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July 11, 1911 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1911-07-11

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.>.., rr .--

Vol 11.



Life of Mexican Indian Is Graph-
ically Represented With
"The Iodian 'oTribes of Mexico,' was
the title of tihe iregulaor lectore for sunm-
mer school stodeoto, which woo deliver-
e(d Mfootas aftetrnoon by Prof. J. R.
Alien of the Enoineering dlepar-tment.
'The West iphyosios lecture room wao
crowded to ito foil copacoty. The sprak-
rr woo introdocedt to 'hio eothusiostic
aoutieocc ire Prof. U. It Kroos, secre-
lorry of tihe sumero sesiono ande tire graid-
noate school.
Aboot ayerr 'sgo Professor Allen
madoee 0 trip throug~h Mexico ot tire ire-
biest -of a D Tetroit corporaotion r for the
pourpose of loicatirg a planrt from whticho
it osos hroped. thtro a siropstotote fior nib-
Iser coold toe .obtauired. White err this
trip a 'arge riniber of pictures wecre
takeir . 'treocso eec 101011ectedt on tire
sceeo (:luriirg ttre lectsrr.
Tire coury tirro"'l whticir ttre paoty
ipassed wsas exlt reel backdors01 civil- i
izotton. BRiroacds were oraocticiily on-
kioownr aooo trael'inrr ws accomtopisped
largety iby oriles anet buooto110.
k Mexicn .life °o'os better ouiderstoodi
by oil oxho woere piresent, Tire cathe-
deals, wxith toil sisires 'cet "oldein cros-
ses; thc hoouses witir onlye doors lead-
org to the ioutside; thc notires wxithn their
brooei-rinrmeii hrats andoLac ias
score ,oil ptictorredt and~ discorssed, wsithr
Prof. Aileni coicluideid -lis iectorre with
ro fewx reomarks oin tire foirrD

"Tolstosit tibe tire surjecet orof'rr.
C. L. Meeter's leetrore iintire wostl boo-
ics leeteote rooirthis fenon rf.
Xltcouer "roes tireeourses ini Toistoiranet
Rorsosior literatuoreired is aniardotitadc-
11000er of this socalist autoitr.
Ir tire-eveirir-Do. V.C.Viiighan,
deati of tireoreidicolschroroisill steak
osr the subtject of PMeirta1lb slygeneo or
"I l3ox toget tihe rostot 10of yourrieino
os-ibhtire vleateffort."Tire lectre soill
1beisn atn8rot ' ccrr ir h e sct ,iimphi-
threatre, t edceuildcricoi
PWtedoesdiay afternroonr Procf. J .F
Shepaitciri f tire tosycologyodepartmenit,
ositt lectutre iir tire ptoircrs lectutre roromio
oil tire 'olethrodsotssrIeaI rn orginbMor
aindtAnimatl.I Prof.tirepare Iis ire
lost irfthetpsl-chrlogoitcIliliboratrt idur-
rug Prof.tPilsbutrys'srabsen0cc.Tire af-
Itroonlettor es wilbegi tio.5 00oock
Suggestion to Examine Law School
Graduates Sharply Opposed
Pof.otJ.C. Kn000 owlonoftheilao.Ide-
tportmoent, irecilaedittrwrof
wcords i tsh l 're ooirroor o thlr e in 100
Strte I'Bir Asseeratioorit GL kei clost
owcek wsoelrcor tto liedthIrat oltons stir-
dons ito 00 marttoer owheroe. g cooduat,
rshouldit ie iiiade to rtokctheo stile Ibor
P luiror f romirtire Dceiroit Colege of
I, oxw took eoxeetontooPirof. txoloir's
remrksrboeloevion"grtror throy0w10000imoed
1spseciteficallat -heOcn e of trheeihrrged
Proof.torooKn owltn rththeiretiol too e
udeprioe thero toit awISo holoef the
sameprilees11 - errtoyerth3try Pt dour.
rt Abheteod discuossionoiooreo00r less in-
hot orooitos1odeirlitofthoe corgoresthe
resltlof 0rielo 00a10 a tesoltionoirnrt
paossedt ro 11111 torsto star tigiorsuttancee
tht inb h opiinof theoetionio,
it s stoo eaiso to blome weit r1oo ilor

