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July 17, 1959 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1959-07-17

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

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rM r.rr i u rrn iu i i m i i

Russia May

Relent on





Prof. Robert R. Bowie portrayed the cold war as a "challenge to
ourselves" yesterday, and suggested a five-part approach to meet its
crucial problems.
The director of the Harvard University Center for International
Affairs said America has a fundamentally stronger case than Russia
before the peoples of the world but will prevail only with enough
dedication to its responsibilities.
He warned that survival and success depend to a great degree on

Says Policy
Summit Hopes Rise
As Talks Continue
GENEVA (MP-Andrei A. Gro-
myko told the West last night the
Soviet Union may lower its price
for a stopgap Berlin deal.
The Soviet foreign minister
made his statement in the Big
Four conference after Secretary of
State Christian A. Herter had
warned that new crises and ten-
sions in disputed West Berlin
could imperil world peace more
gravely than ever before.
The United States Secretary of
State called for a once-for-all
solution for Berlin pending the re-
union of East and West Germany.
Would Mean Summit Parley
Herter pledged that real pro-
gress toward such a deal would
allow a summit parley to be ar-
ranged promptly.
The Big Four set up arrange-
ments for resuming secret talks
today on the Berlin crisis. This
pointed to a serious new bid to
come to terms soon.
In a session packed with pointed
diplomatic exchanges, Gromyko
responded to persistent Western
prodding with an assurance that
the Soviets are ready to be quite
flexible about one of their key
conditions for a Berlin agreement.
West Disagrees on Conditions
The condition is that the two
Germnays must meet face to face
during a stopgap arrangement to
work on a German peace pact and
unification program.
The United States, Britain,
France and West Germany had
rejected Russia's demand as it
stood. The Allies would prefer a
Big Four commission with East
and West Germany acting as ad-
visers. This would preserve Big
Four responsibility for a final
German peace settlement.
Gromyko asserted the time has
come for the Big Four to negotiate
concrete measures for an interim
solution of the crisis. He said he
did not mind whether the nego-
tiators take place in secret or
Bevan Asks
From Persia
HAMBURG, Germany ()P-Brit-
ish Laborite Aneurin Bevan said
yesterday Britain should give up
her military and political influence
in the Persian Gulf, one of the
world's richest oil areas.
Speaking before the sixth Con-
gress of the Socialist International,
Bevan said Arab nationalism is ex-
pelling Western influence as the
Asian nationalism did in the 1940s.
He forecast there will be a simi-
lar expulsion from Africa in the
He suggested that a progressive
reduction of British military and
political commitments in the Per-
sian Gulf would make sure that
local power would fill the "power'
vacuum" and not foreign elements.
By this, he apparently referred to
Bevan, who speaks for the Brit-
ish Laborites on foreign affairs,
urged that old style concessions be
transformed into normal commer-
cial transactions.







In Reside






"our ability to understand the
Roa Alle es
Plot in U.S.
HAVANA (M)-Foreign Minist
Raul Roa charged last night th
1d - an anti-Castro conspiracy "wi
official connections in the Unit
States" is planning to invade C'u
with 6,000 mercenaries now in t
Dominican Republic.
Roa, appearing on television
few hours after returning fr
Washington, said the offic
American link to the alleged cc
spiracy was not in the State D
partment "but in Congress."
He charged that there was
direct connection between t
alleged invasion plot and the a
pearance of Maj. Pedro Luis D:
Lanz before the United States I
ternal Security Subcomittee hea
ed by Sen. James O. Eastland (
Miss.). '
Fled to U.S.
Diaz, who quit as command
of the Cuban Air Force anld fl
to the United States, told t
committee that Prime Minisi
Fidel Castro, his brother Raul a
others high in the Cuban goveri
ment were Communists.
Castro has denounced Diaz
a traitor and a supporter of e
dictator Fulgencio Batista, who
Castro's revolution overthrew.
Names Organization
Roa said the plotters were wor
ing through an anti-Castro orga
ization in the United States know
as the "White Rose" and vario
groups in the Dominican Republ
Roa made his charges a f
minutes after declaring that rel
tions between the United Stat
and Cuba are excellent. This
true, he said, despite "some ma
ters." the Foreign Minister h
been representing Cuba in Was]
ington before the Council of t
Organization of American Stal
Soviet Works
+ To Be Topic
Russian literature will be t

