LUNCHES and Cdas All mtier in this colooraarto wst he paidDIETROFSMR
338 S. state S fr to3 i oadcooce. Office hours: 1:30 to SCHOOL STUDENTS
33 S.aaeSre
The Yost of te'-httIRepiingt
Busineess.lie will tdo youetworit
in aiturry-up style.
Laces, Polishes, Etc.
fit ersity Shoe Shop
ast WilliametStreel
You will alwaiys fintd a latrge line of
The East Univtrsity Pharmacy
1219 S. Univrstty Ave.
Our P.-ices gveRiht
U. of M. and
Canoes anti BoatnslRentetd
P. G. TESSMER, Proprietor
Both iPtones i656
Capital $50,000 Sorplus antdi:Prioits $0,000
Resnuetes $1,400,000
tot-103-105S. Main Si.. AnnsArbnr ichu
lItttitd-Ten imenttoi twotrk allertioetts
tis teekl. 25 cctts ait totr. App~ly
XVtlveriitc office, NXketlesdty att
It. mt.
itetld-Stiet whovt is caisabtle of
doiitg sign writintgfor Dcpt. store.
Aptply at otnce to Mock & Co. 7-11.
Local Algents Wated its every city and
cot lmy int Michigan to itttroduce a new
tabsor savinsg device that positively
sells itself wherever shown; salary
$6o tper tmointhtaisd lihersl eotstmissiotn
to live oten.gt18 Chtaisbler of Comn-
tmerce, Detroit. 2 -5.
lVtoed-To sell or reist a catnoe tor the
sutmner sessiott. Call at 224 S. Thay-
Totoriing ins Rhetoric and Engtish.
Prices reasonale. Address, Lawn,
Press Builditsg. Phone 96o. 4-6.
Wtoled-A good, reliahle persotn to
rooto and board ten or twetve Senior
Etngineers belongitng to a permanent,
reliabsle organsizationt. School year
1911-12. Addrress "P. M.," care of
XWtttvt~nn office, Press Dldg. 6-7.
For Rett-Desirable front roott, one
btock frotm catsptis, 1118 S. Univer-
sityeor. Chutch.
"ListsIEdna t XWhttemtatn ittthe Clesve-
antI PuicLt ibhratry Isas Iteeisengaged
Is 'give i series of lectures, for the
Sitotmer LttraitsSchooltttt"Ltbtary
XXort:th ltChiltdteitt Miss Wthitleman
still illitraitetlhtirtetitles oi tsotrvtel-
ling hy "isving atcildtren's story hour
at thse AtniiArbiorPutliic Liltrartysoi
'4 eilneslar iaftertiotit, Jtuty 19, att 4
o'clock, at whlichi titte it is hoited to
sate ait audience oft votng iteoitle gathi-
ered ini the chiildren's roomi.
Outitig trousers, flatsnels atid tropical
Worsteds. Allen's Good Clothes Store,
Main St. I-Io.
Namses ini this direitory are takei
frotm the recoris itt the offices of the
secrearies of the various deprtmtieis
and contlaini the samte etros f 110
Phloiie tnitmber hs lbeeti ptitce ottthe
einrolliment cardlot. is shotsnishere;
tsthIat oes not itteclutde there eitg
a phonte inthle house; call chie oer-
tor anid tell her ithat hote syoitrnt.
Enirollmtentbytihe ltdiepatmetsl is i-
dicateed as folliiws:slierarytinamie t
tssvloei by 110 ettet; engineerig, e
lasw, Itiedicat, mtiharitiwit.grad-I
ute school, g.
Telephtonie numbolers toiprenthieses are
for the Donse phoie others for the
Cell. XWheni Biotigical station or Camip
EBgrdusiaplearsas cetys deres, tiaitl
may' le setnt to Toiiiiaee care Bioloi-
eat satiiin, cr Camtp Bhotirisas the
ease ita le.
Coninii, Fredick lsLiiinm, l o E 00 .
