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July 18, 1911 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1911-07-18

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Vol II.


DRAKE COMMENDS tinia'ite bacofrteas
~ ZEA osinos tlI Erope outside of t

of Juis-
at old
c Sipan-

Begins Lecture-By Comparing
"Is the I-loan Niveor rrying sip?" is


Book and Lyrics Completed For
What Promises to be Best
Michigan Opera


- "The fact that suiclh a large asudiescee
of studesits will volsuntarily attendo a le-
tore ass a techniical sbject late is a
summser afternoons proves thiat oar uni-
versities are sat populaied wills char-
acters sorh as attessd Ike igher insi-
tutliosis of learning iii Gerssasny," saidi
Prof. J. IL. Drake of the 1lsw deiasr-
mentl, yesterday, bsy waoy of ssntroductsoss
to his lectuse ass also "Tire Cosntact of
Romns swith 'ssglishs Ia." Inta
* countlry tise ward 'studesit' iso always ross
need wvith seer andl fightissg blslidag.
Afir hansdisng this bouquetol Ishis arso-
l essee, Prof. Drake wenst on to Isac thel
developbmiest if Romsni law fross lth ho-
ginninssg of thse esmspire. Tse wasy isn
whisch seomsess camie irso thsesr rsghts assd
were permuited Ia isnherst piropierty ws
exuslaissed an a rsanner wiih -provedl
extresmely issterestisig Irs lire asudiesscr.
As Rome was largely a ssiliary sna-
Iisn, assd dlepesisded ass msale citizenss
to keep sip lt'e armsy, it was satuoral lhat
iin tlse early da~ys, Ike woasens harl few,
if assy, psroperrty rightls. All thie wealih
in Ike -possessioss of a msass was ass his
deaths sdistrihbsted amionog his sale do-
As the Rosmas arlvasncedl is) civiliza-
tiona Ike econosmic iamportace of woscasn
hegan Ia he recognied. She was re-
sposssible for Ike rearisig of the chlidresn
asid Ike childlress wvere thse liaie of thre
The praetors, or law givers, rdeemiss-
ed to express the snimiient of the peopilr,
on this questiosn, anir so one of their
nunmhrr reversed thre establishsed pree-
desit ini as certaisn propserty rase, and thuss
incrporatesi a lie lair ilo Ike rode
of Ihe natsion.
This seas swhist is rollesd todasy a 'jisege-
msade" law. It was "legal fstion," bust
neverthseless a rrro'gsizedl laseo sthIle
coutssry. After thirs sdecisi wvomns ari
eqsssl propierty rigs wiitis msiss.
Asiother 1p011) rlsscrssed wvas the sias-
nier iii whichl a boundrairy ,disliute lbe-
tweeni Nerasis an soil wsa swas settled.
The course of lth Miissousri river susi-
sdessly chissnged ini such a msarnner, thats
ai loirge territary wis h his adi formserly
bhelonigerd to Nebraisis swans appaorensly a
ptine of, loas ThIe ease wass triedi irs
the Perdrral rosir A pieedeint iris
sossghst for. flie susbiect is sofossnsd irs
the earle of Alfonsso Ike Wise, sn a sit
cisions renireredi statinsg that thle jris-
dietiosi temied lt sasui as it wsi
biefosre tse chasge.
The loolsise isas thou susmmedos ups in
thr folloing o"rses i
"W haese that ther' sr tiss
greast siystemss of liii Romanisindiisi Is
uisfs, wiscrn shire heirseerrn i tmsels thre
croslrl of line' orvle' wonsrrldsros i s''din
Jaspans. Cliii coraiin Ii s Is since sga)
a osdre madise oif t bst soaturs sosr
Enuglish snd consieta si w.es'
tures systes ris is long an hoorbl
hsisrteRoa lw toiibl or
celirie s or loss iia ert r
't'e.rsaorirro Isintiic ayo Jrrrsrrssr
"Thei cile of 'T'hedorsris riari erse
asrbedii iltos ithe roik srf Malrie si thie
West Gthtis. '1'his Iecamrie ithe tron-
toe sithue sioblei series srf Spaishril codsir,

