TUE \VOWLVBRINTB Northiwestern Mutual LIFE INS. Co. MILWAUKEE Let Us Have a Talk WithYOU FRED'K M. STEINBAUER District Agen t. Iasmotd iuildig Detroit WM. S. McCORMICK Locl Agoit 1210 Washtenaw Ave. I Cll 373a 13ANCKOFT Idce ttCrbeam 0 722 Mnro0e St. PHOTOGRAPHER OtticiiitPhotographr to Mihign Atletics or Ic0 yoo.r Studio: 319 E. Huron St. Phone 961-L Student's Supply Store Statonery ENGINEER'S SUPPLIES, UNVE3RSTY School of Music MAYNARD STREET SUMMER SESSION Eight Wek Alt Brasches Fall semester will begin Oct. 2-30 Artist Teachers Sno ovt 0 tostttoot iittottcoto CHARLES A. SINK Secretary (The Kempf Music Studios Piano Pip Oogoe * Vice Cuoltur ti1t S. Iitiion tit S. 'tooo toil 3' Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye Citizens of Ann Arbor-Stdnts of th U. of M. Noiw Cosi SUGAR BOWL inthett city of Attn Arbor of toil . tu i E. otitt tllogoc that teid .oitSUGAR BOWL to rady, otit, adsitutltig to Sre oeterocream.id seteti oo ti esliOt witt 0rompiiterrito c to u ttttilly othter stiloctitoritisOtit ty Adi tttts tey 1titittingto looveto theli countrty. Phone 967 THE WOLVERINE Puitshebd Tutesiday, Thursdat y attd Saiturdaoy afterinootns by the sltdeols of the Uniiversity of Iticitigait isummieo ses- Cttoomuicaieitit ons ill be-prinoted onily whtenosigntedt,aothlouigh wroteros tatme itill ibeoxiwithhelot ott rotttzst. INotices petaittitng to uniiversty affaios wilt be pritedodn1ce groat. tfititngitig L'diloo-ttorotttG. McGee. Busiiness 3dotioqco--John t. Payne. Erneost R. tutoon. Robt. iM. Gilltt. \Williamtt'T.Daoghety. Booleigh Jaobls. Jamets DBbvetitt. Assistanit .Busintess Moitoyo-Victor tH. Atdftesso: Tog IWot ceiNo, Press Bldg., -Aoytnard Stoet, Aoo Actor, Office Jlottos : It:o0to 2:30 p. to. daaly. Bolt Photno, 96o. SiubscriptioniRtes : tocol, steety- fivececnis for !the sutitetit o toued to titleoatdressforon010 dolltar. Adtvertiing Rotes: Furntishedt 11p01 apptilicatioitto ite Butsies Ittanige r. l~~Yf1it or Foil i 11 , .001 . DAxi. ii itto TIlltii-Si A7, IJiLY to, iott. Jutly 2I-tbxcttrsiion toNiagatri tllso, untder idirecti ottooff00. Calhtot, leatea1 2:.10 p. Ittl., b01 Mi -ligot Ciii- toot. Cuosities ofUtreieIt teligoniltlcturi by Irof. Campblt oner esIlc 10110ro1110111ical lab oraittoit 5 1100Sherman o lit iIruLtLoaw,1tlect tt0e1110111n11.510I.1 itsiiwost lSc tureroom phsica laotioitS.i Jt~1t -TeL nier1t oil fib',u letitu 100- byAss)"t of. h.C. ;arI s Nveo tur10 100room6 , .- cltlbo 011 . a1 ;. lk 2Tlieoi beitail Clasti1 Goodt second-tohdotlibs itt-alt sizes,1r tc f SI op 0110 t0 o1 tu wes phsiaoot )rtov to renit, for loll centso ter otay, i1t Hopo- 1000, 6i9 1E.tibetrtyp, treedors000romt Slate. 0-8. 1 tititlorgo 05 000 the originatl. ,Alsto soeroe steaks anttthler sonitio;hlo-. Give ito a trial. College Int. i-rot. 11100 sochool. Sandwloichets of till kindst. Newo 01dotSecotndItontitBooks. Loot, Mtedticol, Dtail. tLargest stocko, loiwest pricco. C. E. Barltell, 326 S. Stote Si., uptoairs. Tel. 761-fL. I-to. SUMMER SCHOOL Oceans of Second-Hand Books at prices that will save money. cot 'Lt 3. Iarlil t111 278-bbolt: westt locture. e lit Ptofi.C. bCI. T:gool room1, 111hy01-coalltoa Thelinerai clSb111t1 oSiciiitti 0- For all 'IusiticallInstroumetnts, stupplies, E gineer's Su pplies lottti: ), lectreiby Mo. R. C. fllitnit.poitolarantd clossic miiuiic, sot Setiocberte stat t ologst f 1lchi al1, 0wst te:-andSoti, Music