TFHE WO0LVERINE, WhitcSwan Laundry JUNCTION OF DETROIT and CATHERINE Sts. and FOURTH Ave. Bell Phone 165 Home Phone 152 White Our Nate- softening plant cost us $2,000. It costs you nothing extre to have all the advantage of laundry work done in water soft as rain water instead ot destrucive acids and hleaches. The finest lingerie waists and dresses will come back to yon like new. Collars and Cuffs like snow. Try yonr duds in our suds and he convinced. Mark you package "White Swan'" and call our wagon. No extra charge for call or delivery. White Swan Laundry GOsOsatI ElTURLNiS O tsOicG. Mr. F. L. 1. Godricth, the tc ad o lie crer udiisionofatthe lirtr, saild trom Livertpoocl as Satrda act. andc expects to report fore elte as July 24. Mir. Goodric hohabernasenht oniasltae oft fou r montthscciurigwhchehtime te listsitadeta tourcc ofl te piial uucities at tEucropie, ecallng clcca t mn iofte mst importatcenterfeat ectetti ccc tatdtlitre ature. SUMIMER STUDENTS. Ther Uciverstity tuide 1tHcuse crris c ctmplcete alack at the 41 ittiptti Cleg M\4usic. Ve invite 1yicu1c eotcalad te- raise famiiar sithc it. 8-I5. HOMGE TEA ROOM The NeiwHaome 'Tca Rosin is where Miiipichinsuentccs eat, whiy o't you ? Evrrticcg ihomnemcae. Opent romi S a. cc. to 7 P. is.,ciog E. Wastisgtocn, 2ctetfoor at Haag Bldg. 1-4. New asd Seond IHand Bools. Law, Medical, Dest. Largest stok, lowest peters. C. E. Bartel, 36 . State St., upstairs. Tel. 7t1-L. I-0. For all tuicial Insruments, supplies, popular asd clssicmnusi, see Shcehle acdSoc, Msie House, ito S. Main St. Law Baosesftr Succmcer Shosl. Laig- ct stocekicc Mihigan. Necsacd seocd hand. C. E. Barthel, 326 S. Stair St., secocid floor. Ter. 761-L. 1-t. list XWattcr Speils--Light Cthl- icg, Ucde riwear, Hos, Ties, Strawss lits, anit othr siins at smcalt ries. Alns Gaud Clttes Store, Miait St. cIt. Thee ccitelectget youriiltkeftrcccia Wu crer Brs. wagonti. Terisita tcfr purty and tese iss. Asoat Drorit -curlColi. Ss. ell 423. 1Homie 14. 6-c. Uctderrwear tr cieri, all styles and prices. AllessGood Clothes Store, Maic t S. -c. Wie ave ac alt acw tase at Walkers, 336 S. Divisi c S. . God seondc-hancid koriks ic lt sies, to Teci, tr tenc ents per cay, at sop- lipes,61p E. Liery,tre lorsesfrou State. 5-. tiler ac dricikeoatfrec, eool huttermil, thick roccitlie rchrnc? Ash otr it at nooccn. tWurte r Bees., Cecr. De. acd Cathlerice St. Iell 423;l Homei 140. Sumer Shool Books. Ness and seocnd hacd Ditiocaries, Art Lies etc. C. E. Barthell, 326 S. Stae S. scondi floor. Tel 761-L. -c. CAPS. Te laestriEcglih shapes is plaici ralses andcidecks. Alen's Good Coths Store. Miaicn St. -o. ti~ostr ros. cli reh cotteg ceiese the od alit oed telkind. Cr. Detroit acd Catericne Si. Belt 423 idoici 140. 