f THE-. WvOLVERINE No. 3. Vol IL. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 6, Tgii ZADU 'TES COMPIL.E MI!h'~VOW [N DUSTRiAL STATISTICS. lUAU VDElGREES ILL STUDENTS ARE TO S UMMERJOYTUDNOS WIILGS DAVIS CHRONICLES MEET IN~RU CTORS The reading room, tennis courts, and f4IHIAN SGR WT gan Union are in usC daily. It is ex- pected that variosus concerts and enter- Faculty Reception at Barbour Itasinnents gives sast year can ie re- First Lecture of Summer School Gym Follows President ed tehe Uisinsummer.hduritngtre regusal.whoionsion Series Contrasts Old With ' Adrss are csntitled to membsershsitsfar tiese 5tt- Nw nnAro >-lutcin $ ddres mer.Those who are attendingth Ne An Aro Utsisversity for te first tstts cmnt he- FUNCIONtembetsers hy tayig a fee of one FUNCTION WILL END WITH DANCE dllar. EXPENSES MUCK LOWER THEN Cotmbintintg a tals: hy Presidectt Harry B. Huttchitts ott"Restpect for tite Lass" wills a recepstions hy thsetpresidietatnt fascuty tta suttmtmer scho stttdetnts to- nmorrowe evenitng wiii lettslatt espeecial featttre to the summnter sessiotn. Tihe presidletiwsilistpeaklfrstmtthe platfortmt of Uinisersity It llait S:oo p. tm. anitst thse costclussisot of isis talk tite audcietnce willasijeourtn to te pasrors of Barhouse gymsnasit.t After thc recetptiott of thse stuntns antI othse guests itt tarsbouregyminasictmt thsere wiii he givetn a sdsttce ants refresh- mesnis. Presicdetnt attti Mrs. Hstchht's will head the receisvittgline; Regeist stnd Mrs. Beasl wiii he preset as weli as a large dlesgationt of Sihe uttiversity facuil- Ty. This is onte of the toast protmittet funcetiaots platnntd foe the suttmmtee ses- siott sand it is intetntdedl thsststll suitmoer studettts bse presettt to hecotme acqutaint- ed witht eacit nther andtteo nmeet tile f aculty. NOVICES ARE SHOWN REAL FLYING AT DETROIT MEET. Membhers of tite Aerotnatiasl society of Ite Unisversity of Michigsattsand msasy sftdensts attd alusmni of thtat insstitutison were treated to a gliittpse of the resti air flying st thte asviationt seelttis after- noats. It wsas "Michigatn Dats" statntnum lsers of titettttdergraduatses fottnsd it 1o05 sie So he itt Detroit. The grsisncstancds and grootslwsere filse itht sens sindt girls swearisn"gtte Micinisignia.~st As tact leett promttisedi Sy tite protto- lees of thte meet special attetttittostsa 'psaidtoItshue stttdettts. Unsfortnately a rsthter treaciherosts winsdseas hloissnit thsst sservesd to hiitder tite aerossauts frttis gettittg the toost resutlts frosotiseir nmsihittes. Iloswever, all of tenett msade flights. Rette Simns did sottte very sdiffessit.stpirls fotr the iseit of te staices. Si. Croix Johttstttte csttte itt for tin satre of thte glory swiit a dis- tastee sitd altitutse run. Thte anistars were ever present intthie hig tent ts answer the questiotts of tite stndents. A bsatdge shoswittgttte to bse a Micitigast msail tttstsred tte wearer a "carte lanschte" tos aii evensts. 'It was certaittly attexceptitttal op- portuttity for thte tetmbiers of the A0eronaticaesl societs' tos sitttess thse two tytpes of msaciise," said IHIarryCsttnnell, whttshas lteentth~e tresidesit of the Utti- versity society for thse sasSyease. "Mluds cttttsd be. atntlwas leartnediby te fet- loswhott attetndedi the steet ltSatswill Ste vssltuasle1ttot r oe et exS learwsete t ,tarss to st t ~ ssvlIah~ '"Imtttml ttso nre thanss telighted'tisth~i thete rs'mttttt htltstsse ha.l v ets at tried ittsscrs tls S\7t -sstt to 5os5it gt1 tin.If Ithers stst is stttl~et. S t s S itt itroS t w o t wttill 1)e t5 .e i f Ilis: s.'' s: is ie;k ' 1 1 ,1e 11 