"I Can't Get over It -And He's a Fellow Texan, Too" S1w mirigau i aily Sixty-Ninth Year J, EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY O'F MICHIGAN Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS h Will PrevvAI" - STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 orials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. I AY, JULY 15, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: SELMA SAWAYA _ _ A _,_.... . . _____ Resolution Opens Door to Compromise JNCILMAN A. Nelson Dingle's resolution oposed Monday night represents a wel- declaration of intent to bargain about of the terms of the Urban Renewal plan. rectly meets two objections Mayor Cecil "eal has made, one in his veto message me in a statement the day of the recent hearing. cannot agree," Creal said in his veto mes- "to taking homes for planning purposes= wild multi-family units, since we must nber that in this area nearly 80 per cent' e people own their own homes." gle's resolution would allow the owners e sound homes to which this was to hap- o stay in them indefinitely. Further; it, allow owners of other sound houses go- Part II BETA THETA PI house his but a heap rubble, a progressive sign of the Univer- fraternity system, a symbol for the fra- Y future. ould be that the demolished house is the of a pledge prank, or self-destruction. he real story is that the fraternity- is ng a new 'house for a beta future. This be a sign that the recession. is over. new house will probably last a century. live fraternities; long live the goddess, rsity of the Inland Seas. -R. J. ing for planning purposes to sell them as other acquired houses are sold, or else. to remain in them for five 'years or as long as the City Council found "fair and equitable in each case:" . 1 day,. _. f - / ,.. j J . .'" ( s ;; , ;: ,. raw a< , y , , _ _ r , ' S e" Y /yy t s , F a f z y ;, . . t Y.. t " f F ' : Cis -' } ...rwr...r ' . t _ . . ! ._ " : s <. t - { .. i.r A,- M 11R ..- . * UKRAINE CENTER: Russians Developing New Managerial Class By PRESTON GROVER KHARKOV, Ukraine OP)--Russia is developing a new managerial class, strong party men in most instances, tough in debate, and often technically expert. Many of them are concentrated in the Ukraine of southwest Russia because that it where the Soviet Union's main industry has been con- centrated. One of the most impressive is the Deputy Director of the Economic Council at Stalino. Markovitch Alexander's organization coordinates the work of over a million men and women employed in 29 branches of industry in , veritable Soviet Pittsburgh. RED FACED, red haired, wearing a brown suit with a blue shirt open at the collar, Alexander fields tough questions with skill. He candidly admits that America could compete with Russia in the i 4 IN A STATEMENT made the day of the pub- 'lie hearing, Creal said he thought plans should have been made so as to avoid forcing' into unemployment the sixty or so employes of the slaughterhouse. Dingle's resolution pro- vides that the city would work with the Cham- ber of Commerce "and other local interested organizations and citizens to accomplish the satisfactory relocation of all commercial en- terprises within the area which would be dis- placed .by the Urban Renewal plan." Dingle's proposal does not meet all of Creal's objections. It does not limit the election on, Urban Renewal to property-owners, which would imply a bond issue and incidentally a requirement for a 60 per cent instead of a 50 per cent majority. Nor does it remove the resi- dential rezoning of part of Main St., or take up other minor technical questions Creal has raised about the plan - for instance, whether Summit St. should-'be closed. Still, though, these points may be taken up, anl' Dingle's resolution is a good step toward compromise. Perhaps Urban Renewal can be gotten through by removing enough of it" features that its opponents find objectionable Or perhaps their opposition is too fundamen- tal, and it will fail to pass Council or, more probably, Creal will veto it. What happens will be indicative. +grsg, 't(S+Q4t6'o..4 'PA' sr ' ... C iby beA na 4el By THOMAS TURNERR export market despite a much higher living because "America is two and a half times more efficient in in- dustry than Russia." The manager of a three million ton steel plant in Zaporozhe is Lev Dimitriyevitch Yubro, about 48 years old. On a tour of his plant, he shows he knows where everything is and how it works. HE MAKES it plain that he likes the decision of the'government twoj years ago giving More control to' regional managers and plant man- agers to get their production up. A'lot of decisions which had to be cleared through 30 ministries and departments in Moscow now can be made by himself or the re- gional council. The city of Kharkov changed hands four times during the war, and what wasn't shot up In the fighting was blown up by the re- treating Germans. All the industry and 40 per cent of the residences. were gone when the Russians moved back in." But now this rebuilt city of 930,000 is a tenter of scientific and technical institutions turning out engineers, planners, chemists, elec- tricians, crane operators and trac- tor men. It has 50 scientific insti- tutes and 25 high schools and academies. UNLIKE THE rather suave May- or Mikhailik Fedocieyevich of, Kharkov, the mayor