t -ti f - fSixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Vhen Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS 'ruth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff' writers or the editors. This mutt be noted in all reprints. JRSDAY, JULY 16, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS HAYDEN Caribbea TCan'uel By THOMAS 'TURNER Farm ProductionA As Foreign Aid HIS IS NOT idle moralizing. Recently on a- Pittsburgh streetcar, two card advertise- nts were placed side by side. On one was the age of a happy American housewife sug- ting that stores which sell "Brand Names" the places at which to shop. On the next s a CARE ad suggesting that one dollar uld send 22 pounds of food 'to Europe. The Id in the center stood, or rather kneeled, in rk contrast to the housewife. 9nd another event, President Eisenhower's o of a new farm bill, also occurred last ek, an1 this event may be more connected the two advertisements than a quirk glance ,ld reveal. OR THE BILL, in addition to carrying the 'usual Democratic high parity payments, itained the old idea of acreage allotment-. ying the farmer not to produce. Eisen- wer's own soil bank program has the same ect. In fact, Sen. Everett Dirksen (D-Il1.), minority leader, introduced an Adminis- tion bill to raise the soil bank program to if a billion dollars per year by 1963. The action on the farm problem is prompted the fact that productive capacity is rapidly stripping population growth. IA fact, says Business Week, farm production has risen 23 per cent since 1905 while population has risen only 15 per cent. Two answers are suggested. The Administra- tion, backed by one big farm group, wants low supports, with, the idea that free market econ- omics will eventually regulate production, in the traditional laissez-faire theory. Other groups favor more farmer marketing agreements, controlling the prices that way. All agree that the farmer cannot be forced to accept too low prices for his produce. Neither for that matter, can the nation. UT THE IDEA of curbing production runs counter to all American tradition. The so- lution of letting production rise as rapidly as market play permits is readily available, al- though of course,' government intervention would be needed. Completely free enterprise, it has been shown, cannot ensure the economic safety of either the farmer or the nation. Something else must be tried, no matter what the philosophical consequences. The solution is simply to keep buying pro- duce at whatever rate is needed (although as low as possible), but charging the bill to for- eign aid. This, of course, is a bookkeeping de- vice which would artificially solve the problem, but it is an answer, as good as any that have so far been devised. The food would be sent abroad, just as tanks' and rifles are today. There are plenty of hun-' gry people in the world; there will be no lack of demand, THE ONLY HITCH in the plan is the pro- tests of Allies who will see their food- exporting business evaporate when the prod- ucts of American agriculture are "dumped" on the market. But the answer to this is simple. Tie a proviso onto aid clauses that nations receiving American surpluses continue within a small percentage of present purchases. This is not economic slavery to imperialism, by any means, since this would be the only provision specified in the aid plan. The idea is to keep other smaller agricultural producers from go- ing under and requiring aid themselves. Food finds its way ,into people's hearts, a great deal faster than guns. -PHHJP SHERMAN SAN JUAN, P. R. - A year ago this week I arrived in Warsaw, a member of the first Experiment in International Living group sent to a Communist satellite nation. We had come by train through East Germany, which lent us val- uable perspective. In Magdebourg, a Vassar stu- dent in our group had dropped an empty ball-point cartridge out the window onto the station platform. Immediately, the cartridge be- came an object of suspicion. A guard approached cautiously and nudged it with his foot. Nothing happened, of course. BY THIS TIME, a number of people in the station were watch- ing. The guard turned to go, and a cart came down the 'platform, passing over the cartridge. , Everyone winced. The fascinated coed had been watching all along, and as she- moved away from the window, a German on the train observed, "Life here is a circus." There were other incidents in' East Germany -- for example, I nearly lost an unexposed roll of film to a scowling guard who thought I'd taken his picture - but this pen-cartridge episode seemed to symbolize for us the suspicion and fear which pre- dominated there. When our train crossed the border, it was impossible not to notice the contrast between the courteous, smiling Polish inspec- tors and those we had left be- hind. * * OUR POLISH "brothers" and "sisters" met us at the station in Warsaw, and took us to their homes. This cab ride gave me my first look at Poland's capital, a city only partially recovered from the 90 per cent destruction of 1944-45. My host, Warsaw University junior Thomasz Krzeszowski, told me his home was in one of the city's nicest sections. This sec- tion