Assistantt Professor AV'. G. Stotter has succeeded Dr. Pratneis Osaconst S5chir- ttatt tof thteisottse cotmttlee. LID MAY GO ON TIGHT Governor Osborn Has Been Peti= tioned to Prohibit Drinking 'sorstelhtas cotme frots Lattsitng thtat sivrs perstss ssistse namtes sare nt mtentlissied, tare petsistesdGtos. Osbtsrnt t asipoit scttte otte heee to enfsorce te litquosr lax, nwsich, it is cloitedt i'ss o enfoarcedlibyte local tffices ittregartd t thte prohtibtitiott of She sale stf intolxi- catittg hsverages tsttdetts stf te ttti- vrsiti. He says tt th~e gasvernot ats dieeced thtat itepower to takie tse necessary stes l ies withs the bsosardof regetnts; attd it may Ste thtat the tmatter wilt be srosught up at tettext tneetittg of She itoard. It is statedl here thtat,. stuttettnt are freqttettesdthse ssalootns as tuthl sitte thte tetw lass regarditng the sate of liqtttr tso sll stutdettts regardless ttf age, as tey tide previous s ttale etactint of the lasv.'Thte local officers, it is climsiecl, savene t adse an tt tempstt at te eti- forcettet of -the taw', atndl io studcenits hare heeti arrested untless they- were fsottd disturing tse ipeace. WhtettChief of Police C. Apfel was asksesdcotncernting this Wedntesdlay ight he stated thastl there snere several reas- ons why vtues didtt tttestftorce rtelass. Intt he first pslace, hse said. lie bselievedl tat the lass- tas suncsnstitutisstal, ittas- stutch as it dlisceritititted agaitnst certaits people. Iite seectnd place the citief stated tint it seas itmpossilet ialse thse tr- rents unsless ssstte ttesswsee otSwars- rmatts for the arrest of thitnfolsaiors, sstd Stnl thtat tey' cottld tttt telltihe studtents frsmtt h ie stter citizentsttf thte citsy. Residetsn of tite city state thatS certaiit satloonts intthie city-eater tt certatnSts- dettrtasde, vet the saltttttsmetsclimt thteyase sitale is tellte stuidetsshett thSiey enter teir itlaces. Thset also sissert they- eta sot cater tsotesttident trade. Int order to dc aaya5 swithtpubiciet - icisits tf fraterssities, sand to isate thtetm itnsteadc a service to thte institun ste fstculty sod regesits otfte Usniversit of WYiscnsnhase adaoptedi SiesfolowiSt refors: sfirst,.nitnurepled"i-s'oof higoh scho'sslsttenetts;second, ttotftreshmato-tt lie ipermsittesdto' roasts*or lsoasrd itstheI frssterisity itouse: tiridtttttstsdent to teI iitiated into a Sfratertnits uttl hias sttlt sstmoste-yvsrs;fosnurttnst sudttciunds-er prsosationtSs to e ittitiate inoayf - 13eethefsttretofom te- Bs rishe eto o5 was wthersh mine lsssbisi -st ado C s viY -s cc ' ll? . I s'.- Ss°t eisr- d 7 t 5c str; te iy ll' i s 1;d'wIs d ii s lin. Ft. C'. 'I' ltzia~'s-'. 15 ' . 5i t Thte hirlthattd growe tf S te Uttitee- sits of Michigatn-wasedefittetd Ity-Prssf. C. tO. Dsitis its aisittlIeture wtics lie delise reeliiite NPVest Puysies EBuild- itg Asipitisate yesterdayo aftertsssi bssfore mlii atidiettcestf -sumtmttsseeacliosss studcenstt. Theiseetsre ws 55the itnitiatl oste tof stseries sswhicht twill eesttise dily sttrot'gtsst heSites sit osf thes stiiir fsor Ste sessefit of sissumersehls stu- Io AsnsnPss 'srlsor isher earliserl mats istsssse of stise seasneles scastteredt silt the stsste, ais istiss its nsof learn- . g fsorte educsationst of Michigait'ssos, aiitd hotshouttssgh tardint tsser ir~sthshel ssooiiasedi ter Shemacabsoss'ethe res asu iesisstthemsitall is to ecomse otne of thse leadtitng usiversities eof th e sationt, ssas the ilsemie testiseltent befsre mis essthsisilisticauisense.Prsof. Dlis trac-s e-i thse stmaster its s-lielsitetei n-si- versity ptassedt thrsongh decades of strife seiths assettrollmtettt itncreasintg grsis- usally feomat isettee ofsf deniits so its present eolsssal entrollsmesst. 