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July 20, 1911 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1911-07-20

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VTol II.


will not male
will continue
Doctor Prescribes Treatments The iearsig]
For Neglected Detects handi, will hiet eo
IN Sight Organs Hark glass(
inasmuch as
whten oncer fi
mnesded aove
because 1ke
violet and is
- "About 25%f of the children who are not obscure t
hIbli d are needleosly so. A disease known conclded wit
:as opthalmia of Ike new-horn develops of interesting
in the child within three or tour days
=after birth. tf preventative measures
are inot taken it will almost invariably POLARIZI
result in blindness. Put this can he
;prevented by plaeing one drop of a one Noted Phys
-or two per cent solution of nitrate of
silver is ech eye of the infant stsortly tfsare
after birth:."plric
This was one of the many startling oardinary ligl
revelations made by Dr. W,. R. Parker conse conm
"Tuesday evening in Iis lecture on thk commnon dlot
"Hygiene of the 'ye." tn this connec- a show as if
tions he soswed with the aid of charts
anet slides futrnisedc by thae Mrs. Rus- ctfbis
orl Sage foundation for the prevention a grk of
of hblindness, thcat z censts spenat ly the Suck wsits
state on each child at birth for thse sit- bsy Ass't Pro
ver iitrate solution, swould save thce afternossn in
$so,ooa spent for spport later in one of summiser sri,
the state hsomes for the bslinsd. It seas L~ightt
also showns thsat there are in the Unsitecd tIn apoi
States 'today, betweens 6,ooo asid 7,000 fsoos tprve(
people wtso are needlessly blissd from szest lig'tt sh
this disease. tial To Sss
It was suggested as a msethod of re- attractive ol
form, ttithle authorities investigate all peel; to thei
cases of blindness is childreia and es- sciences hrra
tahisls the respon sibility for ttis blind- advrantagea
ness sw'hens it is due to ignorance or ne- tricto ticson
glect of the attendant. fects thsat it
"It is a cuirious fact that blind people Prior to
are contented for a few years- after phenomna
they have beein afflicted, hut unless thsey audience to
bhecome iiterested i something, they nature of ba
hecoime restless and bored with tem- are manifest
selves." -tems of mav
The doctor spokse feeliisgly ons the longitudinalb
systemsatic examination of our school aingts to th
ehildrein by the city authorities, aisd stid boths moving
tkit it is only a chatter of time before mer are vibr
the backward caos will he reduced. the vibration
Most of those who are deficient, he ether.
maiistain ed, are so because of physical Polarized
defects as, nearsightedness, adenoido, froim ighta
and defective ears. tion of vibra
cR05010v vito eagfvxNTAsm.4. iog the lighst
After saying that surgically tere wkas ITisio trei
.notking0 good to lie sa id of ltce old fash- fractions, ap
honed eye-cop, the lecturer turnsed to of light intc
tke question of cross-eyes, beginining the Nicol pr
with a short kistory of the developint ing of twoh
of control of ltce eyes in childeni. "'We izer and an
often have mothers coise to iso acid In coiscln
say that their citdrens were able to see polarizedli
alt right until, at ltce age of two, they ltce aid of a
had the nmeasles or souse otther disease. screec. Hef
As a matter of fact, the pcarticular dis- shcownc, acid
ease that occurred at ltce age of tswo, iiirse
-hdnothicig to do switti te child beinsg mp-scctse pc
cross-eyed. The cross-eyed conidition teg
appears whecs the cildrenc begicc to coc- wr theovag
cenitrate. This is betweecn the ages of weelc 'a
- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ vu - .- . sliiciicgi

