BEN GREET ACTORS SENIORS TO DANCE ill be laid hwhic will tm.ndt all BIGtsPREPtheIspi.Ltime. lectri[a
SH W T IhEK M D U T C S E E aies, spot lights, atel o ed globe1IIAj
features will furish coonttless sorptisea
daetg the eveittg. FOR COM TENCEMENTlW1E1
___ -~~~ ebchis, Dean Jorda Rc tptioOMnY ChairmantiNt EE
Three of Shakespeare's and One Barbour Gym Will Be Turned 0. . Carpenteadthte wves ad
of Goldsmith's Dramas Into Sylvian Retreat With will receive the gests. Reltives ad
on Program Ferns and Greens tred Issfthgs adyafes wll teaty-fve Opening W ith Baccalaureate Sermon by President
______ ~cetnts will be chaged. Tickets foe theHucis Se or'L tFveD y
receptio, whicht may be obtaited fosrH thn, eir as ieD y
______ ~~~the comitee, ae sold foe $4.00.Hee W lBe F l
The Bess Greet Wotlantd Players With the openitg strains of "Dreams, WOMEN PLAY SCARECROW
will stake their frst appeaeatsce itsAtt Just Dreams, led by "Al" Fischer's a- 7p
Arbor this yeaeoTueoday ad Wed- to, two hundred atd fifty coples will McaesDaaPrsne yte ALUM ~IT T REIGN SUPREM E[I~ W EDNESDAY
esday of this -week, presetiag the swirl oalsa floor of a rejuvenated Bar- McaesDaaPeetdb h i,,si"a
qanclete of Shakespeaian comedies, horgynsmithSctwlzo Seniors o Monday
"As You Like. It ;" Tuesday mineore lb011ttseiocrrceptiot, TuesdayOeven- 'h crco, orattael
"'A Winter's ,Tate ;" Tuesday cvetning, tg. The dance, whichs will e the tost by Percy MacKs: e, will e presessted
"Shze Stoops to Cotnquer ;" Wednesday fortmal and important of Commencemett by the wotmens of the senio class as Te evetssitf cmmencement week smemoial, ass oil pantig of Deans tHcs
matnee, and "The 'Temspest," Wdnes- social eents, will egitn promptly at tis year's "Sensso Girls' Play," is Sarahs till le opetet toight sat 8 o'clock in ry M. Bates, by Roy J. Adair, att ad-
day night. The "play grottad" is oca- eight-thirty, sincete cusottary gratnd Caswell Angell all, Mosday eesitg. Uiersiy Hasll by' te baccalaureate stdress by Hot. Jutiustseal, and the vae-
eosthcnpu aatraglrgrass ttarctt has beets eliminated. Twety ibr aBysdan a stpoe-setmott to the grdtates of all tdepat- dictory by Joseph F. G~ldoery. Also
plot betweens the amuseustsaad the i- 5saaesatdfu xra ilb isoallywith sissngslar success, alsoug msnsl, delivered hb' Presidet thinisss.tmtuch tuslc is to be interspersed
ray;aa anesosetrl prevesnt and he dancing will continue until 3:30 i asla orec olse fteFolowingthe President's adress, Dr. througiout, and he exercises will cloe
onlookers whio have ot paid the price a.nt. fotligts as the sitse oserts ploay sr selasbotovee oboseafeoiy Is sigitg of the "Yellowr and
~~~~~Anelhscnetdtmaeafe!b teof atlaisios fetom seeissg the perfirmt- Tih" gymntasums, aliclswill be trio- allnotes swhose eccentricities ae notinosarssrktohessos.wihtltt"
aces. scelawihs aprofusiosn of fers and as a tdince. U nli tleassJu pporcsGis'e till be tore iss the nature f a oody The laws, howeer, willreie with
The appearansce of this famous aen- grens, will be tmade as seasosably a- . sieth Jsio il'thasn a set speech. The follswing is the the aptroacht of darkness, and tomor-
pany itsAttn Arhor is ass especial fea- tractive as possible. A huge electric Play," this performnsse is sot iited , nsutsical trogram: rosy night the attraction offred in the
tre of the Cusamencemenlt week cx- fas, the center piece of amaass of fo- to ass audiensce of tomaen, htut ayseAnthen-Prase the Lod.. .atdeyyr 'assnual sesior pron, when the clan of
ecises. The uality of its sok is an- iage, will temper he atmsophere, thoull wosst bSptsat soiist eu e cilcou ftet.slit f11 ihissses t osn t uns
1 h vnn eecsieywrA-the city chsurches. ad its friesds decorates the nwalk he-
pany has attained in twenty-fieyearn of tive. onnreion of the decorative "The first act is laid its the shop Of hah udeso w n rts
Biaculnth ess fo whih secil sen-Gloria ..... .B.-aPcs Y
its existence. Spporting M. Greet, scheme, which willtbe in maie and blue, Blkail dsfruhesseiloc- ..........fnu-ec n tenhhnrdsfstaigJpn.