world in its true dimensions." Those
=--'dimensions indicate that much of
"our task is on the non-commu-
nist side of the line" he said, re-
ferring to the needs of both'de-
clining European nations and
rising Afro-Asian ones.
"Most people believe in human
dignity and welfare, the freedom
to govern," Prof. Bowie pointed
out. "This is where we agree, and
thus we ought to be able to iden-
ertify with their causes."
'tr America's first responsibility is
at to safeguard the peace and deter
ith deliberate aggression, he said.
dba Advocates Arms Control
he Although disarmament does
not seem imminent, he empha-
a sized the United States should
continue its pursuit of arms con-
al trol as a great safeguard against
in- nuclear warfare.
e- Second,America must help cre-
ate new centers of power in the
free world, particularly in Europe,
he Prof. Bowie said.
Third, he argued that America
p- should do more for the world's
iaz underdeveloped nations, even for
n- those who distrust the West. "We
d- have a common interest with
D- them in the preservation of inde-
pendence," he reminded.
der Must Improve People
led Acknowledging the "terrible
he obstacles to the attainment of
ter growth" in these countries, he
nd pointed out that "all the capital
'n- in the world can't provide growth
unless you work toward the im-
as provement of individuals and in-
stitutions" in countries lacking
both material r e s o u r ce s and
skilled peoples.
He suggested "We haven't done
as much as we could in this
k- area," and supported United Na-
n- tions Secretary Dag Hammer-
wn skiold's proposal for an interna-
us tional civil service as a "construc-
lic. tive" idea.
ew Fourth, Prof. Bowie said the
la- United States should try to turn
tes the "evolution of communist pol-
is icy away from expansion."
at- Use Aid To Combat Communism
ad This should be attempted, he
h- said, by helping to develop Europe
e and the underdeveloped coun-
tes tries, thus "shutting off the pos-
sibility of easy victories" for the
He added that exchange pro-
grams are "all to the good" in
mitigating the war threat.
As a fifth task, the United
States must "try to build instru-
ments for community action"
he such as the UN. Prof. Bowie said.

Juno Veers
Of f Course,
Is Exploded
thundering Juno II rocket was
exploded 10 feet off its launching
pad yesterday when it veered to-
ward the heavily-populated Flor-
ida mainland.
No one was injured in the spec-
tacular blowup.
The range safety officer pressed
a button that tore the 76-foot'
satellite-toting rocket apart be-
fore it could rise clear of its own
exhaust fire.
Scientists Witness Crash
Toppling over to the west, the
rocket crashed in flames 50 yards
from the thick-walled blockhouse
from which scientists witnessed
the blastoff.
The 55 observers in the block-
house were detained inside the
structure for an hour until the
raging fire was extinguished.
Juno II was supposed to take
off on a northeast course that
would have hurled its satellite
into an elliptical orbit over Rus-
Caused by Generator Failure
Three hours after the explosion,
Dr. Kurt Debus, director of flight
operations for the project, told
newsmen the malfunction was
caused by failure of an inverter
generator which converts DC
power to AC and feeds it into the
guidance "brain" of the rocket.
With its power cut off, the
"bran" did not function and the
missile headed off aimlessly in
the wrong direction.
The explosion came as a dis-
tinct surprise because of the great
record of the reliable Juno II.
This was the same type'as the
rocket that hurled a man-made
American planet into eternal or-
bit around the sun.
Second Occurrence
It was only the second reported;
failure for the Army's reliable
Jupiter intermediate range bal-;
listic missile, which served as the
first stage of the four-stage Juno,
I ,
The satellite it was assigned to,
carry into orbit yesterday was one
that could have opened a new era
of larger, more advanced space
research vehicles.
Called Explorer VI, the satellite
contained a virtual flying labora-
tory designed to probe many of
the mysteries of space and of the;
Was To Study Radiation Band
Its main goal was to study the
deadly band of radiation that'
earlier Explorer satellites discov-
ered in outer space starting at 480
miles from the Earth.
Full information on this cosmic
radiation will be needed before
man can) begin his travels in