sses, (i) for lte relicfo O R R N A T
id (a) to preenit cearselt- i
ts wo refasihtdor LITTLE BUSINESS
iflsey do ot wear glasses
:'thseir conictiocs worse, but ____
to remsaicn unccomsforable
[sed -tiectscin the other Regents Devote Entire Morning
ecomfortable ut wilt cocn-
acne more nearsighted" Meeting to Formal
ses swere said to heeIarmful
the habit of wearcn thens Discussion
seined would make their use
Amher glasses were recon-.
e all othrs for protectiocn, AFTERNOON'S WORK IMPORTANT
yabsorbed the dangerons ___
tea-violet rays set they do
the visioci The lecture swas Fornial discusoci ocoupiec the r-
it'tkv sowicg of a niuber gects duricg this msornincg's iseetic, of
sg slides andcheats the board ; acd, at adjourccisent at oce
- olocknhbusinss hd beec cocpletec
ready for pbiction
;ED LIGHT DEFINEDh During tis afteicooci's mseetici" it
---is expected ts-t a ew course incenio-
sicist Unfolds Its Practic- ccerccg mecaciccs sil 1cr discussed and
al Aspects tatlie resccc-tiocn of Gaerdner S. Wi-
cr1 lightnerr as leictifiul sliacms prfe soof ciiIydiralic, sansc
lt extravagansce soutd e-sacctaccseniiceecccg, ssilbe prescntec.
- ~~Ticcnii couicre ic ecgiericg is tic
iopare ;wocmecn rrlcled ccniisole soccicwhia of a reriracgecment
ntic sc-cildtmcake as elaiboirae if scbjecs inc lie egicceer icgydepiar-
fthey swere adornied iccrids- erct; i cciprobabcycbci pice d itc
alii iatccre woculcd scsme cgcf As'tIPo insPldeccc- wh ooucd
iconccceiv-abile lucuriacce. theccc icc ocnc full profess. Alciccccg-h
uoinreasonc is givecs ficrProf. 'srihlicccic
ie teoriccof a letrc e n r ersigncccioc, it is procbcbe liaI Iis ccc-
of. Hecceerso iccc T'uescdccvsideiraIesctie hacs ccie to chmansso i
lr ee-eccnthi lecure ocn thismchirocf his ticme s tic csiee iipssicle
cocci corse, occ "Poarizesd for licscto gird tie nceesscr attencticr
toc iis uivciersitcchiies
chincglte subjet thsc tro-
el why lie subjet of pcsicr-
icssdcms alke a uciversal ap- ADD RANGE TO AIR LINE
ice pchysicist especially it is ---
nccroucntccf its practicl as- Efficiency of Wireless Depot to B
e sudeint of the na-turcal Increased
ausshesceac s se it to eqsshcc, ise
ancd to thc layman it a rd cas11cc onlys scooiingcciiaccscpiris
tghs the spectaculsr colosr f- ireecs eqie nthsstccheccAilciichi i-
produces sversits electriciasccasre gocsictoelargi
ass uncderstansdincg of ththicrepIeseent phscst.sWirs asee oicg Is
it wass necessary foi thesehrun icsto the 5itop f te tpsser-houes
eompstrehcendethle plsioca ch imnsey a heght of too feet or niety
)oth liggt ansdlsound ollsfeetthihei ticacccthepis esnct erial
;t to the physsss a ss 5 itchl this eriiisect messages cans ic
vees, ouncd wavs vi bratincgreceisved froms Bufflo sad-Cicagisocisc
ly, and ight waves at right Prof. Prkrr bslives that te atpar-
se directions of progresscon, atics sillbh at is kupmissge
icc ll diretoins. Tie for-
evencfromsitce -Atanitic cast. It ic
)ratiocns of mattcier, -ue later hoped to hos te irasiisc comspee
os of a sustaice kncownc as itis suimsmer, for it w i lide cspossbl
ligt esi refsset s criicyto do acny-consrcioccnwok ccc the fall,
ligh wa defnedas aisig teni the bsisesie ie oteiation. A-
waesi wic nedie- touhcosis 0atsve nworks his becs carriee
"acoss-ias beens rt off, lean-i ic hecoigo hewne et
t in its ew foris. 'Po effect Professor PrebrihIs sbhencaile to s-
nethodis are emspoyed, trans- certicics onto eetrctyta
cegh crystals, iy double re- ca -ehl ntesse ewe h
irocesswchcdsivisdes ca ray grooucdtad tie ires, cwhih has eer
:o wo ays an byuseoffounsd ho e .oo,of ismiciro-farad.
risenssn s asrashis cnsists-
vitl arsnaely apoa Atshogh tec iprpose of te lciact is
- for exierimienctal ad researchcwcroke
ansi r, thrtcatel ii - ie stcidensiniicoctrol ae beenc ails
sisnth pci rn ct cticvle by topicks sp miessages fromciLake Erie
igh ws eronsraecbyfrocmiLakeeHurose acdfrocmc poits is
- drhries amdincccs ace aOhio The greaest disancer repored
feels ccc lass sere cdealy-
Iis oo mcies. The reort reveals the fart
cicsy extraocrincars straccinlat lie eergy of lie reeiviccy satio
)pollizes s 1swas asil se-edwn apiparatsshere is so great tstithlie sies-
olaizd igh ws lloedtosaes re ieardi all ner lie romcs.Thi
;h i. secialy sectaulareiiniactes lie secessiy ofusn th
ryista gesdcof clrih irough sac-e cscgtc
s forcmerdrf isic ocsa iplae -st