turned out to be several blocks of four-story brick apart- ment buildings, faced with plain plaster. Later, I learned the area had been a pocket of particularly stubborn resistance in the suici- dal Warsaw Insurrection of 1944, and that the Germans had de- stroyed every building there. Krzeeszowski lived with his grandmother, Stanislawa Pret- kiel, in a cramped two-room flat. There was a kitchen with a gas stove but no refrigerator - Mrs. Prektiel slept there. There was a bathroom, with a toilet, a little gas water "heater and a bath-tub. THE THIRD ROOM contained a little table and chairs, where we ate, a cot on Which I slept, a piano he could not then afford to have tuned, and his "bed" for the interim-a fold-out chair called (why, I never learned) an "Amer- ican chair." My host spoke excellent Eng- lish - he had studied it for seven years - but Mrs. Pretkiel under- stood not a word of it. So she spoke through Tomasz as an in- terpreter, telling me of her ex- periences. She was born near Vilno, a then-Polish city in Czarist Rus- sia. She married a technical stu- dent, and went to St. Petersburg with him. While he was studying there, the Bolshevik revolution took place. DURING World War II, Mrs. Prektiel lived in Warsaw. When the insurrection against the Ger- man occupation took place, her husband was an active partici- pant, making bombs. She and he were both shipped off to Auschwitz concentration camp in the south of Poland. Soon afterward, Mrs. Prektiel was sent to Ravensbruck, a camp in Germany. She never saw her husband. again. After six months, when she was near starvation, Mrs. Pretkiel was liberated with the fall of Berlin. (She rummaged through her belongings looking for a pic- ture taken of her at this time, but couldn't find it for me.) KRES * KRESZOWSKI'S father, mean-, while, had been killed outright' during the insurrection. His mother has since remarried and lives with his stepfather in teach- er's union housing in another section of Warsaw. I'm repeating this family-his- tory in detail not because it is-so unusual, but rather, because it's so typical - many of the other Experimenters heard similar nar- ratives from their "families." They gave us insight into the powerful anti-war, anti-German feeling which is an important. facet of modern-day Poland, one her Soviet "liberators" and mas- ters are well aware of. 'A S -Daily-Allan Winder ACCOMPLICES - Shirley Medrano as Lucy, Lydia's maid who made simplicity pay handsomely, talks over the situation with George Bedard as Fag, Jack Absolute's servant, in a scene from last night's production. UMMER PLAYBILL; Performers Sparkle In Sheridan's 'Rivals' My Goddess! Part III EVERAL CURIOUS structures are rising under the great wings of the University. ere, is the Dearborn Center. From the looks it, 'the plans were probably stolen from the* rd Motor Company's aesthetic gem, the" uge plant. On campus are the Mental Health Research dg. and the Alpha Gamma Delta sorority use, a combination on which no comment ed be made..A sorority going up seems con- xry to the laws of Newton and nature but it's the way it is. The multitudes which enter your brick- eked temple on State St. each day attest to ur greatness, Michigan, goddess, of a small rtion of the Huron River. -RJ. RUSSIAN MEMORIAL ... once, the heroes TfO THE STRAINS of chamber music floating down from the balcony, the curtain opened last night on the artificial world of the 18th century drawing room.. Brilliant costuming, ingenious sets, *and delightful characteriza- tions brought moments of sparkle to a 200-year-old era. Almost without exception the cast gave charmingly eccentric performances with a naturalness unusual in the presentaiton of such a "classic." Chief scene-stealer is Mrs. Malaprop (Claribel Baird) whose voluminous vocabulary is unfor- tunately misplaced, misused, and amusing. But alas, her "affluence, over her niece" is almost co-exist- ent. SUSAN HELLER as the niece, Lydia, languishes prettily and her lover is properly charming and bright-eyed. The problem between, them is Lydia's quaint notion that poverty is somehow more roman- tic than a healthy estate. Poor child, her mind has been pervert- ed by reading too many 18th cen-, tury romances. Bob Acres proves that exagger- ation is the better' part of wit. Donald Ewing as the father is alternately stern and slyly lecher- ous in his attempts to get his son marired off to a young lady of property. While such a work as "The Ri- vals" has by age alone passed into the realm of accepted, if not great art it is worth seeing not for content but for performance. The conventions of Sheridan's comedy are tedious much of the time as the audience reaction seems to indicate. * * * . PERHAPS because they have been re-used for the past two cen- turies, the best jokes of the play are all too familiar. The worst jokes are received in a stony and straining silence. Best line of the production was, of course, by Mrs. Malaprop. Standing between two duelers she ,shouts, "Let there be no honor before ladies." Technical points often contrib- TODAY AND TOMORROW: Th N 'edTo eAre fy WALTER LIPPMANN DURING THE RECESS at Geneva there has been a change in the