wowill le seen in some of 'inmst till be comamencedusanday somnms.ery totes ihsis.Ba cksbith pesse tits hwillaneetotrnsfrd.tlttlecn-
who '" snub si ' aid of thik its. Isissis set ass s'~e Earl V. Moore, at organ.Th IlswlsteinfotofD-
famouss roles, is an exceptionally stronsg In additioss to the main floor sit the e w1 rty halt, the laws it front f the lawi
cone pmssA. ng trurpe are Dalastsg' sssm h sinlsette illeherselfisis'Jussice Nertsnfr ass l MONAY. lrlis.sie i sgsenitls si
Astdersssss.Frankale Pe~tteeGeorge sfe*rstiseslwillsrusstic Senches, and tossch trosg. Teir istrumsst of rvesnge is Mnsday is casisssisy' for te lw,,.stss, ten gcotrat 8Islok. They will
Vivian, Redmosid Flood, Perceival Sey-- served tlroisglsiut the evening Re- Lord Rarsnsbase, tisa creationt of Dickont frost 2:30 o'clock ustil fttor ' fti uns in isa and marh between the linen
moor, 'I. S. Lotdon, Maynne Lintlen, freobsents till be sered is sWaternsn frmssascarcr.-, iwhosits oder to tre- slpt+te brrisers-o-e will hold the f Laterst sIsal ill stretch wvet from
cat t.,'r,. Wh e a ii rgc tserve its-f sslo0, ri 51 5554mitt~- eh.of sit ssgs in useiyi. siesty sa ihaontewsttd
~ ~I~,TTT(~ 'The Iathtree acs taske place ithie by he class presidest, Casiles J. M- iti1m for the "Setior Girls' Play."
DIPLOM'A M~AAiN W OR iS T HIS W EEIK honse Of Justice Matos. Thsrought an Faddes, the class history by Edwrd B. TttSAnY.
over-psiwe'rinsglsve fr Rstchel, the siece Klewer, ass oratiots by 'William R. Ttesday is is e divided between the-
'of Sh".Wsstice, Rsiseisbase is eiaici- Scheider, the class prophecy by Johis senior it class exerises, Mr. Ben Gree,
apeid frost the pitwe of Dickos, ansI C. Mrray, lisa presenstaion of the class I icotinued on 'sce 4)
Long Time Servant of the University Again Helps Graduate dies st the cloe of thie play, artn
The Black Gowned Seniors Witch-craft and itnmagic smiror play'
J i important facor it the plot. GIVES COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS-
Its order thia the performsassermainysot
If you watchi carefttlly just as te ltsaehuireis, before "U" Sall was bul, iterfere wills the senior promsenrade,
comneensit address is over Thurs- he wouossdhextesnd the plaforms with ans1wich will like plea otthe casps at
day mocsning, you twill see a grea rack outfit thecusiersity kept for the pur- 'lctecrai ilntrs ni
of diplonsas, pushed by a stmall, giaz- pse; the dilionas isere brought instand sise. Tickets for tetirosucion say be
ed, old ta, appesr betweets tresideit dropped onsso tinscairs placed together obaised at 'War's.
Hutchins and Dr. Asgel. There will ansd facing each oiler. The old Met- (Cntned n ae a.
be a it of applause;-and the man will odist church onthie corner of Fourth waslnut. Inreasing classes miade a lag-
have disappearesd. After the exercises asd Anns, te Presbsyteriasn hurh, the ' er ose secessiry; noats, the thid ose
are over, Ie wilt comse oitntl carry Liosn school, assd the present Meho- he liss mase is being used. For thre
the usdistrihutedtdiponas bscketo the dist chuirchs servedh as successive con- Isnsdredi std sissy' days its the year, all fc.Teeaeawy e naldmnenn al.trelei h oto h ertr'
for for reasons thast are someties truly Thentstoie the great commsescenen vault. But wrhesti'eites to te ro lliog
tragic; but tha t is "asoter story" as say' of 1871. Os thiat dsy, Dr. Asgel asse tiingtighle 'sheepskiss," they aii
Kitplisg wosuled say. Thatimn issis hw~as offcially appioisted president of the cose out assel sre iated swihi ssore de
seighbos know' hint as tGeorge tiaer Usiersity of Mieigas; ott that day, grees than the greates pedaist of thec
has beest pat Of teusisv'ersity sissec the seswlyapoisted presidesnt asd the world ever possesed.
i1858; he has knwevss'serct presidentcih5tisg presidesnt, Dr. Frieze, Iogeher Sasrday mtini g SMiss Capiss ans
the isnstitution has ail frosisthie daits aitI the corser sosie of Usiversisy Hal. Hr. Saler, for they' do te woile joi,
whets the professors, who all isedioass The groessd was iardly plowesd out t- sartedsh ecskisg asd roinisg the dilo-
tte cantptts, each iss Iis own us osse took tder the paceesisre the stll westohi isas ; smsetie IN'ednsesday afternoont.,
turnisbits5]eaiel of the collegeustissnd, bit ue cornste assev slaid ; itisisastensstessiustsiii eight o'clock its
sow; and he has beets briisig~inget the aned i is tiers' ye. te eenisgass one sr too ocasioss,
diplomas since before asic fishers grad Whe ise hasll was resdy' for use, sisheyll finish; lis a ck cwihl be rolled isfo
siated; sow the Iasitllig of ts thehp Mr. Hialer msade;c lis first rack fromit le asst for thie ight. Thi net shy,oortes Daiy Marnost
skins is tilt only tsasgibt costnec'ions nitnwhich to isributue the sdiponas. t 1---tellwies thue sext day is over, the. HARRY PRAdO' JUinSON
thse usiversity. Iwes asost of s cross betweess a sawv nork of the "dipisisiastas" is over fo'
When graduations usedl o le eld ins1 buck asd a Romns chair, bullt of black( a tele msost. President of the Usier ity of Chicago
IMonday, Junre 26 Anns.no.-Grl'.'lFIy Sarah Caswell
9 P. M. 6b° "THE S l alECROW" MordaIy June 26
Adisins50 y P~u'sy Mack~ye P. M. Admission. So
Tuesday, June 28
P la yersMatinee, "As You Like it"
lienGreelay rseinesTaJue2
Matinee, "She Stoops to Conquer"
Evening, "The Tempest"
The treReerved Seats $100 and75
Ca ,,m pus Open=Air Th a e On Sae at Wahrs State street Bok Store