Heart FailureSiezes F.AHooker
'65L, Justice in Supreme
Court of Michigan
Aooobu r, N. P.,Juts10, .1101.-Jiitice_
Ftrarrk A. itHooker, '6j1, of tire Suptreome
- Ccortof Pt ietrirl rooppcedoeadof
-T art cdiseoose -solte ocooolirg foor 00 rolooc-
war ooun iooortirainr in tire Neow York Cern-
trot deot eeot tooc tis o i ng. -
In tomay it oooory jodgI eoorge S.'
llosme11 10001He'iroy-'A.Ma' e ll ot efhe
Ciei li Co000111of 'ii r toojudoge Iloook-
er tod lot n t on a00 lliautooobiletctoulr, hroo-
010" 01arrosed hire ysedy Ie oras
o00eren b\-01 to lliness dri ti lte roiioht
oooot os rep ring too returor too lis
hom 001 Hi00 1110 l Os n, wireor the finoal 0a1-
tako cte ie soseieo l(0111
jutice iH ookeriswhoo lootdtouloo colo tir
s01p000eoech ot eel yas ,~l
iroteot froomotheL atirmteonotoo I i i '10 )t6
anod ws is doittedi too tieretoit- t 'ioiioo''
ha lte 'i l o lie rc teo w00 0 lecc t
too tile oificeso0 00f s-.ointo oico of
scholsand prose1000ctitin, aotlootoony or
1{01001 cotiloto5000ccesively.
In I7teo eaeotdeO th to ioe fti
jouoiia iorcit. itoIe reigneothtios po-
sition l 11080)2 toofilian10u1100xp1110d tei~rm
0000 -hoe suptremebechfohe olae, lot
owhicho bpositioneoi i c;r e c r o'e
0-c-oyer:Il-; h d ognoil~ gerot
ion activoe oork 01 oi t oo ectoe00crsi010 .

The Liic oosrort y 001ann0onceothtie
discovery ofIaoew oooct o -te otmor-
og oof Jurioto Thoe comooet rises t
aot oli3 o'cek inthe o rtring oandois
visiioe i- stoi1a pairi of foed gfaseiO-0n
tire eosteron skyo u oit loteeoo degrees
aoee the-horzoon 0whoeoethe 01111rnes.
It is anounusuolooothOingtoiodisooera
comet thaot is visiole throuogh ordiiaoro-
hinocoeiiors bitt, otalohtuithoapppret-
somaoot, theo could is cootpar00atioel- toi-
iat. It is exiopeteod tot teorbit oitt
011eclomp td otodayandthttenrtie actrol
sire ofthtio 011exopcteotvisitorotoitt-e
knoe. oso-ctiephtolg'rtohic xoskon 10
thocomoet osilte"ooaoIt te toclobosor-
atoroytoo tire eoooof to- week.
Tte o eto waooosesoooereod iy-'-Dr.
ieff. andoois 0costootinsuchcases
1t00 0000001 05il boachtsnaoo
"1Herb" Gioetz and "Smi" Smith are
off for Europe
Euorooie oono tier o-es No r ihe-rdofto
itt' W-etl, ext 0erit oiltoo atttie
stoic fore yountg Ameoricanoathltoetes too
hurtleith -Ie Alps5 andotstoow te Brotisho
C'honoeol-1astriodertie -ncreepopublartm too-
ostocteotehcl.Fo to Mietrigooo
1111 of0rot n, io eh" oez oaond
-"oono Smitiastoibotos atoot snois
aie a lefn Prior t 1to sethenc
00011inroe othetoosummenre ohieeiiiog
00011 te l'itctero rn Sato th-ie
1The detoarture 05as 00m110e ftoonod a-i
to 010011 e00 o lPPein oe for Neow
P orikorcc tre t0000 Ptni o roge
wsil ioeiondottoofGiiratIr no tenee
tto noa, Itlis Th i yocl es re lot
ocino"crrred osertor fer of implort
dties nnEIoeotobutit hoc oeno re coni-
fient tinat snotatoe "bkes" cootte ob-
Roobog or"101tins roo tie cclists -oill
teonr SonitzerlndnodmotFrnce,senitg
a riypo01tloieacchrf the moreim-
lootat oicties I ws1saoitttoe con-
oron kosno e htin hilonoe on tieGlee
doom trols, Smthnwa05s1w00lli accuintoied
sot onto lecst one "oct ron erch town ot
ih aocl steo 0000s otade I[acing ore
muientire mbi oftfussonorinAmnerica,
it is beleedotboo lis ftiends otaite oitt
co himsnrel preodthnt e tir orsex
of ensrn=ihamlet troug"-rws-totemie ps-
Thirontriplthroughto Frneesitt te
folosweodboo a montonirs srsyon the Brit-
shIlesTlheo oillottudorno beNew on-rkn
oorly ton tire ftnt
Sltdntsofrobtir ue 010r0sbiceire ion
vitedri to aorcnothIte Ioftie pinino
leges offeredobbootie Univesiot .l.C
:a., locotedrinn PlcPinlarn l.Tie rearot
org room ontinooosies of teireyorta001
ers tounblislhed in lthehtgnr"citdies o0
Mfichtigoan -and oter- sls 'Thb ecboe
lY oano monothly.] te'oCloo roelsoco-on
Ste. ntoorrro toonori.,not-eroopitenetboer
eaoos lre mnotainent for tie pontpose of
asistingstodeots Tea-ine to h n-lie
wellapoineotedianoon oemocrtic lubo
Tire somlenore nedics f tot se-
nester,S arcsr -the 'Trso clsto Stve
token tire preimoinry tlosearo e f the
it-nmedic ecorseloaeedone omnucnto
vindicote tie rcticalnes of the newer
ssteon: -,t rPWacbbinrrso loston-pati-
elegy slides or setoensof01thehouoan
booty areciorojected on a sreen for bloc
studoents to dentfytie parts. Out of