'Thsat sixto' years agos a stessesit cousild sits i sscss- fsortale styIc its this utivnersit onassas atninial allostntce of seentis-llars snas anitstenmiswhichs ssaethe mod terts auds- iestee sancer-eyed. Dusrinsgthe sw-eelsdass.sissess other- wsist' specifiedl, inforimalltecttires wnill tie gisest intshue West Physics Building Lectue Itall. OttPridlay eventingssitsre formassl talks itsUssisversity HSllmiiil-itbSe stffeedstotSte sttsdensts, incslintg stithue two acoinsg Frmidaytsevetnings, tals its 11eesidtet iDsltiissatnd GovernorseOs- isoset. Tssdavt Assistat Professor E. I). Riecshswill stass usood Roasts"sit 5:00 t. it.iiintshue Pitssics It tt. Asl liare cord= ills intvitedl. Thsere is its prie of mitt NEARLY 1100 ARE ENROLLED Many Jobs Available For Students Keeps Number Down Osse Sssthous atad eighty-six studeetIs -hsad ity fassr s'clock Vedliesetat-aftier- toots availedthemsselves 5sf Ste oppor- tutyst-to ''improe eaemchts iiisg om-n esst" tspattensdingtghue satmmser essd5ion ssf StseUiersity' of Michtigans. Tis stsssmler is less Stev thirty-fine sthatsnwere esnrollesd intshe severatl departmsesnis at a cosresponsdinsgtimie last year, sltit f is csstfidenttlyexpectdii thetadmssin- trative offies that msattyittoressedets tnill register isedore thse ettd of te wnee. Conitinsied on Pase 3.5 "THE WOLVERINE" P'sILL PITTA DIRECTORY OP, IVIE STU DENT IlODY. TIlE IfSSUES CONT PINING TIS DI t'CTIR5 PPjt ILL ESTRICTLY R:I FtTRC'1'.I) TO SUOSCRI ERS l .I-;tO-I l'tS . , }iP )E\.1' 's onase prelimitinar o i te eniactment ytesitatlseegislatreesf a miteptlo- es' liabilitsylitsPPatle P. _l s'ret'iS 'It/, atte Casensce E. Etchdes cge. 'o. 'ill, ire ctompsilintg statistics nasttster atd se- vmisti atcitentcases. fromstishierescodss 'f thte Wyn ous" c ourtt o uess s e. Thedy wortetsnder thsedietionlottsf asioe' t-tt ee aptpointedtbytGovcternorOossr nat She reqests of the legislatre. After going Sssthghs t'essomitsfiles tes swill tmttke sosemaicliersotnmlre-1 searchs attossgte indstsaria sis'lantsf Detrost. 'The swork is expetedstoishe fitnishcd isy Septeme.e BACON TO LEAVE MICHIGAN ' Popular Instructor Will Teach in Boy's School hrt'. acs',tm .M. Bacons'sstsftrtorts istnt Egihhiss toyIhs ncsslcuesdhi~its'sr- fcessioItat ldticstitthIis usiuesilsitt fssr ios itsNorfslk,.Va. lHe nill ntts esdtsste tclasses for wh Iic t isi ositeslitleethIis sutmsmser essotn. Dr. B-msets n-ms grmaduamtedh its 902 frmsthSieliterary- depatenst of tis susiae sit. Ile tokuipte rofes- siots of temcilisg sotsgradaetsiott,. ttntfors ite yessrssn-ms mitt insutosritsthe Its simantapoltisItc,,h.ight nch~ol. Itt19,r Se wams sapointedttinsttuctrtin ittIsorssy its Iis ahutsmstsec, Duringeiss ffatsr oears ass the unive- sits ficulto,- Li. Bmtonsshit atestass intercsedl and livey uart iiinmny col- lege aciities, being espedciaiily associmt- esd with te Unios. tehassbescomeonestl of titeSealthknowniandissit ellikedlof the younssger Sfacly-isses. PRfOF. HUSSEY SAILS FOR SOUTH AMERICAN POST. Prssf. Withlsam JIHnssenedirector if the tUniv ersitn= stiseracs hsen tins eft AnnsisAeltosefoe Ness Itorkto iisail for Buenos 'sres -rgetinsa snwere Ise will maissme eostrol ofithe aoservm- tssritS La Plat Lissvesity.Tisiis te lastobaserva trsit Suth Amse- em, stitchProf.IHussaey nowit hlve ex- ceptissnaml pptortuni ties o continuise Iis wor setnsisthe liinryste sntemisstohicls hse sisc'ss'tisssestshossilyisafter cmig hterec. the nwa s aco piseel by Mrs. Hu ssesco.nmstshhien