\111i, Scholcrt.i 344 347
CnorittJaniet Ci,g24 SIgals,
Jackston. 100-J
Coot, I.TIg ioLE.Washingiin,
Ctiesaninigt 894-J 1(894)
CoiieeGoite re gt ,0 . Ui-
CooniiitiI'hiel Ferni o SI'Fit,. Le-
oopcr t'ge Xhitmtaniiie Colitiso-
CoiletliCli.. lHenrt, IIen, O. 93
Cirlt'ss leore Bfrdt t 13sti 8I SE. A
Slsersi sui
CoitiswelI,lu tlc aic, 109 C oriivell
PlaceVii'Arbor 7gh
well PlitceVAin 'rtbitit798
Corrrgan, Grtce tutu. /74 S lngalls.
Ct tlrill, tlora Boinitl621 SItgls,
CoultPli ot~,in, 6'let .Ui-
Gutvert Sarit Inut 901 1': XVWsinig-
tioll otesete,lPa.414L
Crabltree1 tsEdw iinlode 90 IE.IHuron,
Sani Die ii Gal t18L
Crabtret eteeie ee910EC Huo, Sai
Cra,tt Itriiilitt,1034 1E llturon,Hoto
Siring'sSt SoDa.ito65J
C raswfordtloEeydt XWiltam, 631S. Tla-
er DatteeGeks6h2-J
Crawoti diitXXiliamitClar,109 Gle,
Piafottd, XeillititiE1' ogsS Stile, Stit-
fitel. 39
Creeh, JamesLIohis e, I13 Tomtpsot,
Poor IFork Ri 124L
Creleher, LeotntdI., O34 C.Huiro,
De GrafflO. io65J
Criswell RobettenHarold 432XManar,
QincIiell 149L
CtrossmnWardXXinn0tie Cmtsp tBegar-
Criste1)VtWilson.tig'52o Tottpsoi,
Crone Cliatles Agstse32 S.
Fifth, ilings, Moit
Gulit Veir11011401 CE XXWasiigton ol-
teno 1199-L
Ctuiniin"gIsam, tHesterXMa gre, g, 734
S. IgllsXMaisha ll911-L
CunitnghamI ttiRicisred A., 1644 9E. G'ni-
Currie, Kathleriine Isabelle 71 .
TwsethiPortIHutroil 94r
Curtis G'oi'ee terleri g, 324. Je-
fersonT rvretseit. to55-,
Daaain isti iiie 1,331 ill, Iid-
ioaapolis Initt31.
Da i RlhJamiies e it2',.C..Huroin,
Empuitre. to65u.
Danhoif, John Jamses Jr,1 it8S.S Tha-
er iirandIthiteii 463
Dsiison, \X lep X arti, P 03 N.
XXtasiingtin, XiinAror
DarliinglMiliiiiAfred, iti 908 Fores.
ODs reiii t pi 2oHilClcttia,
lIeia. I112-J.
Dastoiti.Edwnardl Jr., 1, 520 Pacard,
Ano .ritir. 109-L.
tDaogerie, 'ThomsiGoredtnl1IGrad
t~ort s .Dik.
1aughity lie XXitiatti T., 912 5. Stale,
XXashuigtointD. C. _120(Iso).
Daison Wsi illiami Andurew, e, 6o6 Cathi-
etrieXAnii.arbotr. sfo-L,.
Daisi CoraiRthl, 73i Packard, Atn
\triiit ,6o-L.
Dis, us otniD.,1 e, 1319 I'irestC ouirt, Eiknt Se tttiiiCamp ogarduts,
sets iiiee Ill. 1642-J.XlManisitie.
Iai, Lucy, 53'SGCsurcheli to. 96-J. IoI tt shrryeG 11111 tBigarduis,
tDiaiv is ak Tin,1, 32'Ith01iiittot, oii Vtiisiuet.
VAtn AtrbotiiI spiott stntoio 'Xl titie, 236 S. Thaty-
Dean, ice lu R,60 Mdsoni Vttt er,1 Lotot to toCubahs 138-J.
iratInd. IEsser1yGotrtVaiistine, 1, 91S 5. Stale,
Deatoe,'it irs I.3.,tiehlatssvills, Its V Suhtti slg 269L.
SDe FoorhhRobeirt T.,o7S S.Ghurtth, Essery, titete eVietoria1, 918 5. State,
GChieiiennXX ells, Colti 1145-J. A X rbotr.269-LI
IDe (o,is iiXXttoi iPcarde, goiiS." 'sta1 tuttle Jtisep111 Beteiete, e1331
Stile,1 iFor ttoviingtin, N. X.951-J. il l, inneapitsuXitiii33.
lDel n is ul .,ietam Ito"gtrdustts iner, Glaistoti Jaises, 402 S.tifth
Alimi.t 'ie.ViAnn Atrbtr.t 1300 3.
