THlE WOLVERINE Northwestern Mutual LIFE INS. CO. MILWAUKEE Let Us Have a Talk WithYOU FRED'A{ M. STEINBAUER Distrit Agent.IHammndisinilsg_ Detroit L* WM. S. McCORMICR Local Aget 1210 WVashtenaw Ave. Call 373-J BESTS BANCROFT Ice Cream 72Mno t andCold Dinse 72M55OSt PHOTOGRAPHER Official Photographer to Michiga Athetics for 10 years. Studio: 319 E. Huron St. Phone 961-. IStudent's Supply Store your Note Boos, IFontino es, Statonery, ENGINEER'S SUPPLIES, Gody. Cigars, Etc. lilt S. Univers ity UNIVERSITY School of Music MAYNARD STREET SUMMER SESSION Eight Weeks Al Broches Fall semester will begin Oct. 2-30 Artist Teachers Sledifoe illocrled catalloge CHARLES A. SINK Secretary STATE SAVINGS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. cpital $0,00 Srpls al roits $50,000 tlcesorcs $1,00.00 Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye Ciizn af Aaa Arbr-Sudaata at the U. at M. Nasw Coass teo iSUGAR BOWL itier city of Asse Aror otillS S. Min Ssedaseigs tisat the ssid SUGAR BOWL is ready, shl, aed willieg to1 srveeter creams and swtr canesdies with protpter serice tinany oter sinilarcoesfectioessryiestiiscity. And thiss they are tilling to eae to the ,ountry Phone 967 THELiXW OLVERINE ( tcar ltestemsiertetiniatiwayi moire _______ ________________ totheunivetrsity- thansit lindse Peublishedl Tuesday, Thursday 'iidswailloin of Iconitions that ired more Saturday afternoons by the students of o ism iiscontti. iTialtrit'isitislt lt Uiviersity of Michigan sumersssesee ts<1,s ge \itots in jg; naont Siaon. caats- oss mch sitot maigi Coomosttications still be printeedonoly soeclle mve. rno. tieItenids, swhein signed, althoaugb seiter's ntooe «esil e~n riieal of a csltgt ssill beswitbheld an reqitest, Nolties ts t- in teideletl tli jlt-e it et petaining to uiviesity :tffairs will be t, oi l heX (St SIN tti s sisisisr. prited aitec gratis. Xe hliee t .collec'Sitter oigt toislbte Mooongiog lEditor-Harold G. McGee. all orgitt if ltse enttiteitactits tidSol (deint blisi,ls swtitholinl itt" rit BusuitssJlfanagr-JoIN 11. PAYNE. ingiS leng"Iat truet for the possile Bell Photne15359 at 96o. 1benefiittt siybody-'si nyI t iicnnect- Rts. 44d S. Stite St. ed \a ttb its co lite." hn einIs EDITRIALIt ehave c Ise itaticre sttngistt BiITR irnseolR. lBurtono. ihliioftir li Mar ei e ve W~illiams '. Daugeigsrty, illtt Ili''ingepe I intssiereiteiolid uiviS Sit Iseousldsls tind sipiot siet IWet REPOR0TRSid ctbe i leeiadiintg tiiid tiideavsorin'to bItnitH.II.hossick. 'Mtade Edwards. elritsueelsvesiiifiaults Ifrosith le itside, MSortons R. bHostler. IL. Earl Ceossmnias t.h-ler tainliptreseitings lws tsca hair, Chtas. Jobnsont. James D veliti. tieticcistisi'illy of inecessity false. front Btirleigls B. Jacobs. bloraice G. Wilgius. to thoise sshoa tre" lt i ins lsit it OCSIN~OO boae -at:till theitltlstindloiso f affairse. AssisantelBesinessac Mosage=Victor H. =Abss areashousd to ainst iiisucs a Lawnt.mii othie insitlituiti;thliys-doini u Address : TnEtWXVEtvINtE,.Press osa littleofilersswe beilesve initadiiittintg Bldg., Mayniard Street, Anni Arbor, tteit.lint, nay thego con'ifoinisilti Michigain. itskyssnt-fisngereud,ilty-nouted deitsl Office I-oeurs:t t so to 2:30 p. m. tellieg sgieto lharry!-wsce ltisis there art daily. others cihlii beliesvesdifferetlyE. Eisr Bell Phoite,g96o.tthemu, ste hasvelte siieeregtiril any gen- teiantwssdishdowltoss ass tihersswih Subscription Rates : Local, sevently-wsseoti~iiisietslidiiffereid.XiAnd ris, ive cenits for the attmer;t mialed to tiasite itt tiiitrial qusill, let its smake any addresos for oite dollar. a iial tlea hitrilte college itasers of list Advertisinig Hales: Fuernishediupoit fuitire, itt, and lthe oittsieptiers is application In the Buiniess Massager. still, wseire ...tcill iihiissiepiratstir u~ion Ae'tShle raw1theIThutit; a itt ties it, fori the Siod if thiit s -is flie r et" _______________________________s__a__ift___frXei t''u I iiiiClodyi , tus 0i,,'ieoi lii1 lslid ii4°i nut,' toili t iatesiht. 'if iss.Xi "lesthli e iiit tits to aa framie copyof ailttetr wriiten bylDt. CALIENDAXR ii ill iaiidSNxpresting' Iis1hear t apIS prova'sl iof tie I_-pionii Stivilii~s in i l-ii ltrd ,:u .2j--Stiiii- er stiaii eliteses i Siainiiof iits 5 i m i ti io a ltli lii 'se for till depsaritments libiluts - iiliipar~l iu l it' A s lii'sphtogiiaiph of tStrdayis, Sept.1._2 Law tismmer sesso:it ]i3i- i' elIlitiisell i\ ill ite ianiiel "ith M.X N YV 1 iRVE'IETelARilE MIDE X'S .X'IETT H.XLL.1I Sackbettihill i isbeinig ailimositttally re- alillleil for tese if itie Tappitnuisti- Sscitiioi-wisch still occiupyi)it ini the fail. 