VOl 11.
Vol 11
INoQ. O.
) T D C , C l'CN.N W i . I T \ - R C Y O R K O F F A C U L T Y -(1 a i Qns I 0 m \ ce icn ic iil lt b e U N D E R G O S H A K E U P h e1 1 ht o c n l ed p to t e base-U . S . S L JP R E MI E1 E C O U R T
Hewlett of the medicaJ lepartmen, next - -fral o -c lc inge 1who aec al1so
Organizations Required to Get Tusdyin i~ t igt oclock, in thepicnttoffSubjcts Isgree b ahelor Sas Tiul
wesct am1pitheat (re fth1 eiclbul-Rearrangemento ujet sDeanSasFdrlTiul
Permission Before Asking ing Made to Afford a Broader Mod 0 tlteelool( 1at 40 110l11d'Wal- Was Justified in Using
Alumnni For Aid present williw be diced111nd1w119 t1e Education ilc c flerrleport the e (li 'Rule of Reason''
awy suce wihacedulllous publc "Wi acceptteleh tlege (f telw
waoitng to e i(ole d, will be explined. sail h,(aco l l t 1ecrealdltfole a game
TILDEN ELECTED TO NEW CHAIRI1e0wll aloinemphasize.tie generaln ee WILL MAKE CHANGES NEX FALL ni tlanl19clic -esdafterno(1o1((10( l11DISAPPROVES ROOSEVELT PLAN
of ed(tuctoni n ch mnater satndltell cpa forfcthecteami ciiiget pritc
of the effots of til e ial Itpofesson l alitng ( i(te O up -t 9 ii J 1 a11
A planl foe the antnalexaination of 1to enlightenl the pblic 11elsd cl 1rd 1the Gradu1a11115011(catioi of the co c , <t0ll o 'Aigis fo I 11 T b tIi- iec tIiSlell oe
the woik of the teachting-gstaff of te counltey (f the lague lc (f I"fae Idoctos" 1t eThateng lcsencn 1111 cic (i 11the 31nite t upemn el -
university wsaiadopted, genea 015(11C- - v 3iew1 to bradinlllg theclcrpof ol i (131(111v 10io (,in 1c etion wixt the recent
sily oeganizations wer e foebiddento so(f thic toospectpc bilat 111111(11 1w1111StnardItOil aliltTobcco terust eases,
solicit fuinds fir0111the 111101111without FALLS SHOW AGE OF WORLD Ibeisiuteliet 11(11l n da~c itti DOUBTS DELPHIAN MYTH that Congecsintlendcidl tol proibist oiily
the previous approval of the regentls, tp tn1tto t1. cdofr- t Ire sInalttc combnawtinsliillrestraiit
a new dlh(i1 of enneering mechtanlicesCanadian asi ercn atrat tBnnrtsns obIlgtostbls 0 1 (Ic11 tiThe11111iinlbsi-o
was created, acidtileresignation of Prof.Araeric aaat onrFnsNthoooEtbihomae asteoiinvie yDa
GaAree Wt 15 bs' to.i~c ng One i11;1(1 A chnticct 1 Orabou11(11nts \Al.l (Is of ticeIl(ICdeartment,
1(-lc (1( r 101115c "~ 21111 lt 10 tc Sterm~lan Ani-
John ti. Grffiht sere accepted bytohIe e{logicatlIxsc iitl n,;,11, ti1 (1111 hit adsressc.pI-ifs
hoarel ofrecgents aIth111cJulty meeting, srvedliis 1mo1st r cuseu u oevie t I i nc n !'ido
aoun0lIt of 10(11111 bineiIiss 3w1as dis-
posedi of.
