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September 15, 1959 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1959-09-15

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-Her Youth

dividuals turns into an acute Irri-
tation when it becomes the per-
, sonality of the nation. And he was
Vehement in his declaration that
the attitude of Canada has to
Particularly strong words were
aimed at the Bank of Canada,
whose policies Bob feels have cost
the country tremendous possible
advances. Reluctant to risk large
amounts of capital, the Bank
shrinks from investments that
might produce substantial Cana-
dian projects. The inevitable re-
suilt is that extensive development
is too often the accomplishment of
foreign-particularly American-
risk capital.
UCH AN instance involved a
steel proposition that the Bank
of Canada turned down as too
much of a risk. Pittsburgh Steel,
however, gambled and won, and
w what could have reaped rich re,
turns for Canada turned into a
financial success for an American
Perhaps even more aggravating
is the issue characterised by the
phrase, "Jobs for Canadians in
Canada." The words of Prime
Minister Diefenbaker referred to
a venture into iron ore by an
American group. The ore, taken
from Canadian mines, was shipped
out of the country, processed else-
where, then shipped back into
Canada and resold, without pro-
viding its original owner with any
return at all. And this at a time
wh n unemployment was and is a
burning issue.
Neither of these two investments
provided Canada with any of the
advantages to which she feels en-
titled, And Bob traces the re-
sponsibility directly to the timidity
of the Bank of Canada, and the
prevailing conservatism of Cana-
da's leadership.
New leadership is one of Bob's
most vital prescriptions for his
country. "We've got to have imagi-
native, dynamic leadership," he
declared. "We need the effects of
the new blood that's here in the
"Up to now," he continued, "it
has been the old men who have
been leading us. Well, they've been
too slow-moving, their outlook too
conservative." He smiled wryly.
"If an American Democrat went
up to Canada, he would look at our
liberals and call them conserva-
Young men, with farsighted
imagination, are needed to get
Canada over her stumbling blocks.
And although they are present in
large numbers, they are not yet in
the positions of leadership,
"They're needed in every area,"
Bob emphasized. "They have to
take the lead in government, sci-

