T HE WOL VER IN E Tuttl e ft Co. LUNCHES Ice 338 S. State Street JOHN Hi. LAMBERT The Yost of the shoe Repaxiring B~usiness. le will do your work iahurry-up style. Laces, Polishes, Etc. The University Shoe Shop 613 East OWillim Street You will alwayshfnitailireline of SUMMER SCHOOL SUPPLIES The East University Pharmacy 1219 S. Univ ersity Ace. Our -Prices&-6Rigtt iJ.Qf M.and HURON RIVER BOAT LIVERY Canozes andiBoats Rented P. G. TESSMER, Proprietor Both Phones 050 STATE SAVINGS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. Caipitait$'0.000 Sueplus anid Profits $0,000 Rtesourics $1,400.000 THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK 101-103-105 S. Main St.. Ann Arbor, Mich. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All matlter in this colioii n mat tbe poid forin ai dvaiice.Office hours: 1 30 1o 3 p. ii. WANTED Local Ageiits Waiited in every city and cotntly in Michigan to introduce a niew labor savinig device that ;positively cello itself wherever shiown; salary $6o per intih and liberal comomission to live metn. 918 Chamber of Coin- merce, Detroit. 2-5. Wteid-A young lady to lake a sincgle roomc or suite. 173; Waslitectas. Ap- ply eventings. 3-5. Wainted-Studentl, in exchansge for room diiriitgssunmer school, to work its gardent sne boor a day. Professor M. P. Tilley, 1o1 Ferdon Road. 3, 4, 5. lhancid-To sell or cciit a canse for the soummser sessiont. Call at 024 S. Thsay- Tutlorincg its Rhetoricattd Esiglisih. Prices reasonsable. -Address, Lawit, Press Buiildinsg.. Phonse 96o. 4-6. POUND Founid-One pair of glacses us law buildinig. Ownier miay save camse by calling at Press Bldg., acid payitng for this adv. FOR RENT. Foe lDentl-Desiralyte froint roomi, oine lock fromi camspns, ii1t8 S. Uiver- city. cor. Church. WItt . msl; cPLAYWR~IGHTOScT BOWN. Beginniing tent fall a ntew couirse ccitt tic offered at .Brisiwi. It will decal sciths the cltudy isf draisatic Iticinue and play writing. The conrse cittllie msodel- ecd msore or less upont Prosfessor Bakers sinsilar cosurse at Harvard. At thtst istittion ;the course is limuiter tolitwcelve sisci, aisdl iss succeedlec thuss fatr initInns- ig outnEumbiiser of proisinug draimat- ists, amitithiigrecs Edward Sheldoinatid Atugustuts Thsoimas. The cisurse ait Brown illittti lirisied at least at first, to sinxsien, who must Ibe sensiors. Dii accouist of thc latciness cit the decisioss to givec rie coucrse, it wilt probiably tot bse inicltidedsthespricgsulsltiii. DIRECTORY OF SUMMER SCHOOL STUDENTS Namses ini this directory arc takens frois the rcords ini the ofies of the secretaries of the various depsrtiensl sisid contaiss the saue errors. I1f o tisse uemttbcer hasibieentlaced sit the enrollmient card, iosic is showcithere; but that does sut preclude there beiig ai phose ini the house; call chief oera- tor andtelcl her what house You wat. Eitrolliseitly Ite departments is i- dicatedt as follows: literary, naimse fo- tossed by o letter;egieritg,e law, I1, isseical, mi; parmiti, p; grad- utes school, g. Telephiotie inumbers its pareissheses are for the H-omse phloieoters for the Bell. Abbhot,OWaldo Mc,1 10 .Huiroi, AnntsArbor. 23i Abiell, George EC i, Txarkan,ii Ark. Ackermain, FranishVsilsons go E. Lii- erty, AinnsArbor 038 I, Ackinusosn, Frasiks IarowCilumiet. Adais, AcrtitrtC,ceit i S.S Universit, Ozark, Mo. 107o-J Adanm, Francecs Gusrlcy, 6tS Stae, Washsington, D. C. 979-J (128) Aidamss, Henry Ca.rer Jr, 47'i ll, Asis Arbor. 36,. Alertson, GeoirmgeVsillisis, K taliaiazoo. Amsbros, 'George c,39 N Diiio, Legoiier, Psi.fi79L Ammsermn, Laura Belle ,s ho602 Vash- ingtos, Hilsidale. 593J Ams, arle HlmettcisSt Louis, Mo. Anscis, Richard Ellison, 219 S Tssser, Ironstos, . 726L Asiderson, Agie Victoiaugoo S ifth, LaPorte, .Id. totS J. Anidersos,iBeinjamisi Frsinklini, 1, 427 Mayniarcd,fGolcottda, Il. 37-J. 'Andiersoni, H-asrldt V, , fto E.Asics .I lasisticti. t68i-J Andeersoi, Jaments H aloinc, te2 .-ptlecar, XWilutr EI c,6'4 Packsr, Jaiisestown.iN Y. o6 (6y8). Aruthnito,,'Anna sC rswelln Cle-lande, Ohlio. 'Ashsby, Sranley RoyaitI1,sustin, Tx. Atchtinscon, Gratc I rtnc Ypsiat si. Atkinss, Horace Tracy, 1 70 S. Twelthl, AititArboi.t301L. SYRAsCcUSE INTUCs E n cciPi Oiiic.OY teginntintg withi thecfirs setsestr of tot t ass introdusctory corse ii iascter- ioogy is offeresd at Scracs. Tisi couse cwitt coimprise a studs of lthe msetisodscsesdint th mcicrosopic e- aminiastions of bisteria; the preparatioss of culture tiedia;isterhosuedfits the cultica-tions (f bateria; nietodstsfor ceterintinig te iological enasstionr froiss air, waer, oil, sesag, etc. 5voRtK IN sect iEtINSORtonStuIMMn. Gysiu clssses Iegast on Modea at 4:00 oclocs ini Watermuani gcitnstitsiiii Wuider the directioni of Dr. Ge. Ma. A short letre wcss giceit by the istruct- tor after which the class begsi. MSIsuescioti CONCET POSrTPiONcD. Hit accoutnt of the desti (f M-rs. Stanlie, the School of Mtsic fsctty coiicert schedtuled for toimorrosw eei- iiig, has beein tostpoied idefinitely. N-tO MAN cIttTEACH t'.TH0tOEY. Dr. Dixnt, formser itistrucor ii pat- oogy, is now secretary of the sate board of healh. His work here has been t aken tup by Mr. Willard. of St. Johtns, Michigai. 