political weather. At the adjournment on June 20, the official view in Washington was that . negotiation about Berlin was perilously near a breakdown in a crisis of ultimatums and threats. But before the conference was resumed, the general feel- ing in the West was that negotiation was not breaking down, that there may be no ulti- matum and no crisis, that a provisional ar- rangement about Berlin might be possible, and that we are at the beginning of a series of negotiations, now at Geneva, then. after that at the summit, and after that at various levels for at least two years to come. This change of feeling in Washington, which brings us nearer to what the British have felt all along, is based upon a careful reading fo what Mr. Gromyko said -in a statement issued on June 28. According to Mr. Gromyko, this statement merely clears up a misunderstand- ing by Secretary Herter of what the Soviet government meant to say before the confer- ence adjourned. Whether or not this is the case, whether the statement marks a con- cession or is merely a clarification the state- ment itself impressed Washington. UNFORTUNATELY, this important state- ment was not adequately reported, in the American press at the time it was issued, and it became generally available even to news- papermen only after it appeared some days' later in a mimeographed handout from the Soviet Embassy. The statement was, however, well known at once to the State Department and to the For-, eign Office in London. They had seen how ex- plicitly Mr. Gromyko denied that he was deliv- ering an ultimatum demanding the surrender of Western rights in Berlin. They had noted also that Mr. Gromyko had said he was pro- posing the terms of a "provisional status of West Berlin" while attempts - were made to agree on the reunification of Gernany. There is no doubt that this. is a crucial mod- ification of the original Soviet demand of No- vember 1958 for a permanent settlemgent, of the status of Berlin. Pending the reunification of the two Germanys and the restoration of Ber- lin as the German capital, the West can ask no less, but also it can ask no more, than that West Berlin be given a "provisional status." SINCE LAST November, when Mr. Khrush- rheu wnenr the nr'ofn+ nhonr . r-f +h- a permanent solution, hars never been pos- sible. For the West will not surrender all of Germany into the Soviet sphere of influence and the Soviet Union will not surrender the whole of Germany into the Western sphere of influence. Both sides are opposed to a re- united Germany which is neutralized and not in either sphere of influence. Both sides pre- fer, the partitian of Germany to 4ny alterna- tive which is practical'politics. BUT, LESS THAN an. agreement on a pro- visional status would be highly inconveni- ent and dangerous to both sides. For the Rus- sians, the breakdown of negotiations would confront them with painful decisions. For it is inconceivable, unless they had suddenly gone mad, that they would themselves,. or through the East Germans, institute a block- ade of West Berlin. The Western powers are wholly committed against the possibility of surrender to a blockade. They would have to resist or to take reprisals, and it is not pos- sible that this is not well. known to Mr. Khrushchev. Enough people have told him this. He has moreover, as a leader as a matter of fact never played with fire. He has never threatened or even hinted at a blockade of Berlin: What hehas threatened to do.is to make a peace treaty with East Germany giving it the theoretical right to deal with us on Ger- man. questions including the question of Ber- lin. But it is certain that when and if he makes a peace treaty with East Germany, he will take care not to let East Germany do anything provocative which he himself had not decided to do. East Germany will still be a satellite. Mr. Khrushchev will not give this satellite a free hand. For these reasons, the Soviet Union has a real interest in a provisional arrangement. THE WEST, for its part, is faced with the fact that West Berlin lies in a strategic trap, and that. its security including security of access depends not on any kind of local de- fense but on the threat of a world war with nuclear weapons. This is far from being per- fect security. For the guarantee will not oper- ate unless the aggression is big, is unmistak- able, and is clearly intended. It would operate against a general blockade. It could not oper- ate against harassment, against bureaucratic delays and an infinite variety of temporary but costly and annoying traffic jams, due to "re- nairs" of the hvidges, the railrnd and the a period play. Elizabeth Birbari, the costume designer, "has built color and exuberance into the play that is aided by a great deal of action, sometimes too much whirling and twisting abot, which shows her wares to splen- did advantage. THE MUCH-TOUTED moves able scenery is indeed a curiosity that nust be seen to be appre- ciated. It is in perfect accord with the frankly artificial atmosphere of the comedy. 