ence, business-every segment of..
Canadian life." A
The national leaders of the fu-
ture are even now coming under .. .
close and careful scrutiny in Cana- - , 7
da, for as the country moves for-
ward it glances over its shoulder
to see what is backing it up. And
while it sees much that is good,
there is also much that needs im-
EDUCATION in Canada, follow-
ing the national trend, is right
now in a state of evaluation and
expansion, particularly, of course,
on the college level. For in that
country, the world-wide concern
over education must reach its most
strenuous pitch.
At present, only twenty-five per
cent of Canada's high school grad-
uates are able to continue their
education. Most colleges are pro-
vincial - supported and operated
by the government of the indivi-
dual provinces. Tuition usually Victory Over A Nagging Problem
runs about 500 dollars, with com-
plete expenses totalling around there was no note of warning in the most internationally - minded Those are Bob's words. "We in-
$1,400. his voice, . of nations. - tend to work through the U.N.,"
One fact Canada knows all too "College life in Canada is much For long years happy within the he declared firmly, "just as we
well-every qualified student must more conservative than it is here," encirclement of the British Com- have been doing all along."
be able to attend college. Must, he noted. "It has more of a Brit- monwealth, Canadians have ex- Behind those words lay a series
For in a nation whose population ish than an American tone-al- perienced all the blessings of true of accomplishments which form a
is admittedly too small, any waste most a staid atmosphere." international cooperation; this, strong foundation for a claim of
of skill is unthinkable. too, has influenced them strongly. Canadian leadership in the strug-
At present, a limited number of Essence of And so now, as they strike out on gle for world peace. Member of a
academic scholarships are pro- their own at last, they still think number of U.N. truce teams, large
vided by provincial governments, Togetherness .. in terms of international organiza- contributor to the U.N. army in
and by various foundations. But NO NATION stands still in the tion Korea, a Nobel Peace Prize for
concerted energies and new ideas N . h e m But before all1this, and standing their Prime Minister - all these
are being brought to bear on the bfworld. Whether the movement alongside it, has come to Canada and more, substantiate Pearson's
problem be forward or back, the constantly a new, strong sense of her own claim of "unusual prestige" for
-lfluid nature of international life identity, Nationalism in this re- his country in the realm of inter-
A recent government proposal, automatically means that no sta- served nation manifests i self national organisation.
for instance, would automatically tus quo can endure for very long, quietly, without explosive bursts of
send the top twenty-five per cent National "progress" of any sort is sentiment.hBut it is an ever- C Pilt To P
of all high school graduates t col- always in a sense subordinate to presentt reality.
lege, under government scholar- this international "progressp" the sen a ft the symol of a Over.
pors;te Aafagithsybloa O erships. Along the same line is a internal mind of a country i ial- country, so Canada's wish for a
suggestion by M.P. Lester B. Pear- ways u iner the influence of an ne g syol'es hr striA NATION on the move has
son, the "Nobel Prize - winning overwhelming variety of external toward a new status, A many goals, some plainly ar-
former Prime Minister, that the forces. "We want a distinctive Canadian ticulated, others mere hazy visions.
government provide 40.000 scholar- Usually, a growing nation flag," Bob said, "one that is all our Canada speaks most clearly of in-
ships for college study, handles these forces grudgingly, own." He described the present ternal expansion and prosperity,
considering them a usurpation of flag, the red field with a Union and of international prestige in
A5 PARTf a general movement her own sovereignty. Young coun- Jack in the upper left-hand corner, a peaceful world.
to improve as well as expand tries, holding for the first time the the shield of Canada down in the But there is yet another Canada,
education, Ottawa schools are ex- reins of their own charging des- lower right. "There is no sense in with a different set of goals. It is
perimenting with student place- tinies, tend to fix some unilateral our having a partly-British flag," the nation that is a link in the
ment. Separating the bright stu- goal firmly in mind, resenting any Bob reasoned. Western chain; the charter mem-
dents from the others, Ottawa pressure of events that forces them Canada's current flag, symbol of her of the North Atlantic Treaty
places them in one class and lets to change direction, membership in the British Com- Organization; the staunch member
them go, moving them as fast as But Canada is not a young na- monwealth, is on its way out. And of myriad interlocking alliances,
they show themselves capable of tion. And while a surge of na- while the Commonwealth itself treaties and firm friendships.
progressing. tionalism has made her newly shows no danger of cracking, there Bob took a sip of coffee, lit a
There are other problems, of aware of her own significance, her is a definite feeling that it is no cigarette, and stared at it thought-
course. The simple lack of enough innate sense of proportion re- longer the dominant factor in Ca- fully. Slowly and hesitantly, form-
educational facilities is one. The mains. She retains that most im- nadian policy. While it will remain ing each sentence in his mind, he
absence of any equivalent of an portant of all characteristics - tied together, the bonds that hold spoke of this submerged half-idea.
American engineering college is the international outlook, it are slowly changing. "Eventually," he said finally,
another; Canadian scientists are Bob characterised the Com- "Canada will take over the role
trained within the universities IN A WAY, Canada is much like monwealth as "nothing but tradi- Britain holds now, and compose a
themselves, a favored protege of some world- tion," adding quickly, however, sort of Big Two with the United
There is yet something else, famous impresario. Raised, nur- that "the tradition is very strong." States."
however, the significance of which tured and matured at the hands of But he made it clear that Canada's Defensively now, he spoke in
may or may not loom large in the British, she has necessarily policies are her own, justification of his words. "Eng-
Canada's future. Bob made the grown up with an outlook similar He described the recent Suez land has not moved ahead eco-
comment in an offhand way, and to theirs. And Britain is perhaps crisis -- Canada's disagreement nomically," he said. "Neither has
.. with Britain and the United States, France. Neither one of them is
her efforts to force a change in self-supporting."
their stand, her work, as a member
of the United Nations truce army, HE PAUSED. "More and more,
to push the Allied troops out of the England will become a second-
area. ary power," he declared. "She lacks
diversity within the country. Even-
"CANADA might have found her- tually, she will exhaust her re-
self actually fighting Britain," sources and have to depend on Ca-
Bob noted soberly. There was no nada and the rest of the Empire,
suggestion in his tone that Canada She is already doing it to some
might shrink from this prospect, extent.
with all its implications. "England has been and gone,"
Yet he did not feel that such an he continued. "Canada is just
event would automatically mean coming on now, just beginning to
- the evaporation of the Common- approach her peak."
wealth. The tradition, he repeated, He went on, picturing a Canada
is very strong. If each nation feels of power and prestige holding the
it must travel different paths, position of a Major Power-the
there is still an implicit under- capital letters were in his voice as
standing between them that makes he spoke.
them tolerant of each other. And, "We'll have a lot more to say
withal, a deep affection, in the world then," he predicted.
Almost, however, the British "Other countries will take heed of
Commonwealth is just a warm us more." The intense wish to
residue of the past. And a Canada "make a difference in world af- -
thinking of the future is writing fairs" was unmistakeable. Bob,
her story of the present in the (Concluded on Page 1)
annals of the United Nations-the
ultimate in international organi- Susan Holtzer is asso-

zation.. . .
A country secure in the vision of ciate editorial director of
a prosperous and happy future The Daily. This article was
seeks a world at peace in which to originally written as a class
realise its dream. Canada, in that assignment for Prof. L e-
position now, is emphatic in its land Stowe of the journal-
espousal of the U.N. as "the only ism departsenf.
The French Isolationists main key to peace:
59 Page Seven


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