bloccdoss of Ibirt-, toutr wooldn havoe
breenta iormal average to do the task'
wos-ibtiba blouinder°,inn the- pb-resen clats
thiteen -toade to mistakes in their
work;. '

New lelescope is to Apcompanv
Professor Hussey on South
American Trip
PPork to tie 24ndo retrctnontel
scoe, ne on, tat s beiuno, iloilt t
tine unovrritroyshopso nobengr"ipuse
rtpidly.r Alrecady it nsoonethirdorn101
piteed, fourttmoen beo" kept cosolrty
at wortk oniohSovenal bocks o01-lss
havoecboon ca st anIthe Para Maoutuios
Glaoss\PPrksonionrionPCrs bthas oer
or terefelctcstour"'fore the loos hstot
beeno moro.nic tnthu latomminnnuncatino
frth moo I;'gass company, it1 1was si
troattecrxctdi o to re te icns
compltdntlimoon ct PPWen coritnpted,
tine tescoeorowu ittohoe a thrbo loseebrut
tube, rosand ottitlbreuoreo dote mofoths
eight feet diamnineeror oe"bt feet"retelr
tthhObe (Ironc enclosing tbelarogeorei-
It hIs ut eri twhee the
(Ionc- ouin mnbuil, broil s lie teeoe
gooes toSthtrtbA mooeri oo twOronsoars
1 nh PofIcssorbLiunses, threewrout fe
ometnboobo o nre it sth lboo ulcer sirer
to edhur o nrte ontenew ox sr cro
As telrare oreflectorg tescoe ieso
isertsorblytorboospeosc0 opiewosothso
wiltire newr efbeaontortbeiredblocor ohe
oncratono n reasiltetents on Ie
b inrrno-stun so:stems.urns Cu usc, o
us-tnut te ustumnont is bentg"broom, is
tine geeatest authorietvon te stbec of
doe-oncsltas tht thfie woxrldhaios en
knowxn. Plthoug"h heire 5jlst reneing"
reive usorn th ios iinue aften a rest-of
es-er six oyealeo Ie sill remtano suptre
wxiit0a useenvenrof141 binr-tato r osit5-
If Etrof. itosoep'-.hail soodesreotInc
cotld inare hraora trty-sixich Itel
scotre, or tie sronne one a t t ltie
ick observtorynoostich ist lr g rest re
fracting"teescoebin ur" sedb nn tie
wxord. Port tos kindrlof woskowesere
in insrumntnne ot tine oze echoseono
considered- the est for i1isnow0001ri
enoughr to see th eevy faitetlsoboes
rn is setbot teeounwioedy.
The new telescope s ortaoe rposie
through tie enenos tfts of Robot
P.T loirur gi eot Chicaon woieis
giving money s iis ueeed in tie con-
strution. PWfth tie cqisitnrrof tlios
instrnumntniPichigrirwsouthavnoe tie most"
complioete observalertn cnnecion ositto
an nnruesto innthe ornoo
Inn tire opinion of Prof.ii S Smalliey,
tieretentl decsonsothbc s1101eme ccornt
ino regard to tire Standrdr Oil moot To-
boacco Trusts hareonsly endedl to roise'
liens-compritions instead tof adding
refiniteness to tie re tsent siouation.
This was the'key-note of a talk given
by Prof. Smalrleyiefoe his class it
Tronspoprtaoboenonlirhehost ap' of lott
regolor session of school josh elosed.
"AnnitmortantIpoint it onrneetion
wsith the decision which 'hoo been amost
overlooked,"saint bloc speker, Is th
-imliton 'conceern" tifthinatnetd-
mcml o the coonstttion. Ithtie word,
'unreasonabloe'rmoifvinogthe elause 'in
restroait of braenisn left inn teno it may
prove to hoe-timpossibleto, itopoe any
criminal penaines bearuse of the nn-
certaintyo of tie offense -Ott- tiether.-