-Daily-Fred Bonnett
SIGN OF SUMMER-With the advent of warm weather, the city crews get out to repair the damages
wrought by winter. Currently, State Street between Packard Street and the Intramural Building is
blocked to traffic as a section of the sewer is worked on.

City Sinks New Sewer Section

Alters Plea
WASiIINGTON (R) - Bernard
Goldfine, gift-giving friend of
politicians, yesterday abondoned
his defense against a contempt of
Congress indictment.
He thereby left himself open to
a possible sentence up to one year
in jail and a $1,000 fine.
Goldflne, 68-year-old Boston in-
dustrialist, withdrew his previous
plea of innocent and entered a
plea of nolo contendere, meaning
he did not wish to contest further.
United States District Judge
James W. Morris accepted the
substitute plea over the objection
of Assistant United States Attor-
ney William Hitz.
In accepting Goldfine's new
plea, the judge indicated he 'in-
tended to be lenient. While the
maximum penalty for contempt
of Congress is a year in jail and
a $1,000 fine, Moris could impose
a sentence as light as one month
in jail and a $100 fine, and sus-
pend the jail term.
Goldfine, whose favors to former
White House aide Sherman Adams
and other political figures were in-
vestigated a year ago by the House
Subcommittee on Legislative Over-
sight, was indicted for refusing to
answer questions about the finan-
cial affairs of the Boston Port
Development Co.

New Proposal Delays
House Vote on Tax Plan
LANSING (P)--Last-minute introduction of a new tax package
short-circuited expected votes on the use and flat rate income tax bills
yesterday and turned the House into a scene of confusion and turmoil.
Lawmakers spent the day clearing the agenda of all but a few
non-tax measures and then quit for a third straight five-day weekend.
Rep. Allison Green (R-Kingston) set a target date' of Aug. 1 for
the beginning of the new tax program lawmakers must adopt to support
a record 1959-60 budget nearly completed. As yet, however, no one

To Initiate
$20 Rise
In Septembe
'Nominal' Charge
To Aid Financing
Of Staff Pay Hikes
Room and board rates in Uni-
versity residence halls will be in-
creased by $20 annually starting
this September, Vice-President
for Student Affairs James A.
Lewis announced yesterday.
Lewis termed the i n c r e a s e
"nominal," just covering boosts in
salaries of residence halls em-
Increases in staff salaries -
mostly four per cent raises, ac-
cording to Business Manager
Leonard A. Schaadt - were part
of the general wage increase,. of
University employes afforded by
the record operations budget
passed by the state legislature.
Occupants To Pay
Since residence halls operate
on a "self-sustaining" basis, wage
increases must be passed on to oc
Lewis anticipated no signfican
dropout among. students faced
with the extra $20 payment.
Notices of the payment change
were sent out yesterday. to all
students planning to enter 'a resi-
dence hall this fall.
Increases Listed
Rates next. year will be $87&
for single rooms, $815 for doubles,
and $765 for triples. The figure."
includes daily meals, weeky linen
service and bi-monthly maid serv-
ice for the academic year.
According to Francis C. Shiel,
manager of service enterprises, at
least five other Big Ten universi-
ties have increased rates $20 to
$50 next year.
The last room and board rate
raise here, calling for a $25 yearly
increase, was passed in the spring
of 1957. Highest raise in Univer-:
sity history was $50 in 1955.
Lewis also indicated that stu-
dent requests for extending phone
service to individual rooms would
be reviewed in the fall.
Military Aid
Change Sought
By Committee
WASHINGTON () - Senate
and House conferees agreed ten-
tatively yesterday on a comprom-
ise proposal to shift foreign mili-
tary aid to the Defense Depart-
ment budget for a two-year trial
President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower also won another partial
victory when the conferees-try-
ing to adjust differences in 31/2
billion dollar foreign aid bill--
voted to raise military aid funds
this year to $1,400,000,000.
This was only $200 million less
than President Eisenhower asked
for arms aid to free world allies
when he submitted a $3,909,400,-
000 foreign aid bill early in the
The Senate conferees agreed to
drop a provision giving the Pres-