will rmns tsat La Plata sit ili iexts Iebrusarn. Therest sof tic year wi115be seltsPiAs,.Arotr, f teershichs they agaiss wiii go south. Durnisg Prof. 1Ihussey's sasessce, Pof ofRalphtsH. Curtiss, formterly asistanti professoe of asro-physics, will hae chsaege of thse local obseesvatoey. AERONAUTS MAY CONTINUE WORK IN SUMMER SESSION. Thte Aeeontauticstalsciety sa continule its nwsetsduingthiie summner. all depedc- itng upotnswhetherenesesughsdesiree hiskeep te woers of he society feo ast ggig sdutitng the Inxl 00oisosts. If iterestswrn seats thi expedisuree, te worketofte socetntwillhnstathe ois- coni .nd, nit his'-s l it'lora t cindehui- met'isill b1a e dsp Sl fte sum-i its esies . Iformtion 111 ayi 15lidolh- tndsfrom.'thhl''sP'ssvrs sfri-IsR. L. Avy, 2r Fresta . lie. Foundd las fall the eno ' - BE CONFERED HERE MD's With an* AB. or B.M. are Eligible for MS. and D.P H, PROMINENT MEN ARE HONORED Not 50 to e otdonless byit mHamrsvard an sthe L'ssisssos ii illPesylsvauit, Miechi- ganis e~- staishedic a scssusse its tublsic iheath, lemadsig 1totheeg"rees 155fusaster ouf seieneo01ubhlic health (,iit.S.lP.t.) on docteodr of pubitllic htalts (DPI I.) sic- cosintg as the candiate 1fanrsthesde- gee electsill spienidstie an twdooyemars its esrnnIlhis udeg'scc Itispsite stf its ceing onlystil ye arcisthe cossrse us no1t in tile linse if shsortentedleitege courtses mis it reqfuiresbh alsit .Pi., an 1.5.. andelass 11.13. degree for admit- ussee.'The worses sill he givnessitsthe musedical, literaryen- uginleerinig, ande law departmssents. The snorts foe the firsltyear is the samse, regmirdleasssoflit'eudegree wniihlsis bseinig worksed foe, musse cosists of a cer- tins amsounst. of macasdemic andsla: certaini inussssit of originaml researcli work, 10 he summessuse sp intshsis. The whole of thsr seconid yearmwnutconssist of an in- tortanut piece sit researeh workh that will culsimiae ini si 'thesis which usslbe ipassedulsponass dss dsefendeed Ibefore all memsers of sthe facnlty concerssed ini the givnig of the courses." The followng-isi s the tesstativeaestine sit ste icademsic wants required its this sne-est msedical specialhty : msedliale- ptnt, practicatlsvygiense (msilh, isseat, musse watier,finst aseeter; anid foodts, clothinig, persoalatIsygiense, prophylaxis, quaantinse, isolaitiosn, diisinfections, asnd disposal of Ste dead,-seconsd, semsester);I bacuteriology andel pathtology, issctudinig the pathology' of occnpational diseases musse serumsiasid vaccieisatherapsy, secondi semester,5 literary depsartmenst, sital sta- tistics anid physsical trininsg; enginieer- insg dlepiartment, hyderaulsics, sansitary en- gineserinig (plsuminsg andel drainsing, first semsester, asse garhage anid. waste dis- psal, asse sewage she seconid), -anid architecuse, foeribuildinig sassitation; law epartmsenst, sasnitary legislatios. o tomn r ilimEasadD. GuI Keifer, the degree D.P.H.n-as grassted at last comneenit in honor of themr wartsits the interest of puhlic health ini Chicago and Detroit, respec- tively'. a. NV. usATTF;Sax, JR., ssAsxisgrS exegus. George PWashinsgtont Pattersos, Jr., Yale '14, son eof Peaf. Patternssof the electricalesigisteerng departmsesit, has bseens elected to the editorial botard of the Y'ae lescew. He was later electedt busi- neisssanuager of the hoard. STUDENTS B 'sPE ENTIRfE CONTROL PAT CALIFORNI. The Un iiscisitsy slit-s tI e o-,t- t11 of IN th -ttd n lls lie ;alt" hi 1ce. Phl i If C'alifosnsiai has In stsidleish goiri'.--sit o11 is Ikihuiintshe , n g; g 1 ash is els° I a"" ois I er It' ti ec std's tCoc'i t s.tts I: i .5 1ill it