'oCKEsesTAKE PAHOLOGYc HERE. Secenstufdeitsc froisothe IUiersity of Citncittiati arc oicn iiAitt Arbor doittg their -juiior work it pathology dtiriitg the summer sessioi. Good second-band hod aks it all sizes, to recit, for teit centso per day, at H-op- pe's, 6i9 E. Liberty, three doors froc Slate. 5-S. Brenilall's Restauranit Is the popular place to eat. We keep to the front and let none get ahead of us. Prices are 30c and 4oC. Special rates by the week. 612 Liberty, off State St. MEDICS GET COMPETITIVE POSITIONS IN I]OSPITALS. Thastrice seniior muecdical studcnts sip- psreciaite tesidvacntsges iof postgraducate' clinteicorh at lice compltetiont of tteir fotir eairs' mecdical coucrse is sowcicic a cenistus of 21cc class. Diii if a class of fifty-three, forte-three cviilslient a yeair or imore icc 1hccvarious thospitlssthrough- ouct the coutcrv. Pocur ccitt he asisitants is phcysiciasic itt private practice uwtide suitysinxnwitt cuter priv ate practcc ccithsotit further ciical expeitence. The uscialtnumbuer h-avc secoured ihositil tptoitmcensin i the cast isy compttivs enauminations. Jus sias tact scar, liestsutdensts ineerc instance sout out ccinthicexeamuinsatios althsoughi conmpeticisci was keesn, as slti- densts frocs Johcs Hopkuis, Harvard, Phcysiians acid SurzeosNewc York City, aidisthler castersi schools soiught thce slappointmencuts. The stcudensts fromsi:Michigan,. as visual, cxcelleit sot so miuchs ini-hook tore, as in their practical kntowlcdge of diseases. as gainsed fromi the eensciveclciiics at the University Hosital. CHuc-ilrSE oscnvS sTHnONG iOi.\MRICA. There arc six huncudred -anud fifty Chintese yocug mseis andtwomsens toss cstu iil the score aidvasnced schiiols of Amseriesi. 1O111thsi sumssbeethree hiundcred assetwoesnty-three arceusi tu- versties, sevenstc-two its-exclsively professionas itnustiutiostswcenty-thsree ini smsaler colleges andtud he rest us schiols. New York Stat scEutslrg- esl numbuher. Twoishuindredl and seven of these studcentls 02rtsuppsorted hiy the Chuinse governcmeint, cacti receivinsg sibout $9ooooo a scsiarthndsnarly Isalf of thesctludents case bccsu prepiarced for college ;by usssisusars uinsttutionss. Vise ice rage size of the vi-siu wsomeisetus- denuts is Isseuit-fite, that of ltce yoicung msens twensty-fotur. The "Iternastionasl Chamipicishstip" tensnis hiatt. The bstsmasde. Sece'hDatt Skinnser, 306 5. State. Collcge Ists is stiltlsisens throsughsm- icer schoo.i I Sindwcess f tall kns ANN ARBOR SAYINGS BANK Caipit - - X3E00,000.00 Surplus oand Profits - toio.000.co0 itesources - - j. .osis,000.0 A1 ;ecersc hbanhkig bustiniess transsictecd NitW.ComnerMainoand Huron Sts. A LLENIEL" Au-u Ar-boc's Largest stud Fieo itel M. M. NOWLIN, Propr. W. C. NOWLIN, Mngr. SHOES for MEN Tennis and Golf Shoes Ladies' and Children's SHOES You save money by getting your Shoes at E. M. FROST'S 302 South State Street THE NEW CATALOGUE of tbe Uni*versity of Michigan IS NOW READY Complete information "concerning seven departments: Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Den- tistry, and the Graduate School and the Summer Session. Special courses int Forestry, Newspaper Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education including Railway Administrations and Insurauce, Architecture, Conservatiou Engineering, Pedagogy (affiliated with Aiiu Arbor High School for Observation Study), and. a new course for those preparing for the acientific administration of departments of sanitation and public healtb. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement or Individual Information address SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University ANN ARBOR I Haller's Collegde Jewelry CnmplteeOptica e tH ihla tssWit aciiacid Jewetry IRepairing. Hllier's Jewelry Store 216 S. Main Street 1 r I b j 0Granger's Academy of Dancing .11u11mer' Schoo1lasiuses for Ladead nttlenTuesday anidFri- Su merEvenngs._7_to_5o'clock. r u is.0.Terni heginus Tuesday, July 11, IM.t for Particularsicall at Academy or Phone 246 Office Hlours 10 to 12 a. m. I1 7. The Ann Arbor SWImming Pool Will be Open Every Day Except Sunday 9A.M. to 9P.M. It is refreshing to take a bath in nce cool sprincg water. ANN ARBOR SWIMMING PARK 713 $. FJFTH AVE. Phone 996 2 Rings