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June 29, 1911 - Image 4

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The Wolverine, 1911-06-29

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W,,hitc Swan Laundry
Bell Phone r, Home Phone
165 - 152 White
iOur W ater softening plant cost u $ ,000. It costs you nothing
extra to have all the advantage of laundry work done in water
soft as rain water instead of estrecli 'e acida and bleaches.
The finest lingerie wants and dnes~es will come back to you like
new. Collars and Cuffs like Eno--'. Try your duds in cur suds
and be convinced. Mark yo'u package "Whlite Ssca" and call
our wagon. No extra chasrge for call or delivery.
White Swan Laundry
W IPl-, ilwilt youspnd yusummesinr vaction? Whysot enjoy t1e
charsfsuurInadS,thems't peastand eonicluting
in America.
Allthe imiportntportson the Iet nitkes arirachedrlgarly bythe
exceltterice f thS, ,ake L~ie.Theitlolasrge Seaersothis
fetrelofmden stel nstrutin andIhave allthe qualit f speed,
unffalo; fotr tiptst wely bhcttrttiIttlcl, Dtetot, Mackinact Isantd andtway
pors; thtreetrips eeyctbeltwen aoidClvelad,anI'l t-in-Bray.
A Cev'elanto tMacki ncspecialteamert till he operav tetotrips
tweekly frottJunititoItSpteimtber tt,stopling oly at IDetroit every trip
Special lay Trips Btween Detroit and Cleveland, Dring July and Augustr
RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILBLE: -Tickets reading via any roil line between Detroit and Buffalo
and Detroit and Cleveland will be bonored far transporbationaon . & C. line Steamers in either
Sentd2-entsttamtp foIllustratedliamphlet aldGt aesr tp.
Addeess: L. G.Lews, G.P. A.,eeDetriMish.
Phiip H. Me.Milaes. sA. A. ShatzlG0n'l Mg~r.

