THE WO LV ER IN E Tuttle (ft Co. LUNCHES toe adCoas 338 S. State Street JOHN Hi. LAM~BERT The Yost of the shoe IRepairing ousioess., He wil l do yoor work i0 a harry-op style. Laces, Polishes, Etc. The Uiversity Shoe Shop 013 Eost William Street Yooswill always fid aolarge lineotf SUMMER SCHOOL SUPPLIES Thie East University Pharmacy 121 . Usiseesity Ave. Owur-Prices are .Right U. of M. and HURON RIVER BOAT LIVERY Canoes d Boatts etd P. G. TESSMER, Proprietor Both Phones 050 STATE SAVINGS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. Capital 50,000 Surplus atod Prohits $80,000 -Resources $1,400,000 THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK 101-103-105 S. Main St.. Ane Arbor, Mich. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Allnotter in this cotuooot must be paid for fit odvance. Office hours: 1:30 to 3 P. I. WANTED Wanted-A sludeost to woil table at Walker's for 'his board. 2- Wated-Typwriting, f5oe a thousand words. Satistaction guaranteed. 627 Foresl, Bell t452-J. Local Ageots Wated itn every city and coutly ill Michigaito10introcduce ansew labor saving device that ipositively sells itself wberever sown; salary $6o per motho0111 liberal comtmissiot to litvc toes. gib Chsamber of Coto- metrce, Detroit. 2-5. Wt~ed-Ayvoung latdy 1o lake a sittgle rotiooe su~ite. 17335'Aasltetasr. Ap- sly eventitgs. 3-5. fteild-.Studetton exchtange for roomis cduritng summster school, ltsvork its gardenoneoc hour a clay. Profcssor M. P. Tillcy, 1015 Ferdont Road. . 3, 4, 5". FOUND Founod-Onte pair of glasscs int late btuildinog. Owoner stay bare sante by callitng at Press Bldog., atnrt payittg toe Ibis adv. LENGTHENS SUMMER TERM FOR STUDENT MUSICIANS. Itt accordatnce with the progressivc spirit of thte uonivcrsity, thte Uttiversity School of Music has extettded its sumt~- mter teron trotm six to eight weeks. The etnrollmet, rhich already.otumtbers over forty studets frott all over thte cotun- try, bids fair to exceed that of previous years. New pupils are ettrotllittg every day, and it is expected that thte tstal will reach sixty. The first faculty conceit will 'be givett text Wednsday evettittg at eight o'clsck in tite hight school auditoriunt. Aon exceptionally splendid prograno is prontised, in owhich members of the piano and voice departnments will participate. Thtis is one of rte leading attractiotts durng5 sumsmer schtool and will be free to alt. THEY'RE HAYING IT CHILLY! ENGINEERING PROFESSORS ____CONTRIBUTE TO "TECHIC." But Students in Summer Camp Get Stiff Routine Sumtmtter school with stoes!lsotnds torrid, dest't it? Bt that's wat teyre doittg oip at cattp; they actually tare to take the chill of, those eni- teers at 'Cantp Bogardus, twith stove fires. Bu their oter chef-doeuve is not quite so pleasant; fly dope atd cold creatm are of ttor valoe thatt gold. Be- twveenth le suntttbtrn atc the black flies itt tte cay timte atd mousquitoes at ight, the "youttg surveyors" are ket ino a rather unocofortable stae. Thirty-six cvito are itt cattp this stn- mne, itt charge of Prof. H. L. Merrick, five others of te srveying teacitg olaff, a doctor, anod a master mechanic. They rise at 6, astere to roll call twctty ttinttes lae, eat breakfast atIalltpast, lain ispecctiottat 7atd arc ready to start outlo'thelte"tote 7:/30. They eat agitniltat 1:0ad33,setdteIt esr-oiog itt coptsitt fieltnotels ad read- intg tpotsot the nt-t doy's asitnmett, atttd iglotsarc Outlt19:30 Shavintgoftenerttthanotce atsoet is a grille otfei c aaist cattstt eiuette, is immtttt erial. antotos NEARLY 105 STLDFPTS ATTEND SUMMER SESSION. tCethu"ed teem Pge 7 The enrotltosolto dtoe is odistriluttedl as folosr: Gradutate schttol ........26 Literary drtmen ......t......449 Enogineerinig dtepartttent..... 267 Medical departmoentt...........8 Law departmet cs........3t Schsool of phlarttacy ..........1 Of te total, tirty-ninoe lre etrolied for workc inth le egineering camopt.atd twenty-two are registered at te biolog- ical cantp. Atn unusuocal onumtober of Itcrative positions available for undergradoates of te engioeering department Ihis sun- meerlan aused a decrease of aout six- ty iot the number f bridge-uiders en- rolleod this session. The work in the law departmtentt has already gotten welt under wtay, courses havig0 beetn beguot last week, atd it is tot atticipaed that ntany more will etroll after this week. No courses are giveot in ethier the os- eopathic or dettltcoleges, 'but maty students romt hose tdeparmenots are takinsg sorts in thter departments of tte universiy. WsIesonox.xnoositgs ALL HAIN. WesleyantUtniversity has voted to abolish all hlaing. The decisiont is a swveeping ote, and it is itetded to ot away with features cototected