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July 15, 1911 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1911-07-15

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Vol II.


Prof. S. F. Gingerich Lauds the
Famous Poet of the Lake
"Wordsworth is a mystic-a great
religious teacher," declared Prof. S. F
Gingerich in his lecture Thursday af-
ternoon. "In his Initimatiuns of Im-
morality from Recollections of Earliest
Childhood,' he is especially, otable for
the *intensity with which he emhodies
iudividual ohjrcts. Every ohject of na-
tore thrills with its own peculiar life,
and throbs with individuality. The phil-
osophy hchind it all lies in the expres-
sion of all-pervading unity that umakes
the individuals all a part of an organized
whole. He wates us feel the thread of
relationship whirlh unites alt these dis-
tinct inidividuals in a commsaon depend-
ence ons tthe power behind. It is tis
which gies profundity, background,
constructiveness anid unity to the whole.
His is a new ansd original treatment, a
vivid asis compelling conception.
"No criticisms of Wsordsworths is
soundsi, anid iso criticisma of his nmoral in-
terpreta tion of na tore is sousid. Wits a
msasterful shand he mingles the power of
primitive nature anid the power of ho-
mass feelinig. The potential joy in the
'heart of the poet is evoked hy the pu-
tentii.al joy iii the seortet, Critics las-
claimed that W~ordsworths is sot serious
and isot truse, assi a comoison miconicep-
lion is that his -attituule is not a saural
,one : there must he something eccesitric
in it, they say. This is not true. lii
verses are sot imospir, dby a childtisha
worship,-tiey ire real ait virile wita
feeling. He coinceives suture as sav-
ing sot only sor-il powsie, best as sac-
iisg esids. His betiets were homne ini
naind hy Isis orinaansd creative shu.
"To ttaorousghIy undaerstanid anou ss-
tify W~orswsorthi one must briiig the
mind to -a recepstive. conditiiii realizable ini
-human e'xperiec. tHe should retires to
just as siatissai and q[iit a stint as tir
heaustitfsl saki .ointry of which the lioit
wrote, soil there sef haiii opnti lis eyes
to alt the be antics of nature. A persis-
tenst trial, spendcings tein to twen~ty min-

Dean aiidVMes. Victor C. Vaughan left
Ammo Arbor Tuesday evreaiiig for Hue-
ope. They were seconip, tt hy Dr.
F'rederictc 0. Novy, professor of bar-
teriology, asid his tw-o ss. Butts pro-
fessors are in deliver addresses at tbhc
Intersiationsal-Congress of Hygiesne to
he held at Dresdessisn cosnnectioss sith
the large hygiesne exhibit that is to re-
main open all sumamer. This is liar
largest exhibit of its kisad ever held, and'
is expected to do much for sasitatioss.
After the congress, the party wilt
toue Europe. Other members of the
medical faculty who are touring Europe
at the presesnt time are Des. Roy B.
Casnfield, professor of otolaryngology,
Warren P. Lombard, professor of phys-
iology, and Cart 0. Camp, clinical pro-
fessor of diseases of lia r vous sys-
Tires Cause Three Stops Between
Lansing and Ann Arbor
"Last -sear 1Ierldeioo ises isanas
auitnmilef-stoinigai onlusy tonfreissesnt-
ty at toes-but I sever casmaso nsear
to maissisag asslrengagemsenit as I hare tain
onr," said Governior Chseo S. Osbon
o'tirai lie arrived at Usiversisy itll last
ight, shout iar minusaslnto suie. at-
moast ni iisousr afieriis sddress tnthe
waitinagassmbly seas. schseduiedi to hb--
isatardisness, lin;)er-,,.,as entircle
baeyosndIis cosntrol. Leavisng Lasasisig isa
a touirisng car sibout three o'clockn, the
goversnor, accompanied ossly bsy his
chiauffeur, plassned to cover the fif-
tyod s isimles t itsn5AOrbor lay a:30o.A
stoic-ot oneediiosnly seaeniesia ousi
of Lasing, a reguslaris na iisser's
bandas n id lnt ai ll like the blowaomts ace
used In have isstar olt dasnas fGov.
casusesd furthier delayna swlari
a thisrd tire exiloded jist tortsve siles
nail of sAn VAror.'i r.COsborsn sara-
fiedRstgae'atti Beal, sibwith lasamsietaras isto
sas) of the vaioases delays ess saute. t
owis annsounscsritIn tseauiees inisas-
aers ityHall 'hissrttyafter 8o'aceock tint
thae sims.ksr wao ushI is.Iats.,ail an
peelara es.f t tihs.Isall las rass isa asn half ass
hasasr.tGoav Osbona a.sshtasstoip
Pt'"e-sat lScas hiouse r hatlasistruasck
ais AsbfinsmadincashassItoilssald
s.iltsh a iborsrowed otad mci
' iru iigi"' ississso invsersistya ll to
hass Ils i first stirhiths. iy s.-