Thlat thle hoalrdi nightt 1111c a1 1oreC
plersnal 11(10(3111 of thc efhicienscy of
its. facuilty, thle fltloingl reso(lution 111(s
"Resolved Thlab t not( 1(tel than Fb-
rucary first of -each yell, eachl depiart-
mient comillttce (If -,hc board of rc-
gelnts 1w11( tile prlesient of th~e unive1r-
sity, and1 the eanl~ of -tile deparltmient
cncernsed, i.hall examIinec ca~refu~lly into(
thse worke (If tile msembters of thie teachl-
ing force of ill depa~lrtmlent it a11 v1iew
of ascetainling whallt eachi mlemblier of
said force is accomllisiii- in tile field
of his speccilty, (Intl 11s to tile effective-
ness5 o1 CactI as an1 instructor. The ob7-
ject is that thle boardl 115a1 have the da~ta
for its guidansce and1( informa(tinl il re-
gard 1o tile qiuestion of promootionl and1(
retenitin ill service of thle mlemblters of
the differcnt facuiltici."
T'clcur!, 0;X ' c TO 1 NI II CII 3111
Chsas. J. Tilden was promlotedi 111 a
full profcisorsip and 01111 ctctd 11 111e
chair of c 111111crIiig mclics the(Ii
nesw coursec wi11 affcct ICaly cvcry cli
giueerl3" courise ill the diepartlscnt, Ilk-
lug tile p1acc of scsvcr11 now gcivn 19 1
Greene 11a0 1100 risied 1to a full 1(r(1
fessorsip, an (11 s placeitId. tcmporrily11
inl chlarge of thc civi ite-aicerg de-1ti
NEll iCI~III (C INfe Not, -sel)
Tepresidenlt rcpo~rtcd a goft of
$iooo from oseph BoeropDeroit to
Alt apprprliation 111s iadc fbor the
iulbication lant dislrititlol ill thecm-(
hers olf th mcl rfsso of9(13111 thle
state; (If the ieot c of~ i I the clinicat so-
mis1(ieng olf anIaesthcs.c
tDr. F. I . Gin ec h, illrofesso~r of1 l1(1
liclsl~ sill ( Ifilc -t ii Colee uig the111 pas
tor l tli- 11cli-eccs fo 1,11(1ea. r isitrs
were mraide fthe. opigi li
itlemoi haOKll, 1o9 teL~in i nsci in
'II) av beenS p1. to~~iA Nt ll i1
Ihelpcd l Il ter11cc 11 - --te (l1t0
Tbhttrsdcl 2IiC~w""11; 1'40
thea~y ofthec , _ of IA n in"our1own
found poivtosill-sildthfal any-I
cisc IIheclI(Iflb t111 j1,hc in1d
pour or (5rtileci edge f t111cr eltescarp-
treatled t111thI Niagasra(ierIalitance
havs eIthrmincdIthai t thle eae erste
elf lece331111n(is ealy-Iive(SccdechdleICr.
2000f. (131111e1111311(11trctli the latl
mlllst.iVariounvel1stigatrs h1v1 pc lledc
th lae If thefaltts anywheldr1 1from
fallsut now,(1i(11thti the111ivecr is Ills -
holseshloc Filsrcge atic21atille of
BllItrtilleLbat three' 02r1(11t
11(11 -ntirelyCditver 1t the1wa(111mloncel
31111will hefomed instead(of 1(31(13
now1( lav.
DiNil-I 111r Pb-iGf ND
110 9 LASF' OF 311 'K1t 11UP
lc st 111111
i~ew colr i if
ocrii ; A ec!, _1.
33i - 1in 1ts f 111c 111 111di(I 1?,ci ll.
