERINE Northwestern Mutual LIFE INS. CO. M~ILWAUKEE i of THE WOLVERINE Ti-. e0)15111)1 pulction of the studnG ts fthe Unioersity of Xlictogan Summer exercies; h1ospital assembly eboin. 10:n0 to 12 :ooa. nm.-Open house in 011 oo gmnsium or alumn1010. 1 :30 p. 1M.--Caipus colcoet by te un1iversity band. p: jt. 1,-(_=e_ ralt in gof the Let Us Have a Talk With YOU FRED'K M. STEINBAUER District Agent, Hammondilinjg Detroit WM. S. McCORM1ICK Local Agent 121 Washtenaw Ave. Call 373-J I Buine'0s .lianager-Jotnl14.Pt. yone. 3 :4- tp. ni. 14111 Greet Players in Manaing Eifdit or-Daolod G. Mceo. She Stoopo to Conque1r." Campuo ti atr.Artiisso111 75 ceintos11114one 1111 TEl Iss 00.1)0 dllar. lO)11tont'1u1i)1s111 CO tllner-Victor 1. 4:00 1).1m.-Taseballt games0 bewecii Latr-n. altnillteamst, Itery ielIt. Adddresso: Top; X\'oeepntoopr, Peesso Dr. and t ste. Vaughan~ at home t0 Blttg., A,\toa norotStreet, AinnAetbor, ( eticat senliors and tfrendto. .Micthigani./:30 P. 1n1-BellGretet Ptayers ini"Tthe Office Fours : I :00 to 2:30 p. Inl Tempeot."Camtpus theater. dtaily. 8:o00. 1.-10Senatle receptioln inll mi- tBelt Ptonme, 96o. or itlHalltt Gueots.peoadualco, former _____________________________________ stuidentos,1and fretd1s0of thle olliveroity Subsription Rateo : Locat, oeoventy- 1100ited. fieents1 for te summiee; mnited t Thurodayo Julie Op.-Sixty-seventlh Coin- anyl adtdtess foe one tottae. nieneement. AvriigRoteos: Fturnisthet upo S:i0a.001Blte colt;cerem~ony of Atplicating htusns X~ngr oisting finn. Ot~tiCti~i t tte BsiieooItoiagr. Geadt1 esOassoemleliat vorions tbuiltd- idtea to iltlnil tho leIt mught make( anal1 il)ot lligililielt tbrothler, T ici int l eI 00a111eChole. T x H o0 XWhat lwe will succeed indigts summe~ilr, rema01insto beslo -wearco ItOR tirIobaly in nor e doubtlaot 1111 te oil) SUMMER SCHOOL jttha 11111111ha0ve bothleretd to he.'To the 10m1e 11 w ostarted1tilper111)1lsty0a)1 000 will try' 1o 011011our grtittllt 1)ycar- 1ryingtalongl tile norts110toe 4 11 to Oceans of Second-Hand 5100 o a re leavng Michigoll fir the Books at prices that will save lst tine, woe wilt try 10 bitt hot)Goll- money. speed by wolrking 111sot eanieotly for 111e thinsed cutomsian isti ttionsi ch)llt yiou lore helped to bitild; foe you who- 10111 lbe here, we 01111 try to giv)e yio a netwspap~'i er e e promlisinlg outseloets u l A o 'hully tinge" m isiliIt. EnIgineer's S upll lls AiVIATION MEET RATES FOUNTAIN PENS TO CLOSE ON WEDNESIDAY. BLANK BOOKS STATIcONEORY.ETC. f I PHOTOGRAPHER OffiilPhotogrophee to Michilgan Athletics tor 50 years. Studio: 319 E. Huron St. Phone 961-L IStudent's Supply Store Flor your Note P00115, Founain Peas, Stationery, ENGINEER'S SUPPLIES, Cady, Cigors, Etc. 1111 S. Univeesity UNIVERSITY School of Music MAYNARD STREET SUMMER SESSION Eight Weeks All Brasches Fall semester will begin Oct. 2 -30 Artist Teachers cSnd foe itluntraieel eataloguec CHARL ES A. SINK Secretary The Kem~pf Music Studios1 U' Pianon Pipe Organ~ * Voice. Clture 3i2 S. Diiion Si. Phione 10100 j SUBSCRIBE FOE Ghe GAK.GOYLE Foe Nest Year * e Francis Eordan, Managing Editor PrWarren Crane, Business Manaerti i SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 191L CALENDAR Sundaiy, June 05, 8 P. im.-Baecalaureate oemon, Unl~iversity Ball, toy Presideiit Htthiios. Pulic. M4011d0y, Jnne zP, o2:30 P. n.-Seniior tow elass day exereioeos; Uiversity H1111. Selnior Promlende. 8:30 P. 11.-Tile Seoreerow;" pre- selited b)y the senoior womieii; Sarah Caswelt AngetlltHoll. Admiosion 50 cents. Tuesday'. Junle 27, 1o a. 1in.-Senior lter- ary lasostiny exerciesr, unde1rTappoan Oak. 3:c00P. om.-Geii Greet Playero ini "As You Like It," eompuo theater. Ad- nission 75 eents and one (dollar. Sono p. m1.--Be Greet Play5ers ini "Winier's Tote," eampus theater. 8:30 P. m.-Seiore receeion,-Waler- mano gynsiumla. Tieketo, $4.00. XWednesday, June leg-Alunmni tDny. 9:30 a. om.