TOP, WOLVERINF Northwestern Mutual LIFE INS. CO. MILWAUKEE Let Us Have a Talk WithYOU FRED'K M. STEINBAUER District Agent, Hammond Building Detroit WM. S. McCORMICK Local Agent 1210 Waslsienaw Ave. I Call 373-J BANCKOFT dc C~~irieam 722 Morxr-~oe St. PHOTOGRAPHZR Official Photographer to Michigan Athletics for i14 years. Studio: 319 E. Huron St. Phone 961-L Student's Supply StoreI F lor your Note Books, F ountan Pen, Stationery, ENGINEER'S SUPPLIES, Candy, Cigars, Etc.11i1 S. Unisversity UNIVERSITY School of Music MAYNARD STREET SUMMIER SESSION Eight Weeks All Branches Fall semester will begin Oct. 2-30 Artist Teachers Send far ilutrated caalue CHARLES A. SINK Secretary THE WOLVERINE Tri-weekly poblication of thc studenis of thec University of Michigan Sommer Session. Managisng Editor-Harold G. MeGee. Business Manager-John H. Payne. OUSINtSO STAFF Assistanlt Business Malinger-Victor H. L~awn. Address : T t WOLVtINt, Press Bldg., Mayinard Strcct, Ann Arbor, M ichigani. Office Houlrs: I :00 to 2 :3o P. in. daily. Bell Phone, 960. Subscription Rates: Local, seventy- five cents fortiensumer; mailed to ansy addrcss for one dollar. Advertising Rates: Purtnishrd tupon applicationt to the Buosiness Manager. Eiditor Today-Rotns.fIt. GnjcvoT. THURSDAYV, JULY 6, tpst CALENDAR July 7-Respect for the Lasv, address lit Pres. 11. B.tHutchins in University Halt, at 8. July 7-Receptioin in Barbour gsysna- 5s001 for summer school studeints, at Jtuly Is-The Inediatn Trihes of Mexico, illustrated lecture isp Prof. J. R. At- leintsssest lecture roois, shysics lots- cratory, at 5. Jully ii- Tolstoi, lecture -bs Prof. C. L. Meader, isswest lectnrc, coons, phys- ics lahoratory, at p. MentsltHygiene, lectureehy Heats V. C. Vaughan in west amphitheater, Medical huilding, at 8. July i2-Methods of Learnittg is Ant- sat and Man, lecture by Ass't Prof. J. F. Shepard int west lecture rooms, physics laboratory, at 5. Concet, faculty of School of Music, intse tihigh schsool auditoriutm, at 8. July t3-The Moral Aspect of Words- worth's Poetry, lecltre by Prof. S. F. -Gitigerieb of Goshets College, its west leetitre rooim, physics laboratory, at 5. July 14-What Should University Grad- uates do for Good Govertnmenit? ad- dress bsy Gov. Chase S. Osbortn, in Utniversity Hall, at 8. Greetiiigs to yost, sutmmner school slt- dletits, y'ou wsho boast "Vacations stay eome and vacatiotnsstay go, bt wse swork on forever." We're glad you're here. Nowsvyot've paid yottr tuitiotn, paper- covered yostr booktsantd tried, that trw foutttain pen ons theefiest isagc of the notebnok, slop ta stmomentt while we preach. Foermany genetatiotis it hss beteis customtars to adsvistesiewcotmers, "osst be a gritid."To sary the mniot- ons, sic are gotig to say, Be ai grind." Grinsd, tndgrindl hardl sshite you tire grtncbng.iBtdonit Ikeep syoitt iose to tlht ssheel too oag at a stretch-iit isighst driw the tenster.VsWtether you are learing howv better to techt the pustpils of Urbsvcillc tints schtoollion' toitell the birts frioit the flosscis or repieatig 'Sti''"hyretqutestiiteserse yosir griiidiig si-it ainsocisionait pltage into ciooliiigbahaisof uiischiolastic activity. it takes for scientific ecoiioimy Of effort, stud it wsilpy TEXTS TO Oh CAkTALOGUED FOR UE OF PEtiTGOGUP.S. Hot Weathser Specials-Light Cloth- insg, Utiderecar, Hose, Tics, Straw Hats, atsd other fixntgs at smnall prices. Allen's Good Clothes Store, Maiu St. P-10. Law Books for Sunsmer Schnool. Larg- est ntockn in Michignt. New and second hand. C. B. Barthell, 326 5. Slate Stk, second floor. Tel. 761-L. 1-10. Mac~tuettid's and Gilbert's High Grade Chocolates alsways fresh at Tire's Drug, Store, tt7 So. Maiin, Phone 270. 