of Stalino is a bustling, warm type. Mayor Alexei Mehailovich, 53 years old, of Stalino knows his town like the back of his hand. Mehailovich began work in the local mines at the age of 12, about the time of the 1917 revolution. ' He is still boiling mad at the Germans and accuses them of having tortured =150,000 to death in a single Gestapo building. Scores of thousands of Jews were thrown down an old mine shaft and their bodies dissolved with quicklime,' he says. Mehailovich is an avowed athiest and doesn't spent time talking about religious tolerance. There- are no operative church buildings left in the city, but 10 vacant buildings have been turned over to religious folk. A synagogue? "The Jews havej a praying place," he says. , wage scale and higher standard of LETERS to the EDITOR To the Editor: i THE QUALITY, quantity, and variety of athletic facilites available to the faculty and stu- 'dents of the University are im- pressive; we would express our gratitude for the. pr ov is i on of the facilities, and for the gener- ally high standards of care evident in their maintenance. Several glaring exceptions to this record of thoughtfulness and excellence, however, constrain us to make public complaint, in the hope that some present conditions may be corrected. In great need of repair and improvement are the intramural facilities for the minor sports; and this need; is specially pressing because it is precisely these facilities which are in con- stant and widespread use by the average, occasional athletes, like ourselves, who constitute the larg- est portion of University person- nel. The men's tennis courts are a case in point. With over a score of asphalt courts available, not one is in fit condition for decent play. Almost every net is torn, out of adjustment, and in generally awful condition. The surfaces themselves are rough, the painted lines are faded, and on most are. growing generous crops of weeds from within the surface cracks. In the 'light of the extensive use of these courts, and their import- ance for so many of the, faculty and students, their present state of neglect and disrepair is a dis- grace. . * * «r Scientists" HE SCIENTIST of today who expresses n opinion on a social problem is in a peculiar osition - either he is ignored and perhaps ughed at or his word. is taken as some kind f magic charm, guaranteed to remove all un- rtainties, solving the situation with a whisk . scientific method and a flick of fact. Non- ,ientists alternately blast scientists for pro- acing the means, for tgtal destruction and eap them'with praise for providing society ith increasing luxuries and leisure.. Amid the confusion, the scientist remains- part, isolated by the society which his inven- on and discovery is influencing so greatly in, As age of science. Few will disagree that our ay of living has been profoundly changed by lentific progress, particularly in the last half mtury, but the idea that our social values, itr norals, have not kept pace is more con-, oversial. LOYD V. BERKNER, an internationally. known scientist, recently advocated re- imping our social code in a talk here. He, id a panel of University professbrs of science bated the need for such a move and what le the scientist should play in implenenting. Opinions were varied, but one thing re- ained static-they all agreed that the. scien- t has a responsibility to his society. to take irt in any re-evaluation., Speaking. as citizens rather than scientists, ey recognized that, as scientists they should tempt to realize the consequences of any scovery they make and as members of society veal these to the community. The inter- lation of science and politics and its impact. . nearly all aspects of life make it nearly im- esible to neglect the scientist and ignore the -PETER DAWSON Must Help ethical and social contributions he can make to culture. Some scientists,admittedly, ,have publicly shown an insensitive unconcern for the Insti- tutions and traditions men hold dear, but oth- ers, like the panel, are sincerely seeking an answer to the problem of just where the scien- tist stands in the field of human relations. HE HAS FACTS, he can predict possible out- comes resulting from the continuance of present values, but what should he do about it? Is he to advocate solutions such as birth control or nuclear test bans? The answer seems to be yes, but not as a demi-god telling the world what is best for it but as a member of society adding to the stockpile of ideas and alternative methods for coping with a shrink- ing world. Perhaps the pedestal the scientist has, been elevated to by the layman needs to come down. Society can make use of, his knowledge and techniques just as it does those of the philoso- pher and politician. The problem is to gain a basis for cooperation between all professions so that man may examine the social issues at stake from all points of view with the goal of finding standards which are compatible with modern complexities and retain human dig- nity. The scientist eager to assume a role in the iholding of the culture of the future is merely expressing concern over the state of affairs in . which he and his descendants will have to live life within a society, after all, cannot be avoided even by the scientist who spends a great deal of it within a laboratory. -KATHLEEN MOORE SCAN JUAN, P.R.