Abocmt fiftreic scudensiasre being ems-
ploy-eltics sumcscmere iy-tie city to sone
onc lice street paviccg. Oswing to te
large amonst of news pviccy to be done,
msany mencc are av--aiicog themsseves of
lice opposrtuniccy of earcnicg mioenhis
smiacceribescdes "ethiinccgod sae
phiysiccally for nxt y ear. The sr-yiccy
of lice shineersiso also bengcdoce by civil
engineer ic"gsuenets This affords ass
exrellect cihances for getting practical
kicow-lege of lie sujec. People nhoj
are dobful of a sumeneit's ability In
apply himiisef to pratical york msay be
conincsieediiy- natcing lie "ovices"
fili a geravel walgocninc as short a time5
as liesmot exiperiencedt "uicich."
Familiar Bell to Be Silent For Six
Thse localrsc ep-resentative of Fsather
Timsc, ststionecdh i ite west seplc of
lice liibrsarysell1otlbe islepiecdalceI
stansdsard ducringy lie cming ysix srwees.t
'lie hans in icfroccct of tl iceI cchit dialc
cci d cs In rtedtomsssc oro. Tics
timcspiersc Is c 1i ccc c oei .cnscalimst
ccnciiuaccc or diyars ico sieclii
somcarte s of thuchiscsmIcc havec I cbeisec
wo-rnc outiindcit cc cecrssarso lcaiicc
thicc. Tics i cciias ciCockcompscdsyicofc
iiicstcsd, 'itass, i ldo terepiring.ccsI
is estimat-cedit ldsc's c-reks wi hr re
tuired t icvecc'thu r ccs a complccicee
T'ec lockhing cocut Of cssmcssionc,
tsers:wilcliec o offcitmeuepr~t sdu-
sicy, lice it - sccsscssrrdvolve co
scves. scuet cic pr cure ais-srs-ch Icand
gcs scntoshe tm-epcc usiess for
No longsereceililihe studcctie ais-
ho lie incbedccicctic ears saler, swaitincg
for the chiccmes to iss asc inuformss ims
that it is seec-hicry- ormerly eec
if hicducnsot camre to ie t so Cansyass
hour as thiscche cuslseeps uncilhqicar
tee of eghtacd thecsiscx sucessive
ieals isouedrouser hcm to hcs dsmty of
masskingIislas.There scll ieserhe-
ess he a certaiccasicacctage acruicng
fromcothis stite-of affaccrs ViWieccyoc
are sitticng ons lie verancsac ic e soft
mcosoni'ghtthce ccciiie so rudsse ells In
shatter the hindt1y of your musinss.y
Yociusmay st hocure after ouse acd in
answer to ter question: "Hass it sruc
tenc yet? you nll hrechble to assure ter
positively thatiias sot
Yea, acid it shall comse In pass that the
clancour of thce mcslttcude sal be heard
accdtseGea f te apus shalt gie
ear ico orinsistent piceadings. Te
benchcies-ay, lie ibecrhes!I sal ie
retusecd. Not all, 'strue, hbml lie s-
snraccre hscgocne toricthat a ncoumber
of tecmc shal ie replaced. Hoswecer,
thsey-remiaiinucnly 00 trial-ye suiouss
rousples cmust clinicforthithlisyour eeep
appreriatincacd cmake goodly use there-
of. It is sssered thalie ccuses of teir
renmoevlwsanha toy ceesedomisused,
ciccethiat wsenecches'zvere used, tey
conseel fromectheir accsoed soti o
sullt11crfaccry'f tlicue ntirc. Thre-
fore, their returnc is mserel ccc experi-
mcectlflo se icc hows as thllcr snc s n'r
is jcstcred ccci1s occcrsy,-to se if isi
clsaimntihatlticsycwilibicedcsrc cscerr.
n.crs o Sc ccc SCHOOLneAnBRO
Prof. JiR. Alen of 11cr cccicccringc
fsiculty ins bencrr antrssedsh er' ev
of cclsnrr0dc eale hcic to ccnsal a
srhool of ecc"ncorsncc"at Robhet Col
ee, Constainlcose'1 risc.Prof 'ci
lrec hcasalso cdsid threciicg in
hoccghclticsericpmccntl te ciihreccc