the rquesiosn ieing askedi byi'caoe lo-
ens. What wavoncise a smiiall sake, jst
above the dams, is nosy a baresen svale,
wilhlsry 5asiall sreasmsflosin' iit ,
whiiei actually represenslsthe size of tie
Husrons river. The waer has eers let
osst toakisee repars ass the idams,swiri
was eonsisideredi sissafe tr high waer.
It will proablly taike Iwo or three weeks
to ecompleelie swokneciressary eore
the rim ass on be closesi again.
Students on Campus Must Forego
Study Out of Doors
Present indrieationsssds rstioldisouut
sisisel Isse fire outi-of-doiorrstdretss toil
thre benches formesrly psteel aroundriltle
casisliswillle pt sir I a ntr
-bewshst sit s .shI.irs sril'sosisri --
ii .e sn a lsr rfouiling is gounitsix
'1Teyernesiser usedrl iesrelass
staret hitpuictice. sWe foundri tsis sir
unirs bl clri llt mntas ussasinlois rse sit
is so itltl'e raisns irsumier tatl thegrass
is easily klsllod 5 rInltthe5cimpusOis irbarI
Tsr the suggesiion stalltheees
siigsh e iiiasedi near the sidoswalk ie.
Mai rks replsied If passleve them nir-
fasesd samest less idiiduslsilsi'
rouse aloandrihoisve thtmsoaser io
Che neasrest foispt10 of gsss. Its qie
ilpractiecable to fasens thessi down. Yous
easn see fh ose uarelthlia-I the enhes
thai are there, even, are never filled."
Iscoinsietions siis keepig ue grass
ass Ihe ampss ini good shape Mi. Marks
asinosuneediIis isstesstiosn of havig the
iiasndsandrltakess o.
"t hope i wsill ever gos bak," said
lie, "theni we asshasve smse grass iss tha
seetionssfath-ie campusns."
Tue "Naysl T1ak ashIe 01tge
Msondsylafttersinossn sisand imany smoreo
isomsens thasirmiini 0etit presn tssthle
esibsitioni.'AssistansilProfessors P. ".
Brsigg"explinedsithie msehods sit sa-
isig the iparafimsoselss in aorwood-
minlise trimsmsedioff Ithespa'afis oshsape
thse llhofis isssnisatureoensinIresThe
Irssvellingo"atui asoerstedt i allthe
msodel s-oildibere-ohtisctes teiTthisue
sgalsoomsetsr.Thestam sefe ide
andsoa 5ftlsribotomns incrlnedsinsirdoses
los makei dfe rntsdreitssincesuresesis-
Iancre is greatlei sin o sslow s Cr. sr
rosts ilhl ooadshot bilstol Iis usei
Mltrs 5a0reesgedlfoss temol
corrassi antis teirs madsoislo n stheastyir
of Detrit,"lisentraCskso.P Iviri sia
toreo 0ist dsiesrv iwasn ted toolll
twelvse o it sos otesreetrow ihe
iroatesaotheirt sos'' Ris r." oil
lattr rn lasd1t oe so''el to fotin r
-tre efeofwtran oicsiacl
caeu iii rt n adtss r-

whiere tire studeu
Sosuths Amserica;

At ivitthiie ideali sorldst
its mlen use facuslty-;
is Greece ;Koasnzalandir
Crimssosn Chest sWitlh
ando tse CfItsh liion

Opserasto apsear Deceinhter 13-16swl
haefrisstirsng-b nu s t o s so--
crot. 'Mlis tin t ,w sdr ot loll.
Ail thatithesiret-puic may555 i'5now pi-
toars n ttesc oluomrser sJosephiii1 Csuinui,
tie s s sciit lire sral Cieretmono
ii ireW s, noes so e atsnut ostwitn soe
lyins Stwhihwrecmpltelat ek-
lriStJohn rfsilrserlIs CnreellireC
forces inhrbe eaedt iscttore
stunts sos too uas ot at lire 1in01ifr
supsior tin mstoi thinsr tursoo
usc oil nohat1)e i ait bee called tono -
sct offanr.
'Ii.s stir's produstnosnpiosises to tie
nore enearlis a eosmintoperthan Itaiin551'si
is preessos. hemuic isso
bing "ws-ritteunsandtiere 'are losbelienns
ssrsuun ; uin, so 1hanosisiset aspesared
inn any of tlesthlesrisrouioinis.TJulius
'stitne, '135 . suwrittcrmist o.'tie
ssissneis-Ihat iasirons lussnod sn, andriti
is of sucthngoods qualitsylou ithins comu-
pisstiosrwinllprssabstls' ietne sines or-
lected.Notinng'his been roune is sut
ins regatroaselectinig a msusitaldsheec-
For ltefirsthtimet tine Usnoniisill pusb-
ishs iIsoswn isisiut'Inspiesvirius sens
tine chsorsus sias geeastythindoes rd-isisnot
his g si the scers untl isihortlsybefore-
th tme stof1productsiiusnsrI tie ruieras, ando
-thso sceeoof sssilisis" tine msiisu
bisngt"employatedi irstine LUnntoo remsedys
lis riefectliri et 1ohm , ,issn
cha rge oflteoputnlicatton.lio us seta
tinusis Nihstiversl piublishuin"gihouses,
trust isset his insot lotthle coracst.. Tire
only other poitln ionht innsbeesn settledt,
us tinaI of Matses of Ciisirses, uit
"Bill,"Restsrnitciki, ioosa s ben aontedl too
tnis. Tint'othpoisions iswil bt'fittest
Althoughnh othsris ill h oenewnt'hsil
orespsectIn tsipickorg thne east unrtil schsool
opess all turiset'hout are interesltedh set
reqsuestedi to comunicatseweiitsherbert
Trix, 6s4 S. State, or ealt 371, eithner
Party Starts For Niagara Falls atl
End of the Week