Demtuiser, Jamest 11., m,1144 Catheiel., IEsvais, Jotseph 1Heiiry2o6 I'usti eetnth,
D~etroit.131,7-J.XXashingtonuDISCG 01-t
Deiniiis Venola Ba rklet,'213 . Iihapet, 1 asus .,1e 624 PactordlEIipre. 906
Aitnn i iAro.1346. 1 seeestI GChailesthrriur443 I'Unli-
Iveesiii, dotl in, 1000 p.Xiii, Pills- itsFtankufort. 1149-L.
bhutI "tiP 344 _(344)"1 EiiretJoihit PhelpagYpsilanttti.
IS.ptiewu It uti iiVArmstron,, f e 784-L
GCtuirescliiinnVtrhot. Eingis" FrankHaIiusoti e, 1oS Geddies,
Detohel, Eihel, Ypiltit.ii 231.toater. 145-I
IDesvlin, 3Jitie s,"135 1ThaeretAnn Vr- TO C HORAXIUNION PROGRAM.
lDe Voi, Isatic M., 27N.Stale, Chl ie Ilie anoiunuicemteint that Mttse. Berns-
vOt'. 1453eie ide PIsuanitis to appear here inl
IDewy is rar AnI ih i ita, t430 GrtissDiiinDecemible r, comipletesilse schseutle of the
Vtrbor. 6lut.fie ChioralGUiiotn coticerts that precede
'~ XX ii3t Gli nhXdroyt 1estival.sI Xte. de Pcsqttali wat
XXastein, Grandil Rapids. 16o. sitenttsiastticatty received at tier iinitiil
Dexaterltsotert, 104 E.XVashin'toll St. apeaane'hefore an AnntsArbuor auti-
Johits. 78L iiuce lust M.ay, that the School if Nut-
Diccison Pilp Serda l 02S.sit. tautorities idecidhed thientso try atnt
tnitse rsitylDeroit. 13. bing her here thsis wntler. Of the othser
Due etVhfeiltD 60 'sSi te lutartists, Josepht Lehritite has sever heein
ca",Ill111371 (37t.tueaurtd here, anud it is so loug slice Mauid
I iecuie I cliiuo6 PatciarditAnn uAtrboit Ponwclihas itlayed iin Anti Arhor, that
12"87-J. she us almst a stratuger. The dates of
Dickiue, XarytuLttis,lo09NV Thsotyerthisettucerts are tot defunitely' settled.
l rtoetie, XX it.t1'23-I.Tefloigi 1eshdl si o
IDielie. IRailhlEllswtsiihi,e, 916 1XXEu. luWfasoh-g s hescctateasittss
Diehl. Hary ,2 I .Tayr arll- I tctohtcr so-i-tssse. Johanina Gaehskci
ton, 111.,'~ sonug recital. e1 hre ila. ,Cm o oebrMs adPwl'voi
this uuiuui re citali.
gauiuilsICStoitaw.Iue 1 Duusi hecembuer-Mmse. Derisice tie Pstsqtiati,
N ipihedii 0 49 XXsonig recital.
iDooitths XXilliamtiCGart, 412 N.tDiv i- Janutary-F'lonzealey Qulartette, chanti
sion, Ann i Vilot 1323-J.tier mustic.
I~oI iiutGhssir t3ui3-J. 1ut earl Fttbruairy, Josephs Leuriiiie, Iiano re-
i~urt'ssicI t sO Xuuut ue'ituriu i Notlhinig trill bse dotie as to proeurinug
ifS trthss fur the Map Festival untl Prof.
Dty CheserIAtrthur iiiLscaia. Stanlhey retirins. The works ttolie giveti
Sui Is ht ut rii 95. in are: hitch, b "Magniifcat "" Elgar, "The
s io ,enton.iu 1264-J. Dreamtsof Geroiues," ansetSainit Saenss,
D~oughis, MorgaiiiDrexel, e, 620 5. "Samosonl and Delilah."