AAcc ciror oncJcsly 2j, aenscccaiedh ly
Isis wife ad acritycrandelMrs.Al
len's sister. ;

Professor T J. Diekhoff Proves
Futility of Attempt to
Seek an Ultimite
"Ulicmte qucestosinssumlaguage, as
ccc other fields," declared Prof. T. J. C.
Diehocff ini Iis address upons "Evou-
lion asci Lancyuage" yestcrday after-
oon, "ihe theiry' of evolutions cannmot
answse" The raictical futility' of at ---
esps 5tIntrade then rowh, or eol-p
tiosc, of laccuag cfromssescspeccslaively
earliest begincnigosic insreicsorc.mn,
whien e herdlastlilimtracedhlie stage
of asrticuat spchi lie slieaepoint-
edl outbicefinereeceeo h ie mear re-
suclts thucs fir ohtaiceier n cccsmarsonc
wsich te1crkdiofc phiologistscprobngu
eist h ic re laioncs ofcireeciede
lcasnage s
"\cViecsnou fosrefaclhesrs of centuries
cgoientic a salvec directness and assur-
ance asillmcedtsci language s a gift of
Godis oseeancit wis a astctreof faiths
cs-chcthimcnci e cichisnccputtinekdonu
languagie nwholly as tics irodiuct of evo-
lutieones a cccasher of athitscususAnd
if tay a scuhs1arseilk reigious con-
vicsticosesthocughfnlly anwarc of sle per-
fectl lie urein proceesses ins aguage,
choocsces tIccsee ccc Provic hercor God,
tseeulicae. icsourceofclanage , a' -s lie
eilcecatescoeure of al thense," oters
msay sile at himis if they choose; but
they shcould at least e aware that their
unkncowneultimsae source, csills svhatever
nacume they label it, is no more -capable
of inexorable scientifie proof, than his
God. In either case, it is a satter of
faiths, of speculations;sot of seiene in
the exact sense. We nmust e ontent
In leave the last questions as to lie
origins of language unised."
As, codrocgo ocuSPRINGPMmos05.
Referrineg to the attempts of the early
Hebrewes, as described ice Ihe biiial
story of the confusions of tongues after
lice buileing of the tower of Bael, to
account for lie diversified dialects, Pro-
fessor Diekhoff said, "What had in
earlier days beens but dimsly surmised is
coon'considered cwell established; that
ideed a large comber of languaes
aced dialects hane in a perfectly natural
way developed froms one parent speech.
All the ettee knoswn languages of the
earths have been' assigned with nmore or
less assuransce to a number of larger
speech fanmiies, of which the one known
as lice Indo-Geencanic, tldo-European is
probhalbly he onie msost thoroughly in-
vestigated, acd for sis of the greatest
sinteest ecause nudelaguage is one of
its mcemerces."
Dy' concrete exanmpes the speaker
shsowedeinseeneceral thee relcions exs-
ing bewseric lie Grmn, Encgish, Latin,
acid Ginrek lassguages, laying particu-
Ian emophasisuothe fact that to jump
at concrluesionsccc suc a study is very
prearious.Inorcinsance:5despite the
ortheographirinesembsilance of the Latins
deseo ndcccthr eecon fhe s, together
cwiii tier furlthat ltheirmenasings are
baica liv thie seso sred scancesral
relatconsisep rac e hownscsesto exist e-
tweenedthem. Various oiler words see
compac~red in tdis coniedtion, andinus
souse cases dirct famciy-rerlaioneship
shoes.us"All telc angacges oncerned
go back to acomosne ancestor," said
the letrer"AcAcchon left arecordt icehis