brand, ift Coogress takes the ood own
tire aetmrthb ien be belh-to hoe oune on
shtitotlotuel becase-itn cie citvtolatonroof
-the fifthnameoind-met Tis was sheengby
itoplied hb- -the surpremecchtnt he
Sfaotdarh Oil ce.'m'

"'This adnomitration foiled fee hwoe liudigtinr Wife of Prominent Local Musician
reasons," he said, "Snost, becauseto a t- Phoany of tine barritsterso xhoInui greet- Passes Away in London
tenopt oxas orodetheducareote tine ocople, e c ori ther toleasanrtlyinn lthoornitng Aeblgootf rl rutrntenuli
and seconde, becausoe it osas tire curstomn faoiedtotenbidot rne oanothergoodt-bye rot in ontI- - buts
bo redruit lireormy by sentening"'fetlors night. ie routeobfEProf. tiamumbo drinctor of
to serve o nmniber of pears inri i h colo uic pha00mb 101 1 Saot-
STEClHN'PIC" hi Et PTLIS T)O iii Sop nioorn" Pinssin Staley ihdboeon
WOnosrss o x,o soreLL ;True N ix III{,DQ\,'0 PTPUIl P1VT 'PtI,. ill tonf bo on"imue ocfore sire dieod, mont
'tr WP~omoeon'sLeagure wiloltdntits =thme otifroc minor" I oeit moItn or rbe
Snotstoparety nutheiseaorn mltlmb h tir hlomi rstnmenr ot tire inu Tit]linhlocexcitbemtnnt of toere ontoir,
gynasiumoriedatoafteronoon tfro fortMichigaunTechnichis hjumst omit. 'Thtoolidi much Itonateoon bcr eaho Pttrrogbn l
too six onock. Reftreshomoenutsoarunt c-000 1echouein has0ben conedulatrlyo nibishedohlie nessa-me ciii notmlstole tin miasceot
lng wxillhue the teaoures. Tin eae bduainrm"'eblueist-loscombofount-oyears, but Pin o ot earhooitmlis hbeeed boe
soluldrebtphrries evcry othoenrotri m oo urntlthins peonronus blue tbeinttha thbshe nined ohe reo ailrue.
durinhg suonmmoet schoolroono ilire oprenmadet110 ue rn uartelly nuombersi Prf. Ptd rou tae eft AnnoPr-
to omit soenen rmlnledninn thunivoersio tin Te oougoing"oirondmihranstofoundcthatthistbor immedrciauteldts-0bee tire lPt s-stir- ob
pa reqirednohnormuch te ionicftom0011its tor Londniwhee \or.tonoPnSItmumboyoremrec-
tutOrs HASOs G muse i tdent lmembilers an ex erte scribedmltobe'Unitedl Stoles mlibloc rorteno-
'htie otinumronoof g"adaebtes tremrTechirc south aginm ie tpubliushedt 05 a tionalmus011icat corvnuodrouor Whedm rooc
lronen-utecenr 1;69 rndt 910 'utclnrs-semit-annuoal.idteddton lone Ecuropeocsmoosron' us toe
roe to 6,379.(Ot thisns mb111110 3 le Tisnus nmbeonannui num itreocrntiorn ce-roniooes swereomeo, broi
gradtinoes from!the mmin'scolee;,c476.sciefclireIticmle 01soonuronus phoases of tlimo oor eco ndition ot PXIes.Stonles
fromtohe womrein's,142trout advanucedmlenrgineerim",activity. Pmrof. J.1.Grirl hocalih ronne atpostponemntnioecessar.
