TIFFH EV O 01V E RI N fl)2i t alJbt's o-fs l N 4OOW..NOW.r~LIN, Msgr. Make our Store Yoaur Shoppir fi Headqlizarters U BrefCaeslitIClK \N, IKIK .lt V'I I hKT Hambargers are teeorigiai. Also CHIROPODY. ___i_________________ TO SCII( li, FOlK_-\IVIZOIserve steaks atnd otiter sandawiches. Give: Coras, banios.singrowing sails, treat- 0UteItec of BooI at. s a trial. Cailege Inna. I-to. etiattd ctsred. Everythting absolustely NIEW,( tCh ee 51 c,'Scond Iissl C i. r 5 osi K . 11c, It i ati, .atiseptic. Office hoary: 9-I2 a. in, 1-5 Eid"wards Brothers lefIt ll st , it for sC (len sCity, .Asword to te elect: l xtrtt copies vf p. am. Mitts1. J. Foley, 9211. Iftratt 32,S.Stae.Ove Se(It v", 1 1 a <- Is lnd ,a sche lieiaI c es r 1'1 I anoc t i i a svway eprchtasediat St., etnd of Northit tt. Pihotte p8-J. ______________________________ I nIlls c stt vssss l It .11 5t to sls 1f. (ttisinstFttttai,33 S. SI0ca-25. 'I iisssi acplinteSigsal iors ftics = icf11 :ms. ai a IlG"isi 11.E Y elie e in igine asisin h tr faI COLSWPOENTW AND AKE ALL KINI1 S - Csstlltl > o_ as C4. I Tek um Ji.rni,~ 555rnl I 3 s c pecl to cio s te i I b, ; ' ,I s f ise 1i I cialst lli's bet us make yoll a Sketch and give you a price on anything in the Sign line : Weissigner Sign Co. Phone 910-L is. the t, I, tli ll' Spe it th i rii It tt, l tt Iii xvI t. i ti:(' 1t3 J()liii til t.e it'ssits b '5151555'. i'. el V. Ouait I is si litea dct~ i~ situn . het ti a tI i I ts . cii 11311CC) yr itn. 1? I lisa isis cr K cict r cl in t ar it li 17:1 ,9 I~fgil i~f a ® aa® . ~aar~a~j/ ~a aCOEDIN fSINGING COMEDIANDANCING HELEN CLIPPERT F-A-M-I-L-Y-S-C-O-P-E Mosital Contedy Hits Photo Play Successes The Highland Lad and Lassie WILLIEBESSIE Introducing the Scottish Dancing Queen MISS BESSIE HYNDS Nightly 7,155 8:154 9:15, Mats, ,P M MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Whitc S"wan La ndry JUNCTION OF DETROIT and CATHERINE Sts. and FOURTH Ave. I 'Thcsa Ioit K.as get ysic aassst fromi Wutrster Brois. tis,)is. Thsey.stasid si purty asndfrcislaess. Alto at D troii asid Calls. Sts~. itel 4231. HIllisvz14. Always aPleva ii and Ans filmhs. Do'' sitd sea ti a ""III) sav elsewheire . 0. Iit: State lv,7 Til. Zii rts- foira;t toi ci slts r s f o s- 3 1aII. W Iiac' viiwil5you senvdslyou1risllc5 ervaconynos 1 t 11enjioylt chars o fousrlssvsssslvess, thevssst ptlesanlt anlecnv c a ltotingll WHERE YOU CAN GO All te importanst pors onssthe Greal ts sssiaresached reguary ythes ls eclet servicslsfth. I.5 C. Lascsinesis. TlisteaIilarge tatns ofth is fleet re fov dersnass lt lsucsisnassd sate allthelsvslillis.oatspevsd, sfety andacomforts. Diailysricita tsopetedsliibetweoDtroitanslel'vassd,lDstraitandi Buffala; losrIrips ssely btwsvvnssslesol,IDetroitI, .'Ltsst slsassdlandlway poarts; threetrips weeklysvlscvvss Toledlo, clvvvtosl, andllPut-inl-)lay. As velsvassslto a cskinasecialstasser iti beopertdistwo tips wesely frosmsJunessisshtso Septembsle sall,stppsstonlssysat tsri eerytisp and Gioslev,55Out., everyasothertri. . Special lay Trips Btween Detroit and Cltssiand, During July and Au usir RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILABLE:--Tickes reading via ai rail ligtweeniDatari aad Bufalo and Detrsit and Cleveland will be hsnredltar ranspartalisa on1D1 & C. lanesithasts in eihar direction. tSnd2-eont stampsforto Illsrted aslatplet and Grteat L aeslap. Addrss L. G. Lewis, G.EP. A., Detroit, Micht. Philip H. Mo. Milion, Prrs. A. A. Schostzs, Gaol1 Mar. ; ' . : .r F - 4- . * ?> ; a r k''. a yt ', h: ''; } The Ann Arbor Dye' Works Fr esDrally -.St eam 55 CILEIAN INGe Highest GlasssofWork. :sis. al 3sshlnsnSt. Itell Phsose 6v's L. K. WAHL Rowe'sLaundry 406 Detroit St. Warts NeatlyandslPrnssstliy bass, THOMAS ROWE, Prop. Bell Phoone 457 tta.R TU I MaC THE WELL =KNOWN CHUBB HOUSE Oe Hloek from Campus 209 Sousth State Street Rates, $4.00 Per Week THE DIFFERENCE bteenssucceiesaist failurse is sftess ey smalitt. m51 y1I1resonlyss