TilEWOLVERINE Northwestern Mutual LIFE INS. CO. MILWAUKEE Let Us Have a Talk WithYOU FRED'K M. STEINBAUER District Agent. Hammond Buiding, Detroit WM. S. McCORMICH Local Agent 1210 Washstenaw Ave. Cali 373-J B5IST LUVNC HES in town at BANCROFT tce C~rea ad Cold Drinks 722 Mrae St. PHOTOGRAPHER Official Photogradher to Michigan Athletics car 10 yearn. Studio: 319 E. Huron St. Phone 961-L. IStudent's Supply Store For yar Note Banks, Fonatin Peas, Stationery, ENGINEER'S SUPPLIES, Candy, Cigara, Etc. 1111 S. University UNIVERSITY School of Music MAYNARD STREET SUMMER SESSION Eight Weeks Alt Branches Fall semester will begin Oct. 2 -30 Artist Teachers THE WOLVERINE Tri-weekly poblicatioit of the students of the University of Michigan Sumamer Sessionl. MUalangiiig Editor-Harold G. McGee. Easiness3d'aae-Jolsu H. Payne. BlUSINESSO a aPP' Assistant Businiiess Ha~nager-Victor H. Lawn. Address : THa. WOLVERINE, Press Bldg., Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Off ice Hones: I :oo to 2:30 P. m1. daily. Bell Pholle, 960. EDIOALnSsTAFF' Ernest R. Murton. Robt. M. Gillett, WXilliami T. Dkaulgherty. iBorleigh Jacobs. James D1'Es'eliii. Subscriptionl Roles : Local, seveinty- ficc cents for the sumnmer; msailed tn any~ address for one~ dollar. Advertising Rates : Furnished tupon applicationl 1o the BusinlesManager. Editor Today-Roco. M. GIvLL.oc TUESDAY, JULY TI, 1911. Publishedl Tueosday, Thursclay antI Saturday afternoositoby thlesttudenlts (If the Unliversity of MichligaslimmerlO1lsest- C ommnlsticationsowil be print~ecdontl' whsen signed, altholugh wsriter's namue wvill be withlid oil request. Notices pertaininlg1t1olniversity affairs svill be printed 011cc gratis. CALENDAR Julyv ii-Tolstoilectture by Prof.C. L. Melder, illwest lecture, room, phys- ics l111101or1101t 5. Mcentlal Hygicne, lecture ho Dcal V. C. Vaoghan 111 nest.amlphilthe11cr, Mccdic'al builcding, at 8 Jul 12 5 b.n2-M cid' of Learnin1g 11n Man and111 Anlimlal, Asssan ~t Pro- fessor J. I.Slepalrtd;55ect lccture 10011 of phy sics 111101atory 0us1c School con~cerrt postonledr. July 13, 5 p. 01.-The .Moral Aspect of Wordsmortll'o Poctry, Professor Gingerich o(f Goshen College; phlysics labodratorv. July 14, 8 p. m1.-Wt 11Shloldc Univer- ily Graduates do for Good Govern- mlent? Honorable Chase S. Oborn, Governor (If 1Michigan; University Hall. 10IS T 1R1G0T Wvith todlay's issue ode gclbinlrunn~inlg o)111dcrectory (If summeI~r schlool otod- eInls. Wie have to get ouir in formlatiou colncernlinlg iheway y11u1spell yostr Iname, vou~r addlress andc youlr telephlone 11u1m- ber frsom the' record y011 made o)11 for lile secretary of your department. W~e (Ire tryinlg to copy youir record, mistakes, an oclvrbatm.I111 uve ovd r ac- quired11some1 n1ew iformoatlion a0sIItolor telephone nu11111111r,311o1nighlt correct Slhe secreta1ry's recorcd tbcfore we hasve made lauging~ stockI. (1oflorselv es for solemnlIly pintingIIyour ar es wt htfunny lanlady" wh1om5o u h01 ad lo it1111after fortsy unpaid(lbills, it is 1)1te11worthI wtile to knosw that y1011are withlin cal- l1ig distanc1e of the telegraph ofi~ce -or the 11a01 who wants to play tenn~is withl y01. If swe mang~lle our n1111'is withl kistIinentions. R101 emembler "it horts 1s worse 111a11it does you," dearest. PloloaS ni 1*5 L 5 01(1T, Si~tnlIlnR. Hot Weathler Specials-Light Cloth- in~g, Underwea r, Htose, Ties, Straw Hats, anld other fixings at smoall pries. Alien's Good Clothes Store, Matinl St. s-au. Law Books for Soummer Schlool. Larg- eat stock is Michigall. New and secon~d hsand. C. E. Barthlell, 326 S. Stale St., second floor. Tel. 761-L. s-to. New an~d Second I-and Books. Law, Medical, Dental. Largest stock, soweat prices. C. E. Barthell, 326 5. Stale St., upstairs. Tel. 761-L. I-so. Outintg trousers, flannlels and tropical Worsteds. Allell's-Good Clothses Store, Main t.oI-so. Summaer School Books. Newn and second htand Dictionaries, Art Lines, etc. C. E. Barthel], 326 S. State St., secontd floor. Tel 761-L. s-so. Underwear for men, all styles and prices. Allen's Good Clothes Store, Maino St. s-so. Foontalit pens5repaired. 