anal 3 N~(ll e tre-eretljct. A
it is 0llCd0o1 eI 11 1C1this clgIt 0ra1-
mal~it _\lall. 11101-1111 101 10ilrnits
c- °c :c.a ProI. LC plllzl l
Sl~~in1 lCiIC oil
Officials Decide to Repeat St. Patrick's
Day lExperiment
30 3successflwtel 13 1(11dancc
11(1 thelecxpientllt 111 tIenlared lu111-
111 t11 the exen~lt 01ofl th91Union1dances
flie ch101raclrill ti- coning1(11college
, car. Tis3dccil 111 a323rec1 hell111-thle
memer In thei ((c l hose comit11(3
isIhe- ci sian ac NoveinisciS
(1111 thc Pcmislvaag ii ;arh1,
a(l 9fsIav P
11 er1 1 w1(1 111111 1(131h CC rg lar ii tll li
ol-pereecept iDccclin 21(aid11v
hfillI(ia ll C d iiners 1or he p eient (Iid his
coitteIe chli ~~cilThec 111iilel 31111
fol~lowdconlh01 sxt1 b- a geCra1
riecpiotoanll i 1111r311111111 .thle
21111(21 9(111higannon h len lt 13itt nc-
cul "123n1111(11 ,and tie otperaIcalst
litD 911 tRI N '10 TALK
1,11rariii 1ct'a~ir V. K-)c 31wil 1de
111e (15i i1iltl( 9it"dlectureSiC.xt uesd(Il
on Che. ' I o il n Plic - Lbay l( ieIi
11 '111 dotlt 1tet5 oet
'11 cli 01 0(11111or el ed i rs
-l, ea t - - '1111111 11"_(1Nvhi the c-s ( IC (1
was bu Cilno- he pos Io s (Ifohs
ill' 112113 111 te 131
(c 11110113 tirtof I. (Ill (s1111
(uc 1a11o x d~It ite issures o r t 1(1-
Chlott Ic.el aio ns. c Si(lll l narc a sl
te plhae rIledIs ot h ling((li chl
harmizes 31 withlamadvpr
tetaTditOionlac 9oiutKf hecle and
the ue ol reason" wsexpounded
ustini frole thepresenttiondof the
I lllniitbil inof olitnc tiiellee i
posed 11C21 U 1111111oftbcIil 1ctisle tse'
Ithis tile faonic scundtllllfinl'prt-
cii(5311askofd111(3ssr snes(15"anit
foldnbhccash to10ans1111 C isquesg tiogn
cateaoriclly11untl p0(111o1tsehav1e1brad
111111thewrcot Ith11011r11nSOiflenas-it-
111(1 it tilolctc the lliIsc1eshchsoila
certily feaie..The lolvigs itseice-
10ns CcICotIIO stc, iitI1ft(0115 110-befila
strtIiclloiclled(10(1onfrose he,
allgn ue c(iliin h dc ottd 10101ncthe
hill-I e of1(1 this11lCao cacndiitsvoria1103
fomd, tselmolaw clt oringt deiro
restrint 9 sitoulf (o1n1 cot thatcthel01i1n
thatl the courat1isC wrong in socfrae s ~eis
11s indl-riatedIICytsellriflot resnta
srcacelsIlets olthecoofne lwCpisn
cile;thfor apparyely iCin21gre sitended
ati thermm ol Onlthert-her hhsdtba
stric litra terletatCCCion fCthieg aprase-
hlawipibC111 l lif executi rtifalp50-
11111011.tsrenfocemen(1tnonld esero-
aus toIinesseat pesletcondut~e~hd.aCiefl
Jusetiof iicI'saguetoothCongreso1n(y
5cmmon (law pfnciptos(weret.aotei
t owru so ne,1(dc eten i(3oibabs oluelys
convinc1191111teacll(o1 tesi nneme
0nd(SCtdlyfltsithIa12120he treng ti
of theirpatoticset gidedCCyighcal- l
ty tht tey ereconrosisg a traici
uton Preside1n1ts 111 adaltt orney11Cgene0-
alsha rpetdlyrblommende2d3 111113l-
Illt 1 f he1 awbu 1 Cng021s2Ctad
enfrce wihot bingngtuolids 111li-
dii Cs ould h 011beePa whll4 ) l
Iluls1 s19ac c
alld ll\ti III(
w1111 ill tta1kc
Mll hewa lltt l~u
Prf.1 VA n "I(ha
Ai l(ar1(111(119 Siofiwo10ehcs11
'e <tl lllt? the lseiv s of i v
le (1op-
11l al1t1
Prof. Grc(
ill e-
tlec tit W:f!l')1101 ill1
I iQ of the ,01 C (1. ellIll , Jtl
5 NW
t, .
° 11' i 171
r lE
." eT(
I i (1113ctr.l