ho 1't'etheir echinces io secnririp'sternu-
iiisiitions. Noliii 0 ii hae ben
insdltaso laig m rIri
paritrobututes wisllttlit ssset snhDe ri
at l'th . & C.swliift
tOus Th'irrsdaiyi, a tlo, il -wes
lectuire roomiiiios theophysisoh uisins
Prof. Calhsonswilsspstson hatietGeoogi-
esl F~eatuires ot NigraPalls.'Tt'ele-
ture will taket its the hisstory of the
Sals testiseiriesttin ,sosing te
changs insthit'Ftalls andsow-tssthe el-
ist' tisse ateooicalseve-ots is relc-
sued b hse os'chingesThe srrounr-
insg topographyn iswilbelo'disusselquit'
fully. Thet'lectusr ilsitutatedt iy
a numnnber of studes is this sil -te sn
intreoductions Instie IsriptoIatieFnusall
thsose expectisgto tike te exursisons
are especiasly uiged to hit pr5eset.
Many reek Letter Societies Get
New Homes or Remodel Old
Nsnsnerrrrs caeii srsn this' I 'sinsof o
Gireektoett scites ratritersr
sul shi sorssistooe s will Is.it' vidosencee
ari linhe cg'srrrsr" otite enngsrpoil eol--
ee inste aiii oleg ifssrs'' sol
Ibs obligedtre onu-lorsn thi'eicogi'rlr- sr
the cte, nd seeralfrateniti siill
iha iriso5f0rm in( iv iijudgments0on list
istof atingegto'lcsiRmdl
ingof rotertnits hils seeso-ons vr
poipularionhios suiursti oo
SigmaiiChin locteldsatin5Soiut Sts
wiill tsaroswn 5is 1)1reset abdeit iris
rbunnis in te ssrsoshun suns'-uri I-ie eol
bee yeairs Wiltht'teamouit e s e loss
sit suthbion w noons eos theun'sembhers ill
ise eisnaivustse ressidee onustblecr--
uer of State mni Mroe streets.
Atuha Tals Omne"aa.smsosnseel to the
toreror stsrf ,fRihret Hudsosrn
oass a Ntistre-- nds cosed a dea
whtichs sill sinak'this pine heir permsa-
nent hpossssion. Thso caiasfrattrnity,
ass organizationr of stssdehess of the n-
tiroal 'rlasosnic er w' i ibocnuy te old
A. T. 0.iosse
KaaIOIsrigma contemsplastedhreburid--
ipg assl t'site souied Ib teir lres--
ent brdgeassKingsey stet,aut isi
fiulronacests ht' s etibeens closer.
Tir ei-ola Gammansou usoriy isill et
tfall ocecuy a ne o euse ushoteshiseii
built especills fosrustass the coroestrr ot
flitrsetsansobhilo tr'setes opuosite tie
sourse wshich hisussusisoswi beem oeeui-
;tpiedtus'tie Gamsima sPhinsBhtssorority.
This lsites society Iss c'ededits tplaet
to the local'shaeptuersoathesne sigts of
Coliiumbusiand ninth occuy 5aiinew5ladge
fore ishichs groundowilsitsoarsisbeoeni
onu host Univserstystsre enoposie Bos--
tisue gy-iiiasiiii
Tin t' Psi PondsoPhu itapa Psiious--
es uill insasibptobbilitys udergo aposue--
cess attos rugh remodeig swhich, it
effeteoll suhi gehiri thesisboths matr--
ilsy boths onustie outside as usebb as
Cuotrestoo rumsorswih insIase een
cirulated or tonblepatirbtro or three
minrthss tir me iuoulrs f Clleitie Sir--
osis siill continsuue to ocupy their pets--
roil odwelingr uns Was shtt'iiaw auenue.
Tinyaes' otsoissitie prprtyriasd ibi
not contemplai te inn suicsortion.