with te iitiiaioof msembers to tec sophotore secret societies. t is plantted to have a costmtitee headed by the presidett aod compsosed by ote juntior fromo each of the fraternities, whse duty it sall te to see that all college cosoos are ad- hered to, and to impose ponismneot ott those who violate sudshccstoms or n- dulge ito hazitng. cCOILoFssWILL SHoAogEnPoetosooS. A rather unique plan is to be tried nut next year by Harvard University ad the colleges of Colorado, Grinnel, EKox anod Beoit, whereby Harvard is to scd out one professor to spend an equal po- tioot of the academic year with each of the four colleges, and receive its return ote instructor from each cllee to act as an assistaot at Cantridge. HONOR S to uxef0UsP uOx LOCH. Professor Emit tLorch, head of the architectural department, was elected president of the Architecural Leaue of America at its annual convention last week. Whten you get hutogry at Whitmore Lake, call and see 'Mrs. Stark at the Clifton Ioot. 2-4. Mrs. Stark mtakes a specialty of 'chick- 000, fish, anod'frog leg 'dinners at the -Clif'toon lon. 2-4. Thte second otunther of the igio-'no ltf'irligao Techonic to out. It is opened with a descriptiont of the 'life antd work of Prof. Clareotce T. Johtnsoon, head of the surveyintg detoari- metel, by Prof. Emoeritous J. B. Davis, his predecessor; it is followed by a dis- cussisot of "Thte 'Desigot of Earth Danos" by Prof. Johnosont. Thec third ando last of Prof. Zowrski's articles ott the water turbine is ittcluded. The rest of thec table of coosteosts is as follows:t Gas 0 as t Illoumtinting Agentt, toy Alfred H. 'White; Sosoke Waoshting, bsy Geo. E. Wallis; Bittootioots Road Binders antd Dust Preventlatives, W. S. 'Wicker; The Pilot 'Ttube for Measuorinog Air, lay T. C. Taylor; antd Thec Selec- tiots a Purchoasitog of Coal, by 'S. T. Mudge. 'Copies of the took vs-rc givenout10 to moemobers of tite setnior class, otootslot- scribsers and exchsanoges htave beent snut plied bt te tundoergradu-ate otoomtbers of 'hoc Engineeritog socieryoillreccive their cotoiesonext fall. JowAS Rufcooeo;S SPAvtSH ONSIGNIA. Alberto Jontas, formterly 'seaod of thse piano depctartmtent of the University Schsool of Nsic, tris recetntly dlecoraot- eel witho toe Red Cross toy'te Spanoisho governmtent. Jonas has beel the recputaltison of becitog otte of 'toe trsld's foreomsost pianso ic- tuosi for a nssumber of years aoosi has nto only' gaitneotountvrsal recoognitiont toy lis ownt cotncet worktc sottas also achsiereod greait socces-s as a teacher. Duorinth'le past yeacooritlessItantelvec tof Iis pupils oappetaredl before thepsoolic its coocert work, aonog'tems beinog Pepito Ariola, the bog piatoist swhlo cret- ed a seosatiota ott Iis appearance 'here. Jonas is at prescotttots a concert tour trough Eureope. , ANN ARBOR SAYINGS BANK Capital - - 0scO,ooo.0o Surplus ansd Profits - $100,000.00 Rtesources - - $2.800,000.00 A geseral bakisng businoess trassacted N. W.Curner Moai andlHuron S ts. THE OLD PLACE KEINGER. (nb.CO. We have a fresh stock of Prince Albert and Tuxeodo ine pound endJ pound cane and jars. cube ALLENEL" Anns A)'boor'sLargesot tansd FisolMotel : M1. M. NOWLINI, Propr. W. C. NOWLIN, Mlngr. SHOES for MEN Tennis and Golf Shoes Ladies' and Children's SHOES You save money by getting your Shoes at E. M. FROST'S 302 Scutls State Street THE NEW CATALOGUE ofte University of Michigan IS NOW REAIAY Complete information concerning seven departments: Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Den-a tistry, and the Graduate School and the Summer Session. Special courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Lansdscape Design, Higher Commercial Education including Railway Administration atnd Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Pedagogy (affiliated with Ann Arbor High School for Observation Study), and a new course for those preparing for the s-ientific adminisitration of departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement or Individual Information address SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University t. ANN ARBOR 1 ii I Hailer's College Jewelry Complete Optical Ospt. High Class Watch snd Jewelry Repairisg. Haller's Jewelry Store 216 S. Main Street I r I Granger's Academy of Dancing Summer Schoo lCtasses for Ladies oand Gentlessen Tuesdoy and Mcri- dtay Evenisgs. 7 to 85ouclock. tuition J3.00. Term hegiss Tuesday, July 01, 1011. for Particulars call an Academy or Phone 246 Office flours 10 to 12 a. ms. -I 7 The Ann Arbor S5wimming Pool Will be Open Every Day Except Sunday 9A.M. to 9P.M. It is refreshing to take a balth in nice cool opting water. ANN ARBOR SWIMMING PARK 713 S. FIFTH AVE. Phone 996 2 Rings