'Malle good to less. FEnltailn pen sale onl all the te. The best prices consistesnt with the test grade of pros., Dadl Skin- tee's, 306 5. Slate. Whlitmiore Lake is a pleasant place for a little outintg. Slop at the CliftIon [ttt. 2-6. Penntalnts, fantcy work antd curios;t best prices. Palais Royal, tog E. Liberty. Text Book's FOR SUMMER SCHOOL Oceans of Second-Hand Books at. prices that will save money., Engineer's Supplies FOUNTAIN PENS BLANK BOOKS STATIONERY, ETC. WAHR'S University Bookstore- The ,SilniIler Schol Ite11m, tile Utti- -_____ versity- o Virginia college paper, re- CAPS. entlly adolsied a novel( schemte fole ad- The latest Entglish shtapes in plainl vertisitig its Items shleet. Onle Iof the coloes and checks. Allenl's Good Clothes janlitors, co01111111113'knowst as "Unicle Store, .Maini St. -0 Peter,' wsn dutlcedtl o ritde aIlmule ar-- ound1(1 the campus deceoratedl witih ban-( For all Mulsical Inlstrutliis, supplies, tiers a1n11 lallcards 110 advertise the 1 popullar atid classic muisic, ace Schaeberte 'fIrt." Last Tutesdavo afternoon as lie atnd Sont, Music Houlse, iio S. Man St. oct1 galiopitig aroundil the ctampus cauts- s-so. ing tmuch laughter amionthIe splectatocrs, -________________ tihe excessive teal, tolgether 5wth1 a1 heasy- VoWhent 30ugeltohungrv at 'Whitmiore fanl'cl cnt swhichblie wore, wao tool Lake, call atid see Mhrs. Stark at thie much 1for 11111, a1111 le 5tudd1en13lyiecameio lfton11111. 2-6. un~conlsciouis. lie is at pesent utnider-____________ thie care ofI till:luniver sity hos1pita1 l doc- We have an all lasw table at Walker's, tor. 336 S5 Divisionti.512. [tome Laundry Company Bell Phone 381 J 218 E. Huron St. Home Phone 205 Black Jos. A. GAGLE Our Motto: "What we ito, we do Well" Quality not Quanity (lend far llusteated eislatog e ICHARLES A. SINK [ Secretary IThe Kemlpf lMuisic Studios I Planso Pipa O.-ga* I Voice Cuslturme 3119 S. Division St. 5Phone 110063 KIRTLAND'S The Old Place Billiard Parlors Beat and Moot Expensive equipment IN THE CITY FULL LIN' OF Cigars, Tobacco and Candy ccNO Rough Without Extra Weight A great ssany maen like the rought course braids hot object to the weight. The Knox hat aolves the problem. Kinox sofd only bry ns. Reule, Conlin & Fiegel 200-202 s. Main: St. Lyndon, Photographer Arnn Aror'a Headquzaerss for- Kodaks. Camrsesas ad Photo Sxapples It make a specialty of Developing, Printipsg ansd Enlarging for Amatetrs-by modern smethsods. Tihas been my businses for sevesn years and it has increased every day-Osnly results will do thsnsd so wheneve r yon want anything photographic look for the sign of the kodak-That's wleethings snove. LYNDON 719 No. Vnahree-aty Kodaks foe- Raet. l~upser day i ________________Suits JFi/1u er tli ate's20% SUBSCRIE FOR Ghe GAR.GOYLEI off 75cerFor NeIxisa O 1 75c~erlrancis L.Rlrdan Manatirt Editor WarnCrnBu es aae THE, WOLVERINE Officied Student Newspaper for the University of Michian Sumnmer Session. Published Tri-rWeekly FThe Address and Phone Number of Every Student IThe Daily Happenings on the Campus Some of the Items It Will Contain: J The Announcements and Notices of Future Events I The Substance of Public Lectures You Can't Attend lThe Official Faculty Notices 78a for the Summer. $1.00 by Me.il Bell Phone 960 Address Press Bullding I- BREN4N A N'S RESTAV'RANT Ttircoolest ptace tn toni. The only placee for Sunmmer School students. Excellent service arid up-taddate in every particular.3 Regular Board $4.00. Single Meals and Meal Tickets. 612 E. Liberty St., two doors from State St. B.11 Phonie 164 a