-The president's, veto of the omnibus housing bill has paralyzed Puerto Rico's extensive public housing, urban renewal, slum clearance and FHA mortgage programs, local officials report.' Herbert Bergquist, regional di- rector of - the Public Housing Ad- ministration, said no new projects could be undertaken without fur- ther funds. The omnibus bill would have. provided 3$,000 units for seven public housing regions across the nation. One of these regions is Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Puerto Rico boasts the second highest standard of living in Latin America (behind oil-rich -Vene- zuela) but many dwellings, urban and rural alike, are substandard. * * * PUBLIC HOUSING in San Juan began under Rexford Tugwell, last "Continental" governor. The "Eleanor Roosevelt houses" his ad- ministration put up were two- story multi-family units. After the war many real estate developments (or "urbanisa- clones") sprung up in suburban areas; row on row of little cement six-room houses, Mortgages on these houses run in the neighborhood of $7,000, I've learned through my job, in the FHA department of a bank here. Some "urbanisaciones,", of course, include more expensive houses. Now future mortgages of -this sort will be impossible, as will pro- jects to help the needier who can- not even think of new homes, un- til some substitute for the vetoed bill is passed. * * * THE LATEST chapter in the bizarre case of Dominican flier Juan Ventura Simo is this: Monday morning local radio personality Madeleine Willemsen began her cultural show by open- ing a parcel she'd received from the Dominican Republic. She was describing to her lis- teners the pamphlet of reproduc- tions of murals in a church in Trujillo's home town when she noticed something: interspersed- with the pictures were handwrit- ten descriptions of an underground movement against Trujillo. Miss Willemsen said nothing about the handwriting at the time, but finished the show as planned.. Then she translated the message, which told of continued fighting by a Dominican Liberation force -Trujillo's government has denied that any resistance remains. Simo, according to the smug- gled out information, Is not. yet dead (as was reported) but is held by the government and will be exe- cuted. Was the message a hoax? There is no way of knowing, but a Do- minican-government hoax seems unlikely, since the incident in no way reflects favorably on Trujillo. Is the information true, even if it was smuggled out? Here too,, no definite answer is forthcoming. fI FISCAL RECORD OF FOREIGN DEBTS: U.S. Accounts Ousann StSizeable wiwYw iirr. . INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Maneuvering at Geneva By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst PEOPLE ASK frequently why the Russians sometimes appear to be so childish. Why, for instance, does Andrei Gromyko open up the second round of Geneva talks by trying to change the rules after a fashion he knows the Allies will not accept? He fnade some hay two months ago by ob- taining Allied agreement to admit East Ger- man Communist representatives to the formal, conference meetings as observers with a lim- ited right to be heard at some points. The Al- lies brought in the West Germans as a balance. AT MONDAY'S resumption of the conference. the Allies proposed that secret sessions, where some real work might possibly be done, begin at once. Whereupon Gromyko said all right, but you've got to let the East Germans attend. 1 The Allies said they'd gone as far as theyu were going along that line., Some observers immediately called it .Rus- sian stalling. But that would mean Gromyko is supposed to keep the conference dragging out, whereas Premier Khrushchev has always seemed de- sirous of getting the Foreign Ministers out of the way so a summit meeting could get started. HAT ACTUALLY is happening at Geneva is that both sides are now trying the other out, to see if reflection during the conference recess has brought any softening of position. The Allies want to know whether the Soviets really will stop setting time limits on a Berlin settlement, thus lending at least some surface hope that a summit conference could be de- voted to the issues instead of to bluffing. Gromyko wants to know whether the West is determined to fight out the issues along the present lines, or whether the' Allies so fear a crisis over Berlin that 'the Kremlin need not. compromise its original demands. The West has demonstrated that it wishes to talk its way around any possible Berlin roadblocks if it can. HUS A CONCESSION regarding a proce- dural matter would be taken as weakness, and the Soviet would feel safer about keeping By FRANK CORMIER Associated Press Writer LET'SDO A little fiscal day- dreaming. .. . Suppose Uncle Sam turned his foreign loan accounts over to a hard-hearted bill collector and de- manded immediate payment on all loans made since World War I. Suppose all the debtor nations dug down deep and came up with hard currency to pay their bills. With all the I.O.U.'s made good, how much money would go into the United States till? Could the treasury lay off domestic taxpayers for a year? Two years? Well, not quite. Total repayment of all foreign loans now outstand- ing would bring the United States 31 billion dollars. That's only enough to run the government