P LAYS TO BE GIVEN The naext ise ofth tnuwl
cosstasinreviessosf tla test sworks of
four Michigas graduates,-"Five Gal-
lias of Gasolisse," 'by Morris B. We~lls,
Students May Indicate Choice '591; "The Log of rise North Shore
Camp," by Kicklaad B. Alexasider, '96;
of P ferformances by "Thae Cabin," by Stewasrt Edward While,
Ben Greet '93; asnd a baook of terse, entitled "The
Quest of a Soul," by Marthsa A. Bough-
Ion, 'So.
Mr. Alexander, late of the Detroit
THE WOLVERINE ISSUES BALLOT Journsai staff, is wrlt knsowsn to Michi-
igasn studesnts thsrosigh his talks nanews-
paper -work, asad Stewart Edward White
To insure satisfaction to th lathimsate is already fananus isa the literary world.

consumser, thesaruldesats of thae sumamer
sessioss are givenrisa this issue of tir
Wos vnsssxe assopportunsity In express
their choice of plays to he presented by
the Bess Greet cosopany August z and a.
Mr. Greet has sesnt to Prof. E . H.
Kraus, of the Esiglishs departsmesnt, who
hass the perfosrmnasce ini ctage, a list
of ten plays whirls Iis conspany is ready
to poton.
Earl studirenatn-io expects to attenid
liar perforaasies is requested toi signsi-
fy his chaoice -Isy placn sg a cross before
slicereaf the numasbernsisa the followcing
list: f


Midlrssamr Nighat's
'ITsre Temapiest.
As boss Like It.
Thii 1Mccirv Wives of
(fDouble hilt) Comsedy
'-heridnis a Tthe
'ssWiter'a Tate.
Stir Stoops to Cosn-
The Merchiasit of Vens-
Palace of Truth, bsy
Sicr'WilliamsiS.* Gil'-

Nam e . .. . .. . .. . .. . .

'Thiresrsassres awilllie'prsensterd.
'Isiesslac -eeinsg, aaidY diirlnesy af-
teroaindarveansinag. Voters ace askedr
Ira masil theirtbaslots, signerr, citslierisa tsc
Wai O,aoPasixcsaffice or in a]ay-ssmemberof1
liar 1E-glinli fasctilti.
AII=Laws Meet City League Team
at West Park

Rmm te us TeYeVIeSITS CT.
Regent Harry C. Bulk-ey of Detroit,
visited A3nn Arbor yesterday, isa con-
saectiosa with unsiversity busisess.
League Party Entertains About Sixty
Women Students
A quieit revisal fronm Dickes' "Ord
LCuriosity uSop"swasa tie feature of liar
Ia-scsivea-rmly the \% osmens Lesgueyes-
1tmrsli sftenoonain a'shisbour gymmamas-
issms The presenatio~snf "Ae. Jesle's
Wasxworks" wsa s "escces" if or
is has tingebe ticesthsiasmssof liar
sudience of oser sxtaascwmes stdsrss
swho wcre ipresent.
Fannsie tBrggs ,mwho.is Mrfales'
n-a s--cussr"e oaf liardouns,was st
onceanisatsasestmiiigasd hasmoiroeusfig-
ure.C Ini sinse-pihasp haMIsrock coat, redr
eanid white emaabrieredh twaistoat,anud
blue trounes, she stredieiaosut, critic-
izing, oiling, andeishainig tardolls, ande
a-l the sehulehopelessly deporing lie
sbsesnce of Mrs. Jarey. Clara True-
-haoosd, very' dainty amd pertyimhire
witieap ard gowns, carefully oiled,
w sounid up~, asdset sIisa saotions earls dol,
tstissk or Inneasy, unesmrel rexact-
ing' cosmsads of 'Mr. Jarley.
'I- tdolts for liaremost part,Ibeaer
beautifully.- Jessie Hu-terhe, as rdoll umsa-
lir e ssrpoake a piece Disc asandor is
taco, lien kisses for yosas" -h-ay f-an-
nsum, isa pink slk,, shortI-shimsted, dacig
crntumea,gv nexiiinsaof dclot
jerkse. untlJoneas wa s ass aimirale
"trotl Weaiherm Iady;" ash Rout avis,
an Mladasie Tellsrsisisipleasedi tireamd-
ier switha"Pet yuanise saaroundar ue,
haisoey," dsit hef sttat nsae ran
rona twices ad emitstesd a few nll
Pem1hapsthec most reaisti dolnserr
thsatose lo 1)0rtaesit The Somame
'Ssholaon0t haienemilesad" Irener Mus-
phy, in thi stusdsen stItaEa bHaishs, am
tegrldispiacieds a desep itrreartioma
ashd iiaarirtaiadiai"oftescire srnserof
Dacina' ansi refrevsshms foallowedr
lie erts asaurt. Tieanhxteguec par-
t- tillut h eldtarhidiay, July a. Thai
weorknof liar leaguethasm mesre -ihas
chiefly- of es socialsnaurse, o afforrithis
wmaem stmudeirnas portuinritiy' o march
andshlisom eacrlaoher. -
Prof. J. I. Drake, awho tachasmthis
rourse mum Romoan lame during tie regu-
lar session,miii deliver the lentshe-
tsrer 055the semmeanreschool program;
Meonday' afiernosoh fsiescoalock, isa-his
merthletree oos of liar physics ab-
oratory.HiIs subjet mi11 hr"Th Co-
tact of KomanassLame withiEngishaLam.
Prof. Drakre said yesterday, "ThiE
lecture asitt trae the histry' of Ronmar
buawad Englishm ame fronsthe ecoies
tismes. It with gie a short acontmlo
liar Ronsma-sea as it appears in the tan
of Engaind, and with describe isa con
sidrable detail the amagamaation of
the two systems in the colonial exten
sions of England and of tsr sates o
consitutiona Europe.