ident permanent authorizations
for military assistance -abroad,
beginning in the fiscal year start-
ing July 1, 1960.
In exchange for this conces-
sion, the House conferees agreed
to a substitute provision authoriz-
ing no ceiling on appropriations
for this category of assistance for
the years beginning July 1, 1960

knew what form the programi
would take.
Back New Tax Package
Green joined hands with Rep. T.
John Lesinski (D-Detroit) to round
up support for a new four-bill tax
package keyed to a penny increase
in the three-cent use (sales) tax
and a revised business activities
It would produce about $148 1/2
million a year, about eight and
one-half million more than lead-
ers of both parties concede is
needed to balance the budget.
As a condition of proposal, Le-
sinski insisted the House pass his
own plan and the Conlin flat rate
income tax plan endorsed by Dem-
Provides Choice
That way, he said, the Republi-
can-run Senate would have a
Rep. Joseph J. Kowalski (D-De-
troit), Democratic 'floor leader,
backed down on plans to demand
an immediate vote on the income
tax when four members failed to
show up.

Steel Strike
By The Associated Press
The steel strike continued to
gain force yesterday as nego-
tiations were halted for the
A run-down of the situation
IDLE-An estimated 500,000
steelworkers with 25,000 in
allied fields such as rail, coal,
truck, inland water shipping,
iron ore mining and processing-
industries. Layoffs mounting.
ther talks scheduled until Mon-.
day in New York when Federal
mediation chief Joseph Finne-
gan meets with industry and
union negotiators.
Steelworkers President David J.
McDonald and top. aides begin
tour of major steel centers to
tell their story to rank and file.
Industry's chief negotiator, R.
Conrad Cooper, leaves New York
City for rest.
LOSSES-An estimated 300,000
tons of steel daily, with wage
losses running $70,000,000
weekly. Strike has cut off nearly
90 per cent of nation's steel-
making capacity.
ISSUES - Union seeks in-
creased wages and improved
fringe benefits. Industry claims
it would be inflationary to grant
*'ba 1 ter

Khrushchev Stresses Peaceful Goal

SOSNOWIEC, Poland (A') -
Nikita S. Khrushchev gave his
solemn pledge to a cheering crowd
yesterday "that never, never,
never, shall we launch any war
against any country anywhere at
any time."
"We want coexistence," the
visiting premier told the third In-
ternational Congress of Miners
Unions. "We don't want war. We
don't need war. Neither do the
capitalist countries."
Boasting of the rocket might of

"Imagine the size of the bomb
that could be contained in our
missiles compared with the size
which could be contained in yours.
You cannot equal us."
.-.-',,.*-'.--.*......... . . *..... . .

This remark brought a roar of
cheers from the delegates, assem-
bled from many countries for the
Communist-sponsored conference.
"We have much better equip-
ment than the United States,
which will never be able to catch
up with us technically," Khrush-
chev went on after the cheering
subsided. "We are first technically,
but second to the United States in
all economic fields."
Predicting world victory for
Communism was inevitable,

Khrushchev told the conference
that visiting capitalists in Moscow
often complained to him that
"You Communists use Communist
parties in other countries to inter-
fere in other people's affairs."
"My answer is that Communist,
parties exist wherever there is
misery and are the best expression
of the interests of the working
masses," Khrushchev said.
Khrushchev also devoted con-

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