doulrses ,oand iM ftr0000thne medicaoh tln contibnrutes "The Pbomorrsitiron broom IMts. Starnleys 0a00wsomnn of iii"'char
school. Al tineireesennt Itone there one Re solton ofuttresses,"mntdCorot. '0 mtelreld Ireaeotho erning- broil ea
3,208 lovimgiBrowrnograduanotes (mreno), h'.Geene "treno-gtPh Mtenrmobs roomoften tine dentm of tier (k urgttcrPiuss
osho ire scattoredaoiler enthe osorld.bdrc onnpoonuchStress."_Tineeet rim -Elsar tinr -moroesohtreloss noore
'Tineoldest rotorn LeBrosnmm ram "radio catoturn nutthe De-troibtu-ertnnel, is seeimfelt.'PMrt. otne3too blts-es-
atedinn thre class of 1841. Thelareste dicsednlbooPP13.NoRnroe. n ondn.
classwas00ini 19006oswheni146 tmetonorld filthier artices are. Loong ta nce
n]ahed; line stmllest claoosumws ino nM,TeransminssinrrrLimes,"ins S..1. in P 1111 AT LITTLE COST STU DL'P't'S-
oshlen emits'fourn Inernnrded. "oosof Steamnothrorugh 'Pozzies insb U CAN VISIT 'PhI'GAPRACALLS.
- - 5JL t.roos ienri nd annaronlbe on corn-
HOroronsoone no-Sn moo 0000 0OvtION. putotnof concreteclam -by . .Len-- Croftesot Calobunoruttine geolog-Sc-
Profesor1varus Hlbrnnoooftblwhors ItoAt litotof tire odorve nneinners eof nnb ot rnntnt00o msobr
dteiportmercntinorecuoveit"' rapidnly tromt time Eoninneerin sodiets fee 1910 1910 is ~mN 0 ulenSntcr mb O
aim oeeationtouraptpetndicitti swhoch oswa scn toeiTire expioer so illine PromAnreeor
poerfeormedbyimpDr. ehorsoon,'Saitorcay. Ptielms Jutt 2tret urngSoondno tighot
Prof. Hobirooko s-ilhoceohmic to hoe abrout TO br~ O CK'00 Rt d O~t 5100NlGY0001 ore Pborni us'monini".PPieitire co-
earlpy next soeek.P metsnewcmientfloor nostremor"lridhatleronisn desi"gnend-otrumanily foe geol-
-'- peseont,110nPPateetnog"oymnasiutmt nonego stiudenuts, it 0wilbeOel]nto oil wos-o
' N AT;te siN i AssrTANeoxss tine ookers ore ho biraiseS off thne destre to omoke bloc hemp.Those iter-
The followxong studntsohose beeon ap- toot. Tinework will hike ceonodertle ested, should see Prof. Cribmouti in, he
pointed assistants inn pathoology for the litte both noexpected 'to hoc finshedt by the geology roomr Econuomics .buildig,
rnsuinog school year-: Martin Jude, openingo of the fall semresber. The ce- somnetonoe before next Monidav to nmake
Louts EfflerViegiohGrecerJohon Hay urenot being cleanner outS the ds more atnneinhs. Special mrratieents
.Malcolmn oMarshallLloyd ,Otto,- Hen- castle kept otilof. the. raised lockersare hein adre for transportation-ad
rich =Reyc IFrairk Wilson, Canlenthtie changes will tenod to prootei more oilmen occommnodaions. Loss eates snill
"Wood, mud Joe Punderhueg. sanitaro conrditons. be secetred.-

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