at its present pace for a bit more than four months. * * ACTUALLY, there is no chance of collecting a big chunk of the 31 billion any time soon. The debts are scheduled for steady repay- ment over many years. If they con- tinue to be paid off at last year's pace, it would take about 50 years to collect everything. And that assumes there's no new borrowing. But Uncle Sam continues to make new loans each month. In 1958, new U. S. credits totaled $1,200,000,000., There is still another flaw in the dream of repayment. Even if all 31 billion dollars was repaid tomorrow, Uncle Sam wouldn't have any use for part of the money. That's because several' billion dollars loaned during the cold war is repayable in local currencies rupees, pesos, etc. What are the chances these bil- lions will be repaid? The recorc of repayment on World War I debts is dismal. But most countries are making regular payments on at least some of the billions borrowed during and since World War II. During 1958, only $400,000 was collected on World War I debts. By contrast, 62 countries paid back 636 million dollars borrowed since World War II. In addition, they paid 290 million dollars in interest. * * * FINLAND IS the only nation receiving a bill for World War I debts-because the Finns are the only ones who pay regularly. (Their payment accounted for practically all the $400,000 col- lected last year on World War I debts.) The accounts on World War I debts are kept meticulously up to date. Uncle Sam doesn't want to give anyone the impression they've been forgotten or forgiven. Once a year, a treasury clerk prepares statements for each coun- try showing how much is owed and when payments are due. The bills are sent to the State Department, where all but Finland's are quietly filed away. State has been pigeon-holing these statements so long that offi- cials say they aren't sure why the practice was adopted. They assume there was a high-level decision that regular billing was a waste of time. Willie's Words . WORLD WAR I debts originally totaled about 10 billion dollars. The amount has grown steadily because of interest charges piling up on past-due installments. Most countries, including Great Britain, stopped paying in 1933. France stopped even earlier.? Only three countries have paid off their World War I obligations -Cuba, Liberia and Nicaragua. Great Britain is the biggest debtor from the first war, owing 81/2 billion dollars. Others at the top of the heap are France, 5% billion; Italy, 2% billion; Belgium, 612 million; Russia, 573 million;. Poland, 400 million, and Czecho-' slovakia, 235 million. TOTAL delinquencies on the 12/2 billion World War II and cold war debts come to 133 million dol- lars spend among 14 countries. Sixteen million has been written off as uncollectable. Among the delinquent debtors from World War II, Nationalist China leads the parade. She is 49 million dollars behind in payments of principal and interest. Next come Russia, 30 million; Iran, 23 million; the Philippines, 16% 2mil- lion; Hungary, 3 million; Poland, 2 million, and Indonesia, 12% mil- lion. Britain, France, Germany and the other major western European nations are up to date. United States officials have an explanation for the sharp con- trast between the repayment rec- ords for the debts growing out of the two great wars. * s AFTER World War II, they say, the United States erased huge debts. For instance, it excused all Lend-Lease debts where the war goods provided actually were used 1 7 'K 1 l j t, 1 1 1 1 AGGRAVATING the inadequacy of these facilities is the fact that those few clay courts maintained by the University,. which are in top condition, are unavailable to students or faculty. It appears that they have been rented to a private tennis club, and =that their use by members of the University who, are not members of this club is forbidden. Surely the University is not that badly in need of funds! What results is a situation in which strangers have the runof our finest facilities, while stu- dents and staff may watch from courts in disreputable condition. Paddleball is another widely played intra~nural sport which suffers grave neglect. Of the paddles supplied by the University, almost all are splintered, cracked, and virtually worthless. Since the cost of these paddles is not more than two dollars each, we may conclude that for less than one hundred dollars, the magnificent and costly facilities of the Intra- mural Building could be far more fully enjoyed. It is just because the correction of these conditions cannot involve large sums of money - and yet would vastly improve the faciil- ties for intramural athletics - that 'we urge the careful attention of those in whose hands these re- sponsibilities lie. "The philosophers hav+ only in- terpreted the world differently; the point is, to change it." William Alston Carl Cohen Department of Philosophy r qDAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN. form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding' publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1959 VOL. LXIX, NO. 16-S General Notices August Teacher's Certificate Candi- dates: All requirements for the teach- er's 'certificate must be completed by Aug. 1. These requirements include the teacher's oath, the health statement, x l 4 .. T i . ....... v. :. .... .. ...