'The gaime roomi isill lie ii in teasior- itiaidit le'ilcotincslif oebiliaidlia- uiitiii'esidesce'cke tilthetutabroes' sTilldi'ii sage rutSw it e tceieiandliill ieiuedirtyrste drant iic custillrlieatise lI iingIsipliaiyslices. reitud rane 1e mriylci nd ii t e s ipraiie tiil e taisis by twSu tln ley. Go.d w) X1lrs-adslan liitsue lbiein mude fisithe te ii \hicli sill lie t lirclst dtusa iuof the faill term5. A geiterail reectiin isill lie gie.tio tll the studenscaiid iteir finst. .Xesicimpleelist of cte Presbtterianisuthotestwill bei'giv-i en hit swill1I-eepISroomisers tiideeryithintg ps- sibile stilliseidonSitoti tiid tl e'itS-is- dent 1iXI1 thes- uormiitoriyintitimstwill lie ftis-iislutsl sills tes ati- stind cirifis f titiiii iak fuit~ure. '('ti. 1 it teox .rii ts 5. esis-. Proif.tutud.Xrs. J. C. Knostate nu aill leatiseitfirestof l t ccweeb fur lsthe st it litre teystill send their vacationi. liehe seect toremineti -uititil le iniS eli- teilier. In Priif. Kseeeliuii't tabsencee Prof. Joliii I. Roodti is condiuiitiing tis itlases fur the listctwo iseekisof list sme sss i"ni ciso tgt' IDeanii II. XL-Bts,.of sthissawdepaiti- ment, s-with his dut ier atitii .31c. alties, is spendliing hits vacatioiniith ceeatia. They siill notS ielti-s tiiil laite is Sepitemibier. P'i-S tiei3 t' 555. CItires .:\tiesi:\'i1(t. Last ti igt telrestiieritiiichurch voe tioi i casll Letordi..Batrret, listo if steh ells 3Memotiritil Presbyeriani chtirchs, Cl~evelad, (lii.ThIe Presby- 5 tia chuirchiihias SeetStwithust aipator SitS a ctetir tandI a half.'lih' itet iliis tsr sill ht ce iiall fici i iinekst hatll. lust a drisik oh fresh, coal buttermnilk, Itickfrosimlitechurns? -bAkfor it at noon sut. Xtister Bros., Cor. Be-t. andi Csthserline.Stc. Bell 423;l Honme 14o. Text Books FOE SUMMER SCHOOL Oceans of Second-Hand Books at prices that will save money. Blgilleer's Supplies FOUNTAIN PENS BLANK BOOKS STATIONERY, ETC. WAHW'S University Bookstore isS,il. 2ii 30-Litttiiee etassssati'stfot 1912. Xse list iustiststelanttaytsethens he ti~sliptelist 'sticeof muetal"isito thse theilt 31oSlit uig's'iTse' Ti-'OXXtis"RIn E ili e ii' escepstion S ooi i ofiithit 1 i i Hailer's College Jeelry1 CI e f.5 hu i sj,]DpS. li i Ciasp;tI ti eh and eu'ryiepasirinig. Hffiler's Jewelry Store 216 5. Main Street 7 slit ne't ten i it sits. XXlih ens e r- siibshe s'isissefssa le i, Sj jj 1iitbuS, 'stwill lit tisitlirt i te eels0 La fudry CLomiipaIny. isles sitliionfrItth isu. O eXatwhve or tare sot dione Sues Bell Phone 381 J 2i8 E. Huron St. Home Phone 205 Blsck smier is h~u ectssars t relaie. If we'et criticizesdse's-cdiiie so s-w~ istheJOS. A. GAGLE belief ItitSt resultingsigscesssicis ccoslid Our Motto: "What we do, we do Well" Quality not Quanity Lyndon, Photographer Aerra. Arb'seHadquaertersa for Kodaks, Camesaciad Photo Sueplles I make a specialty of Developing, Printitng attd Enlarging for Amatettrs-by modern msethods. This has beets my busisess for sevcen yosts and it has increased every day-Ottly results will do this atnd so whenever you want anything photographic look for the sign of the kodak-Thtat's where things move. LYNDON 719 No. VUzlerslty Koedaks for entam, t0c pee- day J0 F0 W. 11 Men's Suits Ce ~at 20%0/coff' bough Without Extra Weight A great mntty tnen like the rongo course braids hut ohject to the weighit. The Knox hat solves the prohlem. Kniox sofda only by us. Reule, Conlin & Fiegel 200=202 S. Main, St. KIRTLAND'S IThe Old Place Billiard Parlors Boat and Moot tExpensive equipmnent SN THE CITY FULL LINE Oh' Cigars, Tobacco and Candy "Lad jie s" Weve or INew aJI 11Shoes The newest styles in tan and dull calf and black suede. We have the new high toes, both broad and narrow, and the new high cut 1 6 button boots. Our new line of dress pumps is also in--the swellest things you ever saw in velvet, gold embroidered and with rhinestone ornaments, matt kid, patent, satin and suedes. If you want the newest and most correct styles do not miss seeing things. Hosiery IJ F'Al ain Street epairing Better Sole Those Shoes Before You Start Home Co and See TOM LOVELL 210 Huron Street You Will Always Be Clad You Did.. Tom Cives You Service Plus