No S
But Good Location and Change
In Wind Ward Off
lForest fCets threatennedl Casmp Bogard-
us Wiedhnesdasy aftoernoo rns whens they
caeurp trainsthe soutnhwisest, l ess tharsn
Inns mnihoes fsounsamp.stu Enooii s stiff
weinod sasscarv"gtheflamtes straight
far thintostuIsutiabout luvst' isuft
bliews tirelo Iack inoton the itsreadhar
tiallybu hrniert distsritt
Thnt' p s dvataeoussy plhieed
iris ashre sill'''nChihrie frms
ai line us ni huisris mich woul ugu ohdit fross
I I riu'sntslinsh in num s tBunnsy ifstensr-
ius sisl Nl lie muones wes'snut nto
I 'fiiu o hoiy ac lst Satrdaensy,
a soursemisoejInit N Iaseblsll gamne ias
sceedin-t teuo-utihueesampnbasehbal
roueasuiateam50csis ptsedh maoiny of
Deltrout UCisrsityusScoorshstudnots, hurt
lierasunsus-hetsuuechedithe forest fires
hoi sto n o the5b gali e" ss-.EAsance at tie
vadte~ ris rtirs ongus'l nin irus eir'ncinig.
Tfleltsritssok rasithrouhsMullt Lnahke,
InianRivsnhses snortBurrt ILake by-l-uncuh.
'The msembisers at the ibotanianp,
thse 'litrss 're gettinus"'out a busletin,
simirnoIsthe oustthey got 0ou1 ash
Tisosnewv coursesone of wichsekhas
sever keent offeed bfore in theUsnited
States, asre ons t'schedhuse of the smedi-
rcah depisrtmssnt tlins susumer, anh ave
atractedsuch ateten'tounn niang pra-
tcinig physiias ,acistudntsisfta-u
other unierssits attendnlug the sumsmser
sessions. 1hinscourseass Vaeines, os-
ductedehyhsDrieJimis'oG. Cummsings, ri-
rector urntthePiston e institt, is tue
terst of its oin to be givens ins ths
eaurnshs sDr teore Socm and Dr.
Wa'lstes Iarertareeaso offeiug a cocrse
urns dsieases oathlie e sswhichs is asesw
onn ot Michign.
AN-sins inn atendahnsee at fourteens per
eenoser previous sears is reported, ann f, j
mnyocnsnmt'os ins atist' pratire as nei
ss studnents troutoutside instiutiosns are
takisng summsuser si-rk ieee.
Before a ceaed Oatzosthe law scooh
baisl teamsiwsntuhdowuns o efetihat
rise inshoof theSpi eor Manufctus-
in ompnlahst Saursdas iiithec soe
o1 5'" 10 3. ei soutltuefact at the,
lahis haids tnsitu ousbrtsItilts prit
tiet osr tam woirk, thesoingsn"gainst
th e ruiti-ague chamiio uns wis ustieialki
x.-.Lossis ptchr inhs first "-issewsi
lui),ste-sob s-su'ir'inonslytun ausss
'nobstrii ng rusttforitofttheSupersior
slugcrs Flyd n cnr fielfor tie
pulingof soe ofety somc e s anoi
suet1, snoud uearcowangaor challenge' Ifrom
fl teni-o0rgaize,.-cInt th esrrisers usc

o # i l is t enossurcee otthiensrimally tisd
1tbefore blues'ioniuser ends
t flhe ens"onse's seidlthissu first practice
slstSoturotis iftensoon, anulensonu;t
insets reposrtedthoist--le 5tOwo tas.ss 'shn
obrge . A. oN isoon expectts to ar-
ranssge a gouse neleteenthlmwhsarnd esir
gineers ao son as posssible.

Scoo In
roust wil

na xtiiinoliNiagara Sills
linsAroron Fridhantn 3Juts
trip rismpeon torall sunmmru
diemts adterf iinsTh"
a-tst'a 'lc . R trll~
Icave 1111falo sobav sulll,

t ? i

oss nun tiregiel
,lu lue fate
si11o set{
Josh forturt s

()mIt tar
suit no

Itt101111(Itt011E'N btI'U't'i
soorub'esfn ne Ne
-foss wunnil besmisC t ill smono u h ro t h
eor mm be Isruin il or m l -muto isauem er -sehl

n-ten to Ionsle Studyiofatheitm ~oo
tihe couirn ties vees Detronit
Aerbor. 'his teesp snitt- cost
thaon fifteen-o'nmbsloss Plansh

i. Caoilliss i
tendif.n o ss tle tr
isCo he \ocniosd
'fosue Stint seems"

ilze sot thre
tlire ra imt
iris son thau
ru«-ib nhase

itsiredstrhatuuui shwo'sd
ruust Fomaibis po
5500 atd tile stlei
s 5 it NuAsmturin m c>isu

'irse lo usait 5.o
iii sir St I. e "
Iii ineMs
Non C et rib snortr
fa r.nsemite aki
unst ltosfoorSeptel
cal or tIsrndiarill-


cuhusisunhngins the Susosnis irivil ronne rut cinss or s nob.


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