6i. Hambuccrgers are lie orgicna. Ato server strais octe other scdsihis. Gie us a trial. Cllege Icc. -c. Colicege Ihu t i liiiOthruicehcsumccii icer scool. Sancdwciesofal tis ANN ARBOR SAINGS BANK Rsori~ c - ot 0 00c A. -n - linli e uietta ctcted N. iW. o-itre I tactti tel ttc i. We have a hobby in making Failcy Creamfs and lces Special Occasions Its lie din~g the ice tici, thiiice- tingsic oa-, ctererat-e.iithat ire emc- ploy. And~.iibecuse e enrtesh edt witthe mit ngof--ethousandsccO.of gal los i lyct. cNv-ecllisutthei exqisite to ucs i t urcaitr ichii YO , tis dcious 5 -ce?" Trubey's Place 116 South Plain Street Bell Phone 166 Make oxar Store Yozr Shoppirmg Headqu~arters U MACK CA CO. LAIrifCases Oiu1-tlin fBos t c . NEWCfirii iiiSeiccin Edwards Brothers 320 S.State.iiOver Stle I c WE B05elieve Iu Sfigils AND MSAKE ALL KINDS Let us nmake you a Sketch and give you a price on anything in the Sign line Weissigner Sign Co. Phone 910-L I W lIEwil pie spendciyour iseatmer svocation? lWhyptnt enjtec chlarmsofe ur lnedieSiees,theostipletaat anecoomiecal otieg ia Amecat. WHERE YOU CAN GO Althecimiportiatpoct teGirceat~ot cc re receregarl-yby the ex lceeterice otcct1). & C.tLakcIiaei. nTetenclarge tcamesofettisc fleetocareefmodentcrteeleconsrctitnact tae aolthe qualtesrofespeedt, saetytancomfotrt. Daiy eit-rie oisoperatedbeteenteDetroit andClcevteand,etroiteand tButfatleo; fouctrip1sweekilyp betwea en ccole, Dtrcoit,itaekinac. Isleaid icier port;the ctrips weekly betenToleo, Ceelad,eand Ptin~-Bay. A iCeed to Mackincsecrial t eameecr wil Sc operaedretweeotrips weekly fraomeJuettileto Septemteer enot,stnpping oaly at Dtrioit eery trip andctGoetric,Ot.,tceveryotectrp. Special lay Trips Between Detroit and Cleveland, During July and Aegustr RAILROD TICKETS AAILBLE:--Tickes readitg via aty rail int between Detroit and Buffalo and Detroitad Cleveland will bn htntred for transportation on D. & I. lint Steamers in tither diretion. send t2-ont statmp ifor Iltted Pcttamphleti ad ttcet. akes letp. Addess:a L. G. Lceis, G. P. A., Detroit. Mich. Philip H. Mc. Millan,, Pres. A. A. Schatz,,Genal Mgr. COOLEST SPOT IN TOWN Doors open 7:30, Curtain 8:15 sharp A dmxission 15c Seats now selling Thur., Fri., Sat., Matinee Sat. (THE COMEDY CARUSO) (THE SERIOUS SINGER) Bitxham & Thornton Ir The Ve'td-etii, Clae.sei Captain B3reezy and the Blonde Familyscope Miss Gladys Hill Saperior Phots Plays The Gypsy Violiniste Extra added feature Thur. and Fri. Pathe Colored Film D'Art FAUT SPECIAL MUSIC ADAPTED FROM THE OPERA FAUSilver Spoons to Ladies Sat. Mat. The Ann. Arbor Dye Works -Fereh Ory-aiiiSteanm C'LEANING Bteltthoe.6i Rowe's Laundry 406 Detroit St. WoeS Neatly cacdl trompcity Donce THOMAS ROWE, Prop. Bell Phone 457 LSPRUNKS ff' The fGar oyle ~ N-ARBOR ;r PRESJf L COLJXE eao WORK o'E L1s ti ta 1 ec j O AL n t a THE WELL=KNOWN CHLJBBHOUSE One Block from Campus 209 South State Street Rates, $4.00 Per Week the A idFies 1t 1: F- G ranger's Academy of Dancing Summer SchoolOcc sssfrc ieLcadies acieteen oeeTuesdaty and Fi duc Eveniengs. 1 ro u'coc. Tuiction w.0.Terea For Particulars call at Academy or Phone 246 Office hears 10 to 12 a. in. 1 . The Ann Arbor Swinining Po Will he Opern Every Day Except Sunday 9 A. 9P.M. It in refreshicg ho lake a both in aloe cooal spring wcatec. ANN ARBOR SWIMMING PARK 713 S. FIFTH AVE. Phone 996 2 Rings p. M. TIOWLIN, Fropr.iI W. C. NOWLIN, Ongr 7 EcocFraci torn, MnagingtEdioc r arrenCrateteec icci Matiere I 619 E. WIll~ata St5. Steam and lFren~Ch 0 er Dry Cleaners Suits Pressed 25c't'rouesers l~c I ® - - - I S ,i LAMA=