No. 7.
By Human Interest in Affairs
College Men Should Lead
Revival of Superman
Giovernor Says Bryan Failed be
Endeavoring to do the
Popular Thing
"'The thig tat eery uniersity grad-
uaste wamnts Inoro is the thing xtIhat may
hr donr by every onec of us," said Hum.
orable Chase S. Osbors hshnigt ishis-
spmeech osn "'Wha Should Uniesity
Graiduates Do for Good Governmmaet?"
"Bthetiegrarduatec is exiarctemd t n
smeuthaing emitmle huettr," le cntiud,
"thans tho-se awho ae nt ad lie p-
iai-rtsmiirnsrehas Iengives. A uma
his he a statesimnm must hr a re-el altreist
andaurit huehumaist;taremenm whon are
sarving out careers as"eChristians -amc.
It is tie"callege graduate swhn should
isghtthus. pathatohu liarImae of the revival
of tie real supesrmmans."
h-bh chracteristiceearnestnes the
chief executive of the sae sddesied a
largerand eathusastc audrienmce us Uni-
vresity H.allhbrnging home his pleas
for higher citizenship s mmd disinterested
patriotisms wthu many examaples drawan
froms varied experiences and hroad per-
sonal acquaintance.
WH RYAN WSia nefo R RLS'O~oaNT.
"T. wama to-Intell 'yoo why 1I think 'Wil-
ia-mm J. :Bryan waes never elected presi-
dethrs of liar United States; -hr is a great
hearted manmamd a clear reasoner. But
whiems'he acsamyoung hrendaoed to
dn lie popular thing. This ca't hr
domae. Whiteelie ma-rm of the yrstrcdays
alimmosthalas sought o isomethur public
mindeforec they spokhe Iir sentiments,
thec teacer todiat- must be trueutIn lia
rconvctiosnsf his nwnsheart amd sick
to thema. iicH e ms -ead am-d mo-Iheledh-."
I uOMAuN'S vrVIN GImemNcr.
1 The presaronderance of Vomn in iathe
amuience causedi the gov-ernr to remar:
",biy topic for this evening soeuidihave
urens Virtall -ist hiss Wosma Graduae
Do for Good Governamenat' Ii this com-
nemctniomn I muy st-ae histmlI blacieeomaen
soulds be pcri ntted o sin all that thy
mwanth to do mu as-tiantasg that concrnsa,
"Gotverm senta"said liar goversnr, "o
soysaisnachmeasathe itroeertionship
eandadiinsmsm-incr ofth-te proerrech-
-tionushuipbrimsecciimanaadasn ae. Sea-
hoerClark, mu a recentl speech, sad that
hsoodlems rule iii Amuerica because ltar
maesnmwho ried nt voe ini a least tuo
vole. -Se further declared that any_
mass twhao did not s's-se in, aleas htwo
muccessise federal elecions, siold 'e
cdeprived of the privilege of voting. I
am as-ieethatehtie maaawhondoes nt par-
-ticipate has n right o criticise tegov
Icrssmest until he actually does tae part
ea iii it.
"It is true that in Anmrrica mnr, var-
-iousyit'inspired hy- mercenary iterests
-" amd by greed foe power, have done

saoutn-h-iouthey would swith our goc-.
nernamenut. But arc our conditions as
ht ad as they msight he ? Thsey ore only
funosatisfactory aste compare themsa with
inch-al they should hr. When we com-
-pore conditionss in this country-swith con-
fditions mm Germany and England we find
- that we hove nut very much ahout which
h o he discouraged. When we go a little
(Continued on Page 3.)