PRE 'S. JUDSON UPHOLDS problem, slavery, was settled by physical homes fronswthich the metmbers t this
VOCATIONAL DUCATION. violence, not by calm statesmsanship.' graduating class have come, I ant coos-
"tt low once enacted utnfailingly has, fident that we soutld find revealed it
Cenred !rom' Page a. effect, legislative bodies most have a them matty eases ot this satmc ttghs-
first year, 26% its-the secotsd year, 18% keener sense of responssibsility; and per- minded and hteroic self-detnial. I trost
its the third year, 13% in thse tourth sonal respotnsibility is what every citi- that these youing mcn and woment clcarly
year, and Iron noo to iin% are graduat- Zen of the republic should never tail to realize what it has cost the home, not in
ed every year. While therc may be a realize. It is only by training ot our mneny onty, to provide the rids advan-
variety of reasons tor the tact that so youth in such principles thsat we can tages of school and college. Thte younsg
few get more thatn a portion of the expect the development of social justice are proverbially thoughtless. Sot 'how
eletmentary school trainitng, still there to become the tundamental principle of harper than a serpent's tooths it is to
can be no doubt that thte main cause is our msodern state. have a thankless chtild.'
economic. Tthe great mats ot child- "It is to be hoped that tbe prairies of
ceo need to ears their bread as soon asTOCcet. the northwest swill increasingly repro-
possible, and their parett canntot afford "Thus tar I have spokets of educa- dttce the spirit ot Nesw Englanud. We
to contitnuethseir schoolitng. tion its its relation to progress as atn are sot so mtuch in seedt of ttcw laws as
"Shtould not the school keep this tact elemettt of trainintg in primary and sec- of a higher social standard. Lofty so-
steadily its mitad atnd seek in every reas- otndary schools. It thte college, which cial ideals are all that will rcally remedy
onably way to increase the economic in all its forms etnrolls less thatnotte per disturbed public contditionss. We seed
skill, and hence the earning power, of ccitt of our etttire body of students, of to 'fttd the source of thse trottble, and it
the boys attd girls confided to it? Man- real value as an element of progress, or lies, I am cotnvittced, in a lowered lone
oalt raininlg is tto lotnger att experisment, are thsose right whto decry it as seedless of the public msind and the public cott-
atnd tbe carpenters' and eke joitters' and aristocratic? Tbe Atmerican college science.
tools are quite as legitimsate a part of is not perfect. It has too far 'beconse "I adimit that this clhansge its society
school equipmet as msaps, globes, and divorced from vocational traitnung, tin- is tsot so easy to brittg about as it is to
blackboards. Textiles, itt the side settse der the plausible pretext -of beitng print- make a law, or to print a scathting mag-
of thte ternm, ansd dotsestic science, arily cultural in itstetst. Especially have azime article. W~hens, hoosever, it is the
should be a comssmon matter of instruc- college sports, in themsselves desirable, comnsnotmental attitude that high liv-
liout for the girls, been titdulv exaggerated its importance. ing is, aftr all, nsot so desirable as 'high
"Are titese departures swelcomseudby But tbese detects call for the returns thttsint, we shall need fewer restric-
parents atsd chilents? It Chicago tlsere sot for thte destrutions, of osir colleges. tine taws. And toward Itis social ev o-
arc sevntteetn high schsools, two of Its spite of thens a very large propor- luott our colleges every year Ire doing
whicls are techttical hsight schsools, and tion of the leaudershsip 'of thse laud to more attd imore. It is a liberal eduica-
reisarkable to relaite, csearly 50% of all1lw, meducinseto science, in literature, ttl tiotn to a swhole fansily to have otte of its
tte boys intsheb city hight schools are al theology, nodtts pttblic life, is in thse memsbers lake a college degree.
thsese two schools, the Cratte antd the hansds of college traitted men.
LoteEdttcattosn itd progress shsould Ite WHAcT xoWLEetn?
"'lerta coos ornr a correlttive. At te close of ecdsyetc "But, one says, whsat as to the ktsowl-
hsardly as net grasped tise sittuatios, andit 1s posstie to stale in clear termss thse edge whttch they shtottld amtass by their
atre too oftets tssre choes of the city specsfsc advnce whsich science has umside. years of study? _Ksnswleudge is goodl.
schstol as it swas. 'T'he rutratl schoo We shotild be able as exactly to itd But ottestay forget iitLatitn, his cal-
shsoulsd be a schsool for a rutral comon-s cole the protrest of education. etilutshtsschemtistry, atnd yet be forever
bettetrissdtstrongxer for ill. A.nirttuouts
its' Its it the eleitetnts sit sciesstific ag!)'r sn CHItEVEMENTS. att el nll-bsehsted y ousng ttti, traitted in
cttlture, shop sworkaisid iomsestic sciesice "Age withlers atnc progress drop's fromo the biest collcges of his diylmay safely
shul b povde.its palsied graisp, ounly to fall in10tolse be turised loose inthtlesworled itsatny age.
rDlscssloNsxsouusit MEANsx sceeCOxTROLtctreless itnd sca'tterinsg hIand otofut- IHecis seeded it everytrn
tBesyotsdleconoiscsleefficiesscyis anoth- trainuetlyout.Itt tther snords, eauch
er q1ualutsity sichedtcituion scoves itself usluon sledofseiuisgshctuctlx
a taousfaiutrcuinlcss it ilsplarts. Thse its precdecessot left off, must bcegits all ','Thte State of Mueihuin ha s a rics oust-
great lessont of eu ucatiotn is self cousirol. over ftrout the start. Utnder thtis fundua- putt anntually ftr01 its utuiversit. It it
W'shetseductedclzencscotstrolIthem- umental cottuitiousofIsutmsatn life Itere pusttinug'into1itwhat it -us vorth? I cats
selves, in becoomes as to themn super- us eusormsous swaste of aclhieveent.toutly trust that lis splenduid stale, witht
fluotus.its absouuttissgsweallthitsverile Iseople,
eOor EDtUCATIOx. atntlits wonuderttulfuturte, will osakthoat
Ondr<ul\drTo50LAWCSAS Rss.ss "Evsety faussly shares directly 0r ins fusture secutreIty thue usisegenerosity uith
"Obcduesnce to lass sot frosum feaur of udutectly uuu the psaymnt by whichs pusblsicswhsch it wull chuerishi the University of
us tueualts, tutbuceausse lwisvuta free schtools are stupplied. Besides thsis, the Michiganu"
state shsoult lwystbIe tespuected,-tis faisly cares for its osn younsg. ItsIn 1ottor try udegrees were couferred !as
1s whtIma55kshaI deusoeratic repcubslic ttherugsgedlhills of Nesw Englansd it was tollos:
possulble. 'We luke to get ut thse scuart 0mtter ilmsost of religious lbaltIthe sonl Bachselor of Arts-Sautel C. Parks,
sfthue m10telutesItoScewihutlct atinu g or daussiter shuouldl be seust to college, Georgse L.CaunficeldJosutsIt.'Webster.
fortshe obstevantce of establshedltotross.uant that the test ofCsthfastily shsoul Doctor of Pouluc Ihealls-Or. Whilliaum
'uWe uistincetisely symputuizew itItuose- norkt hsrdl andtllive plaittly, that utse A.Csvans Dr.GutyL.i'Keifer.
sell's TamsumsntsftrietnulintshueNewvuseauss of edutcutions shotulcd notbe lae-s Malster- of Arts-Allest1It Pond, Irv-
YoukI leisslaltre, Whlus thle('ounsti- usg" A.comunuusuity anuiuoatedl sith tis ut'g lK.PondIEarl D0 13bs1
teutiouosnussussftrieus?'Isthrea is ole psionfor edsucationc we umay se BMuster of Ei'neeu'ring-'Alex Bow,
iuu cle landstinI s whlicallItse laws antdslslute 1i sune 1invwsichc iunielligenuce us of Josepsh ItipleytLotts C.-Huill.
osrdisnanuce ssue enfssrced? Te essences u hishsorsierusnswhich sobcricty asdi- oto f 'Scesue-Jose ph F. Geisler.
osf thse difficusltissswit sishbse aue nowus tustry prevail, in swhicih vice aund lin Doctor of Lots- Ileusry fGosleis Proust,
lauborinug seemssto5 ue to ise ittllts ss lessusess acc at usissinussuc. Honsuu ftutfs i 'lTayerI'res. I-arry
regsard for law. Buttgtreatest socisl Itfuse eouild readuth ~e ansnals of thue P. Jeudson, Con. Citase S. Osborut.