Suit. Winfedtr orce, 979 Monoe, ILL DISCUSS THE ORIGIN
DotsXdamf, N t.ooY e6o789 oiioe, AND CHANGES IN LANGUAGE.
olsu i, Cauce Hrer, ,J 2
BenjamuiIhpteminrger,, , 20 Prof. tDiekhoEf's lecture on "Evohu-
D~rateIEriest lBenjamn, ue. 1000 E. lioul iniLanuguage," wilt occur Weitnes-
XX siuttonu Delriot. 194-J. . tay at p5:00 p. o. Prof. Dieltioff wilt
I~tuuiselet Merte C. 33J Jeffersonu discuss the situjeet generally ansd will
Iaoa tutI owai.t 825-J, conidter especially, (i) Ilse theories of
Drury iifsXXltiet Rhotdese 32 Thuttp- uriginu; (2) developmsent of changes;
sontilies. 879-L. andt (3) deveopint of dialects. This
Ducett, Johni It.,t17E.iHoroni, Aun lecture treats of subjiects whsich few
aribor. T5, people knuow msuch ahout and Prof.
of the
Uni"versity of Michigan
Complete information concerning seven departments:
Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine,
Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Den-
tistry, and the Graduate School and
the Summer Session.
Special courses iii Forestry, Newspaper Work, Lanidscape
Design, Higher Commercial Education including Railway
Admniistration aiid Insuraince, Archlitecture, Conservation
Engineerng, Pedagogy (affiliated with Ain Arbor High
School for Observation Study), aisd a isew couirse for those
preparng for the scientific adusiinistratiou of departmsents
of sauitatiou aud public health.
For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement or
Individual Information address
Secretary University
Diuffey, Arthiur Johnt, e, Sto C. EHuroti,
Toledo.i 1231-L.
Dutffy Agnes 13., 424 N. Stale, Crafton,
Pt. 631.
Dulop, Scott, 13., e, 903 S. State, M~ed-
inat N.XY. 1314.
EcklherChsarles Ralhl, 804 5. CUniver-
sitsIndcitaapolis, tId.
IEdmiondes, George Palmter, Soo Packared,
XX stne. 776-L.
Giliuuidtoi, Jeromue Josiah, 1, 914 C.
Hiiion, Annu Arbuor. 494-J"
Edwatds, Bess B.,604 EC Madisoni, Al-
Edthsards, Jetse B. 114 N. Thuayer Al-
lta, Ga. 1248-L.
Etdnards, XlMuideh12 XXWathsteuiawr,Cal-
tuset. 833-J.
Eeves, Ge~orge, 1,gil6 S.Division, Mill-
tille, It.io08-LC
ELlenis, JohntiHenur, g, 513S.Uivier-
sihp, Anti Arbsor. lip-C
Gicli Lootspsi21 Mary, Bellevue, Fp.
tEtliottt 0eorge NXX Iop S. Ingalls, Ouwos-
s0. 13-L,.
Elltitt, Josesh Alexandter, Jr., 1328
N- ashiensos, -Mounudsvilte, Ala. 6op.
CttssvorthArchlie .Aerie, p322IMotnoe,
Cedhar Sprinigs. 990-J.
Ekert, Otto Chit, e, Camp Bogardus,
CEigel, VAnna, 6l3Ipnigalls, IBad .Axe.
Enuaje, Froaicisco Delgado, 311 Thomlp-
5011, Leyte, P. I. 1198-J.
Cricksonu, J. Edward, 614 M~onroe, Moor-
head, Mlinn. 125 7-J.
Diekhuoff, tvht has node a shady of,
-phitosophy, uwill bse ahle to nive a highly
instruictive talk.
A coomplte stock of Classic anid Pop-
ular Mtustic ansd Musical Supplies at the
GUiversity :Mtusic House. 8-I2.
H-are you tried spetuding your weeks-
enud vacationu at WXtmnore? Ithis thinly-
cents itie roundst trip. The Clittonu hut,
undethe senanagemsent of Mrs. Stark
gives purottpt service. She nsakes a
specialtyp servinug chicken, fish, and frog
leg dlinnuers. 8-I0.
Pennans, fancy work and curios;-heit
prices. Paas Royal, top E.Liherty.
Brenlian's Restallraut,
Is the popular place to eat.
We keep to tbe front and
let none get ahead of us.
Prices are poc and 4oC.
Special rates by the week.
612 Liberty, off State St.