toe eery v''-''eil '''i"nsirc' an' \1'' l'es itse'uiaewedi istmisc hsis adesuuis ] h alliii as itia te als an5 iinstihui
appee lir ich hu su '~omittimti tbi siths regard irsthue aossibui i f ssuuu harassof thu summme ss 5Cion5this after-
telrretationu of nus sre-ispairedsh 110mm ri m .saproriaontothe unisi illmmthse aai ir. n ue h uiuh et
tiomum."man nufontwheentthe(3-i-islausttutmtintsetara
Wett b i, I d ot Wsieckttpa tsfrsiiatceg m
wis t bequtedonthi sbjet t s ith tue aiupeioan I fausufiis"'com-
T's''IiVE iii", RIV ) "lIVt P N iar is.sat-him i m busi ~ is mis. phul yuitsrithisacith. Thin campa umstirtern
REGIS I I'REt) TIS SU'stiLR. pea uaturrurthoaugshiths - "ruersuorhbs ahope bus benefistsa-temsally-froum toitay's
-Tie totait enrm-i enlsaut fir m 5)5 suh ils n hi sihsatacndhaee as.a rkm-etoust iimust to amiss tir contst. I
all wmorkieng"'fareyouui heure a er e 'Ibs nisih bsaea of te egt
19t1 summersa msessions sic ho datren-Te.poal iepo h ea
ssasse i nt serstedb is lia rtcogr es "'igtsabsi anounced ayesterdayhay Aluani-
ontly timesaume, 1216. Moreorma c hege
istraisafor the twouryears i ashi rash hurt usmem om inagoingrrhaup utasfoiohea lireti
nate school aand thur literary edepartmesorsil s Lsumr e harts fs slslac~r; PCoe-
reosuis atblu meumm fiure The eu i straicttto rho awhuat I cams up thsre. m u a su
neminugaatithsitsaema hotgere.i Theuruu in ires.I 'simsalst shi e;si Cse shondIbase;
neigdeiaartmenthshowisua sdecesae of l-tasusst"' on tesaastomiarf usebfr t eutrushelhurtsiespintsIcuhr-fise-
fifty-two, swhiell, hioweere, in balancedb Issem a has. ail andc wmacsal hotina Jeaer D'n, auleftfiate;6-lydcceAatbrnfi-
by mceases iii thurlawma edaihcalaandie;D sa ,rgtfedr abo tl
ptmssnsaira drusmtsasmsh.simmasibgrosupaof facumlty-m-irisamid utheir Is minfle;ic teaieh iuihts outfuider.
F lo ig is a compuiarasbusertable Insr aswires a isshupesian's- r-s-iom hirer ass The tea-smumarcedrn ins a andytogrther
Folltowingrs:sifuorsmai ccr phOsbrnlef as-sm aheld witli a crowduofiot oers, frmsthc law
time tw1er:trt91 sn1sho sbi mm smmi bes ur, ilduing." TI-i "game was.callrddah 3 :30.
Grdut shol .....10 in4utflamDeroitsamoumt 9 o'cinchkmumday.0Fr-i V c-sitfor rereuts for a departmenrt
Gradute scont t0 140Dclritub'bar nes mnorthardnfto lbs.fisre
Literary deparmnst ...... nfl0 no6l:'scum -s mnberm issusedi hy smicentus-
Enuginmeering department ...340 aSr2v88 id untoa fthrstt. iastic fanrs inithreenginaeerinagdepart-
Law departmnta ... sm-a. 5343 ; mmenth. 'Thaefirst lt-noub -wsm lrd this
Medical deparntos ..a..... 104 124 I rsorgnsossnsum co g on ON trACTm1oc aiternuoons at Perry field at a o'clock.
School uf Phuarmact-..... 1-z Prof. anad Mrs. Goddard will brave
Totls. . .stfis ml IAmtms Arbor Monday for thur Les Charm- VneuaoURgrBnAxNTBOLnutSnOCmAL.
Toal ..........1z6 211eaux Islanuds iunnortherrin Michigan. Thim The Steudent Vouunteer banmd of the
The opening n-f timeasecondlema of im a very ppuplar resort withnmsany- university' will give a social isa Newber-
the sunmer sessin of the hose depart- memrmshs of the faculty, Registrar Hail my-halsoiinaiiht aoh'lockri. All user-
menat is expected in knoxg thus year's and isis famailt' benguti-ereow, awbite ested iii the baud amid its synch are con-
total to 125o. several others instend going hater. filby invited.

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