1-4. New atid Secotnd Hand Books. Law, Mhsedical, Detstal. Largest stock, lowest prices. C. E. Barthsell, 326 5. Stale St., upstairs. Tel. 761-L. 1-10. Outing trousers, flatstels and tropical Worsteds. Allen's Gosd Clothes Store, Main St. 1-10. Stuniser School Books. New atnd secondt hansd Dictionaries, Art Luties, etc. C. B. Barthell, 326 5. Stale St., secotid floor. Tel pflt-L. 1-10. Utnderwear for tmets, all styles and prices. Alletn's Good Clothes Store, Maitn St. 1-10. We have ait all lawv table at Walker's, 336 5. Division St. 2. Text- Books FOR SUMMER SCHOOL Oceans of Second-Hand Books at prices that will save money. Hilgineer's Supplies FOUNTAIN PENS BLANK BOOKS STATIONERY, ETC. WAHtR'S University Bookstore About ipoo text hooks asic beiiig regis- 'Wh'iltsore Lake is a pleasant pta-ce tered ini the pubiiccacrid catalooste is the for at little outiiig. Stop at the Cliftois mitn corridlor ofithitlibrairsyiwhichi Inst.2-4. are sutpposeditotu le re"-isteredt aittbooiss ini the uiviersity. Thiese.bilong Is the Pennsasnts, fancy ssirko aiicu erios;first edutcational idepitrtimict intlareetliniprices. Palais Royal, 2i09E. Libserty. the detpartmsent rioiis iV TapaitHalt, z-z2. to tsrcisisteid by pcdagoiscat sttudents.- Ptublishsiiig cioitisiiies thsrougtot the CAPS. counttry "furntishs thesetenwsoks to thse The latest Etiglishishsapes n isplaits itniversity, gratis, lbysvay of advertise-( colors ansd cliecks. .Ales's Good Clothes weist. Thse mtajority of them are for Store, Mainte St. I-to. primtary or secoisdary schsools. After they are out of date the hooks are rele- Poe all Mtusicatl Instrumoents, stupplies, gated to the "Pedagogical 'Museum" ots popular and classic tsusic, see Sehaeberle the fifth floor of the stacks, which cots- atnd Sont, Music Hottse, 110 5. Main St. tait t ntpresetiabotl4000 volttises. z-10. Those win-ing board through summsser Britig your Films to 0. P. Hoppe, school nay engage places tow at 1208 Attn Arbor's new Photographer, 619 B. Willard Street, Beltltelephotie 1343-L. Liberty SI., phtone 1078-J. We do the 2-3 best fitishitig.'-3. Home Laundry Company Bell Phone 381 J 218 E. Huron St. Home Phone 205 Black JOS. A. GOLE Our Motso: "What ye do, we do Well" .Quality not Qusnily ^i , r The Kemnpf Music Studios Plrlso Pipe. Osgast VnlnCssCltu:s-6 tilt .Division St. t'lone 10t6 J KIRTLAND'S Lyndon, Photographer Aar. AsborsaHeadquarntrs fosr Koaik, Cssaeras crd Phssto Ssspplles I make a specialty of Developing, Prtnting aiid Enlarging for Amateurs-by modern usethods. This has heen msy husliness for seven penis anid it has increased every day-Ontly results will do this and so whenever you want anything photographic look ior the sign of the kodak-Thast's wvhere things move. LYNDON - 719 No. Vsslvesity Kodalks for- Res$, 10ncspes day Rough Without Extra Weight A great many men like thse rough course braids but object to the weight: The Knox hat solves the problem. Kinox sold only by us. Reule, Conlin & Fiegel 200-202 S. Main St. SUBSCRIBE FOR, the GARGOYLE ForNext Year 7 GP rFranti .ra n Managing Editsr Warren [lanedBsinless Manager The Old Place Billiard Parlors I Best and Moot Expensive equipment IN-T aE CITT FULL LINE OF Cigars, Tobacco and Candy All Men's Suits i (Wuef_ VW ( 8 at 20%0''-off Offiial Student Newspaper for the U'niversity of Michiga~n Summnner Session. Published Tni-Weekly The Address nd Phone Number of Every Student The Daily Happenings on the Campus Somxe of the Items it Will Contain:1 '. The Announcements and Notices of Future Events The Substance of Public Lectures You Can't'-Attend [The Official Faculty Notices ?'Se for the SSumnmer. $1.00 by Mail Bell Phone 960 Address Press Buiding I BSREN NAN'S RESTAIU R ANT *The colest place in town, Te only place for Smmer School studnts. Facelleot service and up-to-data in every particlar. L Reszar Board $4.00. Sngle Meals anid Meal Tickets. 612 E. ]Librty St., two door. froma State St.. Bell Phonie 164