io0010, tto S. iHain St. tucrom iallaoraory t5.I-10. FOUNTAIN PENS '_________ _ _ _ _ _ BLANK BOOKS 01111 1101 010awo Books for Soummeor School. loorg- STATIONERY, ETC. Thi is ro adresed to a 111u- ext stocklio it tctigut. Noe 111111sectod scieadw ope- t noct leffe- anto hn. tooo C. C. Ilortholl, 326 S. Stt t S., WeDv ci uferilg tutu liii fromoos-condotfloor. Tel. 761-L,. i-to. - aoOtll it 0 tcompilimentts.i erbat d freds r Nh t itoetitcs syo 1HotbWeother Specials-Ligtht Cloib- ~ T mousli verytood enmies1hav bee11 g, Undetrweaor, tHose, Tics, Straioo1Hlos, W SA hon0g11 b ' oiotofth01e1r0110attandotherSfiigs it small trics. FAlten's tolcterhnson1111c00111ofthit 1021- Good Clothes Store, Moino St. i-to. University Bookstore e -orao ehp t o ou a i n t e 01 to 1 t111hik thee' nyneiiT eeiot0111gtyormik rm1 cole^;e o oo tht e an' o n i skuirst oso. itagont. Tic t andlotitfIora ON11n NVoil Ri tti. 1 11fthe 01e 111100C, titve ipur tit 10frshitics. Alo t I t rboil ofiefls hth' i< titiit o lo o>uctlot and1Cait. Sbs. Boll423. 1Hbmtt140. 11ad.0ut,111110we 1010ci tete 6-t6. small a to stel. 1no 0ie 10011 paper. ITloocr o aiti, oll stylcostand prices. ,Allctis Good Clotheos Store, Sto tth e t Clif totn hutn. -it. I1liti St. 1-to.I AttendgtheUntivrsiority Soutmer Schoolt could loan otmeothing to OtIth il dv t0ao hiyctiling aoy morningibotoocen levin010 t lved oocik at theu School of Shorthand 711 N. Voivoroity A~ro. within thenso o 10eek cs. SWc knowc 000could 1100 0011 it the sooy of a decided increasc int saiary-clod that is what you are 0-01king for. Selby A. Moran I nailer's College Jewelry Comp~ioletlptia Dept. igil Clas000111 1nd0 Jeloroiy 01011 1115. Hailer's Jewelry Store 216 S. Main Street I ii F. 5' Home Laundry' Company Bell Phone 381 J 218 H. Huron St. Home Phone 205 Block JOS. A. GAG LE Our Motto: "What we do, we do Well" Quality not Quanity Rough Without Extra Weight A great iiany tmeit like the rotughi course braids bttt object to the weight. The Kitox hat solves thte problem. Ktioo 'sold Onlif ftuis. Reule, Conlin & Fiegel 200=202 S. Main, St. KIRTLAND'S The Old Place Billiard Parlors Best anlsot Eto sxpensivc equipmtient IN THE CITY FULL LINK. 00 Cigars, Tobacco and Candy Lyndon, Pbhotographer Arn Ar-bor's Headqn~orters for- Kodaks. ,Cameoras and Phonto Suopplies I make a spiccialty of Developing, Printing aitd Ellarging for Amatetr-by modern imethods. This has beett ity busintess for sevcit yeots aitd it has inocreased every day-Only results will do this attd so wheitever you want anything phlotographic look for the sfigio of ite kodak-'Tt's where ilhings movec. IL N O 719 No.. Vriversity Kodaks for Roosmt. IOC per- day i e s., 1 Men's Suits lry J; % off It Y u Wn o r S o s E p ~ sdand repaired as they should be-with nothing but the best of materials and workmanship excelled by none. GltTake them Io MODERN SHOE REPAIR SHOP (new under new management.) tLWe have recently added two of the newest machines to our modern equipment which makes our shop the most complete and uptodate of any shop in the vicinity of the campus. This is what makes it possible for us to do such highgrade work and gel it out so promptly wih no cnusion. We make a specialty of resoling rubbersoled Oxfords. We sell Shoe Laces The Sign o the and Shoe Polish Big Electric Shoe Ke pwihcaxmpaus doings by from now on. I su.bscribing~ for theW 0 L fifty cents