I .

The Ann Arbor Dye WorksINq
Fr'chDru tied Su t I n erIsSteam a and ren~ch
c z.E A B 0 pullr %oorner Dry Cleaners
lltgiiesu Classuo r, 20 R ' siF 5 'lsuustunS1.
LBK W~lelltPhone e s - 619 E. Willianm St. Su~its Pressed 25a Trousers 1Bco
{art' Subut tubs rout und beceome a msember thereby of
The e~r~y~eThe University of Michigan
r ALvINARBOR Alum ni Associationx
PREJ"J 'Sthomie i
4L-L COLLEGE Q . Tue Altimimut ii tlhe largest cullege tstst,tl tst the countlry. (1 It contaitis thse latest news
~WORK absunt the Uutiveu'sity',and editucriul comunmeiit ottitimportanst events. IQ It coistitis personsal itenus
~i~us~i~1 Oder ccoccrosig stemblenrs of yotir class es tI osmosntt. A voluosse of the Altnusssus cosntaints thte history
______________Order__ o0 the Utniversity o h yeaur. (L It lctublcl-hses a ories of weoll chtosent pictures everyssmontlh.
E.- '-} DETRlOIT MiC. $1.50, a year. $30 for 3 years (specioal for 1911)

And Good Eating At
A Week
whlen yots pay foutr wtyeks ion
336 S. Divisinon Street


Reg~ular Board, Meal Tickets, anid Sligle


Co-e-r- of oroe arid State Str-eets
Ioa~ls Bell Phone 10917-L Home Phone 524-White


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