-Seior enginleers' claos day exerciets, engpineerinlg court. io0100 a. ne-Senior iloloeopo clsday in~gs a1 8:301 Regento, ex-regenlts, eon- dlida~tes for honoerr degreeo, 0114 members t o0 (f Ithe faeulty at the lihrary;1 an lumni.11111at Memlorial Hiatt at 8:45. 9:00 n.in.-Proessonlstarts. 10100 0. m0.-Commllenlcemlenitexereioeo in UiersityH 1a1; addtress liy I'harry Pratt Juonl LL.D., preslident of tale Unlivrsity of Ciclago. AXdmlissionhy licktlonly. 1 :15 p. 11.-Colmmntbcemnelt Idinn~erat Wa~terman g .ymnasiumni; tickets 5o cen to. 0 :30oto 5 :00 p., m.-Deallnod Mro. IHinsdaile at tiomie to htomopliathic seltioro and teirlefrieniis, h1t Forest ocr M1K1EOUR nBos. W~ith this issuie, TiHEXXoeavo,:otxpite- pgins tteond tIisimmer of ito existetnce, a tperidfranght nwiithldbngerso (f every sort 110 allgood Ilmothersowo. XXhtht- er it ito otieeofolinIllescaping seriolus cinmage wilt leendtileviruleny of :the inevitale attacks of the Stitopsandotsueli tlireIdioeasoesfrom thwecamoptus. It may lie that, initsItodrdliingo ahot the more or lessosotor. 1;is5t~it' osif 2he niver- oily, it will very foolishly fall into10 iome olatintoned eioternt if a Ideerepiti habilt. Bot, after hoe poll little euh of a XWoi- 1 tOZINP has takenl thisfall, boeitntout bark onthoe straight andi Inrrw ltnoi with n otuitabtle seitltingand sentltholied with- out1 its suppler-,0wouldnil't it he a gootd Aeronutiealsooiety of thoe uttiversity with the inangieent of the DetroitJ aoiation meet, whiiehiwiltltoe heltd this week, through whick sttideiito,alunit, aiid frieindo of the utniversity miay oh- toolnipriv'ilegesof the groutndo aiid huti- ingsonott"College Dany," Friday, Juiie 3o, at thoe regnlar onice of admoiissioti, fifty cets. A special fare of $i.no will tbe moiaieiiy the Miechigani Ceittral, wihet wiltoe reduced to etghtty cetsouiiltd Fifty' sigttify thoeir iintenttioof tattendlinig. Alt deosiig to lttke advraitage of tlie rediuced rate ohiould inotify R. L. Novy, 701 Forest atvinte, blefoire XWednesday, Jtiie 28, after whtichi the offeerlosvold. WXhieii 1111get to XX'hitmoore 01111long 'bioiit Idinner tiioe owheii yotu feel starello, jtust nitile 'rouind io the CliftionIi111. Mes. Stttrk isom01100 bef whenit com1011es5 to Pixit'yoinog chtcents, Polo, andc frogs' legs.1-3- Outing trousero, flaiiiels aitd tropiical Worotedo. Alleit's Gpod Clothes Store, XlaiSt. i-to. Uinderwsear for mneltni styleo aind priceo. Alleito Good Clothteo Shore, Pennanto, faiicy nworkc and11cuirilos; iest prices. Patois Royal, 209 E. Liberty. [ %J 1 L1 1 i. V i I L" 1\ t l:+ l V W~/vAHIIR'S University Bookstore --- i I- THEREIONAttE A IE' PIC'TURES WHIC101 YIOt CANNsOT AFF"ORID TO G00HOEc4agVI~i t nonited tintltdingC te ieauticol 5w1ntcr seenessoblie eootpular ilserap)bonok seecialt o ~ toisi k ;f e20ce cr05 fr oi. 0. Photographer- A tewss 1 01)'i te'wlBooks 10 views) toe 40eto i S pca los.Bnesai e:anstYot e Rough Without Extra Weight A great maony men like the rough course braids but object to the. weight. The Knox hot solves the problem." Kanox sold only by u s. Reule, Conlin & Fiegel 200=202 S. Main St. JHN H. LAMBERT The Yost of the Shioe Repairin Biusiniess, lie wilt ll) youroeork inialtorry-op style. The University Shoe Shop 610 at Williaum Street F E KIRTLAND'S The Old Place Billiai d Parlors Be~t aed M~ost Expenoive I equtpmlent tN TE OtCTY FULL LINE01F ICgars, Tobacco and Candy Society Branda Clothes arndYoung h tyMen Men.who(Stay Youn I Official Stu~dent Newspaper for the University of Michign un r3im er Session. Published Tni-Weekly FThe Address and Phone Number of Every Student IThe Daily happenings on the Campus Some of the Items It Will Contain: o The Announcements and Notices of Future Events IThe Subtance of Public Lectures You Can't Attend b e Oficial Faculty Notices 75c for the Suimmer. $1.00 by Mail Bell Phone 960 Address Press Busilding