rchilsdrene and cihildirec's dcsildeneconly.
Dut thcattheme unitist hasve breen ccross--
scone parenit, thor strilsing famsily re-
.semblcacde of thee various descresdants
rigidly demcandis."
(Continued on Page 4.)

two autd louse. Very'little cani c beee sit glass passed, as thee anaclyser waosr __,
untilth11c hild s neaurly three scars olt. Wrcdcrusel sISCONSIN OFPERS NOVEL
At this age lice childreceas e hrcored if 'IMPETUS POR ATHLETICS.
they' are givene glasses. Durns"thiss-
peritd,give thmetas workcsticat sdemsandrs TH-IRTY'STUL4EN'fTS IN'fEND A ustartlingyathlic dpropcagandsa is lice
their distansce visinc. Peep lice dress- AINE TRllP TO NIAGARA. lesstcadditione so thee currieculum of the
ing papser, asciIhelicleture bdiok cccac, Univrsity of N~lseocsise. This is a
anod let the child tiny ccieelstier hobbiy- -courese iceathileics cruiseisinug a possibcle
horese assethlie swcineg.teethis rionnec- Ab'uhiet 30 ipeoplehevuss ignifiedlthuesicefotsIcrccditsdccct of 1cheucisred andr
Lions I cannsot help butent eerng"'caiprio-ccintenticonsof ccl gt"cc aga onShoe icencciineqied folicetheA.Bi. sdegree;
lest aaicist thurkindccerartesen-wherer so elgia xursinurses } requdetin ii' curncaditionuse arcarserof scud cours
muuuchetisse usisceotedl suesewingee" av-su Prouf. Calhouneceicc rsre rrcve craucc c dii-i t Irtaci ccof phyciscauetrcaindiniihas
inug adba 't-ul n The "resttlencd-iosusfussrscte. cccicinteresing"fdccl ushbeencincc~stituted us aueecminorrquiremccrent.
ecye nous' Iants "h-d ticcaccis ccaccc htcc is ois t cdsy if thsiesarc stuentrsscchen Ticgecithslurt y cccrseredl ic e cn-
truims Shiesandsitier seaceher us cstuyicgc" rdunodii tIackigtcc cuse.eOnce ccc iwo susdirtcciiIchccc topicedcitIes soudsa
th'emicscvidualt uis.eeissuedprofisuser s icexpc E o .Pof at-useek-Iringccii' hccolcec-f lice founer s
graneder cs'crkehube idoetdaysthccnsicuse]ic n)]uish c les ticsec allthttos e tendlcii atice tunicticernf atleticrsincuingt
thse tsacher whis cstudings" ler rhsidrentoIgoimsedniaelafsuter thurlecrtureto- iscccl lfotbl l, strck, cbasetbalcl,
inictviually.cluday, ic e ccest lectrie reomss cc e liceree-,cgymnastcls aaqcuat~ic s ie icc
"Thcereire Icco prinsecia easons5i5fsor "hics sIboiratory. Ijisec ssaci inte--coleiia'cte gamues.

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