T 14 E W 0 L V E R I N I.P i Northwestern Mutual LIFE INS. Co. MILWAUKEE Let Us Have a Talk WithYOU 1FRED'K M. STEINBAUER Disatrict Agent, Htammond ttaldtiog; Detroit WM. S. McCORMICK L~ocal Agent 12N0 Washtenaw Ave. Call 373-J BEST LUNC]HES Itownr..at BANCROFT Iee Ceams and Cold Dinks 722 MoOne St. Gbe PHOTOGRAPHIER Official Photon apher to Mlehtgan Athletics for jo yeatrs. Stui: 319 E. Huron St. Phone 961-L Student's Supply Store iFor year Note Sooks,1FouutainiPenso, Statione ry, ENGINEER'S SUPPLIES, Catndty Cigar, t.e121 SlUiv tesioty UNIVERSITY School of Music MAYNARD STREET SUMMER SESSION Eieht Weeks AltBraneches Fall semester will begin Oct. 2 -30 Artist Teachers .Seed for lan.tratost ctatogue CHARLES A. SINK Secretary i THE WOLVERINE Tri-weekly pulicsation of the students of the Unoivcrsity of Mlceliga Sumtser Session. Matnaginsg Editor-Harold G. McGee. Batsinoss 1Mnoger-JohehII. Payne. *Assistantl Business itfanagr-Victor H. Lawit. A4ddress : Tue t aRIotE, Press Bldg., Maynard Street, Ansn Arhor, Michiganl. (1ff ice I-oars: 1 :0o to 2:30 P. m.i daily. Bell Phonte, 960. Sublserition Rates : Local, seveitly- five, cetslofor Ithe saummer; mailed 1o any address for onse dollar. Atdvertising Rates: Furinishedt uponi apsplieation 10olthe Btusiness Maaager. Editor 7'fitsf-I RN se BaRTON. SATUJRDAY, JULY 8, s9it. CASLENDAR Jualy to-The Inisas Trihes if le'sico, illustraledtleclt rliy Prosf. J.R.A- elinaataste stteturesomphysics lb- oatioryat 5 July tt-Tolstasi, etunic las Irof. C.. Meadercinasstedlecturt.,rooms, slys- Xlentlal Hygienee lecltrelasysDsitn'V. C. Vasughain itsnweot ampithileater, Medliesalbsuildinsg, at 8. fTsere soll lie aitneeting of the cidi- toriilaltf Moday efveeningiiatil o'clocksf'. ls efiwho eect to w t'ko lihe' ptaper ns he Preseat. There is casing toa e roomltsfor sev- era mores it'auos" oiilie lasterIlis solo- isis. Moistof the-smenishovavsae seess out so fir res apreitly efficient sad aoo snoirkmens;isian e iant aoret sai iucheauiss seesat get alongaswith-. salt theis ttolsaakeste wo-rk asslgh as possible faar isdiiduials withsouttloI eisagii inayowaty te graentlesathe spae. Tacit, tail, it lassblensoursexevperiencee Hot Weathae Specials-Lighst Clsoth- thait a fairly large stafif, asiv stensiser saling, Unaderwear, Hose, Ties, Strasw Hats, wiih is reailysasidsaxiossstsepto ans d other ivings at smtall prices. Allets's the shaoes if ltae sman saove huts, is Good Clothes Store, Maint St. I-to, cociv toie as vserr-lbenefcial compsleti- I - _________-. - tion. Whliu e say' iv itteas se ii a LawcBooks for Summiser Sehool. Larg- ether mentor woen-isis iasnone aha ss est stock its liehigats. Nfsvatnd seeotnd ctpaslts Bitt we sre last rat 111ilg at silhansdd C.B. B.arthell, 326 S. StatIc St., futsctinandailstosi sawisorskl:s itastir second tfloor. Tel. y61-L. I-so. fIaasadaultslofaSIfaositntltos ecomte aslnitor, omNol.It vourtetiar's andelGilbert's H igh it idousbt asstothle svlate of11.11spsar.I(Gradle Chocolates always freshs at Ticer's extperis ee, ask-site emitser ofItl etsrugStore, tt1y So. Maist, Phionse270. rhtoi dpatent aboust i1.1-4. is WAsOa as sAiseiss. NesanodSecosad I-and Baaks. Law, ItfsiltuIshise files to las ive y 'riediealBestal. Largest stock, lowest pitiesr yastve as abily fell likse swars prices. C.B. Barthiell, 326 S. State St., mg; we hase sssoria The deliv eelbosass pstsatrs. Tel. 761-L. I-to. itse set ad thes loss't semitoIsaget taiiigs righathIle fir stIssue. eN ati ou Outitne trotusers, flannsels and. tropical to avs e souiepaperad we cant tell IWNorsteds.Attest's Good Clothes Store, aW-lenu s-las' tls geteti evcep51tessyolists'satusSt. I-to. tell uts. Siscallits utilt n Tm'lssNias viisifails tis appsear i -atsor loorail Stumer Schiol