Tr w\o1 vLERJI' Northwestern Mutual LIFE INS. CO. MILWAUKEE Let Us Have a lalk WithYOU 1FRED'1K M. STEINBAUER Ditic atAgent.IHamnd ailEtdint Detroit WM. S. McCORMICK .Local A gent 1210 Waslitenaw Ave. Cali 3?3-J THlE W~OLV1ERINE lethuretro cii pl ical Ualr-ilor at - -- ---- - l ,le e M itt lyet eti litb Prof Plshelid Tutsday, Thitrsiay and N.R akr etan.itctr Satutrtay afterntoons by the studlents of it dicl ilitil a the Unoiversityof i\Iiehigait sttataer ses 'yz rvl ~nI ~?_n ,Ie Silt rchPrf . I J C.atitkof vs Comtnicatioos isill lbe printed oalyp -ii 3 1 ii phy icalo to a. (whe i laedI, alll thfug isrit'r's oaotc ' - Tli G 'F a o i i i-ra R'lls, itill be i ttathlt rn.quast. Noticas ic-tetd I a tt re lbyProfI'I. I 1. partaiiitg to itiersity affair s will be I a:,C ot ,o inS~ l',in at atc gritted otte gratis. la trt r omtphyict taltibitatoy, at ;. Joty 2 i-Fxt Voi- o igaall-s Mlaiagiiig Editor Harold G. iMcGee. tnhI r d1 oir ofo i aihootn, Buinieso Mantaget--Johna H. Payne, 'tact at 2:33 p. 'it Yti it Ia toe]" tral. 111 ,1 t !'o t, that iutatlt ta t , it hire bii e imsflt l ail hel --i or iyt-a i !yc, ih w ftile! l Th ctiof theCnfrnc ofabhowItits litn it oU- i 'anad tratitintg tabileanit laitt Ittao t it Milrid ciicitiessoo u t ilMartott r ottoors ".Tltia enis it-te fern'it nt- o e timttes fdisht -htut tit, wret,ifl t it hsacedarouid. Tha Iclii isa,; of the I lit:A borse1-tpt shoo ii.the wtilte l om iit ftice, fromi tirs tuponithete a ll, (oaittioatthe 'ball 1) o ," b c? ) th sto e." Veroily, tas a otttl it But theretowas Otto, a ta mstielet topiaci; itwas aet ;rally- bttte un ivertity fromtthtte goodai tiold this of wottodstoatscoitotitilt. JUEST tee Cdretins and Conid ietl 722 M..a.'ioa St. .e Offiial PtitnaeuitoinMiniimutt Athlentics Innrii1yeea . Sadia: 319 E. Huron St. Phone 961-L Student's Supply Store l+ eoiyourNiite ttnuits, fuaainuiPetna, 51,itinuu NGINEER'S SUPPLIES, ttuiuuy,(u ia,i a' tiltS. liuuuuu-iy UNIVERSITY School1 of Music MAYNARD STREET SUMMER SESSION Eight Weeks Alt Branhii Fall semester will begin (ict. 2- 30 Artist Teachers Snail jfor ittiatti-acttaitlotgue CHARL ES ,A. SINK Secretary Bruet R. Buoni. hoalt. 11. Gilltt. W~illiamTt'. Hatigheroty. Bttilaighi Jacobsa. Jamtes tltEoeliti. Asisant Btusiiness -,Wniagcer Victor Hl. Addrecos: Tug hVt-tttNr, Press Bld~g., Maynttatod Street, Anin Arbaor, NAl 'ligait. Off/ice Ihours: 1:00too a2:30 P. Ill, dlity. Balt Phatte, 96o. Subascrip~tiionuRates: h tocal, tatvanty- livecenctis for tte tittitit il112'edIt iani aatcresfor tontadolla.-to, Adeertising Ritaes: titrtistttdIupon itt aititlicatioittto te uintess hiattao. TiHURSHANY, JL'BN 13, 1911. CAE o''\Tt 11 Jt 13, 5tP.itt.-Thte-ftiral Asptet of 'toerdswtot' s tot, tProesatr Ginigarieh of 'ltslati Ci laa ;phyic July 13; , 5P' . t-Vi11,11 Shldlli ut ait { aidntes dolifir BaoadGoen meit'OhionorlChseS.Osorn, itall. 'ttaat iiIsetit oflttvgl3tanki e - i11 e'llg )1t1(11 li -J p oil171. i I) Baitlaisitt itn"t Is trof. at.llpbe I lattianr, tta't Icc tare romatit, tatil aotosi rty-,it Tite Shermantit Ati-TrattLast, tc- tt'o Ii 1 Dast 13. NI. Bates, rsa e- ltre rototm, lit) ysitt labioratorty, at S. SUMMER SCHCOL Oceans of Second-Hand Books at pricEs tha: will save money. Engineer's Suppiies FOUNTAIN PENS BLANK BOOKS STATION'ERY, ETC. University Bookstore vetbt "m'tint tcit tostnt ;" iiiu t it wasit- -rt.-s- \Lct\. itw y ii compltat a i nsiita t aet iriill at' ta-i , rooms. (Of atrillh, is there nitatiti PB i les- i nw tnlr the siun? BatthIIe devil "Offi c ila tii i p aries!i ( rintl'lade i s titist "i , nit-fllw 0 it lt ~ but a, litl tsckesa p catrady's ofrtt k l,-r u sito Itm il a lal' s. ct-I tCtio t la clitas a h Bw i t troofs ers)tiis a wl toicgl Iieyp ae fcvr ii ii0st I tlt's B ot ttte Soe "O htat(nctnis ontier i n o tatoithetoit lc < 0 I;rls l i at21 lilie f ii-I. e , oshan ifrg lots d1n tesCti tce .a-1 titfngtruseiflaneitad topca ale wlns verb 7f1rds .c u l te a i n t .>- . feet ttnrestn neat Issaili t 'it' litinasfot a ali toitg.ttop ia as iton thil alvntgebyV l~ran7 Scinigbetwe A.leenaoranlv o11eMLawIdersy AComan Bell Phone 381 3 218 B Huron SI. Home Phone 205 Black JOS. A. GAG LE Or Motto: "What we do, we do Well" 1Rough Without Extra Weight A great tmainy inena like thse rotigli course braids bust object to ste weight. ThLe Kniox list stolves tlhe problemt. 'iia' nofoltonuly b Vustin Reule, Conlin & Fiegel 200=202 S. Main St. Quality noI Quinity The K~empf Music Studios P1.lao Pipe otart .i~0