'For students of the theater, the Speech Department's 'attempt to present drama as it might have been in the age of the author is highly instructive. But for 'the theater patron .who wants. to be amused or entertained, decadent though such a goal may be, "The Rivals" is perhaps a little dull and disappointing. --Jo Hardee AT NORTHLAND: 'iary, A Winner. THE NORTHLAND Playhouse seems to have come up with a real winner in their present of- fering of "The Diary of Anne Frank. After a somewhat slow start, the play, starred in and direted by Francis Lederer, picked up steam throughout the first act and moved on to the curtain on. the same high plane. Edna Ferber, in the program, says that "Francis Lederer is the greatest actor 'in the world to- day." Although perhapsh otren- tirely, deserving of such ezra ordinary. plaudits, Lederer's por- trayal of Mr. Frank was the strong point of a strong produc- tion, and seemed to be the. focal pointharoundwhich the rest of the show revolved. THE REST of the cast was en- tirely unknown to this writer, but did very well indeed. As Anne Frank, Pauline Hahn managed to appear quite the bratty little' girl in the first act and then the growing teen-age "(European style)- in the second ini an' effe- tive, if somewhat disconnected way. Don Rubin was by turns ganglingly awkward and angry as' the adolescent Peter Van'Daan.' The other Van Daans, mother and father, were appropriately exuberant and infantile. Lotte' Stavisky seemed pretty stylized as Mrs. Frank until idway in the second act, when she ,explod- ed at the Van Daans in fine style. THE SETS WERE realistically grubby, although the cream- colored plastic ceiling of the the- atre offered an often incongruous contrast. The noise of trucks rumbling on the road outside the theatre added effectively to ade- quate sound effects. Lederer's direction was percep- tive and well-paced. -Philip Power' DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THE SILENT REMINDERS-On the left, a grave In the Red Army Cemetery in Poznan tells of the bygone days when the Russians were the heroes, the villains the Nazi troopers, and Poland gave thanks to the Kremlin for her liberation. On the right, a pile of brick and rubble in Warsaw, now overgrown by weeds, speaks its silent tale of war and destruction that still hangs over the country. FOURTEEN YEARS AFTER HIROSHIMA: Japan Working Peacetime A tomic Energy By KENNETH ISHII TOKAI, Japan (P) - Two years ago young Takeji Terunuma was helping with the chores on his father's farm here in this rural village of thatch-roofed houses. Today at 22, Takeji still works in Tokai, but at a vastly different job. For here on the community's outskirts, about 60 miles north- east of Tokyo, builders cleared away a pine grove and construct- ed Japan's first atomic research center. Takeji works in the radiation control section. He develops tiny strips of film worn by institute scientists, puts the film in a pho- tometer and reads the amount of radiation to which the worker has been exposed. MANY Japanese, recalling the agonies of Hiroshima and Naga- saki, were indignant when the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute was formed in 1956 as a government-financed, private- ly run organization. But the government has gone out of its way to insist that Ja- pan's atomic energy research will be used only for peaceful pur- poses, not for military ends. Takeji says: "I guess all this is an inevitable a small $250,000 research reactor with a 50-kilowatt energy output that was bought from the United States and assembled at the in- stitute by American technicians. It began operating in August 1957. But a second research reactor having a 10,000-kilowatt output, also of American design, is near- ing completion and is scheduled to be fired late this summer. This will cost $4,444,000. And work has begun on a third research reactor of the same en- ergy output as the second. This one, designed and built com- pletely by Japanese, will be ready sometime in 1961. Koji Kakihara, scientist in charge of the 50-kilowatt reactor, explains: "Japan is at least 10 years be- hind the United States and Rus- sia in nuclear research. We also lag behind such countries as Brit- ain, France and West Germany. You might place Japan after Germany." FOR A TIME the three re- search reactors will be used only for experimental purposes, to train future scientists and to pro- duce radioisotopes for use in Japan's rapidly expanding medi- cal, agricultural and engineering fields. Japan is buying from Britain a $59,400,000 Calder Hall power reactor in which the heat pro- duced is converted into electri- cal energy. Tentative plans call for the Calder Hall reactor -using natural Uranium and having a 150,000-kilowatt output - to be installed at Tokai. The power it generates will be sold commer- cially, representing the first step towards the practical, commer- cial use of atomic energy in Ja- pan. Its problem of disposing of Plutonium, 'fissionable by-product of Uranium's chain reaction, has been solved by a provision which, returns the radioactive waste to Britain. The major Western powers can use Plutonium for the manufac- ture of nuclear 'weapons, but Japan has no use for the material and lacks facilities for its dis- posal. S. The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. .. ....... i