Books. Newanod assl do toa r sasst ogt tteeaext seeond hanavDictioasaries, Art Lines, tistsI ec. C. B. Barthell, 326 S. State St., ___________________ second floor. Tel 761-L. I-to. J. R. ALLEN NILiL IPE a Lsa O tA 1)1 NA TRIm ,S m Mt Ih IC) Unsdsrwear for mten, all stylesana-f sries. Attest's Good Clothes Store, "The 1 adiat Tribelas its 'Mexsio ss witlMasts St.t-to. bae theinevt leteure tolbe 'iven onassthe assvesrsitsyecuse. Pref. J. R.Alleni sWse save ass all lain table at Walker's, asill stve the lectusre at 3 o'elisck lilt 'iona 336 S5 Bivisions St. 2. d yin sthe t waesti lestutre asoists fii I I-la Pls buielthnVtWhistmsore Lake is a pleasant place IHasavgbsentsengaagedl in ii as tilylles fair a little outsing. Slop at the Cliftons sat resteahvork amoniig thleills-istsesof lss2-4. 'ilevuellIsrif.:Alensti actqauired nt unuiisul knows itlest"" of thi lar1 ct it s- e Iansfasisy nork atnd curios; bs5t tolessofa sin utarisate Thae leacltre teases Pa1aisRoyalt209 . Liherty. parosseslatao ise neiofevcerptiouss i - its2 Iserest. ( _____ ____ Tasts its" its Rhetoree icsndI"11 isb. CAPS. Pries eaonale. Adres, Lwn laItest IEnsglish shapes in plain Pres ltldng Phne96. -6 colors sand cecks.Allens sGood -Clothes PesIsiiso Psae fa 4 Sto NI sMits St. 1-t0. IFoutntaiiinlpens repliaired. -M ale go iais ew lFoutainpensilt on lItIe FoersatlBMusicail Intr mntis, siupplies, ise. I Tse test sricses cessistenit wilsathiopltaradclassic msic, sesee Schaneherle te best gr ale sit tes Ists.tDd iki- ad Sass Muict H-ousetto S. Hoist St. iises, 306 S. Stte. I-0. NMrsa Staset:itses a syecsalty if acIitk- I lisnyogts hngy t \-Witmotire enlastsisid iris'"eg is nnlaers it the Laikte, ill saldsee NIrs. Starkls st the I Cliftonsalists. 24. CliftInn.lits2-4. Text Books FORt SUMMER SCHOOL Oceans of Second-Hand Books at price a that will save money. Engineer's Supplies FOUNTAIN PENS BLANK BOOKS STATIONERY, ETC. AUniversity Bookstore c-~~ l l t t Home Laundry Company' Bell Phone 381 J 218 E. Huron St. Home Phone 205 Black JOS. A. GAGLE Our Motto: "What we do, we do Well" Quality not Quanity 1 Mi The Kempf Music Studios -Piarso Pips OrgAl" VanlessCuture 32 S. tivrisiost St. tIsise 10 j KIRTLAND'S The Old Place Billilard Parlors Best and Mtost Expensiec, equipsment IN TH B CtTY FUtLL LINES 0F Cigars, Tobacco and Candy i 1 Lyndon, Photographer Arnn Ar-bor's Haadqunartesn-afor Kodaks. Cameras an~d Phato Stapples I make a specialty of Developinag, Printitig attd Etnlarging for Amatettrs-by modern tmethtods. This has been mty business for sevens}-eats and it has increasEd every day-Ottly results wtill do thtis atnd so whenever you want anything phsotographic look for thse sign of the kodak--Thtat's whereIthitngs tnove. LYN4DON 719 No. Vnlven-alty Kodaks for Reest. 10c paer day Rough Without Extra Weight A great ttattytmetn ltke te rosught course braids but object to te veight. Tis.e Knox hat solves thte problenm. liso r sold oly- by s., Reule, Conlin & Fiegel 200.202 S. Main St. SUBSCRIBE FOE ForeNext Ye Wce5arren Crane, Business Manager, I All Men's Suits JF OZuert C.. at 200o off Officiald Student Newspaper for the University of Michian Sumrmer Session. Published Tri-Weekly FThe Address and Phone Number of Every Student The Daily Happenings on the Campus Somte of the Itemns it Will Contain: The Announcements and Notices of Future Events The Substance of Public Lectures You Can't Attend The Official Faculty Notices 75c for the Summer. $1.00 by Mail Bell Phone 960 Address Press Buziidinf BRENN14AN'S RESTAU IRANT he coolest place lisioi. Te nty place for SumeranShoo stdes. REceleit service andiup-to-dte in every prtittar.3 Regular Board $4.00. Single Meals ad Meal Ticket. 612 E. Liberty St., two doora from State St..Belt Phone 164 j